French I - Comal Independent School District

Comal Independent School District
Communications Applications
Scope and Sequence
French I: First Quarter
Foundational Topic
Leçons Préliminaires
-To greet people
-To say good-bye to people
-To ask people how they are
-To ask and tell names
-To give one’s age and origin
-To express simple courtesies
-To ask for and give the day of
the week
-To ask for and give the date
-To ask for and give the
-To count from 0-60
-To ask for and give the time
-To recognize basic
geographical features of France
Chapitre 1:
Une amie et un ami
-To ask or tell what someone is
-To ask or tell where someone
is from
-To ask or tell who someone is
-To describe yourself or
someone else
-To recognize where
Martinique, Tunisia and the la
Côte d’Ivoire are located and
their capitals
-To recognize who Henri de
Toulouse –Lautrec was as well
as his style of painting
-To recognize major
monuments in Paris
TEKS Statement
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01C.01: Student present information using
familiar words to listeners.
02.A.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the practices of the
cultures studied.
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
-To say hello, good-bye to adults and
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.04: Students engage in
written exchanges of learned material to
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.04: Students present information
using familiar words to readers.
03.B.01: Students use the language to
obtain knowlegde of other subject areas.
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowlegdge of other subject areas.
04.A: Students demonstrate un
-To introduce oneself and ask for
someone’s name
-To recognize and recall the days of
the week, months of the year, and
-To say what time it is and at what
time a particular event takes place
-To give appropriate weather
conditions for each season
-To use please, thank you and you’re
welcome in the appropriate
-To recognize and give the location of
major rivers, mountains and
surrounding countries of France
-To use common descriptive
adjectives to describe oneself and
-To make adjectives agreement in
gender with nouns
-To say where one is from
-To use the appropriate definite and
indefinite articles with nouns
-To conjugate the verb être in the
present tense
-To make a verb negative
-To understand who Henri de
Toulouse-Lautrec was
-To locate Martinique, Tunisia and
the Côte d’Ivoire and their capitals on
the map
-To understand the influence of
France on Africa and the Caribbean
-To recognize and understand the
significance of the major monuments
in Paris.
Textbook (TB), Technology
(TA), Other (OT)
Textbook: Bon Voyage I pages 1-15
CD program: CD #1
Teacher Made oral activities, short
translations and listening activities
5 weeks
Textbook: Bon Voyage I pages 16-41
Workbook : pages 1-10
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and listening
CD program : CD #2
Transparencies: 1.2-1.5, P1, C1
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 1
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
04.C.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the influence of one
language on another.
05.B.01: Students show evidence of
becoming a lifelong learner by using the
language for personal enrichment.
Comal Independent School District
Communications Applications
Scope and Sequence
French I: Second Quarter
Chapitre 2:
Les profs et
les cours
Foundational Topic
TEKS Statement
-To describe people and things
-To talk about more than one
person or thing
-To tell what subjects you take
in school and express some
opinions about them
-To count from 60-100
-To talk about one’s schedule
at school
-To speak to people formally
and informally
-To talk about French-speaking
people in the United States
-To give the location of Haiti,
the languages spoken there and
its capital.
-To understand where French is
spoken in Canada
-To compare and constrast the
school system in the U.S. and
in France
-To recognize the location and
significance of the major cities
of France
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.C.01: Students present information
using familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
02.A.02: Students demonstrate an
understanding of how practices are related
to the perspectives of the cultures studied.
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowledge of other subject areas.
04.A: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
05.B.01: Students show evidence of
becoming a lifelong learner by using the
language for personal enrichment.
-To talk about teachers and classes –
describing them using descriptive
-To say what classes one is taking
and give the time for them
-To count in French from 60-100.
-To say what kind of student one is in
different classes.
-To use the plural forms of
definite/indefinite articles, nouns,
pronouns and adjectives
-To conjugate être in the present tense
-To use the subject pronouns “tu” and
“vous” in the appropriate
-To understand the French influence
in the U.S. and Canada.
-To locate Haiti and its capital on the
map and say what languages are
spoken there
-To give similiarities and differences
between the French and American
school systems
-To locate major cities of France on a
map, giving at least one fact about
each one
Textbook (TB), Technology
(TA), Other (OT)
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages
Workbook: pages 11-18
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #3
Transparencies: B2.1-2.8, V 2.12.5,
P2, C2
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 2
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
3-4 weeks
Chapitre 3
Pendant et
après les cours
-To talk about what you do in
-To talk about what you and
your friends do after school
-To identify and shop for
school supplies
-To talk about what you don’t
-To tell what you and others
like and don’t like to do
-To count from 100-1000 and
-To understand how France is
divided and the significance of
some of the most well-known
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.01: Students present information using
familiar words to listeners.
01.C.02: Students present information using
familiar phrases to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.04: Students present information
using familiar words to readers.
01.C.05: Students present information
using familiar phrases to readers
02.A.01: Students demonstrate an
understanding of the practices of the
cultures studied.
02.B.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the products of the
cultures studied.
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowledge of other subject
05.A.02: Students use the language
beyond the school setting through
activities such as participating in cultural
events and using technology to
Chapitre 4:
La famille et
la maison
-To talk about your family
-to describe your home and
-to tell your age and find out
someone else’s age
-to tell what belongs to you and
-to describe more people and
-to talk about families and
homes in French-speaking
05.B.01: Students show evidence of
becoming a lifelong learner by using the
language for personal enrichment
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
-To say what everyday activites one
does before, during and after school
-To say what school supplies one uses
and buys for different classes.
-To count in French from 100 to 1000
and how to form the higher numbers
-To give the price of various school
-To conjugate regular –er verbs in the
present tense.
-To use the expression “pas de” with
negative structures
-To use a two-verb structure with
aimer, détester and adorer and
another verb in the infinitive form
-To correctly pronounce the /é/ and
-To compare and constrast work
habits of French and American
-To recognize what types of music
French teenager like
-To locate the provinces of Alsace,
Lorraine, ???????????????????on the
map giving importance details about
each one.
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages
Workbook: pages 19-28
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #4
Transparencies: B3.1-3.8, V3.1—
P3, C3
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 3
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
3-4 weeks
-To give the name, age, description
and relationship of members of one’s
-To talk about birthday parties
-To describe one’s house – inside and
out, including rooms and other
-To give and describe the location of
one’s house
-To conjugate the verb avoir in the
present tense
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages
Workbook: pages 29-38
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #5
Transparencies: B4.1-4.7, V4.14.5,
P4, C4
Situation Cards
3-4 weeks
-To understand the historical
significance of the life of
Marie-Antoinette, her husband
Louis XVI and their role in the
French Revolution
-To understand significant
historial events and people in
French history
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.01: Students present information using
familiar words to listeners.
01.C.02: Students present information using
familiar phrases to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.05: Students present information
using familiar phrases to readers
01.C.06: Students present information
using familiar sentences to readers.
02.A.01: Students demonstrate an
understanding of the practices of the
cultures studied.
03.A.01: Students use resources in the
language being studied to gain access to
03.A.02: Students use resources in the
culture being studied to gain access to
03.B.01: Students use the language to
obtain knowledge of other subject areas.
-To recognize expressions that use
avoir as the base verb
-To use possessive adjectives to show
-To use the preposition “de” in the
long possessive structure
-To use the correct forms of “beau”,
“nouveau” and “vieux” to agree with
-To correctly pronounce the /ã/ in
-To understand the different types of
housing that is available and common
in France and in the French-speaking
-To understand the historical
significance of
DVD program: Episode 4
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
04.A: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
05.B.01: Students show evidence of
becoming a lifelong learner by using the
language for personal enrichment
05.B.02: Students use the language
beyond the school setting through
activities such as participating in cultural
events and using technology to
Comal Independent School District
Communications Applications
Scope and Sequence
French I: Third Quarter
Chapitre 5:
Au restaurant
et au café
Foundational Topic
TEKS Statement
-To order food or beverage at a
café or restaurant
-To tell where you and others
-to tell what you and others are
going to do
-To give locations
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
-To ask for specific food and/or drink
items in a café using all common
courtesy expressions
-To recognize common food and
beverages sold in cafés
-To recognize the items in a place
Textbook (TB), Technology
(TA), Other (OT)
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages
Workbook: pages 43-54
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #6
4 -5weeks
-To tell what belongs to you
and others
-To describe activities in and
around a café or restaurant
-To compare eating habits in
the U.S. , France and the
French-speaking world
-To compare and constrast
cafés and restaurants in France
and the U.S.
-To recognize major French
artists and writers and their
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.01: Students present information using
familiar words to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.04: Students present information
using familiar words to readers
01.C.06: Students present information
using familiar sentences to readers.
02.A.01: Students demonstrate an
understanding of the practices of the
cultures studied.
03.A.01: Students use resources in the
language being studied to gain access to
03.A.02: Students use resources in the
culture being studied to gain access to
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowledge of other subject
-To conjugate the verb aller in the
present tense
-To use the verb aller to express
motion and health
-To use aller with an infinitive to
express the near future
-To use the appropriate contractions
with “à” and “de”
-To conjugate the verb prendre and
associated verbs in the present tense
-To compare customs surrounding
French cafés to those of American
-To compare and contrast American
and French meal patterns and eating
-To understand the significan of
major French writers and artists
Transparencies: B5.1-5.8 V5.15.5, P5, C5
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 5
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
-To identify food items sold in the
different speciality shops or parts of
the grocery store
-To have exchanges with the “clerk”
in order to purchase different food
items using all of the common
courtesy expressions
-To request a specific quantity of an
-To conjugate faire in the present
-To recognize and use expressions
that use faire as the base verb
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages
Workbook: pages 55-64
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #7
Transparencies: B6.1-6.9, V6.16.5, P6, C6
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 6
Marathon Mental
04.A.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
04.C.02: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the influence of one
culture on another.
05.B.02: Students use the language
beyond the school setting through
activities such as participating in cultural
events and using technology to
Chapitre 6:
La nourriture
et les courses
-To identify a variety of foods
sold in supermarkets and open
air markets
-To shop for food
-to tell what you and others are
-To ask for the quantity you
-To talk about what you and
other don’t have
-To tell what you and others are
able or want todo
-To talk about French food-
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
4 -5weeks
shopping customs
-To compare and contrast the
American and French grocery
experience by recognizing the
different types of stores
-To recognize the signficance
of major French scientists and
their achievments
-To understand metric
measurements that relate to
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.01: Students present information using
familiar words to listeners.
01.C.02: Student present informationusing
familiar phrases to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.04: Students present information
using familiar words to readers
01.C.06: Students present information
using familiar sentences to readers.
02.A.01: Students demonstrate an
understanding of the practices of the
cultures studied.
03.A.01: Students use resources in the
language being studied to gain access to
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowledge of other subject
04.A.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
04.C.02: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the influence of one
culture on another.
05.A.02: Students use the language beyond
the sschool setting through activities such as
particpating in cultural events and using
technology to communicate.
05.B.02: Students use the language
beyond the school setting through
activities such as participating in cultural
events and using technology to
-To compare and contrast the use of
the three types of articles: definite,
indefinite and partitive
-To change the partitive articles to
“de” when the verb is negative
-To conjugate the verbs vouloir and
pouvoir in the present tense.
-To use vouloir and pouvoir with
nouns and other verbs (infinitives)
-To pronounce the /oé/ and /oè/
-To recognize the differences in the
different types of stores
-To compare and contrast how
Americans and French shop for food
-To understand the contributions of
French scientists to the world.
-To understand how the metric
system works in food shopping
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
Comal Independent School District
Communications Applications
Scope and Sequence
French I: Fourth Quarter
Foundational Topic
TEKS Statement
Chapitre 7 :
Les Vêtements
-To identify and describe
articles of clothing
-To state color and size
preferences and needs
-To shop for clothing
-To compare people and things
-To express opinions and make
-To discuss clothes and clothes
shopping in the Frenchspeaking world
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.01: Students present information using
familiar words to listeners.
01.C.02: Student present informationusing
familiar phrases to listeners.
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
01.C.04: Students present information
using familiar words to readers
-To identify articles of clothing using
the appropriate articles
-To describe clothing using common
descriptive adjectives
-To make adjectives agree with the
nouns they modify
-To talk about how clothes fit
-To conjugate mettre and associated
verbs in the present tense
-To compare two items or people
using the comparative structure
-To conjugate voir and croire in the
present tense
-To pronounce /sh/ and /zh/ corrrectly
-To identify the different types of
clothing stores and compare them to
American stores
-To compare and contrast American
and European clothing sizes
01.C.05: Students present information
using familiar phrases to readers
02.B.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the products of the
cultures studied.
02.B.02: Students demonstrate un
understanding of how products are
related to the perspectives of the cultures
03.A.02: Students use resources in the
cultures being studied to gain access to
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowledge of other subject
04.B.: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the concept of culture
through comparisons of the student’s own
culture and the cultures studied.
04.A.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
Textbook (TB), Technology
(TA), Other (OT)
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages 218-247
Workbook: pages 65-74
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #8
Transparencies: B7.1-7.8, V7.17.5, P7, C8
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 7
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test
4-5 weeks
05.B.02: Students use the language
beyond the school setting through
activities such as participating in cultural
events and using technology to
Chapitre 8
L’aéroport et
-To check in for a flight
-To talk about some services
aboard the plane
-To talk activities that take
place in the airport, at the gate
and on board
-To discuss air travel in France
-To talk about groups of people
-To ask questions using quel
01.A.01: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to socialize.
01.A.02: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to provide information.
01.A.03: Students engage in oral exchanges
of learned material to obtain information.
01.A.04: Students engage in
written exchanges of learned material to
01.A.05: Students engage in written
exchanges of learned material to provide
01.B.01 Students demonstrate
understanding of simple slearly spoken
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics.
01.B.02: Students demonstrate
understanding of simple clearly written
language such as simple stories, high
frequency commands, and brief instructions
when dealing with familiar topics
01.C.02: Students present information
using familiar phrases to listeners
01.C.03: Students present information using
familiar sentences to listeners.
03.A.01: Students use resources in the
language being studied to gain access to
03.A.02: Students use resources in the
cultures being studied to gain access to
03.B.01: Students use the language to
obtain knowlegde of other subject areas.
03.B.02: Students use the language to
reinforce knowlegdge of other subject areas.
03.B.03: students use the language to
expand knowledge of other subject areas.
04.A: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the nature of language
through comparisons of the student’s
language and the language studied.
04.C.01: Students demonstrate un
understanding of the influence of one
language on another.
05.B.01: Students show evidence of
becoming a lifelong learner by using the
language for personal enrichment.
-To go through the steps for an entire
trip from getting a passport to
arriving at one’s destination
-To conjugate common –ir and –re
verbs in the present tense
-To use the adjective “tout” in all
forms in the appropriate structure
-To use the interrogative adjective
“quel” in the correct form to ask
-To conjugate the irregular verbs
sortr, partir, dormir and servir in the
present tense
Textbook: Bon Voyage 1 pages 258-289
Workbook: pages 79-86
Teacher made oral activites,
worksheets/translations and
listening activities
CD program : CD #9
Transparencies: B8.1-8.7, V8.18.5, P8, C9
Situation Cards
DVD program: Episode 8
Marathon Mental
Testing Program:
quizzes and chapiter tests
reading/writing test
listening comprehension test
speaking test