the university of texas at el paso

College of Education
Department of Teacher Education
TED 3330 (25770): Communities and Schools in Partnership
Spring 2007
Marian Manor Elementary School
8300 Forrest Haven CT (434-3600 ext 6 Library)
Mondays: 12 noon to 2:50 p.m.
Instructor: Ken Ducré
To make appointments:
Send e-mail to: WebCT
or leave a message at: Office of the Department of Teacher Education
Main Office: Room 601: Phone: 747-5426
This Course explores key issues of the philosophical and theoretical foundations of critical
pedagogy and focuses on preparing teachers to develop a critical understanding of everyday realities
of public schools. Students will examine and discuss intersecting issues of culture, leadership,
diversity in curriculum, the sociopolitical context of public education, and community partnership
formation. Students will critique school cultures which may present barriers to access and equity,
and explore strategies for change.
Collection of Articles which can be purchased at the Copy Center (lower level of UTEP
Library, first floor). Ask for packet for Ken Ducre's course: TED 3330.
Jonathan Kozol. (2000) Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope. New
York: Crown Publishers.
Shirley, Dennis. (1997) Community Organizing for Urban School Reform. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
Course Objectives:
Create linkages between theory and practice as they build your experience.
Engage in meaningful debate on the relationship between power and knowledge
and how this relationship constructs our educational system.
Explore the environments and the culture of schools and the role of community
and parental engagement.
Develop and understanding of the role of all the stakeholders in public education
as part of the necessary conversations and actions for promoting education reform.
Identify your own attitudes and values (ideologies).
Explore the pedagogical and democratic principles of equity, respect and
appreciation of all groups as part of the context of democratic learning.
Write and present material in a rigorous, critical voice.
Contribute your engaging insights to class discussion based on reading
Enact the practices of a democratic classroom in our class.
TExES: Texas Examinations of Educator Standards
TExES Standards Incorporation: Class activities and assignments use the best practice methods
that support the competencies from the TExES Standards. Discussions will focus on how the lesson/
activity/ assignment addresses the competencies that support best practice while also providing preservice teachers insight into questions that may appear on TExES.
TExES Elementary Professional Development Standards
(Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards)
* Standard I: The teacher designed instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an
understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.
Students, Content and Pedagogy, Selection of Instructional Goals and Objectives
Resources, Designing Coherent Instruction, Assessment of Student Learning
* Standard II. The teacher creates a classroom environment of respect and rapport that fosters a
positive climate for learning, equity, and excellence.
Creating an Environment of respect and Rapport, Establishing an Environment for Learning and
Excellence, Managing Classroom Procedures, Managing Student Behavior, Maintaining a Physical
and Emotional Environment that is Safe and Productive
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
* Standard III. The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that
makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage
students in the learning process, and timely, high-quality feedback.
Communication, Engaging Students in Learning, Providing Feedback to Students,
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
* Standard IV. The teacher fulfills professional roles and responsibilities and adheres to legal and
ethical requirements of the profession.
Interacting and Communicating with Families, Interacting with Other Educators and Contributing to
the School and District, Continuing Professional Development,
Legal and Ethical Requirements and the Structure of Education in Texas
To demonstrate the incorporation of standards student will be practicing teaching using a
constructivist and a multicultural curriculum designed to provide successful learning experiences
for all the children. Through this actual classroom teaching experience, student will be practicing
concepts from all four standards listed above with particular emphasis on issues related to their field
experiences in schools/communities and critical pedagogy.
Course Requirements
Class Participation and Attendance: This course is in a "seminar" format. Students
are expected to participate actively in this course. Readings will be assigned
throughout the semester either from the required texts or from handouts so that the
student will be informed on the topics presented during class sessions. The quality of
the discussions will be enhanced by the comments and insights that each
participating student brings to the discussion. Each student will be held accountable
for the reading assignments and this will be a component in assessing the student's
participation in the course.
Class participation begins with the actual attendance of the student. So attendance
in class is mandatory. Each student is expected to come to class on time and stay
for the duration of the class session as prescribed for the course. It is recognized
that a student may need to be absent from class due to illness, a certain personal
circumstance, or “official” university activity, and so student may take up to two (2)
class sessions to attend to those matters, However, upon the third and fourth absence,
five points will be deducted from the final grade of the student for each of those
absences. Any student absent more than four (4) times can expect to receive a failing
grade for the course. In the event that you will need to be absent from the class due
to an official university activity, you must present the instructor with the appropriate
documentation. The professor takes a narrow view of what constitutes an "official
university activity." If you are absent due to an emergency or for another vital
reason, you must meet with the instructor and present him with a written explanation
(such as a doctor's notice, etc.). All assignments must be turned in prior to any
excused or unexcused absents to receive a grade.
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
2. Reflection Papers. There will be a reading assignment given for each class session to
engage the class in discussion and to bring focus to class session activities. Prior to
coming to class, each student is to write a reflection paper on the reading assignment
based on the guide available on the course WebCT. The student is to write the reflection
using MS Word and submit it to the course WebCT as an attachment to e-mail using the
mail function of WebCT. All reflection papers are to be submitted no later than 6:00
p.m. on the Thursday prior to class. No late reflection papers will be accepted for a
grade. Please refer to A Guide for Reflection Papers in WebCT for the writing and
grading rubrics for your reflection papers.
3. Community and Schools Activity. Each student has a choice of three options for
completing an activity to enhance his/her understanding of how everyday realities and
circumstances challenge the success of schools working with children or the success of
students in schools. Students may choose an option that best suits his interests, available
time, or disposition. The options are as follows:
Option A: Research Paper: A student may choose to write a research paper which
serves as an instrument for developing an understanding about how a community might
approach a particular issue confronting public education. This paper would include ideas
of how the school and the community might work as partners in resolving the
challenging issue. Throughout the semester the students will develop and complete
various components of the research paper and turn them into the course WebCT to be
evaluated or graded. At a designated time students will be required to make a class
presentation regarding his/her findings and ideas. Please refer to A Guide for Writing a
Research Paper in WebCT for an explanation of the required components for submitting
a research paper and grading rubric.
OPTION B: Service Learning. through the Center for Civic Engagement. Through
“service learning” students become aware of the needs of people within the greater
community and how those needs are vestiges of issues, problem, policies, and concerns
that impact the quality of life here in El Paso. Through service learning, students can
understand how the lived realities of people impact our schools and the children who
attend them, and for the purposes of this course, service learning can enhance our
understanding of how teachers can be better reflective caring practitioners responding to
the whole person. Service learning can bring to light how teachers can teach in ways that
are more relevant with respect to the lived experience of children and their families.
Students choosing to do his/her service learning are expected to declare their intent to
participate in this program by January 29, 2007 by sending notice of the same to WebCT
by midnight. Students should make contact with the Center for Civic Engagement and
the agency he/she wishes to work with as soon as possible. The training period for the
program is between January 26 and February 10, 2007. Signing up in this program is a
serious commitment and students are expected to act professionally by completing the
training and all service hours. Your professor, the Center for Civic Engagement, and the
particular agency are counting on you to do your best. For more information, contact the
Center for Civic Engagement by going to Benedict Hall, Room 103, or calling 747-7969.
You can also find information on their website at You
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
may also register online at that website. Requirements for the Center for Civic
Engagement include the following:
Register for the program online at:
Training, which takes place between January 26 to February 10, 2007
20 to 22 hours of Service Learning Hours
Reflection Session on April 21, 2007
Submission of completed Paper Work by May 3, 2007 b7 5:00 p.m.
In addition to those requirements students must provide the following for the course:
o Send an e-mail to WebCT declaring that you wish to participate in service
learning by February 5, 2007
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part A by
February 5, 2007 or as soon as you begin your training
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part B by
April 2, 2007
o Prepare a class presentation (presentations begin April 16, 2007)
guidelines for presentations will be developed during the semester
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part C and
your Service Log by April 23, 2007
OPTION C: Service Learning through the Praxis Program. Through “service
learning” students become aware of the needs of people within the greater community
and how those needs are vestiges of issues, problem, policies, and concerns that impact
the quality of life here in El Paso. Through service learning, students can understand
how the lived realities of people impact our schools and the children who attend them,
and for the purposes of this course, service learning can enhance our understanding of
how teachers can be better reflective caring practitioners responding to the whole person.
Service learning can bring to light how teachers can teach in ways that are more relevant
with respect to the lived experience of children and their families. There are three easy
steps for students choosing this option:
o Select the agency with which you would like to volunteer
o Call the contact person at the agency immediately, identify yourself as PRAXIS
volunteer, and arrange an interview or orientation time. Get the volunteer
supervisors signature.
o Fill out the PRAXIS enrollment form completely and turn it in to PRAXIS
Office Vowell Hall 312 (across Education Building, next to Old Main, back
entrance) You can download an enrollment form at
For more information call 747-5326
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
Requirements for the Praxis program include the following:
o Filling out the Praxis enrollment form (directions above)
o Having completed the enrollment process by February 13, 2007
o Participate in a one (1) hour reflection session between 11am -4pm University
Suite 312 (Union East) either on Thursday, March 29 or Friday, March 30
o Complete Praxis hour by April 27, 2007
In addition to those requirements students must provide the following for the course:
o Send an e-mail to WebCT declaring that you wish to participate in service
learning by January 29, 2007
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part A by
January 29, 2007 or as soon as you begin your training
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part B by
April 2, 2007
o Prepare a class presentation (presentations begin April 16, 2007)
guidelines for presentations will be developed during the semester
o Fill out and submit to WebCT the Service Learning Profile: Part C and
your Service Log by April 23, 2007
All assignments are to be turned in on time. Please refer to the class schedule for the dates that
reading and other assignments are due. All assignments are to be typed in MS Word and submitted
to the course WebCT as an attachment to e-mail.
Reflection Papers
30% of Grade
Community and School Activity
60% of Grade
Class Presentation
10% of Grade
Grading Scale:
93 to 100
86 to 92
70 to 85
60 to 69
59 or below
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
o Monday, January 29, 2007 -- Declaration of Community and School Project due to WebCT,
Enrollment in Service Learning Project, Submission of Service Learning Profile: Part A to
o Monday, February 5, 2007 – Topic Proposals for Research Paper submitted to WebCT
o Monday, February 26, 2007 -- Annotated Listing of 10 Academic Sources for Research
Topic due in electric format, written in MS Word and sent to WebCT
o Monday, March 5, 2007 -- Research Statement and Outline due in electric format, written in
MS Word and sent to WebCT
o Thursday, March 29, 2007 -- Must attend Mandatory one hour Reflection Session Between
11am -4pm University Suite 312 (Union East) Either on Thursday, March 29 or Friday,
March 30
o Monday, April 2, 2007 – For those under Option A: Research Papers due in electric format,
written in MS Word and sent to WebCT; For those under Options B and C: Service
Learning Profile: Part B is due, written in MS Word and sent to WebCT
o Monday, April 16, 2007 – Class Presentations Begin;
o Saturday, April 21, 2007 -- For those under Option B: Reflection Session
o Monday, April 23, 2007 -- Service Learning Log and Profile: Part C is due, written in MS
Word and sent to WebCT
o Thursday, May 3, 2007 – For those under Option B: Paperwork due to Office of Center for
Civic Engagement
o Saturday, May 12, 2007 – Graduation
Readings and other assignments are expected to be completed on due dates.
Each student is expected to participate in and complete each portion of the course.
Not completing any portion of the course will result in a failing grade.
Students with disabilities: If you have or believe to have a disability, you may
wish to self-identify. You can do so by providing documentation to the Office of
Disabled Student Services located in the UTEP Union. If you have a condition,
which may affect your ability to exit safely from the premises in an emergency or
which may cause an emergency during class, you are encouraged to discuss this in
confidence with the instructor and/ or the director of the Disabled Student
Services. You may call 747-5148 for general information about the American
with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Absences. In the event that it is necessary for you to be absent. Please discuss this
matter with the instructor before the fact. So that your absence will be recorded as
"excused." Unexcused absences will result in lowering your grade. Frequent
absences may result in your failing the course.
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007
Incomplete Grades. Each student is expected to complete all assignments. An
incomplete will only be considered if the student was passing when an extreme
circumstance occurs, such as a documented illness or family crisis.
Please turn off cell phones and beepers during class times.
Loma Terrace Elementary, Tuesdays, Spring 2007