
11-7-2006 Meeting Agenda
Stephanie Zick passed around attendance and updated points records – please indicate if
something needs to be changed
Secretary’s Report read
Treasurer’s Report: __24,215.15____
Committee Reports:
 Ag-Life (Ted Clayton and Callie McAdams) – Last meeting was November 2nd –
Discussed the revision of the council’s constitution, meetings for next semester
and fundraiser (Jim Graham Cookbooks - $10 - $5 goes to council for allocations)
AZ – raffle for Nash County Young Farmers and Ranchers (talk to Whitney
Companion Animal – pet food and supply drive
CFFA – Naked and Hungry Thursday November 9 – can count as community
service point for ANS club – give to Dale Miller (significant amount of cans or $)
Scrapbook Committee (Leslie Gentry – not in attendance) – Needs CDs to put
pictures on and will email out a meeting time for next week
Block and Bridle (Callie McAdams) – 10 people and 2 advisors going
Old Business:
 Community Service
o Thanksgiving baskets- club members bring in $5 or help shop at Sam’s
Club (Stephanie Zick) – Due at next meeting – If interested in helping
shop – November 16th at 7:30 – Needs 4 people – see Stephanie after
o Operation Christmas child shoe boxes due at November 14th meeting
(Amber Boyles) – non-parishable items to be packed – put in shoebox – if
wrapped, wrap box and lid separate, bring $7 for shipping and handling,
go to website for label (boy or girl, ages 2-4, 5-9, 10-14), put RUBBER
BAND around box, if you can’t attend take it to Dale’s office by the 14th
o Equus Heals presentation (Karoline White) – Therapeutic Riding Center
an hour away, Rodeo Club volunteering November 18th – meeting at 9am
Harris Lot, sign up sheet passed around (is located an hour away)
They need: Bleach, Paper Towels, Shavings, Feed, Wormers, Coppertox,
Dirt and Arts and Crafts supplies
You may receive community service point if you participate – email Anna
Weist if interested
o Ride for St. Jude (Adam Richburg) – THIS Saturday – children from St.
Jude’s come to ride and people can also pay to ride – Denton, NC – May
receive community service point for participating – email Adam
Cooker- is here! Thank you to those who helped set up/clean up for the cookout –
if you helped set up or clean-up see Megan Roberts to sign your name
How We Did at the Fair (Felicia Riggs) – Showed State Fair Breakdown – to be
sent out later in email
Species Chairs Results on showing at the Fair
o Beef: Austin Armstrong - Mostly last places
o Dairy: Lena Perdue – Mostly last places
o Swine: Sara Dillon – Last places
o Goats: Ted Clayton – Did GREAT!!!!!!!! Got some 4ths, 7ths, 2nds and a
1st! BIG thanks to Ted for letting us use his animals!!!
o ALL the showmen had a great time…it’s all for the experience anyways!
*** Species Chairs – Buy notebook for species notebook (to be reimbursed) –
DUE NEXT MEETING*** Check email sent out earlier from Sara Dillon
( that explains what all should be included
Milking Booth T-shirts (Emily Weston) – Club will reorder if interests (must
have more than 25 people)- see Emily after the meeting with money and t-shirt
Active Membership rewards (Amber Boyles)
o Top 10 long sleeved t-shirts and hoodies can be picked up at the end of
the meeting – can buy Top 10 shirt if not active last semester ($10)
o Carhartts should be in by Nov. 14th
Quadrathalon (Dr. Whisnant) – Teams of 4 are needed – Will be tested in 4
areas: lab practical, written part, oral presentation and quiz bowl, local
competition is Dec 1-2 and Regional (Mobile, Alabama) for those who win local
is Feb 2-4, If a team then wins regional they are invited to the National
Cattleman’s Beef Bowl
See Dr. Whisnant if interested
New Business:
 November 14th meeting (Anna Wiest)
o Nominations
o Earl Mainer to speak AFTER the meeting is over
Cowabunga Trip (Vet school student – Allie Price( Dec 1016 – going to Florida, Georgia and South Carolina to visit Beef and Dairy
operations, as well as the Center for Elephant Conservation – if interested let her
know by Friday if you are wanting to go (she would like to have a definite answer
by then as well as your money- $200) There is limited space for undergraduates
Equine Educational Unit Open House (Jessica Smith) – Saturday November 11
– Silent auction bid – Horses for sale - ANS Club to set up booth there – email
Anna if interested in helping
Dairy Science Club (Lena and Jen) – Regional ADSA (competition for dairy
science students or anyone interested in dairy) trip in spring at LSU the weekend
before Mardi Gras (Feb 16-18) – quiz bowl, scrapbook competition - If interested
in going see them after the meeting
Go next door to buy Milking booth, and pick up Top Ten t-shirts and Hoodies
Meeting adjourned at 7:37