Science Materials -Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of

PSHCE – Going for Goals
-To identify goals and how to achieve them.
-To know how to deal with frustration.
-To identify how to make changes to a goal in order to be
Fire Safety
Use the fire pit to explore fire safety and to create a mood
for creative writing –poems etc.
-Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of
everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic,
glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular
-Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from
some materials can be changed by squashing, bending,
twisting and stretching.
-Working scientifically (Key stage 1)
Seasonal changes
-Observe changes across the 4 seasons
-Observe and describe weather associated with the
seasons and how day length varies
Physical Education
-Perform dances using simple movement patterns
These sessions will be with a dance coach.
-Practice ball skills with a range of balls- football,
basketball and hockey balls.
-Practice their throwing, catching and dribbling skills.
-Build up the skills they will need to play invasion games.
RE- Judiasm (orthodox)
To know about the Torah
-About the Jewish holy book (the Torah), what it is and why it is
special to Jews
-About the way the Torah is treated and what this shows about
Jewish beliefs
-To explore what is of value in their own lives and to identify a
book that is important to them
-About the content of the Torah and that it teaches Jewish
people how to live
-To consider how they know how to behave, and to reflect on
words from the Torah which give guidance for living
-About how a Torah scroll is made and what this shows about its
importance for Jews
-To appreciate the care that goes into making something beautiful
-About the festival of Passover
Spring Term 1
Year 2
Fire, fire, fire
Fire of London/Fire of Newcastle
-Learning about the fire and the causes.
-Learning about how the people were affected
in the fire.
-Studying the Samuel Peeps diary.
-Compare with the Great fire of Newcastle
-Changes within living memory and events
beyond living memory that are significant
nationally or globally
-About the lives of significant individuals in the
past who have contributed to national and
international achievements
-About significant historical events, people and
places in their own locality.
Fire of London/Fire of Newcastle
-To sing songs related to fire and sing in a
-To make up own song with instruments linked
to Fire of London.
fire, fire, fire
-Look at work of different artists based on the
Great Fire of London – which do they prefer and
-Use paint and pastels to make pictures of the
Great fir of London.
-Discuss differences and preferences
Fire of London/Fire of Newcastle
-Use 2animate to make a Fire.
-Make a presentation on Edu creations APP.
-Use logo
-Introduction to algorithms.
-To be able to say how old they are.
-To say numbers 1-10 then 15-20.
-To say where they live.
-To name common classroom objects.
-Sing songs.
-Listen and respond to instructions.
Design Technology
Fire of London/Fire of Newcastle
-Investigate moving vehicles
-Design and make a fire truck
-Evaluate their work