CHEMISTRY 30 Teacher: Mr. Norman Lipinski Email: Phone: 659-8161 Text: Modern Chemistry. R.E. Davis et al. 2002. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Notes and Class Information: Course Outline: The following chapters from the text will be covered: Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 6 13 14 17 18 15 16 19 Chemical Bonding Solutions Ions in Aqueous Solutions and Colligative Properties Reaction Energy and Reaction Kinetics Chemical Equilibrium Acids and Bases Acid-Base Titration and pH Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Topics from other chapters and material from the grade 11 course will be reviewed as necessary. Marking: Mid-Term Final Chapter Exams Assignments and Labs Final Exam - 65 35 -- 35 35 30 Total - 100 100 Chapter Exams You are expected to write exams on the day they are given. If you cannot write an exam for reasons of illness, travel or appointments you can write at noon on several dates in the term. These dates will be posted in the classroom. It is the responsibility of the student to make up unwritten exams. Make arrangements to be free on these days. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Any exams not written will receive a mark of zero. No rewrites of exams are allowed. Assignments Assignments help you to understand the material of the course and give the teacher some feedback concerning your level of understanding. If all assignments are completed and handed in, this will help not only your final mark, but assist you in studying for unit exams. Some assignments will be marked on the basis of completion, others for correctness of answers; all assignments should be well done. Assignments must be handed in at the beginning of the period in which it is due. Late assignments lose 20 percent per day late (i.e. after 5 days, an assignment has no value). Absence is not an excuse for late assignments or homework. Make arrangements with others in the class to find out what was missed and what is due. Homework is marked incomplete if you are absent; make sure that you show your homework to the teacher on the next school day. Final Exam The final exam is a comprehensive quiz on the entire course. Absences Each student is responsible for all missed notes and assignments. You cannot expect to catch up in class time (see the Extra Help section). Absences cannot help but to reduce a person's marks. The school policy on absences will be followed in this class. If an absence is uncleared it may not be used as an excuse for handing in an assignment late. Lates Are not tolerated. All students are expected to be in their desks when the tone sounds. The school policy on lates will be followed in this class. If you are late, you will be expected to wait quietly outside the classroom. You will be admitted by the teacher when it is appropriate to do so. If a homework check is done while you are waiting in the hallway you will not get credit for the work. If an assignment is to be handed in it will be marked as late (and lose 20 percent). Food or Drink This is a laboratory space; no food or drink will be allowed in the classroom. acceptable. Bottled water is Personal Electronics Cell phones, mp3 players, cameras, etc. are not allowed in class. Extra Help I will be in the building by 7:30 most mornings and until at least 4:30 most afternoons. I will be either in my classroom (room 372 or 361) or the science office (room 362). If you are coming, make an appointment; other commitments may require my attention elsewhere.