1 MIRIAM COLLEGE Social Sciences Department Introduction to Sociology (SO-101) School Year 2009-2010, First Semester Jose Leonidas, MS Sociology Aleli Sevilla, Ph.D. Sociology and Anthropology Course Code – SO – 101 Course Title – Introduction to Sociology Course Description: This course is primarily intended to provide students with an overview of Sociology as a scientific activity. This course will emphasize the nature, scope, basic concepts, theoretical formulations and methods of Sociology. Focus will be given to analysis of current sociological phenomena in the Philippines today. No. of Units: 3 Pre-requisite Subjects: None Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student is able to: 1. Acquire the knowledge of basic concepts, principles and methods of Sociology and the understanding of social processes, social changes and social problems occurring within and between groups of people. 2. Develop interest in and skills of scientific analysis. 3. Apply learned concepts and principles in everyday settings. 4. Develop a keen awareness on the role of social institutions in social development. 5. Develop values and practice these towards a Filipino national identity. 6. Develop an appreciation of Philippine culture in order to develop one’s love of country. 7. Internalize and develop Filipino values needed to achieve personal and national ideals like freedom, democracy and peaceful negotiation of conflicts. 8. Enhance the possibility of one’s capability to participate in society’s development. 9. Develop a consciousness that is committed to the betterment of social structures in the political, economic and cultural fields. 10. Develop a consciousness that is aware of social classes, gender differences, sexuality, socio-economic-political inequalities, ethnic prejudice, ethnicity, one’s bigotry, and possible violation of human rights committed by the State. Teaching Materials: Textbook: 1 2 Hunt, Espiritu, Quisumbing, Green (1998), Sociology in the Philippine setting: A modular approach. (5th ed.). QC: SIBS Publishing House, QC. Other instruments that the teacher can use are: 35mm film strips, VHS-VCD-DVD format in viewing materials, Powerpoint Presentation, Flipcharts, Acetates, electronic based and nonelectronic based visual generators. Course Content: Please see pages 5 – 8 (landscape format) Course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Requirements Attendance (only three cuts are allowed) Participation in class discussions, oral reports, group work Short quizzes, long tests, and final exam Submission of reaction papers, research paper Preliminary and final examination. Grading system: Preliminary grade: 2/3 class standing 1/3 preliminary exam Final grade: 1/3 class standing; 1/3 preliminary grade; 1/3 final exam (or term paper, sociological documentary) Class standing consists of quizzes, long tests, recitation, reports, reaction and/or term papers. References: List of supplementary references: These books are available at the College Library: Charon, Joel. (1990). The meaning of sociology, A reader. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Hall. Prentice Thio, Alex. (1991). Sociology: A brief introduction. USA: Harper Collins. Stark, Rodney., (1987). Sociology. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Zanden, James W. Vander. (1988). The social experience: An introduction to Sociology. USA: Random House. Taylor, Steve, Editor (1999), Sociology: Issues and debates. London: Macmillan. Akley, Katherine Anne. (1992). Essays from contemporary culture. USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College. Marsh I., Keating M, Eyre A., Campbell R., Mckenzie J.. (1996). Making sense of society: An introduction to Sociology, UK: Addison Wesley Longman. Macionis, John and Plummer, Ken. (1997) Sociology: A global introduction. (7th ed.). Europe: Prentice Hall. Robertson, Ian. (1987). Sociology. 3rd ed.). USA: Worth. Walton, John (1990) Sociology and critical inquiry: The work, tradition and purpose. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 2 3 Tepperman, L., Austin, J. (1992). Everyday life: A reader. USA: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Matillac, Rosalie. (1997). Sosyo, sulyap ng isang Pinoy sa Sosyolohiya. Manila: Asian Social Institute. Specific Areas: Kelly, Delos A. (1989). Deviant behavior: A text-reader in the Sociology of deviance. NY: St. Martin. Marcuse, Herbert. (1999). One dimensional man: Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. London: Routledge. Cargan, Leonard. (1991). Marriages and families: Coping with change. (2nd Ed.). Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA. Zastrow, Charles. (1988). Social problems: Issues and solutions. (2nd Ed.). Chicago: NelsonHall. Serman, Scott. (1997). Critical choices: Applying Sociological insight in your life, fFamily and community. Los Angeles: Roxbury. Harman, Willis. (1998). Global mind change: The promise of the 21st century. (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Berrett-Kochler. Roseneau, Pauline Marie. (1992). Post-modernism and the social sciences: Insights, Inwards and Intrusions. NJ: Princeton University. Articles: Martos, Joseph, (1999, Vol. 40, # 5)), Becoming A Spiritual Man, Catholic Digest, Philippine Edition. Suggested Websites for students to visit: www.sociolgy.com/link.html www.a.c.wwu.edu/~stephan/timeline.html www.lib.washington.edu/subject/sociology/dr/ www.manta.library.colostate.edu/research/sociology/web.html Students are encouraged to surf the web by using popular search engines like Google.com, Yahoo.com, Alta Vista, Kartoo.com, Alltheweb.com etc. Consultation Hours and location: Prof. Jose Leonidas: WF 10:30-11:30, MMJ Faculty Consultation Room Dr. Aleli V. Sevilla: TTh 2-3:00 p.m., MMJ Faculty Consultation Room 3