Philosophy session 4-based on the painting ‘The Scream’ Learning Objectives/aims: -To ask open or philosophical questions that you would like to discuss. -To share your thoughts with the class. -To explain why you believe something. Success criteria Did I think of an open or philosophical question? Did I share my thoughts with the class? Resources Philosophy Journals pencils-one for each child SB docIntroduction Read out the LO and SC Follow SB doc page 2 which explains about closed/open and Philosophical questions. The painting ‘Weeping Woman’ by Picasso is used as the example to explain the difference between types of questions. Presenting the stimulus On the SB read the instructions to the children on page 3. Then show the painting. Discuss briefly without telling them what the picture is called etc but discuss their initial reactions to the painting. Responding to the stimulus Ask the children to individually or in pairs think of questions they would like to ask about the painting and illustrate their pictures. Teacher to ask children to come up and tell the teacher their favourite question to write on the sheet. Voting on the question to discuss in the next session. Ask the children to vote for one question but they can’t vote for their own. Dialogue Start the discussion by asking the child who thought of the question to say what they think the answer might be. Encourage the children to justify their answers and give examples from real life, perhaps from their own experiences. Ask questions such as Why do you think that? Can you explain a bit more about this... Does anyone else agree/disagree? Does anyone have a different idea? Does anyone else feel like that sometimes? Why do you think people can feel like this? What does it mean to be angry/scared/sad? Have a discussion based on the question that was voted on. Perhaps begin by asking the child whose question was chosen what they think. closure/plenary Can the children think of some homework questions with the children related to the discussion. (If they can’t the teacher can think of one later) Show the children the funny versions of ‘The Scream’ on the SB doc.