Psychology 1230-001
Study Guide #3: Chapter 3 and Lectures 5 & 6
Fall 2005
Chapter #3:
1. Androgen is to male as _______________ is to female.
A) estradiol
B) testosterone
C) estrogen
D) hormone
E) gonadotropin
2. Adolescents' sexual maturation and the development of their reproductive system during puberty
is called
A) menarche.
B) spermarche.
C) adrenarche.
D) gonadarche.
E) endocrinarche.
3. Omitted
4. Girls experience the growth spurt about
A) 1 year before boys do.
B) 2 years before boys do.
C) the same time as boys do.
D) 1 year after boys do.
E) 2 years after boys do.
5. Which of the following male pubertal characteristics usually develops first?
A) increase in penis and testicle size
B) facial hair growth
C) growth spurt
D) first ejaculation
E) minor voice change
6. Which statement concerning body image is NOT true?
A) During puberty, girls generally have more negative body images than boys do.
B) As puberty progresses, boys become more satisfied with their bodies.
C) Increases in muscle may relate to girls' body images during puberty.
D) As puberty progresses, girls become more dissatisfied with their bodies.
E) Both boys and girls become preoccupied with their body images during adolescence
7. Simmons and Blyth found that, in the 10th grade, late-maturing girls were more satisfied than
early-maturing girls with their body image. Why might this be?
A) They are able to excel at athletics.
B) They appreciate the changes in body type.
C) Their bodies have caught up to their minds.
D) They are likely to resemble the American ideal of a tall, thin body.
E) all of these.
Psychology 1230 (Hartmann)
Study Guide #3, p. 2 of 5
8. A longitudinal study involving MRIs of children's and adolescents' brains has shown that
A) the overall size of the brain increases greatly from early childhood to adolescence.
B) rapid spurts of growth only rarely occur in the brain.
C) main patterns of organization within the brain develop by age 4, and these patterns remain
relatively stable over time.
D) in some areas, the amount of brain material can double in a year.
E) although there is large variation in brain organization between individuals, there is little
variation within individuals over time.
9. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) During adolescence new neurons are generated in the brain.
B) Rats living in enriched environments were found to have more neural connections than
rats living in deprived environments.
C) When comparing childhood brain injuries to adolescent brain injuries, recovery of
cognitive function is equally high for both age groups.
D) A person can live a relatively normal life even if one hemisphere of the brain is removed.
E) There is no neuroscience evidence for a critical period for learning.
10. Which of the following is NOT a concern about the diet of most American adolescents?
A) They eat too much fat.
B) They eat too few whole grains.
C) They eat too little protein.
D) They eat too few vegetables and fruits.
E) Their food is low in energy value.
11. What is the estimate for the percentage of American adolescents who are obese?
A) 8
B) 15
C) 25
D) 40
E) 50
12. Which of the following statements about adolescents and exercise is TRUE?
A) Male and female adolescents in the United States exercise about the same amount per
B) U.S. adolescents in grades 10 and 12 are more likely to exercise than are adolescents in
grade 9.
C) U.S. adolescents exercise more than adolescents in most other countries.
D) About 20% of U.S. adolescents participate in school physical education classes at least
once per week.
E) Adolescents in 2001 exercised slightly more than adolescents did in 1987.
13. Coach Lee wants his players to develop a mastery motivation. Which of the following is he most
likely to encourage his players to focus on?
A) performing better than others
B) winning
C) improving their soccer skills
D) getting public recognition for their team
E) all of these
14. Seth is an 11th grader and always sleeps through his 7:30 A.M. class. Kaia, a 6th grader, generally
is alert and awake during her 7:30 A.M. class. According to sleep researcher Mary Carskadon, the
difference in wakefulness between Seth and Kaia is most likely due to
A) Seth having more homework than Kaia.
B) Kaia having fewer friends than Seth with which to socialize.
C) hormonal changes associated with gender.
D) hormonal changes associated with age.
E) all of these
Psychology 1230 (Hartmann)
Study Guide #3, p. 3 of 5
15. Why do adolescents often become stressed and anxious, according to Csikszentmihalyi and
A) Natural selection has perpetuated these traits in adolescents.
B) Current societies don't allow the expression of traits that evolution has programmed into
C) Environmental toxins have caused genetic damage in children and adolescents.
D) There has been a breakdown in the shared environmental influences adolescents
E) These behaviors have become adaptive in current societies.
16. Which of the following statements regarding fraternal twins is TRUE?
A) They are no more genetically alike than are nontwin siblings.
B) They are invariably of the same sex.
C) They develop from a single fertilized egg.
D) They are more genetically similar than monozygotic twins.
E) all of these
17. Adoption studies have shown that, in regard to intelligence (IQ),
A) adopted children are more similar to their adoptive parents than to their biological
B) adopted children are more similar to their biological parents than to their adoptive
C) there is no correlation between adopted children's scores and the scores of their biological
D) adopted children are equally similar to their adoptive and biological parents.
E) children are more similar to their adopted siblings than to their biological parents.
18. Marlene has discovered that she has a real talent for mathematics. Therefore, she decides to join
the math club at school. This is an example of a(n) ______________ genotype-environment
A) active
B) passive
C) evocative
D) reactive
E) supportive
19. An adolescent's own unique experiences, both within and outside the family, that are NOT those
experienced by a sibling are called
A) a reaction range.
B) phenotypes.
C) nonshared environmental influences.
D) evocative genotype-environment correlations.
E) active genotype-environment correlations.
20. Behavior geneticists believe that two siblings in a family may be very different because of
A) nonshared environmental influences.
B) passive genotype-environment correlations.
C) canalization.
D) natural selection.
E) all of these
21. In Judith Harris's book, The Nurture Assumption, she states her controversial belief that
A) parenting is more important than heredity for a child's development.
B) heredity is more important that environment for an individual's development.
C) peers and heredity are far more important than parents for an individual's development.
D) abused children have later problems controlling their emotions.
E) the nature-nurture issue should be abandoned by researchers as a topic for investigation.
Psychology 1230 (Hartmann)
Study Guide #3, p. 4 of 5
Essay Questions
1. Bandura emphasizes the role of self-processes in his theory of behavior. Choose an important
behavior of yours, and describe how self-reflection, self-monitoring, self-standards, selfreinforcement, and self-efficacy relate to that behavior.
2. Indicate how you would explain to a friend that heredity and environment interact in various ways
to produce development. Provide an example of each of the three types of interaction and shared and
nonshared environmental influences that you would use to help your friend understand this concept.
Lectures 5 & 6:
1. Professor Bandura is perhaps best known for
A. The annual Christmas cards he sends to his x-students
B. His ability to bound over tall buildings in a single leap
C. The length and slope of his nose.
D. His duel with Freud over the role of early sexual experiences
E. His social cognitive theory.
2. Bandura’s early theory differs from his later theory in terms of the important role
A. given to learning in the later theory
B. of social contexts in the later, but not the earlier theory
C. of cognitions emphasized in the earlier theory
D. afforded self-processes in the later theory
E. None of the above.
3. Treating language acquisition in a child who enters therapy one morning with the comment “I
don’t want to do this anymore” illustrates the importance of the distinction between
A. Learning and performance
B. Genes and environment
C. Early versus late development
D. Assessment and treatment
E. Freud and Bandura
4. Our expectations for success, called _______________, play an important role in Bandura’s
A. Self-monitoring
B. Self-standard setting
C. Self-reinforcement
D. reflection
E. Efficacy expectations
5. Which one of these individuals does not agree with the rest of the individuals about the role of
media violence on adolescents’ behavior?
A. Plato
B. Lorenz
C. Aristotle
D. Freud
E. All individuals are in general agreement.
6. Which of the following are (is) dangers of the case study?
A. Accuracy of the description (bias or forgetfulness) on the part of the reporter
B. Lying on the part of the individual
C. The question of causality: What causes what?
D. Concerns about generality: Just who would are the results generalizable to?
E. All of the above are dangers of the case study.
Psychology 1230 (Hartmann)
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7. Which of the following is a correlation of modest size that indicates that likes go together?
A. +2.5
B. -4.3
C. +.79
D. +.41
E. -.14
8. The big problem with interpreting correlational (ex post facto) studies is that
A. Individuals often lie about their behavior.
B. Participants are frequently randomly assigned to treatment versus control conditions.
C. Correlation does not imply causation.
D. Any scientist worth his/her salt can get any level of correlation that they want.
E. Correlations are bounded by + 1.0
9. In a true experiment, participants are ____________ assigned to conditions or treatments.
A. Irregularly
B. Randomly
C. Purposively
D. Ineffectually
E. Occasionally
10. Bronfenbrenner’s statement that developmental psychology is “..the science of the strange
behavior of children in strange situations with strange adults,” illustrates his concern with
A. Internal validity
B. Construct validity
C. Communism/Socialism
D. Ecological validity/Generalizability
E. Drug-taking among adolescents.