bylaws - Pre-Med Club - Indiana University–Purdue University

Of the
IUPUI Pre-Med Club
The name of the organization shall be the IUPUI Pre-Med Club, hereafter referred to
as the IUPUI Pre-Med Club, Pre-Med Club or PMC.
The purposes of this organization shall be:
 To provide an environment that supports the creative ideas of future physiciansin-training.
 To provide knowledge-based resources about the medical education and
application process.
 To aid in the development of students as both professional health-care leaders in
the field of medicine and leaders in their community by providing information for
shadowing, volunteering, researching, and helping students to improve
 To increase knowledge of health among members, students, and the public.
 To provide valuable information for students about undergraduate opportunities
that may help in the transition to graduate and professional schools.
Membership is open to any activity-fee-paying student enrolled at Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis who has an interest in medicine, healthcare, or any
similar field.
Members must be in accordance with the ByLaws.
Members shall be accepted without discrimination on any basis including but not
limited to race, religion, nationality, disability, sex, sexual preference, age, creed, marital
status, parental status or veterans’ status. Furthermore, it is understood that members of
the above organization will not, at any time, engage in hazing.
Active Members: To be considered an active member, students must attend at least four
meetings and/or events each semester.
A. Titles
The elected officers of the Pre-med Club shall include but are not limited to: president,
vice president, treasurer, secretary, assistant secretary, and three committee chairpersons:
health outreach committee, medical conference committee, and academic success
B. Elections
The officers will be nominated and elected in April of the spring semester. The term of
service shall begin in June.
C. Eligibility
Any active member of Pre-med Club shall be eligible for election provided that he/she:
 Is in good academic standing not on academic probation.
 Enrolled in IUPUI for at least one semester prior to the election.
D. Expectations
 Candidates have read and understand the requirements and details of the desired
 Candidates are well organized, capable of multi-tasking and exhibit good
communication and leadership skills.
E. Vacancies of Offices
Should a vacancy occur, the president shall, at the earliest possible date thereafter, call a
meeting of the executive board for the sole purpose of electing another active member to
fill the vacated position until the next general election is held. The member thus voted
into office shall immediately enter his/her duties and shall hold office until the next
regular election. Should the office of president become vacant, the vice president shall
assume the role of president and an election shall be held for the office of vice president.
When voting occurs, an affirmative vote by two/thirds of the executive board will be
required to elect an individual.
F. Duties of the Officers
The President shall:
 Lead Pre-med Club in fulfillment of its goals and purposes.
 Facilitate over all general and special meetings.
 Assist the treasurer in the preparation of a budget, for available funds, during the
term of office.
 Organize officer training, and other events to create group cohesion.
 Aid in planning beneficial events for the members of PMC.
 See that all activities taken by the club are in accordance with the Bylaws.
 Supervise elections and see that they are carried out as set forth in the Bylaws.
 Oversee club correspondence.
The Vice President shall:
 Act as the aide to the president.
 In the absence of the president, assume the duties of the president.
 Oversee the coordination of all projects.
 See that all activities taken by the club are in accordance with the Bylaws.
 Shall be in charge of recruiting new members.
 Organize and manage the spring election process.
 Oversee club correspondence.
The Treasurer shall:
 Present a tentative schedule of suggested fundraising activities for the finance of
the club with approval needed by the president and the executive committee.
 See that money used on behalf of the PMC is used wisely and in a manner that is
consistent with the purposes of the club.
 Assume responsibility for any finances acquired by the PMC during term of
 Oversee fundraising activities.
 Oversee the account of the Pre-med Club located at a nearby financial institution,
with access granted to treasurer, president, and advisor.
The Secretary shall:
 Keep an accurate and complete written record, including an electronic backup, of
all executive board meetings.
 Distribute executive board meeting minutes.
 Finalize all marketing items including posters, flyers, and coupons.
 Keep record of the current executive board members.
 Maintain the Pre-med Club webpage with updates and upcoming events.
 Maintain a folder for the PMC with pertinent documents with the help of the
assistant secretary.
The Assistant Secretary shall:
 Keep a record of all general membership meetings and events in order to provide
the club with a record of issues discussed, problems posed, ideas raised, and
names of the people who participated in the group discussion for the benefit of the
club and its members.
 Distribute PMC meeting minutes.
 Maintain the Pre-med Club bulletin board.
 Send out messages to the club listserv in regards to events and club monthlies.
 Coordinate general advertisement duties of events.
 Collaborate with the secretary in order to distribute tasks and duties.
 Keep the PMC Binder, Donation Box, “I Wonder” Box, and listserv e-mails
Four committees have been created to help carry out the purposes of Pre-med Club.
Committee chairs are also considered members of the executive board and will help in
coordinating the PMC and carrying out the responsibilities of the PMC. In addition, each
committee is required to host at least one advertised event per semester.
The four committees shall be:
1) Health Outreach Committee (HOC) (Volunteer/Shadow Opportunities) shall:
 Provide volunteer and shadow events.
 Coordinate community health-related events.
 Create and distribute all marketing items for their events, including an
electric copy to the secretary.
 Complete all proposal forms and copy to student council representatives.
2) Medical Conferences Committee (MCC) shall:
 Oversee conferences of guest speakers invited on behalf of the Pre-med
 Keep in contact with premedical clubs from other organizations or
 Provide information about medical conferences in surrounding areas.
 Create and distribute all marketing items for their events, including an
electric copy to the secretary.
 Completion of all proposal forms and copy to student council
3) Academic Success Committee (HOC) (includes Research) shall:
 Provide information regarding the MCAT, improving academic status, and
providing students with academic study tools.
 Create and distribute all marketing items for their events, including an
electric copy to the secretary.
 Complete all proposal forms and copy to student council representatives.
4) Physician Shadowing Program Committee (PSPC) shall:
 Correspond with all departments involved with the program
 Prepare applications for the program each semester and delegate tasks
among other PMC officers
 Follow-up with students interested in participating in the program and set
up appropriate relations with selected departments
 Set up training for accepted applicants
 Correspond with PMC advisors in regards to the current status of the
The committees will organize various events along with the assistance of the
executive board and the members of Pre-med Club. Committee chairs must have an
After Event Report following each event as well as a written report of committee
progress presented once per month at membership meetings. The following must be
presented in the committees’ informal reports:
 Committees’ name.
 Committee chairperson.
 Name of event.
 A list of people who helped your committee complete each goal.
 A list of goals accomplished since the last meeting.
 Sign-in sheet from each event
Student Council Representative
The Pre-med Club shall appoint one active member to be student council representative.
A student council representative shall:
 Be a liaison for the student council and the Pre-med Club.
 Attend School of Science (SOS) and Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
meetings as a representative and Senator of Pre-med Club and distribute all
updates to the executive board.
 Complete proposal forms for events, including invoices and marketing items and
delegate tasks with committee chairs and secretary to collect all information for
 Coordinate any financial tasks with treasurer.
The office of advisor shall be a full time faculty member of Indiana University Purdue
University of Indianapolis. The advisor shall:
 Assist the Pre-med Club in fulfilling its purposes.
 Ensure that no action of the club violates University policies.
 Supervise elections and see that they are carried out as set forth in the Bylaws in a
fair and just manner.
 Oversee the impeachment process.
 Serve as non-voting member in Pre-med Club meetings.
The vacancy of the office of advisor shall result in the case that:
1. The advisor is no longer a full-time faculty member of IUPUI.
2. The advisor is removed through two-thirds vote with notice in a regular
A new advisor shall be appointed by the President and approved by two-thirds vote
during a regular meeting.
F. Removal of Officers
A majority or two-thirds vote can remove officers from office.
G. Voting Powers of Officers
Officers retain voting rights. However, the president often votes only in case of a tie.
Elections will take place in April of every spring semester.
Individuals nominated and/or running for officer positions shall be full time members of
the undergraduate student body. The use of the term undergraduate does not include
individuals who are graduate non-degree or another designated admission code who are
returning to IUPUI simply to take preprofessional courses.
Membership and actual voting in the premed club is open to all IUPUI students.
Procedure of Elections:
 The 3rd week of March: 1st e-mail notification of elections sent to PMC listserv
along with advertisement with fliers, bulletin board, and website.
 Last week of March: 2nd e-mail notification/reminder of elections sent to PMC
 Day prior to opening elections: Final reminder e-mail sent to PMC listserv before
elections begin AND activate sign-up document on PMC website.
 First week of April: Elections open - Present a general election process during
monthly and pass around sign-up sheet for interested candidates.
 The 3rd week of April: Elections close
[Note: From 1st week to the 3rd week of April, students will be capable of
generating their election profile and sending it to and the PMC
 Couple days before voting meeting: Compiled all election profiles of candidates
onto a power point presentation.
 Last week of April: VOTING MEETING. Current executive board members,
all candidates, club members, and advisors will be invited to attend the voting
process (see voting process below).
 Early summer date TBA: Training session - Current executive board members
and new executive board members will meet to “hand-off” positions. This will be
a time to share all information regarding your position.
Voting Process:
The compiled power point presentation of the candidates will be opened and lead by the
President and Vice President. Each election profile will be read aloud in order of
1. Health Outreach Committee
2. Medical Conference Committee
3. Academic Success Committee
4. Physician Shadowing Program Committee
5. Student Council Reps
6. Secretary
7. Assistant Secretary
8. Treasurer
9. Vice President and President Elect (see Voting Exceptions below)
Once all election profiles have been read and all questions have been answered, voting
shall begin. Instructions for voting will be explained by the President and Vice President.
Each person will be given a sheet of paper listing all the candidates for each position that
will allow them to mark which candidate they would like to vote into that position. Once
all papers are handed in, the President and Vice President will exit the room and tally the
results and results will be announced. Those that have been elected into a position will
be given their first documentation as a member of the PMC executive board.
[Note: The voting process will actually have to be lead by two individuals that are not
running for a position for next year.]
Voting Exceptions (amended 7/12/10):
The title of vice president is amended to read "vice president and president elect"
If the vice president is unable to assume the position of president for the following school
year, an election shall be held for the presidency at the time of the normal election
In order for the vice president to move into presidency, s/he must attend all executive
board meetings and a majority of club meetings and events.
Regular meetings shall be held at the beginning of every month at previously
announced place and time agreed upon by the executive board.
The executive board shall:
 Consist of: president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer,
advisor, committee chairpersons, and student council representatives.
 Perform the responsibilities and help in accomplishing the purposes listed in
section II of the Bylaws.
 Provide leadership and direction to the Pre-med Club.
 Answer questions based on the interpretation of the Bylaws and assist in the
officer’s fulfillment of their duties.
Amendments to these bylaws may be adopted at any executive meeting by a majority
vote of two-thirds of the members of the executive board, provided that the amendment
proposed has been submitted in writing to the president and is posted at least two weeks
prior to the executive meeting.
In case of dissolution of the above named organization, all unspent Pre-med Club
funds shall remain the property of Purdue University School of Science of IUPUI until
the Pre-med Club is formed again, and all funds will be turned over to them. All privately
obtained funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization.
Last updated July 17, 2010 by the Executive Board of the IUPUI Pre-Med Club.