533573039 CHERRY STREET HEALTH SERVICES POLICY AND PROCEDURE SUBJECT: Approved abbreviations and symbols POLICY: Cherry Street Health Services will maintain a current list of approved abbreviations and symbols. To avoid confusion and possible errors, staff will limit the use of abbreviations and symbols used in patient care documentation to the approved list. PROCEDURE: 1. A list of approved abbreviations and symbols will be developed and maintained by the Safety Committee (see Attachment A). 2. The list will be made available to staff during orientation and as additions/changes are made. 3. The list will be available online and posted in areas where documentation is likely to occur. 1/13/2006 1 533573039 ATTACHMENT A APPROVED ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS A A (A) ā AA Ab ac AC joint AD ADA ADD ADHD AIDS AKA AMA Amt AN ANA AODM AP APOP Approx AROM AS ASA ASAP Assoc ATC AU AV AVM AR ARI AS assessment axillary before (ante) Alcoholics Anonymous abortion ante cebum (before meals) acromioclavicular joint right ear- listed unacceptable American Diabetic Association attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome above knee amputation against medical advice amount anorexia nervosa antinuclear antibody test adult onset diabetes mellitus anteroposterior Tylenol approximately active range of motion left ear- listed unacceptable aspirin as soon as possible associated/association around the clock both ears – listed unacceptable arteriovenous arteriovenous malformation aortic regurgitation acute renal insufficiency aortic stenosis B BE, BaE BBS BC BCCCP BCP bid bilat BKA BM BMI barium enema bilateral breath sounds bone conduction (Rinnes test) Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program birth control pill 2 times per day bilateral, bilaterally below knee amputation bowel movement basal metobolic rate 2 533573039 BP BPD BPH BRAT diet BS BSE BSO BTL BV Bx blood pressure bronchopulmonary dysplasia benign prostatic hypertrophy banana, rice cereal, applesauce and toast diet bowel sounds breast self exam also see SBE –self breast exam bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy bilateral tubal ligation bacterial vaginitis biopsy C c CA C1…C7 Ca++ CAD CAT CBC cc *CC CCE CFS CHD CHF Chol CIN Circum Cl cm CMT CNS CN II-XII c/o CO CO2 COPD CP CPE CPR C/S CT scan CTA CV CVA CXR with (cum) carcinoma cervical vertebrae calcium coronary artery disease computed axial tomography complete blood count cubic centimeter – on unacceptable list complex case clubbing, cyanosis or edema chronic fatigue syndrome congential heart disease congestive heart failure cholesterol cervical intraepithelial neoplasia circumference chloride centimeter cervical motion tenderness central nervous system cranial nerves 2-12 complaint of carbon monoxide carbon dioxide chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cerebral palsy complete physical exam cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cesarean section computed tomography scan clear to auscultation cardiovascular cerebral vascular accident chest X-Ray D diam DAW d/c or D/C diameter dispense as written discontinue – listed unacceptable 3 533573039 0 D/C DID DIP dl dm DM DM1 DM2 DNR D.O. DOE DSS DT’s DTR DUB DVT Dx no discharge Dissociative Identity Disorder distal interphalangeal (joint) deciliter decimeter diabetes mellitus diabetes type 1 diabetes type 2 Do Not Resuscitate Dr of Osteopathy dyspnea on exertion Dept of Social Services delirium tremers deep tendon reflexes dysfunctional uterine bleeding deep venous thrombosis diagnosis E E1 E2 E3 EaB EAC EBV EC ECHO ED EDC EEG EGA EGD EKG EMG ESRD ENT EOMI EPSDT ER ET ERCP ETOH estrone estrogen (estradiol) esteriol elective abortion external auditory canal Epstein-Barr virus enteric coated echocardiogram Emergency Department estimated date of confinement electroencephalogram estimated gestational age esophagastroduodenscopy Electrocardiogram electromyography end stage renal disease ears, nose and throat extra ocular movements intact early periodic screening and developmental testing emergency room endotracheal endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography alcohol F FB FBG FBS FDLMP Fe+ FH FmHx FROM FTI foreign body fasting blood glucose fasting blood sugar first day of last menstrual period Iron fundal height family history full range of motion free thyroxin index 4 533573039 F/U Fx follow up fracture G G GA GC GERD GG GI GLUC gtt; gtts GTT GU GYN gravida gestational age gonorrhea (gonococcus) gastroesophageal reflux disease gamma globulin gastrointestinal glucose drop; drops glucose tolerance test genitourinary gynecology H HA HCG Hct HCT HD HDL HEENT Hgb H&H HI HIV HJR HMG-CoA HNP H/O HOB hosp H&P HPV hr HRT hs HSM HSV HTN H.V. HVA hyst Hx headache Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hematocrit Hydrocortisone hemodialysis high-density lipoprotein head, ears, eyes, nose and throat hemoglobin hemoglobin and hematocrit homicidal ideation human immunodeficiency virus hepato-juglar reflux 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl-coenzyme herniated nucleus pulposus history of head of bed hospital history and physical human papilloma virus hour hormone replacement therapy hour of sleep (bedtime) hepatosplenomegaly herpes simplex virus hypertension Home visits homovanillic acid hysterectomy history I I IBD independent inflammatory bowel disease 5 533573039 IBS IBU incl. ID I&D IDDM i.e. ILD IM Imms inpt IPV irreg IV IVP irritable bowel syndrome Ibuprophen Including identification incision and drainage insulin dependent diabetes mellitus that is interstitial lung disease intramuscular Immunizations inpatient inactivated poliovirus vaccine irregular intravenous intravenous pyelogram J, K JVD jugular venous distention K+ KCHD potassium Kent County Health Department L L L1-L5 lb L&D LE LLE LLL LLQ LMP LNMP LS LS-spine LSB LUE LUQ left lumbar vertebrae 1-5 pound labor and delivery lower extremity left lower extremity left lower lobe (lung) left lower quadrant last menstrual period last normal menstrual period lumbosacral lumbosacral spine left sternal border left upper extremity left upper quadrant M MA mcg MCL MCP M.D. MD MDI Med (s) mEq MFM mg medical assistant microgram midclavicular line metacarpophalangeal joint Medical Doctor Muscular dystrophy metered-dose inhaler medication, medications milliequivalent maternal fetal medicine milligram 6 533573039 MI MMR 0 M/G/Rno MP MR MRI MSS MSW MTP MVA MVP myocardial infarction measles, mumps and rubella murmur/gallops/or rubs metacarpophalangeal joint mitral regurgitation Magnetic Resonance Imaging Maternal Support Services Master’s of Social Work metatarsophalangeal joint motor vehicle accident mitral valve prolapse N NAD NCT NC/AT Nd/NT, + BS N, N NCV neg neuro NG NIDDM NKMA NS NSAID NSR N/V NVD no acute distress nerve conduction test normocephalic/atraumatic non-distended/non-tender, + bowel sounds nitrogen nerve conduction velocity negative neurologic nasogastric non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus no known medical allergies normal saline nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug normal sinus rhythm nausea and vomiting normal vaginal delivery O O. (O) O2 Ob/gyn OCP’s OCD OD OE OM outpt OPV OS OTC OU oz objective oral oxygen obstetrics/gynecology oral contraceptive pills Obsessive Compulsive disorder right eye otitis externa otitis media outpatient oral polio vaccine left eye over the counter both eyes ounce P P p PA-C plan after Physician Assistant –Certified 7 533573039 Pap smear pc PCP PE PEFR PEG PERRLA PHD PHN Phos PID PIP PMH PN PND PNV po pos pp PPB ppd PPD PR Preg Prn PRO Pro time PSA PSH pt PT PTSD PUD Pulmonary HTN PVD papanicolaou smear after meals primary care provider physical exam peak expiratory flow rate gastrostomy tube pupils are equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation Public Health Department Public Health Nurse phosphorus pelvic inflammatory disease proximal interphalangeal joint past medical history progress notes paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Prenatal vitamins by mouth positive post prandial pap, pelvic and breast packs per day purified protein derivative (of TB) per rectally pregnant as needed protein prothrombin time prostate specific antigen past surgical history patient physical therapy post traumatic stress disorder peptic ulcer disease pulmonary hypertension peripheral vascular disease Q q QD qid qod every every day – on unacceptable list four times per day every other day – listed unacceptable R ®; rt RA RBC RBG RBS RCC RCM RD RDS Re: right rheumatoid arthritis red blood cell random blood glucose random blood sugar Rape Crisis Center right costal margin Registered Dietician respiratory distress syndrome regarding 8 533573039 resp RF RHD RI RLE RLL RLQ RN R/O ROM ROV RRR RSB RSR RSV RUE RUQ Rx respiratory rheumatoid factor rheumatic heart disease renal insufficiency right lower extremity right lower lobe (lung) right lower quadrant Registered Nurse rule out range of motion/ rupture of membranes return office visit regular rate and rhythm right sternal border regular sinus rhythm respiratory syncytial virus right upper extremity right upper quadrant prescription S S s SAB SBE Sch S/E Sed rate SG SHx Short ICP SI S/I SIL SL SLE SLR SMAC SO SOB SQ S/P S/Sx STAT STD SubQ SVT subjective without spontaneous abortion self breast exam schedule (d) side effects sedimentation rate Specific Gravity social history short intracontraceptual period sacroiliac suicide ideation squamous intraepithelial lesion sublingual systemic lupus erythematosus straight leg raise sequential multiple analyzer – chemistries significant other shortness of breath subcutaneous status post signs and symptoms immediately sexually transmitted disease subcutaneous – listed on unacceptable list use SQ supraventricular tachycardia 9 533573039 T T1…T12 T3 T4 T7 Tab TAB TB TD Td tbsp temp TIBC Tib/fib tid TM TMJ TPR TR TS TSH tsp Type 1 DM Type 2 DM Tx thoracic vertebrae 1-12 triiodothyronine thyroxine free thyroxin factor tablet therapeutic abortion tuberculosis Tetanus-diptheria toxoid (child type) Tetanus-diptheria toxoid (adult type) tablespoon temperature total iron-binding capacity tibia/fibula three times per day tympanic membrane temporomandibular joint temperature, pulse and respiration tricuspid regurgitation tricuspid stenosis thyroid-stimulating hormone teaspoon Type one Diabetes Mellitus Type two Diabetes Mellitus treatment U UA UC UE UGI URI U/S UTI urinalysis urine Culture upper extremity upper gastrointestinal upper respiratory infection ultra sound urinary tract infection V VCUG V-tach VN VNA vs VS VSS voiding cystourethrogram ventricular tachycardia visiting nurse Visiting Nurse Association versus vital signs vital signs stable W, X, Y and Z w/u WBC WCC WDWN WFL work up white blood cell well child check well-developed, well nourished within functional limits 10 533573039 WIC wk WNL 0 W/R/Rno x x yr Zn Women Infants, hildren (program) testing week within normal limits wheezes/rales/rhonci times except year zinc HOSPITALS S.H.D.C. S.H.E.C. SH BMMC SMH Metro Spectrum Downtown Health Campus Spectrum East Campus Spectrum Health Blodgett Campus Saint Mary’s Hospital Metropolitan CSHS FACILITY NAME ABBREVIATIONS BE BHC BO CSHS FAHC FDHC GRP H.I.S. UHSHC WSHC Belknap Burton Health Center Booth Cherry Street Health Center Ferguson Adult Health Center Ferguson Dental Health Center Grand Rapids Pediatrics Health Intervention Services Union High School Health Center West Side Health Center OPTICAL ABBREVIATIONS AC APD ARMD AV CATS CD DES Ep Et IOP LEE LLC LLL LRL NPC OAG OD OD OS OU Anterior Chamber Apparent pupilary defect Age related macular degeneration Artery to vein ratio Cataract Cup to disc ratio Dry Eye Syndrome Esophoria Esotropia Intraoccular Pressure Last Eye Exam Lens, lid, cornea Lower left lid Lower right lid Near point conversion Open Angle Glaucoma Doctor of Optometry Right Eye Left Eye Both Eyes 11 533573039 PD PERRLA RD SLE ULL URL VA VF WNL Xp Xt Pupilary Distance Pupil equal round reactive to light accommodation Retinal detachment Slit lamp examination Upper left lid Upper right lid Visual Acuity Visual Field Within normal limits Exophoria Exotropia 5/95 R 5/97 R5/99,R6/00 RX/04 Reviewed 1/06 12