BIOLOGY 1040: DAT PREPARATION SYLLABUS, SPRING 2013 INSTRUCTORS Scott Allen David Eldredge SUPERVISING FACULTY MEMBER D. Andy Anderson COURSE MEETING TIMES Monday and Wednesday 4:00-5:50pm ENGR 205 There will also be four Saturdays throughout the semester in which you will have the chance to take a full-length practice DAT. Students will be informed of which computer lab we will be using prior to the testing Saturday. These tests will come from, which you will purchase after the semester has started. Please do not purchase this earlier. Note: It is mandatory in order to receive a “P” for the course that you attend 23 of the 29 class periods and three of the four Saturday practice tests. COURSE OVERVIEW This course is for pre-dental students preparing to take the Dental Admissions Test in the upcoming year. It should be taken as a supplement to the student’s studies and not as a sole means of preparation. During class, the instructors will present important information on the DAT and teach important testing skills. In addition, students will be given quizzes to test their understanding of each topic. Each student should read and study before coming to class because the instructors will not have time to cover all of the material necessary for the DAT. This class is meant to be a brief review of the majority of the material that will be on the DAT. The best way for an individual to take advantage of this class is to come prepared for class and set aside time for review and practice. The DAT will be a primary criterion for an applicant’s acceptance into dental school. Toward the end of the semester, we will also go over interview questions and how to prepare for dental school interviews. COURSE GOALS This course will provide students with a sound understanding of all the sections on the DAT and help them to build the testing skills necessary to excel in each section. In addition, it will provide students a good review of the concepts that are most commonly seen on the eventual test day. The class should be used as a measuring stick to gauge an individual’s understanding and preparation for the DAT. Other topics will be discussed such as the application process, AADSAS, how to select which schools to apply to, and interviewing questions. REQUIRED MATERIALS The instructors have decided not to provide these materials through the bookstore because it will be less expensive for students to buy them for themselves. All materials can be found on the Internet at and other media retailers. Ace The DAT Cost: ~$50 DO NOT PURCHASE THIS UNTIL AFTER WE TALKED ABOUT IT IN CLASS -This is an online study program. You will use the full-length practice exams from this to take your three or four Saturday tests. Please reserve at least three full-length practice tests for this purpose. Note: Please DO NOT purchase this until the semester has started. We will go over it the first day of class and show you exactly what to get. The length of service is 6 months, so purchasing it early will only cause it to expire earlier. Kaplan: DAT 2009-2010 w/CD-ROM* ISBN: 9781419553561 Cost: ~$80 New, however it can be purchased for less if it’s used *Please be sure to get the CD-ROM Edition *We have found other editions to be basically the same thing as the 2009-2010 (usually the cover changes color). Any edition will work fine. Please bring a study notebook used only for DAT preparation to class. SUGGESTED MATERIALS Crack the PAT Maker: Cost: $100 and up We will be using this program once a week. If you elect not to purchase it (or don’t have a computer to bring to class) we will put the questions on the overhead and you can participate like that. DAT Destroyer Maker: Orgoman Cost: $150 Again, we will frequently use questions from this resource. If you elect not to purchase it (it’s a book), then you can participate by looking up at the overhead. The rest are simply suggestions but we won’t be using any of these in class TopScore Pro (CD-ROM) Maker: Scholarware Cost: ~$50 (Practice tests- said to be the most accurate but we won’t use these in class) DAT Achiever Maker: Raymond Fam Cost: ~$70 for 3 tests, $110 for 5 tests, $140 for 7 tests (very difficult practice tests) Cliffs AP Biology Notes: Maker: Cliff Cost: $15 (Review book for the AP Biology test) Barron’s: How to Prepare for the DAT Author: Richard A. Lehman ISBN: 0764105779 Cost: ~$20 PRACTICE TESTS A total of four practice tests are offered during the semester. They will be offered on the Saturdays specified in the day-by-day schedule. These tests are part of the requirements to pass the class and you should plan accordingly. Once again, it is mandatory that you attend at least three of the four. (However, it is encouraged that you attend all four.) Ace The DAT will be used for these tests and they will be taken in the computer lab. This enables students to get used to the testing format on the computer. GRADES The course is graded pass/fail and is worth one credit. The grade is based on attendance and the student must attend 80% (23 out of 29) of the classes and three of the four Saturday practice exams. Students must attend tests on the days they are offered in the syllabus. Only extreme emergencies will be excused (i.e., your leg fell off on the way to the test). Work, family, or other similar responsibilities will not excuse an absence. Attendance will be taken everyday and turned in once a week for grading purposes by the supervising faculty member. Signing the attendance sheet for class is MANDITORY! If a student does not attend at least the minimum number of classes (23) or does not take at least the minimum number of Saturday tests (3), then the student will receive a grade of “F” from the supervising faculty member. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with physical, sensory, emotional or medical impairments may be eligible for reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All accommodations are coordinated through the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in Room 101 of the University Inn, 797-2444, 797-0740 TTY, or toll free at 1-800-259-2966. Please contact the DRC as early in the semester as possible. Alternate format materials (Braille, large print or digital) are available with advance notice. UNACCEPTABLE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR Since a significant goal of this class is to prepare each of you for your upcoming exams, then behavior that disrupts the classroom environment will be discouraged. 1. Once class has started, cell phones should be silenced and no ring tones or conversations are permitted. 2. Once class has started, talking among students is strongly discouraged. If you need to talk, please leave the class and conduct your conversation outside. If students persist in talking among themselves during class, they will be asked to leave the room so other students can benefit from the limited amount of class time available. DAT Prep Class (Biol 1040 Schedule Spring 2013 Date 7-Jan Topic INTRODUCTION 9-Jan PAT 14-Jan BIOLOGY 16-Jan GENERAL CHEMISTRY 21-Jan NO CLASS 23-Jan GENERAL CHEMISTRY 26-Jan SATURDAY TEST #1 9:00 AM 28-Jan MATH (Last day to drop w/o notation) 30-Jan MATH 4-Feb ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 6-Feb ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 11-Feb GENERAL CHEMISTRY 13-Feb GENERAL CHEMISTRY *19-Feb MATH (*attend class as if it were Monday) 20-Feb MATH 23-Feb SATURDAY TEST #2 9:00 AM 25-Feb ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 27-Feb ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 4-Mar GENERAL CHEMISTRY 6-Mar GENERAL CHEMISTRY 8-Mar Last day to drop with a “W” 11-Mar SPRING BREAK 13-Mar SPRING BREAK 18-Mar MATH 20-Mar MATH 23-Mar SATURDAY TEST #3 9:00 AM 25-Mar ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 27-Mar ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1-Apr GENERAL CHEMISTRY 3-Apr GENERAL CHEMISTRY 8-Apr MATH 10-Apr MATH 13-Apr SATURNDAY TEST #4 9:00 AM 15-Apr BIOLOGY 17-Apr ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 22-Apr ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 24-Apr PREPARE FOR APPLICATION/Q&A