Anatomy Physiology Syllabus

East Ridge High School
Instructor: Laura Bushwitz
352 242 2080 ext 4714
Room 4-209
Anatomy Physiology Syllabus
Book: Human Anatomy and Physiology; Marieb and Hoehn, 8th edition
Notebook: Students are expected to keep an Anatomy and physiology notebook. This notebook should contain,
at minimum, the following: class rules, lab safety rules, instructor provided notes, class notes (Cornell Notes),
assignments, etc.
Attendance: Refer to ERHS SCC for attendance policies. Students are required to complete ALL assignments,
tests, labs, etc. even if they are absent. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure any and all assignments are
completed on time. Due to the nature of the course content and relevant activities, it is possible that students
will not be able to make up certain activities if they are absent. It is in your best interest to insure you do not
miss anatomy/physiology class.
Daily Procedures: Common Board Configuration (CBC) including: Bellwork, Agenda (classwork), and
homework (all assignments long term and short term) will be posted on the board daily. Daily procedures will
also be posted on Skyward daily as well as in you class (group) .
Bellwork = work/assignments that will be done at the beginning of class while role is being taken. This
may consist of:
Quote of the day
FCIM objectives/questions
Daily vocabulary puzzles
Agenda (Classwork) = what material, content, activities, etc. the class will be doing each day.
Homework (assignments) = This includes any assignments students need to complete outside the
classroom (long term assignments will include dues dates). This will also include estimated test dates for
the content currently being covered and location of any additional reference materials that may be
GRADES: Grades will be updated on a regular basis. The student is responsible for keeping informed of the
status of his/her grade. It is recommended students refer to the posted daily CBC to keep informed of daily class
Points will come from a variety of the following:
Assignments: Check theCBC on the board/website daily for assignments. It is the student’s
responsibility to find out what the assignments are and when they are due. Assignments will be
weighted as 25% of your grade.
Quizzes: Pop quizzes will be given at the instructor’s discretion. You may expect
pop quizzes on a regular basis. Because of the importance of terminology, you
can expect a terminology quiz daily (with the exception of test/exam days).
Quizzes will be weighted as 25% of your grade.
Tests: Tests will be given periodically and generally at the end of each
unit/system. You can expect a test every week (-ish). If you are absent on test day, you will have 5 days
to make up the missed test. You must schedule an appointment date/time to make up your missed test
with the instructor. Test make up will only occur before or after school. It is the student’s responsibility
to arrange their schedule to meet the appointment time made with the instructor. Make up tests will
cover the same material, however, they will not necessarily be the same format as the test given to
students in class on the original test day. Tests not made up within 5 days of a return from absence will
receive a grade of 0. Tests will be weighted as 50% of your grade.
Rev August 2015
East Ridge High School
Instructor: Laura Bushwitz
352 242 2080 ext 4714
Room 4-209
A mid-term exam and final exam will also be given. Your midterm and final exams are calculated as a
part of your semester and final grade. Anatomy Physiology has an End of Course (EOC) exam that will
be administered at the end of the course. To receive a passing grade in the class, students must pass the
Anatomy Physiology EOC. A&P EOC details will be given when they become available.
Labs: Labs are extremely important to the anatomy portion of anatomy/physiology class. We will
generally be active in lab on a daily basis. Labs assignments will be given and their grades will be
weighted as such. You will have an extensive lab practical at midterm and at the end of the term.
Lab time is NOT play time. Any student violating lab rules at any time will automatically be given 0
points for the lab, will receive a citation and will not be allowed to make up the lab. Students with
inappropriate dress on lab days will not be allowed to participate. Failure to come prepared to
participate in lab activities will be subject to disciplinary action. It is assumed students have chosen to
take anatomy/physiology class because of a high level of interest in the content. Students not coming to
class prepared to participate in lab activities associated with the class will be recommended for schedule
changes. You must successfully complete a laboratory safety test and have lab safety rules signed before
you will be allowed to participate in any laboratory activities.
Current Events: Students are required to keep a current events notebook. The
notebook must contain reflection/summaries from current periodicals. The notebook must contain no
less than 20 articles. Your articles of choice may be from any source, however, the article must be
current and pertain to the biological sciences, preferably health and medicine. It is recommended that
students complete at least one article every two weeks. The purpose of the current events notebook is to
prepare students for pre-professional continuing education in their chosen field in medicine. Resources
are available to you in the classroom. Your Current Events notebook will be collected and graded at the
end of the term. It must be in notebook form with your article on one side and the reflection clearly
visible, at the same time, on the other side. Several examples are available for your review in the
classroom. The reflection/summaries MUST INCLUDE:
A brief summary of the content
The pros and cons regarding the content
YOUR opinion and why you hold that opinion
Each student may also be required to research and present one of their articles to the class for discussion.
Research Paper:You will be assigned at least one research paper during this term. This will require
access to a computer/typewriter. You may also wish to have internet access for the purpose of gathering
research information. Class time may or may not be spent at the media center for this project. It is the
students responsibility to fill out the appropriate paper work (available at the media center) to allow
computer access on campus. Detailed requirements for research papers will be given at a later date.
This research paper will require students to accurately document sources. Research papers will be
submitted electronically to the instructor and will be electronically checked for plagiarism check.
NOTE: As publisher associated websites become available, we will increasingly move towards paperless
communication. This will include some testing and assignments. If you are completely void of computer
access you must insure you arrange your schedule to complete any ‘outside of class’ tasks by utilizing on
campus resources. Be aware of this need and manage your time accordingly.
Rev August 2015
East Ridge High School
Instructor: Laura Bushwitz
352 242 2080 ext 4714
Room 4-209
Course Outline
Introduction: Syllabus, rules, books… ‘stuff’
Anatomical position s/directions, terminology
Integumentary system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Digestive system
Excretory (urinary) system
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
Immune (lymphatic) system
Endocrine system
Reproductive system
Nervous system/sensory
This course outline is subject to revision and does not necessarily follow the format outlined by your textbook.
Reading assignments will be assigned when appropriate to the content being covered. Instructor notes will be
available on the website for each subject area to be covered. Take good notes!!! The course will consist of a
combination of lectures, cooperative group work, activities and labs. Labs will be conducted when the
instructor feels the class has sufficient background knowledge to conduct lab in a safe and meaningful manner.
Rev August 2015