AP BIOLOGY Teacher: Joshua Baker Email: bakersci@gmail.com Phone: (510) 796-1776 x57608 I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. -Thomas Edison Class Objective(s): To prepare students for the Biology AP exam in May AND … To build upon the fundamentals and principles established in your (honors) biology class. It is imperative that you have and maintain a firm understanding of those fundamentals and principles in order to continue to expand your base of knowledge. Essentially, in addition to revisiting many of the topics from that previous year, we will construct a more detailed picture of them. In order to be successful in this class, you must: be attentive, come to class prepared, complete assigned readings, study effectively and consistently, and work with your classmates to assist each other and build understanding. Classroom/Lab Behavior: I expect that all of you will treat each other, your classroom, your lab, and your teacher with respect. I will not tolerate any derogatory remarks about anyone. This can include insulting or crude comments due to someone’s sex, race, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, physical appearance (height, weight, etc.), economic status, disability, dress/clothing, or speech (the way someone talks). Breaking this rule will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, detention. Other Rules: 1. No eating or drinking in class (water is acceptable) 2. Raise your hand to speak in class, and no talking when others are talking 3. Cell phones, MP3 players, PSPs, etc. must be off or on silent/vibrate mode during class (if your device causes a disruption in class or lab, I will confiscate it) Violation of any of these rules may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, detention Grading: All assignments, labs, quizzes, and tests are assigned point values and will approximate the following percentages: Tests & Quizzes 55% Labs 30% Homework/Classwork 7.5% Semester Final 7.5% Graded homework will not be assigned on a nightly basis, but in order to stay on track with the material, reading and studying should be a common part of your nightly schoolwork. Please note that the vast majority of your grade will be dictated by your performance on tests, quizzes and labs. This is in order to better prepare you for the forthcoming AP exam. Quizzes will occur on both an announced and unannounced basis. The scale for grades is as follows: * An N.O.F. (Notice Of Failure) will be awarded to students who have less than 70% 100 – 90% B 69 – 60% A 79 – 70% D F 89 – 80% C 59% and below The overall grades in this class are not curved. The scores that you earn are the scores that will be recorded and applied to your class grade. In addition, if you happen to have a boarder-line percentage, your grade will not be rounded. For example, an 89.99% would be a B, whereas a 90.00% would be an A. Please, save yourself and myself time by not asking me later if I will give you an A if your grade is an 89.99% … because the answer will, most definitely, be “no.” AP Exam & Class Grade: All students are expected to take the AP exam. Students who opt not to take the exam may have their transcript edited so that the “AP” designation is removed from the class name. Students who’ve earned a failing grade for one (or both) semesters and pass the AP exam (score of 3 or better) will have their failing grade(s) changed to a “D.” No other grade changes will be considered for AP exam performance. AP BIOLOGY 2011 – 12 Tests & Quizzes: Each of the thirteen units of study is concluded with a unit exam that consists of forty, multiple-choice questions (25 minutes) and one essay question (22 minutes). The date for each of these exams is included on the AP Biology Syllabus. Students who are absent, regardless of the reason, will be given an alternate exam (only if the absence is excused). The alternate will consist of fill-in, short-answer, and essay questions (47 minutes total for all portions). Students will have as many days to make up the exam as they were absent. If a student was ONLY absent on the test date, he/she will make up the exam the date of their return. At the discretion of the teacher, in instances where a number of students are absent on an exam date, a mandatory, one-time-only after school make-up opportunity will be scheduled. If a student misses that make-up, a zero will be recorded for that test. If a quiz is missed due to an absence, regardless of the reason, an alternate quiz will be administered (only if the absence is excused). Although the overall grades in this class are not curved, the scores on the unit tests will be curved. The curve will be based on the highest score earned out of all students from any period of AP biology. Labs: For AP biology, the College Board has published a lab manual that includes twelve activities that compliment and enhance the coursework. The manual is not free of charge, and students are strongly recommended to purchase one. Each of the lab activities will be preceded by a PreLab assignment that must be completed in order to participate in the lab activity. Students who do not complete a PreLab assignment will not participate in that lab activity and will receive a zero for said lab. A lab quiz will follow each activity and will test the student’s knowledge and comprehension of the activity. Class Work & Homework: All of the classwork, homework, notes, etc. that you produce will be required to have the same heading at the top of your page. The format for the heading is at the right. You must also include the assignment title on the top line of your paper. If you fail to include this heading, it will be returned to you and you will receive a zero for the assignment. All assignments and labs (sketches, graphs, data tables, etc.) must be completed in blue or black INK (class notes may be done in pencil). Any work completed in pencil will not be accepted. Unless otherwise stated, all assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the specified date. It will be your responsibility to turn your work into the assignment basket. Work not turned in on time will not be accepted. (SEE: “Late Work” below) Notebook & Assignment Sheet: I will not require that you maintain a separate biology notebook. The responsibility for sustaining organization in my class shall fall to you. I do, however, expect that you will keep and maintain an up-to-date assignment sheet. At the start of some class periods, the master assignment sheet will be displayed on the overhead projector and it is your responsibility to, at that time, update and verify your copy of that document. Do not throw away any of your homework, labs, quizzes, tests, etc. If there happens to be an error in your grade (ex.: wrong grade, missing grade, etc.), you must turn the graded work into the “RE-GRADE” file. If you lose or dispose of any work, you no longer have proof that you completed it in the first place. If you have no proof, there is no credit … period. If you wish me to re-grade any of your assignments, you must do so before grades are updated in class. If new grades are posted in class, you will not be allowed to submit past assignments for re-grading. For example: let's say grades for assignments #1-7 are posted, and your assignment #4 is incorrectly recorded. You must turn in #4 to the “RE-GRADE” folder BEFORE a new grade printout (assignment #8 and up) is posted. I will not, under any circumstances, accept any assignments for re-grading after grades are updated in class – no exceptions. Absences, Tardies & Bathroom/Locker Visits: If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to determine what you missed by checking the assignment sheet with a classmate. In the case that you did not receive a handout, it is your responsibility to obtain one from the assignment file. AP BIOLOGY 2011 – 12 Excused: If your absence is excused, you will be given the same number of days to complete assignments/homework as students that were present. If you happen to miss a lab, you cannot make it up. You will be given an alternate, written assignment to complete in place of the lab activity. It would be your responsibility to obtain the data/results from a classmate. If you miss a test or quiz, you will be given a make-up test/quiz upon your return. If you miss some other in-class assignment or activity, and it is not possible to make it up (ex.: a video, group work or study game), you will be excused from that assignment or given an alternative. If the in-class assignment was individual work, or group work that can be completed individually, you will be expected to complete the assignment. Extended absences will require special considerations. Instructions for turning in work that was due on a date you were absent: Stamp your paper with the “ABSENT” stamp and write the date of your absence on the line. If you fail to do this, your work will be considered late and therefore not accepted … NO exceptions! (SEE: “Late Work” below). Unexcused: You will have to abide by the due date for all assignments and will not be given any extra time. If you miss a lab, you cannot make it up, and will be recorded as a zero on your grade. I would suggest that you still obtain the data/results from a classmate, however, as it may prove helpful for the AP exam. If you miss a test or quiz, or any other in-class assignment, you cannot make it up and your grade will be a zero. Tardies: You are expected to be in class and seated by the time the bell rings. If you manage to fail to do this three times in one semester, you will be issued a 45-minute detention. Every three tardies thereafter will equal 45 minutes of detention. If you miss an in-class assignment (or portion thereof) due to your unexcused tardy, you will not be permitted extra time to complete the assignment. This also applies to tests and quizzes. Bathroom/Locker/etc.: I expect that you have learned what an appropriate time to use the bathroom is. As well, you should know by now how to come to class prepared. But, if you really must leave class, you will not be permitted to leave class during the first, or last, ten minutes of class. If the restroom is becoming a distraction I may ask you to make up missed time after class/school or discuss what the issue is in attempt to rectify the problem. Late Work: Late work is not accepted in AP biology. When an assignment is given and a due date assigned, you must turn your work in on that date at the beginning of class. Please do not approach me with an excuse as to why your assignment it late and ask if I can accept it – I will not, regardless of the reason. It is your responsibility to bring your work with you to class. If YOU are late (due to a tardy or absence), then your WORK is late as well. Only if your tardy or absence is excused will I accept your work upon your arrival. See the above policy on absences for more information. Extra Credit: There is no extra credit in AP biology – ever. Please do not ask for something that doesn’t exist. Academic Dishonesty: I will strictly follow the school’s policy and district guidelines as it relates to academic dishonesty. The first offense will result in zero credit for the assignment/quiz/test/etc. The possible penalty for a second offense is a failing grade for the entire semester. Cheating on tests and quizzes is a clear example of academic dishonesty. However, you should also be aware that copying another student’s homework or any other assignment is also a violation. Please keep your work to yourself – don’t believe that you’re “helping” a classmate by allowing them to see (or copy) your work. All students involved in academic dishonesty, those cheating and those allowing cheating, will suffer the same penalties. You are here to pass the AP exam, academic dishonesty will not help you achieve this goal. Class Website/Contact: You can access information about this class on the web at: (to be determined) On that website, you will find up-to-date assignment lists, PowerPoint lectures, grades, homework, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to useful websites. You can also e-mail me from there if you need to contact me for some reason. Please share this website with your parent(s)/guardian(s). Although email is my preferred method of contact, you can also reach me at (510) 796-1776 x57608. However, I will not answer the phone during school hours as it would interrupt class time. AP BIOLOGY 2011 – 12 AP BIOLOGY PARENT/GUARDIAN/STUDENT AGREEMENT (2011-12) I/We have read and understand the AP biology syllabus in it entirety. I/We have paid special attention to the way in which the grading system in this class will be implemented and comprehend it fully. I/We know how to contact the teacher and/or where to find information about the class. I/We am also aware of what is expected of my student in class and what the rules and procedures are as well as the consequences for failure to adhere to those rules and procedures. I/We understand, this document acts as a contract for the class and that parents, students and the teacher will and must adhere to it. I/We understand that there are never any exceptions to the rules and policies included in this document. As well, I/we realize that AP biology is not meant to be an easy class as the material to be covered is primarily at the collegiate level. I/We are prepared for the fact that students will experience a drop in grade (approximately 10%) as compared to a non-AP class. As in a college class, a copious amount of in-class note-taking and independent studying will be required to achieve a satisfactory grade. To that end, I/we understand that my student will be continuously challenged to expand his/her knowledge, and the pursuit of that knowledge, rather than that of a letter grade, is of paramount importance. TO PARENT/GUARDIAN: My role as a parent/guardian is that of an encouraging supporter. I will not be a source of disparagement; rather, I will seek to boost my child’s self esteem by providing positive reinforcement. I realize that a discouraged student has a more difficult time in school (and life) and that it is my role, not to fixate on past disappointments, but to focus on future improvement. I’m also aware that I cannot make generalizations about what is a “good grade” or a “bad grade” in the class as generalizations like those are rarely substantiated. _______________________________ _______________________________ ____________ (student signature) (date) (student name - printed) _______________________________ ____________ ___________________________________ (parent signature) (date) (parent email) AP BIOLOGY PARENT/GUARDIAN/STUDENT AGREEMENT (2010-11) I/We have read and understand the AP biology syllabus in it entirety. I/We have paid special attention to the way in which the grading system in this class will be implemented and comprehend it fully. I/We know how to contact the teacher and/or where to find information about the class. I/We am also aware of what is expected of my student in class and what the rules and procedures are as well as the consequences for failure to adhere to those rules and procedures. I/We understand, this document acts as a contract for the class and that parents, students and the teacher will and must adhere to it. I/We understand that there are never any exceptions to the rules and policies included in this document. As well, I/we realize that AP biology is not meant to be an easy class as the material to be covered is primarily at the collegiate level. I/We are prepared for the fact that students will experience a drop in grade (approximately 10%) as compared to a non-AP class. As in a college class, a copious amount of in-class note-taking and independent studying will be required to achieve a satisfactory grade. To that end, I/we understand that my student will be continuously challenged to expand his/her knowledge, and the pursuit of that knowledge, rather than that of a letter grade, is of paramount importance. TO PARENT/GUARDIAN: My role as a parent/guardian is that of an encouraging supporter. I will not be a source of disparagement; rather, I will seek to boost my child’s self esteem by providing positive reinforcement. I realize that a discouraged student has a more difficult time in school (and life) and that it is my role, not to fixate on past disappointments, but to focus on future improvement. I’m also aware that I cannot make generalizations about what is a “good grade” or a “bad grade” in the class as generalizations like those are rarely substantiated. _______________________________ _______________________________ ____________ (student signature) (date) (student name - printed) _______________________________ ____________ ___________________________________ (parent signature) (date) (parent email) AP BIOLOGY 2011 – 12