March 7, 2012
Public Hearing & Regular Meeting
Members Present: Mike Brooks, Mark Brown, Noreen Downs, Phil LaRoche, Marc
Ohlson-Chair, and Andrew Smith
Members Not Present: James Allen, Brian Fowler
Others Present: Bob Babine – Code Enforcement Officer, Ron Briggs, Diane Destefano,
Cathie Gregg
Meeting Agenda Posted: 2/29/12 at Madison Town Hall, Madison Post Office, and Silver
Lake Post Office
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Ohlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATES: Mr. LaRoche was raised to voting status.
3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. LaRoche, to
approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Brooks moved, seconded by Mr. Ohlson, to
approve the minutes of the 2/01/12 regular meeting as corrected. Motion passed.
Site Plan for Elaine Conners Unitrust, Charter Trust Trustee, 152 Pine Hill Road,
Tax Map 228 Lot 15, Rural Residential District, to construct a 28x48 one story structure
to be used as a conference/education center (12-01)
The public hearing was reopened at 7:05 P.M. Ron Briggs presented a packet of
information to the Board that included the Special Exception approval from the ZBA, an
email approval from Fire Chief Richard Clark, septic approval, and an amended lighting
plan. The waiver from paving was provided to Ms. Croteau and included in Board
packets. Mr. Ohlson read highlights from the Fire Chief’s email stating that the
department would prefer a 20-foot driveway width but that 18 feet was acceptable. Mr.
Briggs supported the 18-foot width as presented on the plans because of engineering
constraints. Mr. Smith noted that having gravel surfaces would make it difficult for fire
lane markings and the applicant agreed that the necessary signs would be put up. Mr.
Brooks moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, to grant the waiver on paving. Motion passed
The Board reviewed the newly amended site plans that now include a looped
driveway and parking area around the proposed one-story building. Mr. Briggs noted
that there may be further changes to the lighting plan, possibly resulting in fewer lighting
Minutes Approved: April 4, 2012
Planning Board
March 7, 2012
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posts, but only changes with lesser impact will be made. Mr. Briggs asked that the Board
consider this as part of its decision. The Board was amenable.
Deliberation and Vote: After commenting that the applicant provided the
requested information and changes, Mr. Brooks moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, to
approve the site plan as presented on the plans dated March 6, 2012. Motion approved
CPS Realty Trust – site plan progress update: No monthly update was provided as
requested by the Board. The Board will continue to keep this item on the agenda.
The Village District of Eidelweiss submitted a letter to the Board asking for an
extension on the existing Wellhead Protection Area. A letter from the Department of
Environmental Services (DES) outlining best practices was included as well. The Board
expressed the need for more information from Eidelweiss in order to better understand
the request. Mrs. Downs noted that Madison’s Zoning Ordinance currently protects
drinking water aquifers according to DES recommendations. Ms. Croteau will respond to
the letter with an invitation to next month’s meeting.
The Board discussed the possibility of amending the town’s Site Plan
Regulations. The Town of Thornton’s Site Plan Regulations were provided as an
example of some potential changes for the Board to consider. The Board discussed the
following: whether or not the current process needs to be changed; what influence the
Board has over large proposed projects versus smaller projects; and what process the
Board would take to look at potentially amending the regulations. The Board agreed to
have Ms. Croteau look at Madison’s site plan regulations and the application side by side
to highlight any discrepancies. The Board will take up the issue again on April’s agenda.
The Upper Saco Valley Land Trust requested a meeting with Madison
representatives from the BOS, Planning Board, and Conservation Commission to discuss
land conservation. BOS will schedule a meeting during one of their regular meetings at
the end of March or beginning of April.
9. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Mrs. Downs reminded the Board about Election Day on
Tuesday, March 13th. Mrs. Downs asked for Board volunteers to stand with the
recruiting poster at town election to talk to residents about volunteering for town board
10. SELECTMEN’S REPORT: Mr. Brooks reminded the public about voting on
Tuesday, March 13th and Town Meeting on March 17th. Mr. Brooks asked the Board to
read aloud Article 2 on the Warrant as submitted by the Planning Board. Mr. Ohlson
read aloud the two proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments. Mr. Brooks reported that
engineering quotes for the East Madison Road project came in way above $100,000. He
asked voters to think about funding this major project by passing this year’s Warrant
Article IV to set some money aside.
Minutes Approved: April 4, 2012
Planning Board
March 7, 2012
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12. CORRESPONDENCE: North Country Council sent an invitation to their winter
quarterly meeting on Energy Planning held in Bethlehem on March 21, 2012 at 6:30 P.M.
Department of Environmental Services also sent an invitation for the Annual Drinking
Water Source Protection Workshop on Wednesday May 2, 2012.
13. ADMINISTRATION: There is one three-year term seat open for the Planning
10. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Downs moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, to adjourn the
meeting at 8:05 P.M. Motion passed.
The next Public Hearings & Regular Meeting is April 4, 2012 at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Courtney Croteau
Land Use Board Administrator
Minutes Approved: April 4, 2012
Corrections: none
Minutes Approved: April 4, 2012
Planning Board
March 7, 2012
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