Orientation Schedule

Health Studies Online Undergraduate First Class Meetings
Spring Semester, 2009
Saturday, January 24th
9:00am – 4:15pm
9:00am – 9:55am
10:00am – 10:45am
*An Introduction to Blackboard and
E-Learning Overview of Blackboard and
its basic and advanced features; keys to
success as an online student; practice
navigating through an online course.
Dr. Lynda Murphy, Director of
Distance Education; Ms. Allison
Peterson, Senior Instructional Design
Specialist, Office of Lifelong Learning
ASB 211
*Using the TWU Library Databases
Presentation on searching TWU online
databases and online journals; review of
APA style; how to avoid plagiarism
Welcome, Overview, Updates, & Door
(For HS UG Online Majors only)
Ms. Stephany Compton, Distance
Education Librarian
ASB 105
Cynthia Johnson & HS Faculty;
Introduction of New Faculty (All
Faculty Present)
ASB 313
11:00am – 11:45am
11:45am – 12:15pm
11:50am – 12:55pm
Course Break Outs
Dr. Lynda Murphy, Director of
*An Introduction to E-Learning and
Blackboard: Overview of Blackboard
Distance Education; Allison Peterson,
and its basic and advanced features; keys
Senior Instructional Designer, Office of
to success as an online student; practice
Lifelong Learning
navigating through an online course.
Ms. Stephany Compton, Distance
*Using the TWU Library Databases
for Research Presentation on searching
Education Librarian
TWU online databases and online
journals; review of APA style; how to
avoid plagiarism.
Dr. Marilyn Massey-Stokes
HS 2813 Cultural Diversity
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Mrs. Alicia Gould
HS 2013 Health Communications
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity *must also
attend e-portfolio lab
Dr. Don Ciulla & Dr. Roger Shipley
HS 4121 Internship Prep
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity *must also
attend e-portfolio lab
Dr. Don Ciulla & Mrs. Alicia Gould
E-Portfolio Lab for HS 2013 & HS
4121 (11:45pm –12:15pm) *required for
all HS 2013 and HS 4121 students
LUNCH-- There will be no advising at this time!!
ASB 211
ASB 105
ASB 203
ASB 204
ASB 204
ASB 203
Pizza Social with HS Faculty and fellow students on ASB 3rd floor.
1:00pm – 1:45pm
Course Break Outs
HS 1371 Intro to Health Education
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 3413 Epidemiology
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Advising Lounge
Advising Lounge
1:50pm – 2:35pm
Dr. Jody Terrell
ASB 201
Dr. Katie Crosslin
ASB 202
Dr. Roger Shipley & Mr. David
Infante/HS Core
Ms. Sonja Widman/TWU Core
ASB 207
ASB 205
Course Break-Outs
HS 3032 Medical Terminology
Dr. Roger Shipley & Laura Morris
ASB 313
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 3053 Community Health
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 3083 Program Evaluation
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Advising Lounge
Advising Lounge
2:40pm – 3:25pm
Ms. Cynthia Johnson
ASB 204
Dr. Susan Cardenas
ASB 203
Dr. Roger Shipley and Mr. David
Infante/HS Core; Dr. Jody Terrell/BAS
ASB 207
Ms. Sonja Widman/TWU Core
ASB 205
Course Break-Outs
HS 1901/1902 Health and Fitness
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 3073 Program Planning
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 4353 Seminar
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Advising Lounge
Advising Lounge
3:30pm – 4:15pm
Ms. Kathalene Harris
ASB 313
Dr. Susan Cardenas
ASB 203
Dr. Kimberly Parker
ASB 202
Dr. Roger Shipley and Mr. David
Infante/HS Core; Dr. Jody Terrell/BAS
Ms. Sonja Widman/TWU Core
ASB 207
ASB 205
Course Break-Outs
HS 3403 Environmental Health &
Safety Education
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
HS 3133 Women’s Health
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Dr. Jody Terrell
ASB 313
Mrs. Michelle Kampschroeder & Ms.
Laura Morris
ASB 203
HS 3443 Health Aspect of Aging
Overview of course and requirements;
introductions; class activity
Dr. Jody Terrell
ASB 313
*Tutorials are mandatory if you are new to Blackboard and online learning. Feel free to attend if you have specific
questions regarding Blackboard and/or the online library.
The Bookstore is open Friday, January 23rd from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and Saturday, January 24th from 10:00 am to 4:00
pm! Please feel free to stop by to purchase your books.
UG Online Program
Contact Information:
Cynthia Johnson–Online Program Director
940.898.2857 or CJohnson2@twu.edu
C. David Infante –Online Program Advisor
940.898.2834 or DInfante@twu.edu