Core Text/artefact/film Poetry Variety of performance poems Talking Tin with recording of performance poem What makes good performance poetry? Topic Table Key Questions: What is recycling? What is your response to the film? Display outcomes English: To perform and review a performance poem Why is important to help save our environment? How do you recycle goods? To write an instructional text on how to make paper (from Visit from Wide Horizons) What do these products make you consider? Is recycling a necessity? Explain your answer? Wall E Topic Table Design (Sketch out what the topic table will look like across the phase) What are some of the effects of not recycling? How does this damage the environment? To write an explanation text on recycling(from Visit from Wide Horizons) To create a rag rug for the class using recycled materials Who would you recommend it for? Explain the message /morale of the story? Maths: Angles on our bodies Key Images: Recycling bins for Greenwich Identify the key themes? Damage caused by fly tipping etc Pictures of Wall E from the film Plant beginning to grow Destitute earth Childen pose in different positions Trace around the bodies identifying the angles which they measure Key Artefacts: Variety of goods made from recycled materials Key Vocabulary: recycling environment, ozone layer, garbage, plant waste, Celebration evening Role Play Area (KS1) Intervention Groups for Spring 2 (Date and brief overview of what learning is to be celebrated) Key dates for Spring 2 (eg: Display deadline) Key Questions: Key Images: Key Artefacts: Key Vocabulary: Key opportunities for active learning: Key Children within the Phase Pupil Premium White British Boys Gifted and Talented Year :3 Year :3 Year : Samuel Da Cruz Sequeira (Almond) Alfie Brown (Almond) Esther Sodeko (Almond) Lennie Bunn(Almond) Acer English: Ruby, Tahjay, Lucy, Shanique, Maja, Isaac, Margaret (level: 4c/b) Callum Berner-Williams (Almond) Kai MacMinn (Almond) Olusesan Osiberu (Almond) Billy Huit (Almond) David Oyeyinka (Almond) Frankie Mcnaboe (Almond) Shabthavi Vimaleswaran (Almond) Freddie Rowlinson (Almond) Dion Wampamba (Almond) Kye James (Almond) Maths: Isaac, Maja, Ruby, Jake, Daniel (1:1) Kayleigh Male (Almond) Halima Aderolu (Almond) Halima Sufi (Almond) Year 4: Suhayibe (Acer) Year4 : Year 4: Marshall (Acer) Jake Burns (Acer) Adaeze (Cypress – for English) Daniel (Acer) Marshall Calverley (Acer) Tayla (Cypress – for English) Ruby (Acer) Lucien Mentessi (Acer) Sydney (Cypress – for English) Walli (Cypress – for Maths) Saffire (Acer) Ellie (Acer) Lucien (Acer) Lilly (Acer) Tahjay (Acer) Joshua (Acer) Mechayeal (Cypress) Sabir (Cypress) Tonie (Cypress) Tayla (Cypress) Lillie-Mae (Cypress) Nikita (Cypress) Mahir (Cypress) Walli (Cypress) Sydney (Cypress) Kieran (Cypress) Tyler (Cypress) Seyda (Cypress) Planning Responsibilities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 W/B 23rd February W/B 2nd March W/B 9th March W/B 9th March W/B 16th March W/B 23th March English: Martha and Rachel English: Martha and Rachel English: Martha and Rachel English: Martha and Rachel English: Martha and Rachel English: Martha and Rachel Maths: Zahra and Sophie Maths: Zahra and Sophie Maths: Zahra and Sophie Maths: Zahra and Sophie Maths: Zahra and Sophie Maths: Zahra and Sophie Science: Danielle Science: Danielle Science: Danielle Science: Danielle Science: Danielle Science: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Humanities: Danielle RE: Danielle Art: Danielle Humanities: Danielle ** Adapt according to subjects be taught over the half term Week 1 Week 2 W/B 23rd February W/B 2nd March Medium Term Planning English Week 3 W/B 9th March Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 W/B 9th March W/B 16th March W/B 23th March Week 2 Model, Quality Writing Outcomes, Edit, Publish Leaflet – why come to Australia? Week 1Inspire, Immerse, Analyse, Generate stage Week 1 and 2 swap due to dates To write instructions on how to make paper Purpose: To write a set of instructions Audience: Year 6 Partner with yr5/6 class to read our instructions Week 2 Model, Quality Writing Outcomes, Edit, Publish Writing a explanation on the journey of a recycled bottle (ICT) visit Week 2 Model, Quality Writing Outcomes, Edit, Publish Performance Poetry Purpose: Audience: Viewpoint: Viewpoint: Writing outcome: Week 1Inspire, Immerse, Analyse, Generate stage Writing outcome: Second week writing outcome Second week writing outcome: Writing outcome: Day 1: To identify the features of performance poetry Day 1: To respond to a stimulus (show lots of examples on youtube – ipads etc. Provide speaking frames) (watching Wall-E clip, giving opinion – for washing line) Day3: Photos of different steps Day2: To generate vocabulary in response to a stimulus Groups to order the necessary steps on sugar paper- clear chronology of each process Day 2: To identify the WMG of performance poetry (perform-apoem website) Day 3: To orally rehearse a performance (starter – nouns) (starter – adjectives) Day3: To structure a poem for performance Day 1: Identifying features of an instructional text- text marking Day2: WMG Information Text/ how to follow instruction origami (all children follow instructions) Prior learning making a lotus flower from a set of instructions from a video Starter- Imperative verbs- what are they, how are they used? See Things you will need, Day4: Model write of instructions for making recycled paper from our visit Day 1: WMGexplanation textwater cycle Day2: To identify the key features within an explanation text (text marking) Day3: To generate questions based on recycling (our experience on the trip) Model developing questions Day 1: To write an introduction for an explanation text using clear, concise vocabulary Day2: To write the main body of an explanation text using cause and effect connectives and openers (visual prompts, sentence starters, word banks, word frames, sentence builders) Day 1: Assessment and Publishing Day2: Day3: Day4: Day5: poem Day 4: To physically rehearse a performance poem (record on iPads) Day4: To improve the structure of a poem for performance Day5: To perform a poem and give feedback Day4: To understand the process of recycling Day5: self and peer assessment Annotated example Photo of context Day3: To continue to write an explanation text using time connectives (role play) Instructions Day5: To plan an explanation text Peer/ self assessment Day 5: To self and peer assess performance poetry (show videos from previous day) (differentiated writing frames, visual prompts, word banks, sentence starters) (visual prompts, sentence starters, word banks, word frames, sentence builders) Day4: To write the conclusion to engage the reader Day5: To self and peer assess Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: ** Have you got a balance of fiction and non-fiction writing outcomes? Week 1 Week 2 W/B 23rd February W/B 2nd March Medium Term Planning Maths Week 3 Week 4 W/B 9th March Week 5 Week 6 W/B 16th March W/B 23th March Mental/Oral Starters Day 1: times tables Day2: multiplying by 10 and 100 Day3: times tables Day4:multiplying and dividing by 10 Day5 :timestables Area of Maths: MULTIPLICATION Mental/Oral Starters Day 1:times tables Day2: quick fire telling the time Day3: times tables Day4: quick-fire telling the time Day5: times tables Area of Maths: DIVISION Mental/Oral Starters Day 1: times tables Day2: partitioning Day3: times tables Day4: counting in sequences of positive and negative numbers Day5: times tables Area of Maths: Mental/Oral Starters Day 1: times tables Day2: bridging through ten to add mentally Day3: times tables Day4: bridging through ten to add mentally Day5: times tables Area of Maths: FRACTIONS FRACTIONS Area of Maths: ANGLES – learning about them, how to measure them Mental/Oral Starters Day 1: times tables Day2: counting on to find the difference Day3: times tables Day4: counting on to find the difference Day5: times tables Area of Maths: ANGLES – investigation into angles – their bodies and around school - display Day 1: Day2: Day3: Day4: Day5: Problem Solving Lesson Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Key resources for books: Clearly differentiated activity sheets with clear challenges Clearly differentiated activity sheets with clear challenges Clearly differentiated activity sheets with clear challenges Clearly differentiated activity sheets with clear challenges Clearly differentiated activity sheets with clear challenges Photographs of children doing the learning Photographs of children doing the learning Photographs of children doing the learning Photographs of children doing the learning Photographs of children doing the learning Pupil voice on speech marks/thought bubbles Pupil voice on speech marks/thought bubbles Pupil voice on speech marks/thought bubbles Pupil voice on speech marks/thought bubbles Pupil voice on speech marks/thought bubbles Context sheets Context sheets Context sheets Context sheets Context sheets Foundation Subjects (Topic) Notes: Please identify one session in your humanity learning and one session in your science learning where you will do an extended piece of writing. This piece of writing should be feedback marked. Subject History/Geography Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 W/B 23rd February W/B 2nd March W/B 9th March W/B 16th March W/B 23rd March LI: to create a mind map about recycling Context: Recycling NOTE: You need rubbish for this lesson LI: to identify issues around landfills Visit to recycling plant LI: to plan a letter Context: recycling Context: Teach: what is recycling? What does it mean? What kind of things can we recycle? How do we LI: to identify recyclable LI: to write a persuasive letter Teach: show children a Context: recycling Review: review learning on landfill Review: go over know if they can be recycled? What can’t be recycled? Teacher to go through recycling with class, addressing the above questions via a video/powerpoint. Children to note-take on whiteboards Activity: Children to create a mind map in their books, addressing what they have found out in the video/ppt and what they would like to know. Outcome: mind map in books Plenary: share fun facts about recycling NOTE: children will need to bring in rubbish for next lesson. It must have been cleaned and not include sharp tin cans etc materials Context: Recycling Teach: show children a variety of recycling logos. Do they recognise any of them? What do they mean? Ask children if they help sort their recycling at home? What do they have to do? Explain that some boroughs have different rules when it comes to recycling. Show children a list of things you can put in your recycling bin in Greenwich and a list of things you can recycle in Bexley. Which is better? Activity: in groups, children to sort through a variety of rubbish on their tables and take it to the “Greenwich recycling plant” in series of images/video about a landfill site. Did you know that 80% of landfill rubbish could be recycled? This would reduce the need for landfill. Children to identify the environmental concerns over landfill by reading through research (there are loads of sites dedicated to this on internet) Activity: children to record issues around landfill in their books i.e. Non-biodegradable products in the ground / dangerous gases/ 80% could be recycled/ threat to animals sites and recall how much of what is wasted in landfill sites could actually be recycled. This would reduce the need for so many and would reduce environmental issues such as toxic gases being given off or non-biodegradable materials remaining underground for centuries. Recall how Bexley council were not as good at recycling as Greenwich. Identify that the items they don’t recycle are going to landfill and the problems this causes (ch. to use notes from week 3 on landfill issues to help them with this). Activity: children to plan a letter to Bexley council to persuade them to recycle more. NOTE: use my letter plan from previous unit (letter to Tony last week’s letter plan. Model how to turn it into a letter. Activity: children to write a letter to Bexley Council. NOTE: this is an extended write for feedback marking a part of the classroom). They must follow the recycling guide to do this. Once done, take a photo of all the rubbish. Abbott) Then children to take back a pile of rubbish to their tables and sort for Bexley. They must then take this to the Bexley plant. Take a photo of all the rubbish. Children must write a statement in their books about which borough is the best at recycling and why. Outcome: children will have a Greenwich and Bexley photo put in their books and a written statement about their investigation below Science Draw and label parts of plant What does each part of the plant Conditions needed for each plant – Conditions needed for each plant – Write up investigation Assessment week Plants do? To understand the significance of rag rugs and how they can help the environment- recycled materials Art To create a rag rug To be able to design a section of a rag rug Stripes or circle Watch video of people making rag rugs-link to WWII- Maritime War exhibition on recycled clothes Discuss how they are created, materials used, link to recycling Children to look at materials they have and decide which ones they will use to create their part of the rag rug experiments Dark/light/cold/warm/ Dark/light/cold/warm/ Children will be taught how to rag a rug Continue to make section for whole class rag rug Continue making our rag Pen their design onto the Hessian Look at images different rag rugs Children will be sent letters home to ask them to bring in old clothes experiments In groups of 4 children will be given paper to design the rag rug they will create What patterns , materials will you use? Is there anything we need to change/ modify?Explain why? Hessian squares for each table with cut materials Evaluate the design of each part of the rug which will collated to form a rag rug for our book corner 2 stars and a wish Children follow instructions and their design Annotate their plan for a section of a whole class rag rug ** add more rows as necessary Phonics Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 W/B 23rd February W/B 2nd March W/B 9th March W/B 9th March W/B 16th March W/B 23th March