Ch. 48 Vocab Lists

Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 1
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
Chapter 48 (pp. 225-226, 228)… ŷ = “y” with a macron (long mark)
tot = so many
[total, quota, quotient, in toto = “entirely,”Non sibi sed toti. = “Not for self, but for all or Not just for oneself, but for
everyone.”, surtout, teetotal, teetotaler, teetotalism, teetotally, teetotum, total, total energy expenditure (TEE), total daily energy
expenditure (TDEE), total factor productivity (TFP), total heating value, total internal reflection, total (solar) irradiance,
totalitarian, totality, totally, total material requirement (TMR), total organic carbon (TOC), total suspended particulates (TSP);
total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), total suspended solids (TSS), totipalmate, totipalmation, totipalmi, totipotency,
totipotent, totipotence, Vestra causa tota nostra est. = “Your cause is totally (completely) ours.”]
dēliciae, dēliciārum F pl. = delight; pet, love
[delectable, delight, delectation, predilection, delicious, delicate, delicacy, delicatessen,
delightful, delighted, coil, collect, collectanea, collectible, collection, collective, collectively,
college, collegial, collegian, collegiate, counter-intelligence, cull, culler, delegate, delegation,
dialect, dialectic, dilectology, diligence, diligent, eclectic, elect, election, electioneer, elective,
electively, illegible, indelicate, ineligibility, ineligible, illegitimately, intellect, intelligence, intelligent,
intelligent design, intelligentsia, intelligible, intelligibly, irreligious, irreligiously, lectern, lection,
lectionary, lecture, lecturer, legacy, legal, legalese, legalism, legalistic, legalist, legalistic, legality,
legalize, legalization, legate, legatee, legation, legislate, legislate, legislation, legislative, legislative,
legislator, legislatress, legislatrix, legislature, legist, legitimate, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimist,
legend, legendary, legibility, legible, legion, legionary, legume, leguminivorous, leguminivore,
leguminous, lesson, ligature, ligament, ligation, neglect, neglectful, negligee, negligent,
negligence, negligible, negligibly, phonoselectoscope, predilection, pseudointellectual, recollect,
recollection, religion, religious, religiously, select, selection, selective, sortilege, unintelligible,
legitimacy, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, privilege, relegate, relegation]
admīrātiō, admīrātiōnis F = amazement
[admirable, admirably, admiration, admirative, admire, admired, admirer, admires, admiring,
admiringly, marvel, marvelous, marvelously, marvelousness, miracle, miraculous, miraculousness,
miraculously, mirador, mirage, Miranda, mirific, mirifical, mirror, mirrors, mirrored, mirroring, mirror
like, mirror-like, mirrorlike]
contrā = against (+ accusative)
[accounter, acrocontracture, contraband, contrabandist, contrabass, contrabassist, contrabassoon, contraception,
contraceptive, contraculture, contradict, contradictable, contradiction, contradictory, contradistinction, contradistinctive,
contraindication, contraindicative, contralateral, contralto, contranatant, contranatation, contransduction, contranym,
contronym, contrapose, contraposition, contraremonstrance, Contraria contrariis curantur= “Opposites are cured by
opposites”; contrarian, contrariety, contrariness, contrarious, contrariwise, contrarotation, contrary, contrast, contrastable,
contrastedly, contrastimulant, contrastingly, contrastive, contrastively, contravallation, contravene, contravene, contravening,
contravened, contravening, contravention, contraversialist, contraversially, contrecoup, contredanse, contretemps, control,
controverse, controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controversion, controversy, controvert,
controvertible, controvertibly, counter, counteract, counteraction, counteractive, counteractively, counteragitation,
counterattack, counterbalance, counterbalanced, counterbalancing, counterbass, counterblow, countercharge,
countercharged, counterclaim, counterclaimant, counterclockwise, counter-clockwise, counterculture, counterdemonstration,
counterinsurgency, counterintelligence, counteriritant, counteriritation, countermand, countermarch, countermeasure,
countermine, countermove, countermoving, counteroffensive, counteroffer, counterpart, counterpassion, counterphobia,
counterplot, counterplotted, counterplotting, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpose, counterproductive, counterproposal,
counterpunch, counterreformation, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionist, counterscarp, countershaft,
countersign, countersignature, countersink, counterslope, counterspy, counterstock, countervail, countervenom,
counterweigh, counterweight, countrified, country, discount, discounter, encounter, galvanocontractility, incontrovertible,
incontrovertibleness, incontrovertibly, nemine contradicente; nem. con. = No one contradicting: Unanimously; reencounter, reencounter, rencounter]
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus/a/um or ostensus/a/um = to show
[ambitendency, attend, attendance, attention, attentive, catatonic, coextension, contend,
contender, contention, contentious, détente, distend, extend, extension, extent, hypertension,
Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 2
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
hypotension, inattentive, intend, intense, intensify, intensity, intent, intentional, ostensible, ostensibly,
ostentatious, portend, portent, pretend, pretense, pretentious, subtend, superintendent, tenable,
tenacious, tenacity, tenant, tend, tendency, tendentious, tender, tendon, tense, tension, tent,
tentacle, tentative, thermotension, untended, unintentional]
coniciō, conicere, coniēcī, coniectus/a/um = to throw, throw
together, to hurl; to figure out, to guess
[abject, abjectness, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejected, dejection, ejaculatory, eject, ejectamenta,
ejection, ejective, ejectivity, ejectment, ejector, ejectus (s), ejecta (pl), inject, injection, interject, interjection,
jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculative, jaculator, jaculatorial, jaculatory, jaculiferous, javelin, jet,
jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, object, objection, objectionable, objective, project, projectile, projection, projectionist,
projective, projector, reject, rejecter, rejection, subject, subjective, subjectivity, traject, trajectory]
convertō, convertere, convertī, conversus/a/um = to turn around
[adversa, adversary, adversative, adversatively, adversativeness, adverse, adverse, adverse, averse, adversely,
adverseness, adversion, adversity, adversus; adv., advertence, advertency, advertent, advertently, adverter,
advertise, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, advertive, alopecia universalis, ambiversion, animadversion,
animadversive, animadversiveness, animadvert, animadverter, anniversary, anteversion, antevert, aquatic
vertebrate, autocholecystotransversecolostomy, averse, aversely, averseness, aversion, avert, avertible,
bioconversion, biodiversity, contraversialist, contraversially, controverse, controversial, controversialism,
controversialist, controversially, controversion, controversy, controvert, controvertible, controvertibly,
conversable, conversableness, conversably, conversant, conversantly, conversation, conversational,
conversationalist, conversationally, converse, conversely, converser, conversibility, conversible, conversion,
conversive, convert, converter, convertibility, convertible, convertibly, convertive, costotransversectomy,
costovertebral, dextrorse, dextroversion, divers, diverse, diversely, diverseness, diversifiable, diversification,
diversifier, diversify, diversiloquent, diversiloquence, diversion, diversity, diversivolent, divert, divertingly,
divertingness, divertisement, divertive, divorce, divorceable, divorcee, divorcement, divorcer, electrothermal
energy conversion, electroversion, eversion, evert, evertebrate, ex adverso = “from the opposite side.”,
extraversion, extrorse, extrovert, inadvertence, inadvertent, inadvertently, incontrovertible, incontrovertibleness,
incontrovertibly, inconversant, inconvertible, inconvertibleness, inconvertibly, introrse, introversion,
introversive, introvert, inverse, inversely, inversion, inversive, invert, invertebrate, inverter, invertible,
ipsiversive, irreversible, irreversibleness, irreversibly, lateroversion, levocycloversion, levoversion, linguoversion,
malversation, mentotransverse, mesioversion, mesioplacement, mesial displacement, obverse, obversely,
obversion, obvert, obvert, perverse, perversely, perverseness, perversion, perversity, perversive, pervert,
pervertible, prosaic, prosaically, prosaicness, prosaism, prosaist, prosy, quaquaversal, reconvert, reconvertibility,
reconvertible, retrorser, retroversion, revers, reversal, reversatile, reverse, reversely, reverser, reversible,
reversibly, reversicon, reversion, reversionary, reversioner, reverso, revert, sacrovertebral, seroconversion,
seroreversion, sinistrorse, subversary, subversion, subversive, subvert, subverter, subvertible, suzerain, suzerainty,
tergiversate, tergiverse, tetrovert, thermal inversion, transversal, transversality, transversally, transverse,
transversectomy, transverse suture, traversable, traverse, traverser, universal, universalism, universalist,
universalistic, universality, universalize, universally, universalness, universe, university, versatile, versatilely,
versatileness, versatility, verse, versed, versicle, versicolor, versifier, versify, versify, version, verso, versus; vs.,
vertebra, vertebral, vertebrally, vertebrate, vertebrectomy, vertex, vertical, verticality, vertically, verticil,
verticillation, vertiginous, vertiginousness, vertigo, vervel, vice versa = The other way round; the change being
turned, vortex, vortical, vorticism, vortiginous]
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātus/a/um = to raise, lift; destroy
extoll; extoling, extolling, extolled, extoller, extolment, extollment; ablate, ablating, ablated,
ablation, ablative, ablator, adulation, afferent, aquifer, auriferous, circumference, collate, collation, collatron,
confer, conferee, conference, conferred, conifer, coniferous, correlate, correlation, crucifer, cruciferous, defer,
deference, deferment, deferred, deferring, differ, difference, different, differential, differentiate, dilate, dilation,
Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 3
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
dilatory, effer, efferent, elate, elated, elation, ferriferous, ferry, fertile, fertility, fetiferous, fructiferous, herbiferous,
infer, inference, interfere, interference, lactiferous, legislate, legislation, legislator, legislature, Lucifer, oblation,
odiferous, offer, offering, prefer, preferable, prelate, prelation, proffer, refer, referee, reference, referenda (plural),
referendum (singular), referent, referral, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relativity, sanguiferous,
somniferous, suffer, sufferable, sufferance, superlative, transfer, transferable, translatable, translate, translation,
translator, vociferate, vociferous]
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstītī, cōnstitus/a/um = to halt, stand still,
[constituency, constituent, constituently, constitute, constitution, constitutional]
[stable, static, station, status, stasis, aerostat, aerostatic, amyostasia, ananastasia, anastasis, antidisestablishmentarian,
apostasy, apostate, armistice, arrest, arrester, arteriostasis, assisit, astasia, astasia, astatic, bacteriostasis, bacteriostat,
barostat, biostabilizer, biostasis, biostatistics, biostitute, circumstance, circumstantial, consist, constable, constabulary,
constancy, constant, constituency, constituent, constitute, constitution, constrastive, contrast, contrastively, desisted,
destination, destine, destiny, destitute, destitution, distance, distant, ecstatic, electrohemostasis, enterostasis,
equidistant, establish, establishment, establishmentarian, estate, exist, existence, existent, existentialism, extant,
frigostable, fungistasis, fungistat, galactostasis, geodesist, gyrostabilizer, heliostat, hemostasis, hemostat, homeostasis,
homoiostasis, humidistat, hydrostat, hydrostatic, hypostasis, iconostasis, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconstancy,
inconstant, inconstantly, insist, insistence, insistent, insistently, in situ, instability, instance, instant, instantaneous,
instantaneously, instantly, instate, instatement, institute, institution, institutional, institutionally, interstice, interstitial,
interstitially, irresistibility, irresistible, irresistibleness, isostasy, kinestasis, lexicostatistic, lymphostasis, menostasia,
menostasis, metastasis, meteoresistant, metrostasis, microstat, misstatement, mycostasis, obstacle, obstinacy,
obstinancy, obstinate, obstinately, omnidistance, ophthalmostasis, persist, persistence, persistency, persistent,
phlebostasis, pluriresistent, preexist, preexistence, presbystasis, proctostasis, prostate, prostitute, prostitution, pyrostat,
reconstituent, reconstitute, reinstate, reinstatement, resist, resistance, resistant, resistantly, resistible, resistibly, resistive,
resistless, resistlessly, resistlessness, rest, restate, restitute, restitution, restive, restively, rheostat, schistasis, siderostat,
solstice, stability, stabilize, stabilizer, stable, stably, stage, staged, staging, stagnant, staid, stamen, stamina, staminal,
staminate, stance, stanchion, stanza, stasiphobia, stasophilous, state, stateliness, stately, statement, static, station,
stationary, stationer, stationery, statistical, statistically, statistician, statistics, statoblast, statoscope, statuary, statue,
statuesque, statuette, stature, status, status quo, statute, statutory, staunch, subsist, subsistence, subsistent, substance,
substantial, substantiate, substantially, substantiation, substantival, substantive, substantively, substitute, substitution,
substitutional, substitutive, superstition, superstitious, thermistor, thermoresistance, thermoresistant, thermostable,
thermostasis, thermostat, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, unconstitutional, unconstitutionally, understate,
understatement, unstable, unstably, venostasis]
furor, furōris M = frenzy; madness
[furacity, furacious, furaciousness, furibund, furibundus, Furies, furiosi, furious, furiously, furor, furor epilepticus,
furor loquendi, furor scribendi, furore, infuriate, infuriates; infuriated; infuriating, infuriation]
ācriter = firecely, keenly, bitterly
[acerbate, acerbic, acerbity, acerophobia, acerose, acidiferous, acidulous, acrid, acridian, acridine, acridity, acridly, acridness,
acrimonious, acrimoniously, acrimoniousness acrimony, acrinine, acrious, acritude, acrity, anacrid, eager, eagerly, eagerness,
epacrid, exacerbate, exacerbation, exacerbescence, exacerbescent, vinegar, vinegarish, vinegary]
pugnābātur = (impersonal) “the fighting went on”
[pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus/a/um = to fight]
[dementia pugilistica, expugn, impugn, impugnable, impugner, impugnment, oppugn, oppugnancy, oppugnant, oppugner, pugil,
pugilant, pugilism, pugilist, pugilistic, pugilistical, pugilistically, pugillus, pugnacious, pugnaciously, pugnaciousness, pugnacity,
repugnance, repugnancy, repugnant, repugnantly, repugnate]
nōbīs redeundem est = “we must return”...literally: “there
must be a returning by us”
[redeō, redīre, rediī (redīvī), redtus/a/um = to return, go back]
[adit, ambition, circuit, circuitous, exit, exitus, initial, initiate, intransitive, introit, limit, obituary,
Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 4
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
perish, sedition, seditious, transient, transit, transition, transitional, transitive, transitory]
aliās = at another time
[alias, alibi, alien, alienable, alienate, aliicide, inalienability, inalienable]
arēna, arēnae F. = sand
[arena, arenaceo, arenaceous, arenavirus, arenicole, arenicolite, arenicolous, arenilitic,
mīlia, mīlium Npl. = thousands
[bimillennium, mile, mileage, millefiori, millenary, millennial, millennium, millipede, millesimal,
milliampere, milliard, millibar, millicurie, millienarian, millienarianism, millifarad, milligram,
milliliter, milliliter, millimeter, millimeter, milliohm, million, millionaire, millipede, milliard,
milliroentgen, millisecond, millivolt, milliwatt, multimillionaire]
crēdidissem = “I would have believed”
[crēdō, crēdere, crēdīdī, crēdītus [+ dative] = to believe, trust; think]
[accredit, accreditation, accredited, accrediting, concredit, credal, creedal, credence, credency, credencive; credensive;
credenciveness, credenda, credenda (Anglicized form: credends), credent, credential, credentialed, credibility,
credibility gap, credible, credibleness, credibly, credit, creditability, creditable, creditably, creditor, Credo = Nicene
Creed, credo, credulity, credulous, credulousness, credulously, creed, discredit, discreditable, discreditably, discredited,
grant, grantee, grantor, incredibility, incredible, incredibleness, incredibly, incredulity, incredulous, incredulously,
miscreant, omnicredulity, omnicredulous, recreancy, recreant, recreantly, uncredible, uncredibility, uncreditable]
clāmātum est = “there was shouting”
[clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī, clāmātus /a/um = to shout, yell]
[acclaim, acclaimer, acclaiming, acclamation, acclamator, acclamatory, claim, claimable, claimant,
clamatory, clamor, clamorous, clamorously, clamorousness, conclamant, conclamation, counterclaim,
counterclaimant, declaim, declaimer, declamation, declamatory, disclaim, disclaimer, exclaim, exclaimer,
exclamation, exclamatory, irreclaimable, misclaim, proclaim, proclaimed, proclaimer, proclamation,
proclamator, proclamatory, reclaim, reclaimer, reclamable, reclamation, unreclaimable, unreclaimed]
pugna, pugnae F. = fight; battle
[dementia pugilistica, expugn, impugn, impugnable, impugner, impugnment, oppugn, oppugnancy, oppugnant,
oppugner, pugil, pugilant, pugilism, pugilist, pugilistic, pugilistical, pugilistically, pugillus, pugnacious,
pugnaciously, pugnaciousness, pugnacity, repugnance, repugnancy, repugnant, repugnantly, repugnate]
pugnam committere = to join battle
committō, committere, commīsī, commissus/a/um = to entrust (+ dative)
[admission, admittance, commissar, commissary, commission, commit, committee, compromise, demise, demit,
dismiss, dismissal, emissary, emission, emit, immit, intermission, intermittent, intromission, manumission, manumit,
mass, message, missal, missile, mission, missionary, missive, noncommittal, omission, omit, permission, permit,
premise, pretermission, promise, promissory, remiss, remission, remittance, submission, submissive, submit, surmise,
transmission, transmit]
obstupefactus/a/um = astounded
[stultification, stultified, stultifier, stultifies, stultify, stultifying, stultiloquent, stultiloquence,
stultiloquently, stultiloquy, stultivideo, stultification, stultify, stupefacient, stupefaction, stupefactive,
stupefy, stupemania, stupendous, stupid, stupidity, stupor, stuporous]
incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incesssus/a/um = to go in, march
Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 5
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
in; stride proudly
[succeed, succession, proceed, procedure, exceed, accede, accession, accessibility, accessible, accessibly, accessing,
accessory, ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestress, ancestry, angioaccess, antecede, antecedent, cease, ceaseless,
cede, cessation, concede, concession, decease, deceased, decedent, Duc, sequere, aut de via decede = “Lead, follow,
or get out of the way.”, epicede, exceed, excessive, excessively, excessiveness, inaccessibility, inaccessible,
inaccessibly, incessant, incessantly, intercede, intercession, multiaccess, necessary, precede, precedence, precedent,
precession, predecease, procedure, proceed, proceeding, proceeds, process, procession, processional, processioner,
recede, recess, recession, recessive, recessively, retrocede, secede, predecessor, secession, secessionism,
secessionist, successfully, successfulness, succession, successive, successively, supercede, supercession, surcease,
unceasing, unceasingly, unprecedented, unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, xearch succession, xiphoid process]
pages 236-237 – coming soon
Ecce Romani II – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards
page 6
1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other.
2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards,
3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See]
Chapter 48 (pp. 225-226, 228)… ŷ = “y” with a macron (long mark)
tot = so many
dēliciae, dēliciārum F pl. = delight; pet, girlfriend
admīrātiō, admīrātiōnis F = amazement
contrā = against (+ accusative)
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentus/a/um or ostensus/a/um = to show
coniciō, conicere, coniēcī, coniectus/a/um = to throw, throw together, to hurl; to
figure out, to guess
convertō, convertere, convertī, conversus/a/um = to turn around
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātus/a/um = to raise, lift; destroy
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstītī, cōnstitus/a/um = to halt, stand still, stop
furor, furōris M = frenzy; madness
ācriter = firecely, keenly, bitterly
pugnābātur = (impersonal) “the fighting went on”
[pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus/a/um = to fight]
nōbīs redeundem est = “we must return”...literally: “there must be a returning by
[redeō, redīre, rediī (redīvī), redtus/a/um = to return, go back]
aliās = at another time
arēna, arēnae F. = sand
mīlia, mīlium Npl. = thousands
crēdidissem = “I would have believed”
crēdō, crēdere, crēdīdī, crēdītus [+ dative] = to believe, trust; think
clāmātum est = “there was shouting”
clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī, clāmātus /a/um = to shout, yell
pugna, pugnae F. = fight; battle
pugnam committere = to join battle
committō, committere, commīsī, commissus/a/um = to entrust (+ dative)
obstupefactus/a/um = astounded
incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incesssus/a/um = to go in, march in; stride proudly