6th Grade Week of: August 31-September 4 World History Objective (Today I will Learn) Standard Monday 8/24 Explain and describe where one of the first civilizations arose Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of ancient Mesopotamia A. B. C. D. E. F. Teacher Activities & Strategies Student Activities Assessment/Evaluation Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.) Additional Resources Modifications/ Accommodations World History Objective (Today I will Learn) Standard Significance of river valleys Forms of government Key figures Religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions Compare and Contrast the trade patterns of early civilizations Hammurabi Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Take Roll Review the previous days lesson Teach the Cornell note-taking method Give a practice lecture Observe the students while they ask questions of their notes 1. Bell work 2. Take notes on the Cornell note-taking method 3. Set up paper using the Cornell note-taking method 4. Take practice notes 5. Ask questions of the notes using where, when, why, who, and How type of questions Ask: Have the students show their paper to ascertain if they set their paper up correctly using the Cornell note-taking method Cornell notes Textbook, Notes on Cornell notes Sped: The students will be provided copies of overhead notes, any handouts, modified tests, quizzes. ELL: Students will be provided appropriate accommodations pertinent to the lesson. Gifted: Students will be provided with accelerated material pertinent to the lesson Tuesday 8/25 Describe the early agricultural techniques people used in Mesopotamia Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of ancient Mesopotamia G. H. I. J. K. Significance of river valleys Forms of government Key figures Religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions Compare and Contrast the trade patterns of early civilizations L. Hammurabi Code Teacher Activities & Strategies Student Activities Assessment/Evaluation Academic Vocabulary Additional Resources Modifications/ Accommodations World History Objective (Today I will Learn) Standard 1. 2. 3. Take Roll Review the previous days lesson Guide oral reading of Chapter 2 Lesson 1 pg. 34-39 1. Bell work 2. Read when called upon 3. Discuss questions asked by the teacher 4. Answer Lesson review questions #1-5 in complete sentences Ask the following questions: 1. When did one of the first civilizations begin to develop? 2. What problem did people have to solve before they could start farming in southern Mesopotamia? 3. What kind of building materials did Mesopotamia use before they began using mud brick? 4. After some villages grew into city-states, which new kinds of jobs developed? Civilization, fertile, irrigation, city-state, region, Textbook, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent: Mrdowling.com Sped: The students will be provided copies of overhead notes, any handouts, modified tests, quizzes. ELL: Students will be provided appropriate accommodations pertinent to the lesson. Gifted: Students will be provided with accelerated material pertinent to the lesson Wednesday 8/26 Explain why people in the Fertile Crescent settled in southern Mesopotamia Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of ancient Mesopotamia M. N. O. P. Q. Significance of river valleys Forms of government Key figures Religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions Compare and Contrast the trade patterns of early civilizations R. Hammurabi Code Teacher Activities & Strategies Student Activities Assessment/Evaluation Academic Vocabulary Additional Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. Take Roll Review the previous days lesson Lecture on the Fertile Crescent Ask clarifying questions as I lecture on the material that is covered 1. Bell work 2. Prepare three sheets for Cornell notes 3. Take notes on the lecture of the Fertile Crescent 4. Question and Highlight notes Ask: Why do you think people moved into the Fertile Crescent to live and farm? Civilization, fertile, irrigation, city-state, region, Textbook, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent: Mrdowling.com Modifications/ Accommodations World History Objective (Today I will Learn) Standard Sped: The students will be provided copies of overhead notes, any handouts, modified tests, quizzes. ELL: Students will be provided appropriate accommodations pertinent to the lesson. Gifted: Students will be provided with accelerated material pertinent to the lesson Thursday 8/27 Describe Sumerian Civilization Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of ancient Mesopotamia S. T. U. V. W. Significance of river valleys Forms of government Key figures Religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions Compare and Contrast the trade patterns of early civilizations X. Hammurabi Code Teacher Activities & Strategies Student Activities Assessment/Evaluation Academic Vocabulary Additional Resources Modifications/ Accommodations World History Objective (Today I will Learn Standard 1. 2. 3. 4. Take Roll Review the previous days lesson Explain how do to vocabulary words for each chapter Observe students completing the vocabulary words for Chapter 2 1. Bell work 2. Learn how to complete Chapter vocabulary 3. Work on completing Chapter vocabulary Check to see that students understand how to complete the chapter vocabulary Society, polytheism, scribe, cuneiform Textbook, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent: Mrdowling.com Sped: The students will be provided copies of overhead notes, any handouts, modified tests, quizzes. ELL: Students will be provided appropriate accommodations pertinent to the lesson. Gifted: Students will be provided with accelerated material pertinent to the lesson Friday 8/28 Explain the relationship between Sumerian religion and government Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of ancient Mesopotamia Y. Significance of river valleys Z. Forms of government AA. Key figures BB. Religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions CC. Compare and Contrast the trade patterns of early civilizations DD. Hammurabi Code Teacher Activities & 1. Take Roll Strategies Student Activities Assessment/Evaluation Academic Vocabulary Additional Resources Modifications/ Accommodations 2. 3. Review the previous days lesson Observe students reading Chapter 2 Lesson 2 on their own 4. Complete Lesson 2 Mesopotamia, pg. 10 1. Bell work 2. Read Chapter 2 Lesson 2 3. Answer WB pg. 10 Ask: What was the time period for the Sumer and Akkad civilizations? Society, polytheism, scribe, cuneiform Textbook, Workbook, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent: Mrdowling.com Sped: The students will be provided copies of overhead notes, any handouts, modified tests, quizzes. ELL: Students will be provided appropriate accommodations pertinent to the lesson. Gifted: Students will be provided with accelerated material pertinent to the lesson