THURSDAY. 2nd/3rd Period – Prepare for battle! 4th/5th/6th Period Get your clickers Chart Reference 9.3 Notes Random Fact of the Day The average tree in metropolitan area survives only about 8 years! QUESTION 1 One of the overriding principles of the congresses of Aix-la-Chapelle, Troppau, and Verona by Austrian Prime Minister Metternich was A. B. C. D. E. The necessity to implement constitutional reforms to save the monarchs of Europe The need to isolate France and force it to be regular with its indemnity payments How to fairly distribute the spoils of war taken from France at the Congress of Vienna The importance of gaining an agreement on a collective security arrangement from the Great Powers that would stamp out revolutionary uprisings in Europe The necessity of working-class representation in the governments of Europe QUESTION 2 Which of the following was a result of the Decembrist Revolt (1825)? A. B. C. D. E. Greece gained its independence Charles X abdicated the throne and escaped to England Belgium gained its independence Nicholas I crushed all opposition to him and ruled like a tyrant Alexander II freed the serfs LIBERALISM SOMETHING DIFFERENT. 9.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIBERALISM The political outgrowth of the Enlightenment Believe in… Liberty of the individual Equal rights Government should protect natural rights CHARACTERISTICS OF LIBERALISM DON’T BELIEVE IN PURE DEMOCRACY AND UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE Most identify with the bourgeoisie (middle class) Believe voting rights shouldn’t be extended to the lower classes LIBERALISM IN ECONOMICS Economics becomes known as the “dismal science” Adam Smith – Wealth of Nations David Ricardo “iron law of wages” More kids keeps the supply of workers up and wages down Poverty is impossible to remove Thomas Malthus Population vs. food supply CLASSICAL LIBERAL THOUGHT Utilitarianism – Jeremy Bentham Every law should help the greatest amount of people at the greatest possible amount John Stuart Mill – On Liberty (1859) A person should be free as long as it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s freedom Government’s purpose Absolute freedom of opinion to be protected from both government censorship and tyranny of majority IMPACT OF LIBERALISM Revolutionary Movements Written Constitutions Zollverein – 1834 Economic union of 17 German states which eliminated internal tariffs and established free trade Free trade was a liberal idea HOW ABOUT THAT IT’S FRIDAY. 9.3 Notes DBQ Exercise (4th, 5th, 6th) This weekend – 9.4 Podcast Monday – 9.1-9.4 Quiz Random Fact of the Day Most trees are tall. LIBERAL REFORM IN ENGLAND Slow but steady changes… 1820-1830 IN ENGLAND Parliament runs the show, led by Prime Minister Young Tories control the government Reforms (write a few of these) Abandon Concert of Europe Reformed prisons/criminal code Allowed labor unions Established the “Bobbies” Test Act repealed HAD banned non-Anglicans from office Civil rights for Catholics 1830 AND ONWARD Led by Earl Grey, leader of Whigs Develops British national character REFORM BILL OF 1832 Spurred on by a recent cholera epidemic People need more proactive government Provisions Increased number of voters from 6% to 12% Kept a property qualification for the franchise Eliminated rotten boroughs House of Commons > House of Lords PARLIAMENT’S ACTIONS Factory Act of 1833 Limitations on working hours Destroyed pattern of families working together Mines Act of 1842 No kids in mines Factory Act of 1847 No boys/women in factory over ten hours CHARTISM – UNION IN POLITICS Political movement in England which fights for democracy among all people Six Points Movement fails but all measures will eventually be adopted OTHER PARLIAMENTARY THINGS Corn Laws repealed in 1846 Navigation Laws repealed in 1849 All goods had to be brought in to England with British ships The official end to mercantilism BIG POINT: BECAUSE OF THESE SMALL BUT STEADY CHANGES, THERE WAS LIMITED INTERNAL UNREST IN ENGLAND FROM 1820-1850, UNLIKE THE REST OF THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE