Health Quiz - Emergencies and First Aid

Health Class
Emergencies and First Aid
Study Guide
1. A laceration is a cut that could be caused with a razor blade.
2. Calling 911 is the first link in the chain of survival.
3. When you are treating a nosebleed you should apply pressure to the nostril.
4. Wearing protective gloves is a universal precaution.
5. You should have a person lie down if they have been bitten by a poisonous snake.
6. Laying a person down and elevate their legs is the right care for someone who has
7. If poison gets in your eye, flush the eye with water and call 911.
8. A person in shock could appear restlessness, skin that is pale, cool, and moist, with rapid
breathing and pulse.
9. When you are unable to stop bleeding you should use pressure point bleeding control.
____ 10. When performing CPR on an infant, place your mouth over the infant’s mouth and
pinch the nostrils shut?
____ 11. Most venomous snake bits are not fatal.
____ 12. Serious sprains can be treated by your self with the R.I.C.E. procedure?
____ 13. You should not administer first aid to a person who seems to be choking but can still
____ 14. The deepest burns are classified as a, first-degree burns?
____ 15. Puncture wounds usually cause heavy external bleeding?
____ 16. Because an unconscious person cannot cough or clear the airway, he or she is at risk of
____ 17. A severed body part should be packed in ice or ice water to preserve the tissue?
____ 18. When calling the poison control center, you will need to describe the state of the victim
and state his or her age and weight?
____ 19. An animal bite can transmits rabies, a viral disease that can cause paralysis or death if
____ 20. While administering CPR, you do sets of 30 pushes and 2 breaths?
a. venom
f. first aid
b. shock
g. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
c. poison
h. concussion
d. fracture
i. chain of survival
e. unconsciousness
j. poison control center
____ 21. a jarring injury to the brain, which affe3cts normal brain functions.
____ 22. the immediate, temporary care given to an ill or injured person until professional
medical care can be provided.
____ 23. a condition in which a person is not alert and aware of his or her surroundings.
____ 24. a poisonous substance secreted by a snake, spider, or other creature.
____ 25. any substance – solid, liquid, or gas – that causes injury, illness or death when
introduced into the body.
____ 26. a failure of the cardiovascular system to keep an adequate supply of blood circulation.
____ 27. a sequence of actions that maximize the victim’s chances of survival.
____ 28. a lifesaving first aid procedure that combines rescue breaths with chest compressions,
supplying oxygen to the body until normal body functions can resume.
____ 29. a break in the bone.
____ 30. a 24-hour hot line that provides emergency medical advice on treating poisoning