chapter 4: finding and discussion

This chapter will discuss the findings of the study based on the research questions. In this study
there are three main research questions about UMP students Suggestions to overcome global
warming issue among UMP students. The study finds out do UMP student ever heard about
global warming before. Besides that, the study will also discuss about how UMP student can do
to help in solving this problem and do UMP student understand about green technologies
4.2: RQ 1: Have UMP student heard about global warming before?
4.3: RQ 2 : What can UMP student's do to help in solving this problem?
The participants were asked about the solution of global warming. According to Larry West from, he found 10 solutions to reduce this issue that are reduce, reuse and recycle,
use less heat and air conditioning, change a light Bulb, drive less and drive smart, buy energyefficient products, use less hot water and use the “off” switch, plant a tree, get a Report Card
from your Utility Company and encourage others to conserve.
Figure 4.3.1: Recycling helps to reduce global warming.
The graph in figure 4.3.1 illustrates the solution of global warming among UMP students.
According to the graph, about 30 students strongly agree that recycling helps to reduce global
warming which show the highest population. Then, only 1 student disagree this statement. 0ther
than that, 3 students strongly disagree and 26 students agree that recycling can solve the global
warming issues. From this, it can be concluded that most participant know about the recycling
that can help to solve global warming. These show that, the participants aware and concern about
the global warming and current issues.
The participants were asked to state whether Earth Hour is an effective method to solve the
global warming. Graph below show the result.
Figure 4.3.2: Earth hour is an effective method.
The graph in the figure 4.3.2 also illustrates the solution or overcome of global warming among
UMP students. From our survey, we found that the highest population is agreeing where 36
students agree that earth hour is an effective method to solve global warming. Then, only 4
students strongly disagree this which show the lowest population. Besides the result for disagree
and strongly agree is same that are 10 students voting for it. From this we can conclude that
students are exposed to the earth hour and they know that earth hour can save our world.
The participants were survey whether action taken by certain supermarkets not to provide plastic
bags is one of the solutions of global warming.
Figure 4.3.3: Action taken by certain supermarkets not to provide plastic bags.
The graph in Figure 4.3.3 illustrates the result for the zero plastic bags in order to solve global
warming. According to the graph, 32 students agree that an action not to provide plastic bags can
solve global warming which show the highest level. The lowest are strongly disagree and
disagree which both show 3 students. Then, about 22 students strongly agree this statement.
From this, we can conclude that most students concern about the waste and pollution which can
contribute to the global warming. Therefore they agree the action that taken by the supermarket
today. They are some people that disagree this action, maybe they do not aware about these
issues yet. They must be exposed to the factor and bad effect of global warming.
The participants were asked to response that planting tree can reduce greenhouse gases. Figure
4.3.4 shows the result from our survey.
Figure 4.3.4: Planting trees can reduce greenhouse gases.
The graph in Figure 4.3.4 indicates the number of UMP students which give an opinion that
planting tree can reduce greenhouse gases. From this graph, most students strongly agree these
statements which show the highest population. The highest population is 40 students. About 16
students of them agree and 2 students from both were strongly disagree and disagree that plant
tree can reduce global warming. From this, we can conclude that most of the students know that
plant tree is important in order to reduce greenhouse problem. Actually, levels of greenhouse
gases are increasing in the atmosphere due to human activities, and are changing the composition
of the atmosphere and global warming. Therefore, planting tree is important in order to provide
shade especially during the hot summer month. Then, only a few students disagree this
statement. This is because they have lack of education about the greenhouse gases and they do
not know that greenhouse gases will affect their life.
The participants are need to response whether public transportation should be made compulsory
for students.
Figure 4.3.5: Public transportation should be made compulsory for students.
The graph in Figure 4.3.5 indicates the view of UMP students on the solution of the global
warming. As illustrated in the graph, 33 students agree that public transportation should be made
compulsory for students in order to overcome the global warming which show the highest level.
Then, 15 students strongly agree and only 6 students both strongly disagree and agree these
statement. From this graph, we can conclude that, students are knowledgeable about the global
warming. They know that public transportation will give pollution that can give bad effect to the
environment and lastly will cause global warming. However, there are also students that disagree
these statements, maybe they think that this statement will hard them because transport is
important in the students life without concerned and worried about the effect that will occur to
the earth.
4.4: RQ3 : What do UMP student understand about green technologies?
According to Murrey B. (2010). What is Green Technology. lovetoknow. Home, Garden &
Events, Green Living, Low-Impact Living. Retrieved from
/What_Is_Green_Technology define green technology as environmental technology or clean
technology. The goal of this green technology is to conserve the earth's resources, reduce
negative impacts such as pollution and foster sustainable development. Similar with Mary Bellis, Guide. Retrieved from
invention.htm say that green inventions are environmentally friendly inventions that often
involve: energy efficiency, recycling, safety and health concerns, renewable resources, and more.
The participants were asked about the understanding of green technologies. Figure 4.11 shows
the kind of appliances that have energy star label that UMP students know.
Figure 4.4.1 Kind of appliances that has the energy star label
From the bar chart above, Figure 4.11 show that most of the participant that are 34 people say
that refrigerator is the kind of energy star label appliances.It followed with 12 people say
computer, 10 person say hand phone and lastly is television with 4 people that say it was the kind
og energy star label appliances. It can be conclude that, most of UMP student agree that the best
energy star label appliances is refrigerator. It may be because refrigerator is the most appliances
that be promoted by many sources.
Figre 4.4.2 is the green technology the only way to solve global warming
The participants were asked they opinion about is the green technology is the only way to solve
global warming. Figure 4.4.2 shows the results from the surveyed. Most of the participants, 35
people agree that green technology do solve the problem. While there are 25 people does not
agree that green technology does help to solve global warming. As summary, most of UMP
student agree that the green technology is the only way to solve global warming. I t may be
because their understanding of green technology.
The participants were asked about their opinion on green technology product they know. Figure
4.4.3 shows the results. The graph above (Figure 4.4.3), illustrates the answer of definition of
green technology product:
1. I don’t know
5. Zero waste
2. Electric car
6. Green building
3. Hybrid car
7. Energy star label appliances
4. Alternative energy resources
8. Sustainable development
Figure 4.4.3 kind of green technology
Most of the participants, 22 people answered they don’t know. There are 10 people say that
sustainable developments are green technology product. While, 7 people say that the green
technology product are energy start label appliances. Besides that, 5 people are say that electric
car, 5 people say hybrid car and 5 people also say the green technology product is alternative
energy resources. Others, there are 4 and 2 people say that green building and zero waste
respectively. This shows that, many UMP students does not know green technology product.
This may be because the lack of information and awareness of environment.
The participants were asked the advantages of green technology. Figure 4.4.3 shows their
opinion and idea about the advantages of green technology. From graph below, the illustrated of
the answer of the advantages of green technology:
1. Reduces pollution
6. Awareness to educate about
Conservation energy
2. Reduces effects global warming
7. reducing waste / natural resources
3. Reduces emission green house gases
8. Protect earth
4. I don’t know
9. save energy
5. Use environmentally friendly product
According to the pie chart below, show that there are 27 people (45%) say the advantages of
green technology product is to reduces effect of global warming. While 10 people say it can
reduce pollution. Other also have suggest that the benefit is to protect earth and save energy
which it agree by 38 people (13%) and 3 people (5%) respectively. However there are 4 people
(9%) say they don’t know the benefits.Lastly show from the graph, reduces emission of green
house gases, awareness to educate about conservation energy, and reducing waste energy or
natural resources, each suggestion be say by 2 people. It can be conclude that, many UMP
students agree that the advantages of green technology is to reduces global warming.
Figure 4.4.4 the advantages of green technologies
The participants were asked the advantages of green technology. Figure 4.4.5 shows their
opinion and idea about the advantages of green technology. From graph below, the illustrated of
the answer of the advantages of green technology:
1. To live healthy and prevent disease
2. Reduce natural disaster
3. Free from extreme temperature
4. Responsibility to preserve earth for future generation
5. I don’t know
6. Preserve / save our environment
7. To improve the quality of life
8. Reduces the emission carbon dioxide / green houses gases
Figure 4.4.5 The important to save our world from global warming
As illustrated in the graph above 18 participant (30%) say that the important to save earth
because to live healthy and prevent disease and 13 people (22%) it because the responsibility to
preserve Earth for future generation. Meanwhile there are 9 people (15%) say it because to
preserve or save our environment and 7 people (11%) want to reduce natural disaster. Moreover,
6 people (10%) want to free from extreme temperature. Besides that, 3 people (5%) have said the
important is to improve the quality of live. However there are 3 people (5%) that say they do not
know the important. Moreover, 1 person (2%) said the important is to reduces the emission
carbon dioxide or green houses gases. As the summary, most of UMP students opinion about the
important to save our world from global warming is live healthy and can prevent disease.
From this research, this shows that UMP students are not really aware about global warming
issue and also green technologies in our daily life. However, they know that global warming
brings bad effects to the environment and living things. This research also proved that the
students do know how to overcome this matter although there are some of them still cannot their
suggestions or idea to solve the problem. From the students answer, it can be suggested that they
need to read a lots and alert about the surrounding environment. Besides, a campaign to promote
this issue should be done.