AP EURO: LECTURE OUTLINE pp. 588-592 THE IDEOLOGIES OF CHANGE: 1. Liberalism 2. Nationalism 3. Socialism LIBERALISM: Liberalism = people should be as free from restraint as possible Two types - economic liberalism and political liberalism Economic liberalism = classical economics 1. Laissez-faire - govt hands off the economy 2. Free market economics - let supply and demand operate freely 3. Government only has three roles to play National defense Law and order Public works/infrastructure 4. In everything else there should be government noninterference Thomas Malthus 1. British economist 2. author of - Essay on the Principles of Population 3. Population will always grow faster than the food supply 4. Govt should not help poor and hungry people because this result in higher pop 5. Misery and poverty are the law of nature David Ricardo 1. British economist 2. Author of - Principles of Political Economy 3. Higher population = lower wages 4. The more people there are the lower wages will go 5. Wages will fall below subsistence level then people will starve and pop will do down and wages up Political liberalism 1. Civil liberties - governments job is to protect these 2. Equality before the law = legal equality 3. Freedom of assembly, speech, the press/freedom from arbitrary arrest 4. Religious toleration/separation of church and state 5. The right to peaceful opposition to the government 6. Representative government and parliaments/legislatures 7. Ministerial responsibility = the king’s minister’s have to answer to the parliament 8. Limited voting rights = only people with property could vote and hold office 9. Constitutions 10. Limited government - usually favored constitutional monarchy * Liberals did not believe in democracy - too dangerous for everyone to have voting rights John Stuart Mill 1. English political philosopher 2. Author of - On Liberty published in 1859 3. The most important advocate of liberalism in the 19 th century 4. Supporter of women’s rights and education for women - wrote On the Subjection of Women NATIONALISM: The most important and powerful new ideology to come out of the 19 th century People are a part of a community - they share 1. Common institutions 2. Common traditions 3. A common language 4. A common culture and customs This community makes up a “nation” - people should be political to their “nation” over all other things The people of a nation should only be ruled by the people of their own nation/each nationality should have its own government Nationalism posed a great threat to multiethnic/multinational empires like the Austrian Empire Nationalism was a threat to the order and balance of power established at the Congress of Vienna Conservatives feared and hated nationalism = it was disruptive Liberals tended to support nationalism - people should rule themselves EARLY SOCIALISM: 1. Equality of social conditions = economic equality 2. Human cooperation was better than competition 3. Early socialists have come to be called - Utopian socialists 4. Against private property 5. Against industrial capitalism and its brutal competitiveness 6. Favored new forms of social organization 7. If society was organized better/more fairly then people would act better Charles Fourier 1. French early/utopian socialist 2. Phalansteries 3. Cooperative/communal living 4. Everyone lives and works together - jobs rotated Robert Owen 1. British cotton manufacturer 2. Factory owner who created model communities which paid workers well, housed and educated them 3. New Lanark in Scotland and New Harmony in Indiana Louis Blanc 1. French utopian socialist 2. Author of - The Organization of Work 3. Social problems could be solved by government assistance 4. Wanted the creation of “workshops” which would be created and financed by the govt but owned and run by the workers themselves Flora Tristan 1. Female utopian socialist 2. Combine socialism and feminism