Chemistry 30 – Course Outline (Winter 2011) Teacher: Ms. Saver Room: 106 Email: or Voice mail: 5621 Required Textbook: Nelson Chemistry: Alberta 20-30, Jenkins and others, 2007. Recommended: The Key – Chemistry 30 (costs about $18 through room 217 or Chapters/ Indigo) You are responsible for keeping these materials with you. If they are damaged or lost you will be billed the replacement cost. Timeline: Unit Topic Chemical Equilibrium Focusing on Acid-Base D Systems Chemical Changes of Organic Compounds C Electrochemical Changes B Thermochemical Changes A Chapters Unit Examination 15, 16 March 9–10, 2011 9, 10 13, 14 11, 12 March 29th, 2011 May 12th, 2011 June 9th, 2011 Review June 13, 14, 16, 17, 2011 There will be a comprehensive in-class final examination on June 15th, 2011. There may be a year-end review tutorial in June (e.g., Tuesday June 21st) if there is enough demand. The CHEMISTRY 30 DIPLOMA EXAM is on Thursday JUNE 23rd, 2011 Multiple Choice/ Numerical Response only (8:44 – 11:44 a.m.) Evaluation: Assignments (homework, written response, quizzes, labs, etc.) Unit Tests Comprehensive Diploma Exam Percent of Final Grade 22.5 % 27.5 % 50 % 50% of your mark is school-based (awarded by me), and the other 50% is based on your Diploma Exam results. 1. Missed assignments, tests or exams will only be made up in the case of an excused absence. An excused absence is one in which your parent or guardian contacts the school before you are to write the exam or turn in the assignment. 2. Students will be responsible for all course materials regardless of attendance. Late assignments will be accepted only in the case of an excused absence. Your teacher will decide if assignments missed during an excused absence will need to be made up. 3. Lab reports will be completed as outlined in class. Grades will be reduced, or lab privileges revoked should there be unacceptable behaviour during lab activities. Appeal Procedures If a student is concerned with a midterm or final mark s/he should consult the teacher concerned. If the student is not satisfied, s/he may appeal in writing to the principal within 24 hours of receipt of the report card. Unit D: Chemical Equilibrium Focusing on Acid-Base Systems Key Concepts: o chemical equilibrium systems o Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases o reversibility of reactions o titration curves o Le Chatelier’s principle o conjugate pairs of acids and bases o equilibrium law expression o amphiprotic substances o equilibrium constants, Kc, Kw, Ka, Kb o buffers o acid-base equilibrium o indicators Unit C: Chemical Changes of Organic Compounds Key Concepts: o organic compounds o aliphatic and aromatic compounds o naming organic o saturated/ unsaturated compounds hydrocarbons o structural formulas o functional groups o structural isomers identifying alcohols, o monomers carboxylic acids, esters o polymers and halogenated hydrocarbons Unit B: Electrochemical Changes Key Concepts: o oxidation o reduction o oxidizing agent o reducing agent o oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions o oxidation number o half-reaction o disproportionation Unit A: Thermochemical Changes Key Concepts: o enthalpy of formation o o enthalpy of reaction o o ΔH notation o o Hess’ law o o molar enthalpy o o o o o o o o o o esterification o combustion reactions o polymerization o addition, substitution o elimination spontaneity standard reduction potential voltaic cell electrolytic cell electrolysis standard cell potential Faraday’s law corrosion energy diagrams activation energy catalysts calorimetry fuels and energy efficiency Student Expectations 1. Quizzes and Examinations o all tests start at the beginning of class, so please be on time or you penalize yourself o no books, personal listening devices or cell phones are allowed during any test as these are considered forms of cheating and will result in a ZERO for that test 2. Assignments o group work is encouraged, but each student must have their OWN, UNIQUE answers o copying or plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a grade of ZERO for that assignment o lab reports are to be word processed or written in blue or black ink to be accepted o all assignments are due at the start of the class on the due date o late assignments will not be accepted after the due date and will result in a grade of ZERO 3. Lates o if the door is closed – please knock and remain outside the door until the teacher is ready to admit you to class o if the door is open – please sign in on the notepad beside the door when you arrive late, then quietly take your seat and get to work o frequent lates will be handled according to the SHS late policy, as follows: Step 1 = 3 free lates Step 2 = Teacher Consequences for lates # 4 through 7 (detentions) Step 3 = 8th late = five (5) noon-hour detentions Step 4 = Lates # 9 through 11 = referral to administration (class suspension and loss of credits in the course) o if you are so late that you miss a test, you will be expected to write it on your own time (at lunch or after school) if it is an excused absence 4. Absences o for excused absences (illness, field trips, doctor’s appointments, etc.), when you return you are expected to: o ask a reliable student what was covered in class (notes, assignments, etc.) o get any handouts missed from the “catch-up” binder on the book cabinet o not interrupt the teacher to find out what you missed – either come to class early or ask after class o you can find class work posted daily on the website It is your responsibility to complete missed material including labs, assignments and quizzes, on your own time! Missed evaluations must be competed within two days. o frequent absences will be closely monitored and dealt with according to school policy o the more you are absent, the more course material you miss, and the more your grades suffer 5. Expectations o please come PREPARED to every class with your textbook, binder, writing materials, etc o students will not be given permission to leave the class to get these materials o students are to have their books open and assignments ready at the beginning of class o all work is to be completed to the best of your ability o if you are having trouble with an assignment, homework, etc. then please contact me in the morning, lunch or after school, NOT at the beginning of class o when you are coming in for help or asking for help in class, make sure you are prepared with specific questions/ problems & have all your materials with you o in class, ask two people first before asking me o I expect my students to behave respectfully at all times – this includes raising your hand to ask questions, treating your classmates and teacher with respect, and using class time efficiently (staying on task) o things that bug me: 1. rude behaviour — ***students talking when I am talking***, putting your head down when I am talking, not paying attention, listening to your iPod when I am talking, walking around when I need you listening, etc. 2. students not working during class time (it becomes homework if you don’t use your class time effectively!) o good luck and let’s have some fun this semester You choose whether you are successful in this class or not … make the right choice.