1st Quarter Biology Homework Sheet


Quarter 4: Test #1

Respiratory & Excretory Systems

Biology Textbook Homework Sheet

Ms. Nelson

Your Name (first and last names)

Ms. Nelson



Use the following heading for all homework assignments. Number the definitions.

Do your work in ink or type it. Neatness counts.

Read the assigned pages

Define the vocabulary

Answer the questions with complete sentences

Homework assignments are due on the dates listed. If class is not in session on that day, the homework is due the next day in class. Late homework receives no credit (0). If the assignment is not turned in by the last day of the quarter the zero grade (0) with change to a -5.

HW# Assignment

1 Ch 33: Respiratory Systems

Read pgs. 963-969

Pg. 963 Section 33.3 The Respiratory System (Vocab = 6)


Pg. 969 #1a, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a

Pg. 973-975 #2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Chapter 27 Animal Systems

Read Pages 787-790

Pg. 787 Section 27.2 Respiration (Vocab = 3)


Pg 790 #1a, 1b, 2b, 4

Pg 803 #3, 17

2 Ch 30: Excretory Systems

Read Pages 882-887

Pg. 882 Section 30.4 The Excretory System (Vocab = 10)


Pg. 887 #1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4

Page 891 #2, 4, 7, 9

Chapter 27 Animal Systems

Read Pages 794-798

Pg. 794 Section 27.4 Excretion (Vocab = 4)


Pg 798 #1a, 1b, 2a

Pg 803 #5

Due Date


April 29th


May 6th
