Modeling of Anodic Dissolution of Pb–Sb Alloys in Chlorides Melts Yu. P. Zaikov, P. A. Arkhipov, Yu. R. Khalimullina and A. P. Khramov Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademicheskaya str. 22, Yekaterinburg, 620219 Russia e-mail: INTRODUCTION Anodic dissolution of lead–antimony alloys is mentioned in [1–4]. When investigating the electrochemical separation of Pb–Sb alloys (10 wt % Pb) at temperature from 973 to 1073 K in a KCl–NaCl eutectic melt containing 7 wt % PbCl2, the authors of [1, 2] showed that, as the lead content in the anodic alloy decreases from 10 to 0.03 wt %, the process has 100 % anodic current efficiency [2], which decreases to 30–40 % if the Pb content is ≤0.03 wt % in the alloy [1]. During the anodic dissolution of Pb–Sb alloys in the melt (mol %) 48PbCl2–35KCl–17NaCl at T =773 K, the maximum polarization of the anode containing 0.7–46.0 wt % Pb at the current density i= 0.5 A/cm2 is correspondingly 80–90 mV with respect to the lead reference electrode [3, 4]. No other literature data on the dissolution of Pb–Sb alloys are available. In this work, we carried out measurement of the anodic polarization of lead– antimony alloys at temperature 803 K in equimolar KCl–PbCl2 and modeling of anodic dissolution of Pb–Sb alloys at this conditions were made. EXPERIMENTAL The main experimental data were obtained by the pulsed method using a galvanostat, which formed calibrated (in amplitude) dc pulses from 10 mA to 10 A with time intervals specified by a G5-56 pulse generator. The response of the cell under study was recorded using an S9-8 oscilloscope. As additional detecting devices, we used an APPA-109 multimeter and M-1104 pointer ammeter. The experiments were performed in a quartz glass cell (Fig. 1), which was hermetically closed with Teflon cap 2 with holes for electrodes and a thermocouple. Alundum crucible 4 was placed onto special support 7made from refractory brick and arranged on the cell bottom. Metallic lead 11, prepared electrolyte 9, reference electrode 10, working electrode 6, and alundum case with thermocouple 3 were placed into the crucible. The cell was sealed, evacuated, and filled with purified argon. Then the cell was placed into a resistance furnace and heated to the specified temperature under an excess pressure of argon. The working electrode (anode) was a Pb–Sb alloy containing 30 mol % Sb. Metallic lead placed on the bottom of the crucible played the role of an auxiliary electrode. As the electrolyte for the auxiliary and working electrodes, we used a mixture of potassium and lead chlorides. The measurements were performed with respect to metallic lead 10, which was in contact with the melt of the same composition. Electrolytes of the working electrode and reference electrode were separated by a diaphragm made from the Gooch asbestos. The current lead to the liquid metal electrodes was implemented using molybdenum rods 8 protected from 1-65 contact with the melt by alundum tubes, the free end of which was closed with rubber stoppers 1 in order to protect the cell’s seal. 1 A r 2 8 3 4 5 9 10 6 11 7 Fig. 1. Layout of the electrolytic cell. (1) rubber stoppers, (2) teflon cap, (3) thermocouple, (4) alundum crucible,(5) quartz test tube, (6) working electrode, (7) support made from refractory brick, (8) current leads to electrodes, (9) electrolyte, (10) reference electrode and (11) auxiliary electrode. The setup was equipped with a system of automatic stabilization of temperature, which was measured using Chromel–Alumel thermocouple 3. Temperature oscillations during measurements were no larger than 2°C. To prepare the electrolyte, we used reagents of analytical grade, which were additionally purified and dehydrated by chlorination. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1-66 The anode processes on liquid metal alloys can be represented as follows. The reduced form of metals is in the liquid alloy, while the oxidized form is on the surface of the liquid metal electrode. In this case, the following electrode reactions are possible: Pb Pb–Sb – 2e ↔ Pb2+, (1) Sb Pb–Sb – 3e ↔ Sb2+. (2) Let us introduce the following notation for the concentrations: the lead and antimony contents in the alloy bulk are surface, o С Pb and o С Sb , respectively; on the alloy s s o o С Pb and С Sb ; ions in the electrolyte bulk, СPb2 and С Sb3 ; and near the electrode, СPb2 and С Sb3 . Under equilibrium conditions, we have s s o s С Pb = С Pb , o s s o o s СPb 2 , С Sb = С Sb and С 3 = С 3 . 2 = С Pb Sb Sb The thermodynamic relation of the equilibrium potential (Ee) for this electrode can be expressed through the lead and antimony electrodes: Ep E o Pb2 / Pb Ep E o o С Pb 2 f R T Pb2 ln o o 2 F С Pb Pb o Sb3 / Sb (3) o o R T С Sb3 f Sb3 ln o o 3 F С Sb Sb (4) o o where EPb2 / Pb , ESb3 / Sb are the standard potentials of lead and antimony; o o Pb , Sb are the activity ratios of lead and antimony in the alloy; f Pbo 2 , f Sbo 3 are the activity ratios of the lead and antimony ions in the melt; T is the temperature, K; F= 96 495 cal/mol; R= 8.31 J/(mol·K). On switching on the dc electric current, a diffusion layer is formed both from the electrolyte side Pb2 , Sb3 and from the alloy side Pb Sb . Under these conditions, the concentrations of the reduced and oxidized forms of lead and antimony near the electrode surface vary. For lead, the content of the reduced form decreases s o o s С Pb C Pb , and that of the oxidized form increases СPb2 CPb2 . For antimony, both characteristics increase С Sb C Sb and СSb3 CSb3 . To analyze the obtained experimental data, let us calculate the theoretical polarization curve of the anode made from the Pb–Sb alloy (30 mol % Sb). Taking into account the fact that the activity ratios of lead ions vary insignificantly in the concentration range under consideration [5], the steady-state electrode potential (E) is expressed according to the equations s o s 1-67 o EE Pb s N Pb 2 R T ln , s 2F N Pb (5) Sb s N Sb R T 3 ln s 3 F N Sb (6) EE where E Pb , E Sb are the conventional standard potentials of antimony [6]: f 2 f 3 R T R T ln Pb , E Sb Eo ln Sb 2F Pb 3 F Sb E Pb Eo lead and (7) s s where N Pb are the ion fractions of their particles near the surface of 2 , N Sb3 s s the Pb–Sb alloy; N Pb , N Sb are their molar reactions, respectively. Hence, after some transformations, we obtain s N Pb s N 2 Pb 1 2 s N Sb 3 Ns Sb 1 3 exp F E Pb ESb R T (8) Taking into account that N C (9) V where N is the ion (molar) fraction; V is the molar volume, cm3/mol; and C is the molar volume concentration, mol/cm3; and making the notation 1 for Pb2+, 2 for Sb3+, 3 for Pb, and 4 for Sb, we write the expression C C s 3 s 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 С Vall F exp E E 3 4 R T C Vel s 2 s 4 (10) where Vel , Vall are the molar volumes of the electrolyte and the alloy. The flows of the mass transfer under conditions of steady-state diffusion can be expressed by the equations j1 D1 C s 1 C10 1 D j 2 2 C2s C20 2 D j4 id C4s C40 4 1-68 (11) (12) (13) where j1 and j2 are the fluxes of the lead and antimony ions from the surface of the liquid metal electrode into the electrolyte bulk; D1 and D2 are the diffusivities of the Pb and Sb ions in the electrolyte; 1 , 2 are the thicknesses of the Nernst diffusion layer for the Pb and Sb particles from the electrolyte side; j4 is the interdiffusion flux of metallic lead and antimony; Did is the interdiffusion coefficient; and 4 is the thickness of the Nernst diffusion layer from the alloy side. s s Since N 3 N 4 1 , we can write C3s C 4s 1 Vall (14) 0 0 The molar fraction of antimony particles in the alloy bulk is N 4 C 4 Vall . Taking into account the notions of mass transfer through the Nernst diffusion layer, we have С 40 Vall j2 j4 j 2 j 4 j1 (15) The rate of removal (ia) of the oxidized forms of lead and antimony from the electrode surface follows the equation ià j1 2 F j 2 3F (16) Let us rewrite eq. (5) taking into account (9): E E Pb R T C1s Vel ln 2 F C3s Vall (17) As a result of the above conclusions, we have the set (10)–(17) consisting of eight equations with nine unknowns. Let us express j1 from formula (15): j1 1 j2 j4 j j j j 1 2 4 2 4 С 0 V С40 Vall 4 all (18) From (11) and (12), we derive the expression for the concentration of the lead and antimony ions at the surface of the Nernst diffusion layer: С1s j1 С2s j2 1 1 C10 , C1s j 2 j 4 0 1 1 C10 D1 C 4 Vall D1 2 D2 C20 (19) (20) 1-69 Combining expressions (13) and (14), we have С 4s j 4 С3s 4 Did C 40 (21) 1 1 С4s j 4 4 C40 Vall Vall Did (22) After a series of transformations of eq. (10), we write 0 j2 2 C 2 D2 4 0 j4 D C 4 id 1 3 1 j4 4 C40 Vall Did 1 1 1 С10 j2 j4 0 C4 Vall D1 1 2 1 6 V F all exp E Pb E Sb R T Vel (23) Equation (23) gives the relation between two unknown quantities: f2 = f(j4). Let us substitute D1 = 2 10–5 cm2/s [5–7], D2 = 10–5 cm2/s, Did = 3 10–5 cm2/s, C10 = 0.013 mol/cm3, С 20 = 2.44 10–8 mol/cm3, С 40 =0.016 mol/cm3, Vall = 18.8÷19.6 cm3/mol, Vel = 37.8÷51.4 cm3/mol, F = 96 500 cal/mol, R = 8.31 J/(mol· K), T = 803 E Sb K, E Pb = 0.279 V into this expression. Using the step-by-step method and varying the kinetic parameters 1 2 , and D1 D 2 4 , we can calculate the flux of Did antimony ions from the surface of the liquid metal electrode into the electrolyte bulk at a specified interdiffusion flux. The current density was calculated by the equality derived by the substitution of the expression for j1 into formula (16): 1 i 2 F j 2 j 4 0 1 j 2 3 F C 4 Vall (24) The equation for the steady-state potential is obtained by the substitution of the corresponding expressions into (17): E E Pb 1 1 0 j j 1 С 2 4 1 C 0 V D Vel R T 1 4 all ln 4 1 2 F Vall 0 j C 4 4 Vall Did (25) 1-70 The value of E Pb is 0.012 V at T = 803 K [7]. Then we took a definite number of pairs of values of j2 and j4, and for each of them, we found the current density by equality (24) and the potential by (25). Figure 2 represents the experimental data and theoretical polarization curve of the Pb–Sb alloy (30 mol % Sb) at T = 803 K. It is evident from the polarization curves that, in the studied range i = 0.001–3.7 A/cm2, the theoretical and experimental points fit one line in the error limits ± 0.002 V. The calculations show that the parameters 1 and 2 remain constant, namely, 430 and 1500 s/cm, respectively. Taking into D1 D2 account that the diffusivities of lead ions in chloride melts are 2 10–5 cm2/s [8, 9], the diffusion layer is 0.0086 cm. If we take the diffusivity of antimony ions to be 10–5 cm2/s, the thickness of the diffusion layer is 0.015 cm. The parameter 4 varies Did from 2000 to 13 000 s/cm in the course of the numerical selection. Taking into account the fact that, as the antimony content increases, its diffusivity in the alloy decreases [10], the interdiffusion coefficient also decreases. At low densities of the polarizing current, this coefficient is 3 10–5 cm2/s [10]. The thickness of the diffusion layer is 0.06 cm. If we assume that this characteristic varies insignificantly as the anodic current density increases, then, during the dissolution of the Pb–Sb alloys, the interdiffusion coefficient decreases by an order of magnitude. Figure 3 represents the dependence of the calculated concentrations of metallic lead and its ions near the metal–salt phase interface as a function of the current density. As i increases, the calculated Pb content on the surface layer of the alloy decreases, while the Pb2+ concentration in the electrolyte near the electrode increases. 1-71 Fig. 2. Anodic polarization curve of the Pb–Sb alloy (30 mol % Sb) at T = 803 K. Symbols correspond to the experiment, and the curve corresponds to the calculation. Fig. 3. Calculated lead concentration versus current density. i: (1) 0.04, (2) 0.14, (3) 0.25, (4) 0.46, (5) 0.74, (6) 0.90, (7) 1.24 and (8) 2.09 A/cm2. According to the phase diagram of the Pb–Sb system [11], the liquids’ point at T = 803 K corresponds to 30 mol % Pb. Calculations show that this lead concentration occurs at i = 0.7 A/cm2. This circumstance indicates that a thin solid layer is formed on the surface of the liquid metal. The diffusion rate of metals in solids is considerably lower than in liquids. Consequently, a deficit of the electronegative component is formed in the reaction region, while the antimony concentration at the metal–electrolyte interface increases, which can lead to the dissolution of Sb by reaction (2). According to the above reasoning, dissolution of the Pb–Sb alloys in the 50PbCl2–50KCl melt in a temperature 803 K proceeds under conditions of diffusion kinetics with a limiting stage of mass transfer from the alloy side. CONCLUSIONS The theoretical anodic polarization curve for the Pb–Sb alloy (30 mol % Sb) is calculated, and the dependence of the surface concentrations of lead and its ions on the anodic current density is shown. It is established that the limiting stage is the mass transfer in the Pb–Sb liquid metal system. 1-72 REFERENCES 1. Delimarskii, Yu.K., Turov, P.P., and Gitman, E.B., Ukr. Khim. Zh., 1955, vol. XXI, issue 6, p. 687. 2. 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