A Hordes of the Things (HOTT) Supplement for fighting battles in the Star Wars Universe using Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Miniatures By David Kuijt A WADBAG Production September 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction …………………………………………………… 3 Designers Notes ……………………………………………... 3 Playing Area and Ground Scale …………………………… 5 Shooter/Warband Modification ………………………………… 5 Basing Conventions ……………………………………………... 6 Element Types …………………………………………………… 7 Army Lists …………………………………………………… 14 1. Galactic Republic, before 24 BBY …………………………………. 15 2. Mandalorians, before 34 BBY …………………………………. 16 3. Trade Federation, 44–24 BBY, or Confederation of Independent States, 24–19 BBY …………………………… 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 16 Clone Wars, 22–19 BBY ……………………………………….. 17 Imperial Consolidation, 19-16 BBY………………......................... 18 Jedi and Republic Remnants, 19–16 BBY ……………………... 19 Empire, 16 BBY–19 ABY ……………………………………..... 20 Rebel Alliance, 2 BBY–6 ABY …………………………………. 21 New Republic, 6–19 ABY ……………………………………….. 22 9. 10. Space Pirates, Swoop Gangs, and similar irregular forces, 44 BBY-19 ABY ……………………………........ 23 Scenario Specific Army Lists …………………………………… 23 1. The Battle for Hoth ……………………………………………… 24 2. The Battle on the Moon of Endor ………………………………… 25 Appendices 1. Strongholds …………………………………………………… 29 2. Conversions …………………………………………………… 29 3. Historical Timeline …………………………………………….. 31 4. Resources ………………………………………………….. 31 Copyright 2007 by David Kuijt, kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu. All rights reserved. No rights are claimed respecting the HOTT, Star Wars, or Wizards of the Coast trademarks or original materials. Permission of the author to copy and distribute this document is granted for non-commercial purposes. Otherwise, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, for commercial use without prior permission from the copyright holder. 2 Introduction These rules are designed as an easy to use adaptation of the popular Hordes of the Things (HOTT) 2d edition rules to allow miniature gaming in the futuristic Star Wars Universe originally created by film director George Lucas. They were inspired by the Star Wars Miniatures line of inexpensive plastic figures developed by Wizards of the Coast for their Star Wars Miniatures Game. Created by Phil Barker, Sue Laflin Barker and Richard Bodley-Scott, and published by the Wargames Research Group, Hordes of the Things is designed for simple, fast-play heroic fantasy wargaming, which was derived from their equally elegant De Bellis Antiquitatis rules for ancient and medieval combat. HOTT supports a wide variety of troop types defined by their fighting style or capabilities (e.g. airboats, flyers, shooters), which can be easily adapted from fantasy gaming to more futuristic settings. As an unofficial supplement, STAR WARS HOTT is not a stand-alone set of rules, but is designed to be used in conjunction with the Hordes of the Things (HOTT) 2d edition rules. Designer’s Notes Miniatures gaming is a visual experience. We use miniature figures representing troops and to trigger and support our imagination. This makes it no surprise that non-availability of appropriate miniature figures can severely restrict what worlds we game or what scales we use. And on the flip side, 3 the availability of a detailed and varied pantheon of figures can open up huge gaming vistas that were heretofore inaccessible. And that’s what has happened for Star Wars gaming. Wizards of the Coast, supporting a Star Wars skirmish game and a Star Wars roleplaying game, have made available a huge array of inexpensive, pre-painted plastic figures covering a personalities, troops, war machines, and monsters throughout the Star Wars galaxy. These figures are broadly and cheaply available on eBay at the time of this writing; typical rank-and-file troops (Stormtroopers, Rebel Troopers, Clone Troopers or Droids) can be purchased online for between 50c and $1.00, and specialty figures often for $2-$5. Some few figures are much more expensive (as the marketing system is a collectible miniatures game) but most of them are still much cheaper than typical prices of unpainted metal miniatures. The painting quality is quite good – it won’t win awards, but it is better than 75% of the paint jobs you see on metal figures in tournaments. The figures are tremendously durable – a friend of mine gave a handful of figures to his 2½ year old son and let him play with them unattended without worrying about damage to the figures. For most of the rank-and-file infantry I would not hesitate to throw them across the room without fear of damage to the figure or the paintjob. On finished elements it is more likely to damage the flocking than the figures. For science-fiction gaming, a major constraint is vehicles – are there sufficient vehicles, in sufficient variety, to fit our concept of a futuristic conflict? Standard figure range solutions, cast in pewter or resin, are also very expensive – from ten and twenty dollars a figure on the low end to hundreds of dollars if you play Warhammer. For Star Wars gaming this constraint does not exist. You can buy dozens of flying and driving vehicles for less than $10 each, often less Caption Needed than $5 each – AT-ST Chickenwalkers, ISP Speeders, or Rebel Commandos on Speeder Bikes. A huge variety, all in appropriate scale to the figures. 4 So what’s the downside? Well, the figures are in 32mm scale. Why is that a problem? HotT has two scales: 15mm (40mm bases) and 25mm (60mm bases). The 25mm scale is tight even on what are optimistically called “28mm” figures these days – it is difficult to fit the figures on the base. Even more so with 32mm Star Wars figures. You can do it, often by removing a figure from each stand (so your Shooters and Blades have 3 figures on a base, not 4). But then disaster – the glorious range of huge figures, the AT-STs, Sandpeople on Bantha, Acklay monster, giant X1-Viper Droids, Nikto Desert Skiff airboats – they are all too large to fit on 60mm-wide bases, period. It is unacceptable to abandon the glorious array of cheap and cool ‘huge’ figures to try and cram the remainder on a too-small base size. The solution is obvious. A new base size. The constraints are simple – small enough to save money (none of us can really base hundreds of stormtroopers on a single element) and keep the game portable and playable; yet large enough to fit an AT-ST chickenwalker on an element so screaming Ewoks can assault (and run from) them. 80mm-wide bases fit the bill, and also require no changes in the game system – they are simply double the size of the 40mm-wide bases used for 15mm figures. Double the movement rate and the board size, and the game is unchanged. Playing Area and Ground Scale The playing area for a normal 2-player 24-pt per side game is 1200mm or 48” square. 2” measures 100 paces for movement, combat range, and so on. Shooter / Warband Modification Star Wars HotT has a lot of Shooter elements, for obvious reasons. As such, we strongly recommend the adoption of the following two rules change from HotT as written: Shooters move 200p Warband move 300p This rules change (commonly referred to as the Shooter / Warband movement swap) corrects an imbalance in the HotT rules, and has strong support in many HotT playing communities. 5 Basing Conventions All figures are based as elements on bases that are 80mm wide. Recommended figure numbers and base depths are provided in the table below, but may be adjusted as needed to accommodate the size of the figure(s) used. Element Type Dragon Airboat Behemoth Artillery Beasts Magicians God Hordes Flyers Hero Paladin Clerics Knights Riders Lurkers Shooters Warband Sneakers Blades Spears Depth Figures Examples 120mm 1 Spaceships 120mm 1 Assault Craft, Nikto Desert Skiff 80mm 1 AT-ST, Acklay, Reek, many many more 120mm 1 Huge Crab Droids, Corp. Alliance Tank Droids, and other long-figure Behemoths 80mm 1-2 E-Web Blaster, ATGAR Cannon, Homing Spider Droid, possibly Hailfire Droid (see later discussion) 80mm 2-4 Nexu, Gundark, Crab Droids, possibly Commandos 80mm 1-3 Emperor Palpatine, Sith Witches in groups, possibly Hailfire Droids (see later discussion) 80mm 1 Orbital Bombardment 60mm Lots Armed Civilians 60mm 3-5 Geonosian Warriors (5), Aerial Clone Troopers (3) 80mm 1 Snowspeeder, Flash Speeder 60mm 1-3 Darth Vader, Mace Windu, others 60mm 1-3 Yoda in the prequel trilogy 60mm 1-5 Old Jedi Masters or scholars of the Force; Yoda and Obi-Wan during the Rebellion 60mm 1-3 Sandtrooper on Dewback, Gungan on Kaadu, Geonosian Picadors on Orray 60mm 2-4 Speeder bikes, BARC speeders, Swoop Bikes, Repulsor Sleds, Droids on STAP 80mm 1 ISP Speeder 60mm 2 Commandos, Ewoks, Jawas, Sandpeople Stormtroopers, Rebel Troopers, Battle Droids (all 5 40mm 4-5 per base); elite troops like Snowtroopers or Super Battle Droids (4 per base) 40mm 3-5 Wookiees, Assault Troops 40mm 1-4 Spies and Assassins and Saboteurs, Oh My! Any good Bounty Hunter. 30mm 3-5 Jedi Knights or Sith with lightsabers (3 per base), Bodyguard Droids (4), very few others 30mm 4-5 Senate Guard, Coruscant Guard, Neimoidian Soldiers, Utapaun Soldiers, Ithorian Scouts 6 Element Types Classification Philosophy: The most common troop type in most futuristic armies is Shooters. As such, a major factor to keep in mind when deciding what element type (in HotT) best describes a group of a particular type of figure is this question: How would these figures interact with blaster-armed soldiers? Gods: This category covers antagonistic beings or events so powerful that even the most mighty personalities in the galaxy are powerless against them, or nearly so. Bombardment from a fleet in orbit is the perfect example. The element is the fire-foreffect marker for orbital bombardment. Its onset is unpredictable, and it may leave the battle unpredictably when events outside the battle impact upon it (political, logistics or other concerns; orders take it elsewhere in response to other issues; enemy starships attack or Orbital Bombardment threaten it, whatever). Both sides may take Orbital Bombardment as a God-class element – if that happens, the first side that rolls a six for pips is assumed to have gained control of the fleet battle in space sufficiently to be able to use Orbital Bombardment; the other side counts its God as lost exactly as if both sides were rolling for use of the same God in the rules p13. Dragons: This category might cover powerful spaceships that can go down into atmosphere to participate in a battle. There are no good examples of figures for them, but a variety of plastic models and the like exist. The Millennium Falcon might be classed as a Dragon – it is tougher than any normal Airboat or Flyer, but it can be damaged (‘scared off’). Airboats: Any multi-crew flying combat vehicle with the combination of major antiground firepower and some armor to provide The Millennium Falcon resistance against ground fire. Good examples are the Nikto Desert Skiff and the Basilisk War Droid of the Mandalorians. The Clones and Droids both used assault craft or gunships; these vehicles are not available as yet through WotC, but are 7 subjects for kit bashing and custom work. The Clone Wars LAAT/i gunships were also used by the Rebel Alliance 20 years later. Flyers: This category covers flying vehicles that rely on speed and use strafing attacks (like the Snow Speeder); also large groups of independentlyflying combatants like Aerial Clone Troopers or Geonosian Warriors. It also covers large flying beings that may be very large, but have no particular defense against massed blaster fire, like the Dactilions of Utapau. Flash Speeders Heroes: Many personalities in the warring galaxy could be called heroes. To be rated as a Hero (capital ‘h’) element in HotT, however, the individual (or small group fighting together) must be almost unbeatable in personal combat. For example, Han Solo is clearly a hero (with a little ‘h’), as is Chewbacca and Leia, but all three together are completely overmatched when Obi-Wan Kenobi with Padawan Anakin Skywalker facing Darth Vader (as shown in Bespin, when the whole group is helpless against him). They should not be classed as a Hero. To evaluate whether a character or collection of personalities should be classed as a Hero (big ‘h’), ask whether they have can fight even-up (where the outcome is in doubt) against Darth Vader; or against Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous, Count Dooku, or Yoda in the first trilogy. If the answer is “no”, then that character may be a leader but is clearly not a Hero. This covers almost any character who is not a major Jedi or a Sith Lord: Chewbacca, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke (before his training on Dagobah), Lando Calrissian, and a host of others. It also covers many Jedi. Jedi Masters may be based three to a stand to make a Hero element. The thought is that three Jedi Masters together could at least threaten Anakin Skywalker Sith Apprentice. Jedi Knights and other groups of nonunique Jedi or Sith should be classed as Blade. 8 Paladins: Some of the most powerful Jedi Masters could be classed as Paladins, but this should be rare, and restricted to Jedi Masters who are truly powerful in the Force and will not or do not take command of military forces. Nobody fits that description in Episodes I-III, except perhaps Yoda. You might make a case for Obi-Wan Kenobi in Episode IV, but I suggest that Cleric would fit him better in his old age, as it would Yoda. Yoda Knights: various large organic mounts (too Sandtrooper on Dewback small to be behemoths) used for speed and to attack formations of troops. The mounts are vulnerable to massed fire which forces their riders to charge aggressively to close the distance. Mustafarian Flea Riders, Gungans on Kaadu, Sandtroopers on Dewbacks, Geonosians on Orray, and other examples. Riders: light, fast ground-effect vehicles with single riders, like speeder bikes, BARC speeders, droids on STAP, or repulsor sleds. ISP Speeders are also ground-effect vehicles and rated as Riders. Clone Troopers on BARC Speeders 9 Behemoths: a small number of really large and tough organic beings, often with very thick skin or armor making them resistant to blaster fire; also a large array of huge armored machines difficult to damage with hand weapons. AT-STs, Banthas driven by riders, Corporate Tank Droids, X-1 Viper Droids, Huge Crab Droids, Reek, Acklay, and a variety of other things. Beasts: aggressive quadrupeds too small to be behemoths that move more quickly than Acklay bipeds, even through rough terrain, and attack with close-combat weapons. Nexu, Crab Droids, and the like. Another possibility is elite assault infantry known for very fast movement and close assault attacks– for example, Rebel Commandos. Blades: The toughest troops in close combat, either heavily armored against blaster fire or capable of deflecting blaster bolts. Bodyguard Droids, Jedi Knights or Sith of similar level with lightsabers. Spear: Better-armored foot troops designed to withstand blaster fire and disinclined to engage in long-range duels. These foot may still be armed with missile weapons, but because of morale, training, or superior armor they are better able to stand against the great killers of Shooters Utapauns – Behemoths and Heroes. They will usually attempt to close against enemy missile troops, to make the best advantage of their better armor, training, or morale in close-in firefights. Examples are Senate Guard, Royal Guard, Coruscant Guard, Utapaun Warriors, Neimoidian Soldiers, Ithorian Soldiers, and so on. Shooter: the basic troop type of the blasterarmed future. Rank and file troops should be based 5 to an element; elite troops generally 4. Battle Droids should be 5 to a base; Super Battle Droids 4 to a base. Clone Troopers 10 Warband: this troop type covers assault Genosian Drones troops, armed with short-range weapons, melee weapons, and/or grenades, who aggressively and violently close with the enemy. Some examples are Wookiees, Gungans, Geonosian Drones, space pirates, and the like. It should be possible to differentiate Warband and Shooters by sight. Artillery: this troop type represents longerranged, heavier direct firepower weapons, capable of damaging or threatening huge, armored enemies. Examples are the ATGAR cannons and E-web blasters used at Hoth, Hailfire Droids (although see below for possibly classing them as Magician) and Giant Spider Droids. Horde: high-tech cultures do not have much that can be classified as Horde. Armed nonATGAR Guns on Hoth combatants like rebel pilots could be Horde. Civilians would only be Horde if armed with a variety of weapons, including some blasters and personal hunting weapons. Unarmed civilians would not be a threat to military forces with science-fiction weapons. Lurkers: any sort of force that attacks unexpectedly from ambush. Ewoks, Jawas, Sand People, Rebel commandos, Scout Troopers, and many other examples. Water Lurkers, with the special rules for them, do not seem appropriate for a science-fiction environment. Note that any concussion weapon (and almost every military force, no matter how lame, would have some grenades) are tremendously effective against beings in the water. Scout Troopers 11 Sneakers: individuals in small groups who act as saboteurs or assassins. The best example is Luke, Han, and Chewie disguising themselves to break into the Death Star. Any good Bounty Hunter could be classed as a Sneaker. The Imperial Probe Droids are a threat to Rebel Strongholds (mostly because of their ability to transmit information) and should be classed as Sneakers. A force of Rebel Commandos or Scout Troopers attempting to get behind enemy lines would be an excellent Sneaker element. Luke, Princess Leia, Han and Chewie Magician: a very rare category, almost exclusively Sith. Users of the Light Side of the Force do not use it to attack, but only in defense. Emperor Palpatine could be classed as a Magician (Chancellor Palpatine is better as a Hero, as he illustrates in Episode III against Mace Windu and three Jedi Masters). Nightsister Sith Witches in small groups could also be Emperer Palpatine classed as a Magician element. The Hailfire Droids that first appear in battle on Geonosis are fast-moving and use a very powerful battery of missiles to do damage. While they could be classed as Artillery, the fact that they move quickly and are capable of indirect fire (ignoring line of sight) could be represented as Magicians. The ability of Magicians against Heroes is easy to support – explosive missiles fired in large groups could injure even mighty Jedi Masters (and then they appear later, unexpectedly, to have survived against all odds – again a staple of heroic fiction). The defensive ability of Clerics or Paladins in this case can also be justified – they are using their mastery of the light side of the force to misdirect or confuse incoming missiles. Cleric: powerful users of the Light Side of the Force who no longer are truly toprank duelists should be classed as Clerics. The two best examples are Obi-Wan Kenobi in Episodes IV-VI (whether before or after his death) and Yoda in the same movies. Both of them are better classed as Heroes in Episodes I-III, but there would certainly be some Jedi Masters in the first three episodes who are mighty in the force, but older and less able in combat; these could be represented as Clerics. 12 Additional Samples Queen Amidala and Her Naboo Guards Emperor Palpatine and Senate Guards Lando Calrissian and Bespin Guards New Republic Troopers Durge General Grievous and His Bodyguard Droids 13 Poggle the Lesser and his Genosians array for battle! ARMY LISTS The army lists below describe troop types available to a variety of the most wellknown forces during the primary interest area of the Star Wars universe – from the initial mustering of forces that eventually led to the Clone Wars, to the final resolution of the New Republic several years after the destruction of the Death Star. These lists are neither comprehensive nor exclusive, and may be modified as you see fit; they are intended to provide a thorough and consistent baseline for players. 14 The Star Wars “Expanded Universe” covers conflicts from thousands of years before the Clone Wars to many decades after the fall of the Empire. Note that some of the figures, characters, and models represented do not exist during the main period of the six Star Wars movies. The army lists that follow focus on the main period of conflict; their general paradigm can be used to design army lists for the other periods as desired. In point of fact, these are not truly army lists at all – they are lists of troop types available to armies. All the rules for forming armies in the HotT booklet still apply. Dates given are ABY (After Battle of Yavin) or BBY (Before Battle of Yavin). The Battle of Yavin, and the destruction of the Death Star, represents a seminal moment in the history of the Galaxy. When consulting the historical documents, note that they cover dates as follows: MOVIE Episode I: The Phantom Menace Episode II: Attack of the Clones Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Episode IV: A New Hope Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Episode VI: Return of the Jedi DATE 32 BBY 22 BBY 19 BBY 0 BY 3 ABY 4 ABY Finally, a note about the conversion of figure poses to element types. I have used my own interpretation of what sort of elements best represent the fighting style and effectiveness of various troops in the historical documents (Episodes I-VI). Other interpretations exist, and are perfectly valid. The Basilisk War-droids used by the Mandalorians are classed below as Airboats. If you think they are more powerful, by all means rate them as Dragons. If you think they are fast, flighty, and relatively weak, rate them as Flyers. Arguments could be made about representing Ewoks as Lurkers, Sneakers, Warband, or even Horde. Space is too limited to present all my arguments in support of the troop ratings assigned below, but I would be happy to debate the issue in person, and you are under no compulsion to use these ratings in preference to your own. If your Ewoks are tough enough and nasty enough to fight as Warband, that’s great! Mine fight by ambush-and-run-away, as Lurkers, because that’s how I interpret their activity against Stormtroopers on Endor. 15 1. Galactic Republic, before 24 BBY. Any combination of Planetary and/or Jedi forces. Planetary Forces Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Alderaan: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) destroyed 0 BBY Stronghold: City Alderaan Troopers (5Sh) Geonosis: (Separatist) Stronghold: Towering spire-hive Geonosian Warriors (5Fl) Geonosian Drones (5Wb) Geonosian Picador on Orray (Kn) Nexu (3Beast) Acklay (Beh) Reek (Beh) Kashyyyk: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Jungle Fortress. Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Jedi Knight or Master and acolytes (3Bd). Even after Order 66, some Jedi were active with the Wookiees. Naboo: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Queen’s Palace/Gungan Underwater City Naboo Soldiers (4Sh) Flash Speeders (Flyer) Gungan Warriors (4Wb) Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu (Kn) Neimoidia: (Separatist) Stronghold: City, High-tech Base, or Fortress Neimoidian Gunners (4Sp or 4Sh) Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Jedi Forces Stronghold: Jedi Temple Moon of Endor: (Fringe, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Treehouse Village Ewok Warriors (4-5Lu) Ewok Hang Gliders (1Lu or 3Fl) Mighty Jedi Master (Hero) Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master, QuiGon Jinn, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight, alone or with underling escorts) Mustafar: (Separatist) Stronghold: Lava-mining Center Mustafarian Soldier (5Sh) Mustafarian Lava Flea (Kn) Jedi Masters (3Hero) Any other grouping of three unique (named) Jedi Masters Jedi Knights and other Jedi (3Bd) Jedi Scholar or Old Jedi Master (Cleric) Alone or with appropriate support troops. 16 2. Mandalorians, before 34 BBY. Any combination of Mandalorian forces. Stronghold: Fortress Mandalorian Soldiers (4Sh) Mandalorian Warriors (4Sp) Heroic Leader (Hero or Aerial Hero Gen) Mandalore the Indomitable (Hero) Jango Fett (Hero or Aerial Hero if he has a jetpack) Mandalorian General (4Sp Gen) if there is no Heroic Leader Basilisk War Droid (Airboat) 3. Trade Federation, 44–24 BBY, or Confederation of Independent States, 24–19 BBY Any combination of Droid Forces, Separatist Planetary Forces, and/or Sith Forces. Droid Forces Stronghold: Fortress, Manufacturing Center, Droid Control Ship, City. Battle Droids (5Sh) Super Battle Droids (4Sh) Bodyguard Droids (4Bd) Hailfire Droids (Arty or Magician) Corporate Alliance Tank Droids (Behemoth) Huge Crab Droids (Behemoth) X-1 Viper Droids (Behemoth) Homing Spider Droids (Behemoth) Assassins and Bounty Hunters (Sneaker) Vulture Droids / Droid Starfighter in Walking Mode (Flyer) Orbital Bombardment (God) Crab or Octuptara Droids (3Beast) Leader with support (Hero) General Grievous with Bodyguard Droids, or Count Dooku with Droids or alone Mustafar: (Separatist) Stronghold: Lava-mining Center Mustafarian Soldier (5Sh) Mustafarian Lava Flea w/rider (Kn) Neimoidia: (Separatist) Stronghold: City, High-tech Base, or Fortress Neimoidian Gunners (4Sp) Sith Forces Stronghold: Ancient Ruins with Sith History Separatist Planetary Forces Dark Lord of the Sith (Hero) Darth Maul (alone), Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus (alone or with several Droid escorts), General Grievous (with several Bodyguard Droids), Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice (alone or with several Clone Troopers) Nightsister Sith Witches (Magician. 2-3 on a stand, plus escorts) Geonosis: (Separatist) Stronghold: Towering spire-hive Geonosian Warriors (5Fl) Geonosian Drones (5Wb) Geonosian Picador on Orray (Kn) Nexu (3Beast) Acklay (Beh) Reek (Beh) Sith Warriors or Dark Jedi (3Bd) 17 4. Clone Wars, 22–19 BBY. Any combination of Clone Troopers, Planetary Forces (except Separatist worlds), and/or Jedi Forces. Clone Trooper Forces Stronghold: City or Fortified Base Clone Troopers (5Sh) Senate Guard (4Sp) until 19 BBY, Royal Guard (4Sp) thereafter Clone Scouts or Commandos (2Lu) Clone Troopers on BARC Speeders (2Ri) Clone Troopers on ISP Speeder (Rider) Aerial Clone Troopers (3Fl) Clone Assault Troops (4Wb – Commandos, Grenadiers, Flamethrowers) AT-RT (Beast) Orbital Bombardment (God) Planetary Forces (non-Separatists) Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Bd or 3Wb) Alderaan: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) until 0 BBY Stronghold: City Alderaan Troopers (5Sh) Naboo: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Queen’s Palace/Gungan Underwater City Naboo Soldiers (4Sh) Flash Speeders (Flyer) Gungan Warriors (4Wb) Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu (Kn) Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Jedi Forces Stronghold: Jedi Temple Kashyyyk: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Jungle Fortress. Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Jedi Knight or Master and acolytes (3Bd). Even after Order 66, some Jedi were active with the Wookiees. Mighty Jedi Master (Hero) Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master, QuiGon Jinn, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight, alone or with underling escorts) Jedi Masters (3Hero) Any other grouping of three unique (named) Jedi Masters Moon of Endor: (Fringe, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Treehouse Village Ewok Warriors (4-5Lu) Ewok Hang Gliders (1Lu or 3Fl) Jedi Knights and other Jedi (4Bd) Jedi Scholar or Old Jedi Master (Cleric) Alone or with appropriate support troops. 18 5. Imperial Consolidation, 19–16 BBY. Any combination of Clone Troopers, Planetary Forces and/or Sith Forces. Clone Trooper Forces Stronghold: City or Fortified Base Clone Troopers (5Sh) Senate Guard (4Sp) until 19 BBY, Royal Guard (4Sp) thereafter Clone Scouts or Commandos (2Lu) Clone Troopers on BARC Speeders (2Ri) Clone Troopers on ISP Speeder (Rider) Aerial Clone Troopers (3Fl) Clone Assault Troops (4Wb – Commandos, Grenadiers, Flamethrowers) AT-RT (Beast) Orbital Bombardment (God) Planetary Forces (non-Seperatists) Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Alderaan: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) until 0 BBY Stronghold: City Alderaan Troopers (5Sh) Naboo: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Queen’s Palace/Gungan Underwater City Naboo Soldiers (4Sh) Flash Speeders (Flyer) Gungan Warriors (4Wb) Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu (Kn) Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Jedi Forces Stronghold: Jedi Temple Kashyyyk: (Republic, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Jungle Fortress. Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Jedi Knight or Master and acolytes (4Bd). Even after Order 66, some Jedi were active with the Wookiees. Mighty Jedi Master (Hero) Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master, QuiGon Jinn, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight, alone or with underling escorts) Jedi Masters (3Hero) Any other grouping of three unique (named) Jedi Masters Moon of Endor: (Fringe, Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Treehouse Village Ewok Warriors (4-5Lu) Ewok Hang Gliders (1Lu or 3Fl) Jedi Knights and other Jedi (3Bd) Jedi Scholar or Old Jedi Master (Cleric) Alone or with appropriate support troops. 19 6. Jedi and Republic Remnants, 19–16 BBY. Any combination of Planetary Forces from Republic or Fringe planets and/or Jedi Exiles. Planetary Forces Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Alderaan: (Republic) until 0 BBY Stronghold: City Alderaan Troopers (5Sh) Kashyyyk: (Republic) Stronghold: Jungle Fortress. Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Jedi Knight or Master and acolytes (4Bd). Even after Order 66, some Jedi were active with the Wookiees. Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Jedi Exiles 0-1 Jedi Scholar with Padawan (Cleric) Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi. Moon of Endor: (Fringe) Stronghold: Treehouse Village Ewok Warriors (4-5Lu) Ewok Hang Gliders (1Lu or 3Fl) 0-2 Jedi Remnants (3Bd or 2Ri) 0-2 Sneakers (Resistance Agents and Spies) Naboo: (Republic) Stronghold: Queen’s Palace/Gungan Underwater City Naboo Soldiers (4Sh) Flash Speeders (Flyer) Gungan Warriors (4Wb) Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu (Kn) Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) 0-4 Lurkers (Guerilla Fighters and local forces in Ambush) 20 7. Empire, 16 BBY – 19 ABY Any combination of Imperial Forces, Planetary Forces not from Rebel worlds, and/or Sith Forces Imperial Forces Stronghold: Deathstar, Fortress, City, or HighTech Installation. An AT-AT would be cool. Emperor Palpatine, with 2 Royal Guard (Magician) Darth Vader, with 2-3 Stormtroopers (Hero) Royal Guard (4Sp) Coruscant Guard (4Sp) Stormtrooper Command (5Sh or 4Wb) Assault Troops (Death Star Gunners) (4Wb) Stormtroopers (5Sh) Snowtroopers, Death Star Troopers, or other elite forces (4Sh) AT-ST (Beh) Scout Troopers (2Lu) Scout Troopers on Speeder Bikes (2Ri) Stormtroopers on Dewback (Kn) Stormtroopers on Repulsor Sleds (2Ri) E-Web Blasters or similar (Arty) Orbital Bombardment (God) Probe Droids (Sneaker) Planetary Forces Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Bd or 3Wb) Mustafar: (Separatist) Stronghold: Lava-mining Center Mustafarian Soldier (5Sh) Mustafarian Lava Flea with Rider (Kn) Neimoidia: (Separatist) Stronghold: City, High-tech Base, or Fortress Neimoidian Gunners (4Sp) Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Sith Forces Stronghold: Ancient Ruins with Sith History Nightsister Sith Witches, 2-3 per stand, plus escorts (Magician) Geonosis: (Separatist) Stronghold: Towering spire-hive Geonosian Warriors (5Fl) Geonosian Drones (5Wb or 8Hd) Geonosian Picador on Orray (Kn) Nexu (3Beast) Acklay (Beh) Reek (Beh) Sith Warriors (4Bd) 21 8. Rebel Alliance, 2 BBY – 6 ABY; and New Republic, 6 ABY on Any combination of Rebel Alliance Forces and/or Rebel/Fringe Planetary Forces Rebel Alliance Forces Stronghold: Hidden Rebel Base Rebel Troopers (5Sh) Commandos or other Ambushes (2Lu) Commandos (4Bea) Commandos on Speeder Bikes (2Ri) Hoth Troopers (4Sh) Snowspeeder (Flyer) ATGAR Cannon (Arty) Orbital Bombardment (God) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cleric) until the destruction of the Death Star (0 BBY) Yoda (Cleric) until 4 BBY Luke Skywalker (Hero) after his training on Dagobah (3 BBY) Saboteurs, Spies, and Secret Agents (Sneaker) Kashyyyk: (Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Jungle Fortress. Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) New Republic Forces Stronghold: City, Fortress, Tech Center New Republic Troopers (5Sh) Luke Skywalker (Paladin) Any special troops listed above for the Rebel Alliance. Tattooine: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley, Jabba’s Palace/Fortress, Desert Stronghold Tusken Raiders (4Wb) Tusken Snipers (2Lu) Tusken on Bantha (Beh) Jawa (5Lu) Pirates, Mercenaries & Scum (5Sh or 4Wb) Nikto Desert Skiff (Airboat) Planetary Forces Alaris Prime: (Fringe) Stronghold: Forest Fortress. Gundarks (4Bst or 2Lu) Wookiee Soldiers (3Wb or 2Lu) Wookiee General (3Wb) Moon of Endor: (Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Treehouse Village Ewok Warriors (4-5Lu) Ewok Hang Gliders (1Lu or 3Fl) Naboo: (Rebel Alliance) Stronghold: Queen’s Palace/Gungan Underwater City Naboo Soldiers (4Sh) Flash Speeders (Flyer) Gungan Warriors (4Wb) Gungan Cavalry on Kaadu (Kn) Utapau: (Fringe) Stronghold: Sinkhole City Utapaun Soldiers (4Sp) Utapaun on Dactilion (Flyer) Alderaan: (Rebel Alliance) until 0 BBY Stronghold: City Alderaan Troopers (5Sh) 22 9. Space Pirates, Swoop Gangs, and similar irregular forces, 44 BBY-19 ABY Stronghold: Fortress or landed Spaceship Pirates with lots of blasters (5Sh) Pirates with hand weapons and grenades (5Wb) Swoop Bikes (2Ri) Light air vehicles (Flyer) LAAT/i Assault craft or similar (Airboat) Bounty Hunters and Assassins (Sneaker) SCENARIO SPECIFIC ARMY LISTS Gamers may also wish to create recreate specific battles from Star Wars movies or books. In creating such scenarios, players should attempt to faithfully represent the troop types depicted in the fictional battle. In the following section are several 24 point armies for use in specific Star Wars battle scenarios. To generate larger, multi-player battles, simply increase the number of elements specified for the 24 point scenario. 23 1. THE BATTLE OF HOTH (3 ABY) Forces of the Rebel Alliance under General Carlist Rieekan and Princess Leia Organa were fighting a rear-guard action, defending their base from ground attack by the Imperial “Blizzard Force” commanded by General Veers. Veers’ objective was to knock out the Rebel power generators in order to bring down the planetary defense shields that protected the base and the grounded rebel fleet from orbital bombardment by the blockading Imperial fleet. In addition to his squadron of 9 ATAT assault transports, Veers was supported by assorted AT-ST, AT-AR and AT-PT walkers and by Darth Vader’s personal regiment of elite Snowtroopers, the 501st “Vader’s Fist.” Heavily outnumbered and despite heavy casualties, the defending Rebels troopers bought enough time for most of their senior leadership and the fleet to achieve orbit, however, only 13 of the 30 transports and the Millennium Falcon survived the Imperial blockade. The Imperials lost three of their massive AT-AT assault transports and General Veers was severely wounded when a kamikaze snow speeder crashed into his AT-AT cockpit. Roll for defender normally. If the Empire defends, use a Star Wars Miniatures ATAT model as a Stronghold. The Rebels are attempting to destroy the AT-AT to gain sufficient time to evacuate their base. If the Rebels defend, their Stronghold can be any of a variety of defensive structures – turret defenses, power generators, or part of their base itself. The Imperials are attempting to capture the base (or destroy the generators or defenses), and the Rebels are attempting to drive the Imperials back to gain time to evacuate their leadership and personnel. Terrain can be hills, rough terrain (broken fields of ice and rock), open snowy plain, and anything else that seems reasonable. No woods or BUA. The main fighting shown in the movie is between AT-ATs and Snowspeeders. AT-AT models are too large in scale to be played as behemoths unless the map is something like 8 feet square, but behemothvs-flyer battles are quite possible using AT-ST models and Snowspeeders, and that is how the battle is represented below. Orbital bombardment should not be possible for either side. The Empire controls the high orbitals, but the Rebel shield generator blocks them from bombarding Rebel forces. Empire (Blizzard Force) Rebel Alliance Stronghold: AT-AT walker Stronghold: Echo Base or parts of it 1-3x AT-ST Walkers (Behemoth) 0-2x E-web Blasters (Arty) 0-1x Probe Droid (Sneaker) 4-6x Snowtroopers (4Sh) 0-1x Wampa (Beasts or Lurkers) 0-3x Snowtroopers in Ambush (Lu) 2-4x Flyer (Snowspeeders) 0-2x ATGAR Cannon (Arty) 4-6x Hoth Troopers (4Sh) 0-2x Tauntaun (2Ri) 0-1x Wampa (Beasts or Lurkers) 0-3x Hoth Troopers in Ambush (Lu) General could be a Behemoth, Arty, or Snowtrooper element. General could be a Flyer, Rider, Shooter, or Arty element. 24 2. RAID ON THE MOON OF ENDOR (4 ABY) A small force of Rebels lead by Princess Leia and Hans Solo with support from Rebel troopers and the indigenous Ewok tribes, successfully infiltrated and destroyed the Imperial power generator that provided shield protection for the orbital Death Star. The Rebel’s believed that their mission was critical to enable the destruction of the Death Star before it could become fully operational. Little did they know that the Emperor had laid a trap. The Empire defends; its Stronghold represents the bunker giving access to the command area that controls the shield generator. Terrain is a bit unusual for this battle. The whole area is heavily wooded, but these woods do not affect the small Ewok hang-gliders (classified as Flyers). To reflect this situation, terrain may be hills or bad going, possibly including rivers or roads. Woods in Endor are forests with enormous trees, which function in all respects as bad going – the spaces between the trees are large enough that they do not affect Ewok hang gliders in the least, and the undergrowth does not impede line of sight. Rather than create a new terrain type, just classify Endor forests as normal bad going (rough ground). At least ¾ the terrain should be rough ground – the easiest way to show this is to use a mottled green groundcloth for the terrain, and lay out multiple patches of lighter color to represent clearings. There must be at least two clearings of at least 200p diameter within 600p of the center of the map, and there must be at least one clearing large enough for the Imperial stronghold on each base edge. There may be up to two roads through the woods; all such roads should pass through the clearings on two different base edges. The normal rule for Lurkers allows their deployment when an element moves into or deploys in bad going. This battle was a lurker-fest bloodbath, so relax those rules – Lurkers may be deployed at will, with the usual restrictions on terrain. Empire Stronghold: Bunker 3x AT-ST (Be) 4x Stormtroopers (5Sh) 1x Scout troopers on Speederbikes (Rider) 2x Scout Troopers (Lurkers) Rebel Alliance 1x Chewie (with captured AT-ST) (Be) 5x Rebel Commandos (4Wb or 4Bst) 6x Ewoks (Lurkers) 2x Ewok hang gliders (Flyer) Optional: 0-1x Commandos on Speeder Bikes (Rider) General: Behemoth or Shooter General: Princess Leia, Han Solo, R2-D2 and C3PO (as a Rebel Commando element) 25 3. SECOND ASSAULT ON NABOO (21 BBY) This is a hypothetical battle set six months after the Battle of Geonosis. A major Separatist force has invaded Naboo and moves to crush the local forces before the Republic can react. A scratched-together Republic force, stiffened by a fastresponse team of Jedi Knights, is all that stands in their way, although a relief force of Clone Troopers is coming as fast as it can fight its way through the Separatist blockade. This scenario is a “Huge Battle” example, with 96 points on each side. It was first run at Historicon 2007, with eight players. Terrain is mostly open and clear, and should be on a board about 4’ x 10’. The exact measurement of the board isn’t crucial – a ping-pong table is 5’ x 9’ and would do fine. The Republic stronghold, representing the outskirts of a major city or palace, should be centered on one side. Three major patches of terrain should add interest to a mostly-open field. A mixture of farmland, orchards, and small patches of forest are on the left side – represent those with 4-7 irregular blobs of forest, each approximately the size of the HotT rulebook, all grouped together but separated by 4-6” from each other. On the other side is a larger forest (wildlife reserve), something like 36” by 24”, perhaps with one or more interior clearings (blobby openings 4-6” across). Throw in a marshy area, 18” by 12”, in the center of the Droid deployment area. Add other terrain as you find appropriate, but keep most of the battle open and clear. Deployment Republic forces deploy Mace Windu and Queen Amidala commands first – all their local troops, basically, with Jedi as stiffeners. This represents all the stuff they could muster to defend their city. For speed at Historicon, we placed these forces in fixed deployment (giving the defenders a balanced defense). Separatists deploy all four of their commands in any way they wish. The battle begins with four commands against two. This is an appropriate time for maniacal evil laughter on the Separatist side. Separatists Separatist C-in-C Command (26 pts) 1x Hero(Gen) (Count Dooku) 2x Behemoth (Tank Droids) 4x Shooters (Battle Droids) 2x Shooters (Super Battle Droids) 1x Flyer (Vulture Droid in Walking Mode) Republic Naboo Native Forces (20 pts) 1 x Shooter(Gen) (Queen Amidala) 1 x Shooter (Naboo) 2 x Warband (Gungan) 1 x Knight (Gungans on Kaadu) 1 x Shooter (Militia) 1 x Spear (Ithorian Mercenaries) 1 x Rider (Merc Bikes) 2 x Flyer (Naboo Flash Speeders) 26 General Grievous (26 pts) 1 x Hero(Gen) (General Grievous) 2 x Behemoth (Giant Crab Droids) 3 x Shooter (Super Battle Droids) 4 x Beast (Crab Droids) Republic Fast Response Force(28 pts) 1 x Hero(Gen) (Mace Windu) 2 x Hero (Jedi Masters) 4 x Blade (Jedi Knights) 2 x Warband (Wookies) 1 x God (Orbital Bombardment) Battle Droid #174C (24 pts) 1x Shooter (Gen)( #174C) 7x Shooter (Battle Droids) 2x Magician (Hailfire Droids) Clone Troopers (25 pts) 1 x Hero(Gen) (General Kenobi) 4 x Rider (ISP) 1 x Rider (BARC Speeder) 1 x Lurker (Clone Trooper Scouts) 5 x Shooter (Clone Troopers) 5 x LAAT Dropships for the Shooters Aerial Recon Clone (ARC) Command (23 pts) 1 x Flyer(Gen) (Aerial Clone Captain) 1 x Airboat (LAAT Gunship) 9 x Shooter (Clone Troopers) 9 x LAAT/i Dropships for the Shooters Geonosian Allies (20 pts) 1x Flyer (Gen) (Poggle the Lesser) 2x Knight (Geonosian Picadors) 3x Flyer (Geonosian Soldiers) 4x Warband (Geonosian Drones) Clone Trooper Reinforcements As soon as any of the following triggers occur, reinforcements arrive to help out the hard pressed Republic forces. Reinforcement Triggers: Any Droid Ground Forces within 600p of the Republic Stronghold Any Republic command loses its general or at least 8 points of troops. Both Republic commands together lose at least 12 points of troops. Any time after bound 6 when General Windu rolls a 6 for pips. Both Clone reinforcement commands enter on the same bound. Clone Reinforcement Deployment: The Clone Trooper Shooters come in on LAAT/i Dropships. Each command may enter as one or more group moves from anywhere on the Republic home baseline or either side edge. Every element within a single command must be within command control of their general after movement on the first bound. When running the scenario at Historicon, we made separate bases to represent the transports for the Clone Troopers. The transport bases had top-down images of Republic LAAT Dropships glued to them. Place the Shooter elements on the base to represent that it is in transport mode. See following for rules on Shooters in transport mode. 27 Special Rules Desperate Defense: Republic commands initially deployed on the map will not break if their General is killed. Reliable Subordinates: If General Dooku is killed, General Grievous becomes the new C-in-C of the Separatist side – no overall victory check is required as would normally occur upon the death of the C-in-C. Similarly, if General Windu is killed, General Kenobi becomes the new C-in-C of the Republic side – no overall victory check is required as would normally occur upon the death of the C-in-C. No other generals may become C-in-C. Clone Trooper Scouts: The Republic reinforcements include one element of Lurkers. For purposes of determining whether an enemy element can be attacked by these Lurkers, treat the bound on which the reinforcements enter as if it was the first bound of the game. In other words, the Lurkers may attack any element that is inside bad going on the bound the reinforcements enter; if it does not choose to do so in its first bound, from that point on it suffers the normal limitation to attacking elements that entered bad going in the previous bound. Clone Transports: Republic Clone Trooper Transports function as follows. The transports stay on map as long as the player likes or as play dictates. Dropships fight and move as Airboats in all respects Any carrier engaged in combat (missile, melee, or magic) that suffers a negative result (recoil or worse) is destroyed. This destroys the Shooter the transport carries as well. If a carrier is engaged in combat and survives, the troops carried dismount at the end of combat. The carrier is permanently removed from the map and the shooter element is placed on the same frontage. Any group move may include dismounting. All carriers moving as part of the group (for the same pips) must dismount if any do. Dismounting costs an extra pip. At the end of the move replace the carriers with the appropriate transported element. Dismounting troops may only move as far as their foot type. Dismounting troops may end in contact with enemy. No element may remount during the battle. Remove carriers from the map when they dismount their carried troop element. 28 Appendices Appendix I: Strongholds In 1982-1984, Kenner toys came out with a whole series of play sets with die cast metal figures. The metal figures are exactly the same scale as the Star Wars figures. Exactly. I’ve repainted some of their Hoth Rebels to the same color scheme as the WotC Star Wars figs, and you cannot which is which without looking very closely. So anyway, the play sets work perfectly for Star Wars figures. There are four Hoth play sets (Ion Cannon, Turret Defense, Generators, and Wampa Cave), three Bespin Cloud City play sets, and two play sets showing the interior of the Death Star. There are also play sets of the Millennium Falcon, an X-wing, a Tie Fighter, and I'm not sure what else. Most of these play sets make brilliant Strongholds, with an amazing amount of detail. They're often available on ebay -- I bought the Hoth Ion Cannon second hand for $15 including shipping. Appendix II: Conversions Many figure conversions are easy with the plastic WotC figures. Pinning with cut-off sections of pin is trivial, and the plastic takes cyanoacrylate (crazy glue) very well – much better than metal does. So head-swaps, arm repositioning, and the like are no longer limited to those with vast ability to sculpt Greenstuff. Some troop types (Stormtroopers, Droids, and white-armor Clone Troopers in particular) come in sufficient variety that no work is necessary. Even with the high-pose-number troops, though, you may find yourself wanting some variety in special-purpose troops. Most planetary forces will have some sort of armed air vehicle to supplement the normal array of Shooters. Bespin cloud cars, Naboo Flash speeders, or similar are found on virtually every planet. Most of these are not available as figures, but they are an opportunity for conversion, repainting, or the use of a wide variety of science fiction plastic models to create your forces. Even though there are a wide variety of figures available, in some cases you may find yourself wishing for more poses for a given element. Some of the conversions I have used are listed below. Snowtrooper Elite Clone Trooper (Universe set; 3/60) Snowtrooper 1982 Kenner Hoth playset Snowtroopers All the Snowtrooper poses are moving or standing with their blasters held at waist level. The Elite Clone Trooper has the same face mask as a Snowtrooper and a very similar long coat; a simple repaint job (white spray paint and some detailing) and he is a perfect kneeling and firing snowtrooper. As mentioned above regarding Strongholds, the Kenner playsets produced from 1982-1984 are in perfect scale to mix with WotC Starwars 29 Hoth trooper 1982 Kenner Hoth playset figures Colored Clone Troopers White-armor Clone Troopers Scout Troopers Kashyyyk Clone Troopers Kashyyyk Troopers Scout Stormtroopers minis. Their snowtroopers have a number of very good poses not available in the three codes of WotC snowtroopers, including prone figures. The diecast figures are available on ebay inexpensively, and repaint quickly and well. As above – also true for Hoth Rebels, including a figure for Leia in her Hoth gear. The two Tauntaun rider poses are acceptable as well, although the Tauntaun feet are noticeably different (the diecast figures have oddly small duck-feet) – nothing a bit of work with greenstuff won’t fix. I am not as impressed with the Wampa in the Kenner set – it seems crude. In the movies, especially in Revenge of the Sith, you see whole elements of similarlycolored Clone Troopers, but usually only a single pose with a given paintjob is available through WotC. No worries! Standard (white) Clone Troopers can be enhanced with stripes of appropriate colors to match. With a little work it is possible to put together elements of 5Shooters with 4 poses per stand (using two of the existing colored pose) and have a very nice-looking element of the 501st in their Blue, or whatever. Take the time to examine the helmets – some of the figures have very distinctive helmets. Still no problem! Headswaps are easy – take a white trooper (any uncolored Clone) and chop his head off (carefully) with an exacto knife, and swap it with the head of a Saleucami trooper (as one example – the Saleucami troopers have distinctive visors on their helmets). Then paint up the body to fit the Saleucami and you’re set. You don’t even lose any figures, because you can put the uncolored clone head onto the Saleucami body and use it in another element. The helmets and armor of the Kashyyyk troopers (Clone Troopers fighting on Kashyyyk) are virtually identical to that of Scout Stormtroopers. The only difference is that the Kashyyyk troopers use a much bigger pistol. A quick paint job (white primer and some black underneath) and perhaps a weapon-swap and you’ve got another pose to add to your Scout Trooper elements As above in reverse – take a Scout Trooper and paint his pants brown and his armor camouflage, and maybe a hand or weapon 30 Kashyyyk Troopers on Speeder Bikes Rebel Pilots Scout Troopers on Speeder Bikes Kenner 1982 Diecast figures swap, and you’ve got two more poses for your Kashyyyk trooper element. Scout Troopers are so similar to Kashyyyk Troopers that a quck paintjob as above and you’ve got a Kashyyyk on a Speeder Bike. As with the Hoth set, Kenner produced four or five poses of Rebel pilots. These are particularly nice as some of their poses are appropriate for doing maintenance on an Xwing or other flying vehicle – which (uncoincidentally) is also available (and makes a great stronghold). If you want to put together an element of Rebel Pilots, you can’t do it well with the two poses WotC provides – surf ebay for a few weeks and you can probably pick up some of these puppies to supplement your pose variety. Appendix III: A Brief Historical Timeline (ABY is “After Battle of Yavin”; BBY is “Before Battle of Yavin”) 44 BBY 34 BBY 33-32 BBY 32 BBY 24 BBY 22 BBY 19 BBY 3 BBY 0 BY 3 ABY 4 ABY 6 ABY Later Pirate activity is used as the justification for the armament of the Trade Federation. Battle of Galidraan. Count Dooku leads a Republic force in the final destruction of the Mandalorians. Alaris Prime Conflict (Wookiees and some Jedi vs. Trade Federation, both fighting Gundarks (local semi sentient wildlife) Battle of Naboo. Formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems Battle of Geonosis; beginning of the Clone Wars The Jedi Purge; end of the Clone Wars Rise of the Rebel Alliance Battle of Yavin; destruction of the Death Star Battle of Hoth Battle of Endor Fall of Coruscant; formation of the New Republic A variety of other conflicts follow in the next decade; the reader is invited to do his own research. Appendix IV: Resources Your primary figure-acquisition resource should probably be ebay. The relevant category is Toys & Hobbies > Games > Miniatures, War Games, using search parameter “Star Wars –sb –starship –pocketmodel” to eliminate extraneous results. There are 1500 – 3000 auctions a week, both lots and single figures. At major 31 gaming conventions (like Historicon) it is often possible to buy figures at the Flea Markets as well. For research, the first thing is to watch all the battle scenes from the movies. That’s also the second thing and the third thing. For more detailed information, there are two excellent on-line resources. Wookieepedia: Star Wars Databank: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page http://www.starwars.com/databank/ The first is the Star Wars wikipedia, with a huge amount of detailed information. The second is the only official online databank of Star Wars information. Both include images that will provide a nearly unlimited source for creative inspiration, including details about battles, screen shots from the movies, and a wide variety of anything else. 32