Carleton Ottawa Carleton Local RDC Working Group

COOL RDC Working Group
March 3, 2005 at 9:30
Dunton Tower 1024B, Carleton University
Record of Decisions
Hélène Carrier
Jennifer Stewart
Stan Winer
Catherine Deri,
Elmustapha Najem,
Wendy Watkins
Jane Fry
Morisset Library….………………….
Public Policy and Administration ……
Public Policy and Administration ……
Economics …………………………
Industrial Relations ………………….
Data Centre (Library) ………………..
Data Centre (Library) ………………..
1) Agenda as distributed was approved. It was observed that it is easier to set up the date
for the next meeting when everyone is present instead of by email.
2) Update on Construction
a) Hélène gave us an update on the construction. The construction is continuing on
time and is expected to come under budget. The furniture will be arriving soon.
By March 11, 99% of the space will be finished. There have been very few
changes and everything has gone quite smoothly so far. If this continues, we will
be able to open in April. Hélène will consult Jennifer regarding directional signs
outside/within the RDC and follow up with Gilbert.
ACTION: Hélène
b) Budget: Gilbert Caron will confirm the final construction/capital costs in
May/June once payments are finalized.
c) Catherine asked if the keyboards had been ordered yet. Jennifer mentioned that
the keyboard for the analyst has to be French, the others will be English ones and
there will be some spare bilingual ones. Hélène will double check that this is what
had been ordered for the keyboards. Stan mentioned that because keyboards are
so inexpensive it would be good to have an equal number of English and bilingual
d) If budget permits, Hélène suggested contracting out the initial development and
design of the RDC web site. Morisset Library has recently hired a government
information librarian, Carl Martinez, who will act as part-time RDC coordinator.
One of Carl’s responsibilities will be to maintain and update the RDC web site.
Elmustapha also suggested approaching students in the computer graphic design
program at UQO.
e) Health and Safety: Hélène and Gilbert are following up on a recent message from
Gustave Goldman regarding health and safety requirements in RDCs (evacuation
plan, first aid kit, etc). Hélène and Gilbert are following up and will provide Saul
with required information for the next RDC National Coordinating Committee
meeting in May.
ACTION: Hélène
3) Working Group on Remote Access
a) A working group on remote access has been established and will be chaired by
Wendy. Huhua has agreed to be a member; if other board members are interested
in joining, they should contact Wendy.
b) re: SSHRC submission – We have to be innovative in remote access. There are a
number of surveys we can use to test the feasibility of remote access:
i) the ADD Health (from the US). We have obtain permission to use it for
testing, and
ii) the European Community Household Panel.
c) There is a software from Amsterdam called Argus that does disclosure analysis.
We will have to talk to them to find out more about it. If it seems suitable, the
next step is to find out how we can get it.
d) We have to remember to take small steps in this area.
e) Jennifer asked if anyone knows of any others on their respective campuses that
have expertise in this area. If they do, they should be contacted to find out if they
use any software for disclosure analysis.
Action: All
f) Catherine questioned the definition of Remote Access and Wendy clarified it.
g) Stan wondered why we would need an RDC if the disclosure software works well.
Jennifer mentioned that the Remote Access project is a long term one.
h) When Wendy is ready, she will give us a more formal presentation.
4) NGOs
a) There was some discussion about the need for a national policy on the
relationship between NGOs and RDCs. Jennifer mentioned that when the SSHRC
funding runs out, we want to be able to have additional sources of revenues. We
should also be taking the lead for other RDCs in getting this policy drawn up. We
were also reminded that the reason we should provide input in the national policy
is because this issue will be on the agenda of the next NCC meeting.
b) Saul has organized a meeting with the NGOs for March 18 to start the discussion.
He has had confirmations from 5 NGOs. Elmustapha asked if Quebec NGOs has
been contacted. Jennifer asked him to let her know their names and she will
contact them.
ACTION: Elmustapha will forward names to Jennifer.
c) Jennifer has quite an extensive list of the NGOs. If there is anyone missing from
the list, please let her know. Jennifer will forward the letter to everyone.
ACTION: Jennifer
5) Outreach Program
a) There was a very successful presentation at UQO, where lunch was provided.
Carleton also had good attendance at its information session but more researchers
should be informed at CU and UO. Elmustapha mentioned that the vice-rector
announced it so maybe this was also a boost for the turnout. Jennifer mentioned
that this should have been done at Carleton. It also needs to be advertised better at
U of O.
b) Hélène mentioned that another information session will be held at U of O in
April. Wendy and Jennifer will be working at CU on more presentations. There
will be one at the School of Business next week. Stan will send a list to Jennifer
and Wendy of people in the Math Department who should be contacted.
c) Elmustapha suggested that a list of potential datasets be included at the end of the
announcements. Elmustapha will a send the list to the group.
ACTION: Elmustapha
d) Catherine was wondering if the graduate students are being reached. Wendy said
that they are. Jennifer said that they need to be pushed a bit more. Hélène said that
she invited the graduate association and has a meeting with its president
tomorrow. Jennifer will send a notice to the Dean of Grad Studies. All agreed that
the grad students have to know what they can do at the RDC.
e) Stan asked Elmustapha what he has been doing at UQO. Elmustapha mentioned
that they have been doing information sessions for the past year. Jennifer thought
this was a good idea and suggested that they tell people that they will come back
and do specific presentations on different dates. Hélène and Catherine offered to
come up with a plan of action at a separate meeting. Jennifer will come to it if
necessary. Elmustapha will send them the announcement UQO used.
f) Jennifer asked if anyone was creative enough to do a poster. Wendy mentioned
that it would be good to have a poster to put on the website. Hélène mentioned
that we could use some of the extra money to hire a graphic designer. Elmustapha
mentioned that UQO has a graphic design section and perhaps we could make it
into a contest and give a monetary prize. Jennifer will check this out also with
CU. It should be done as soon as possible.
ACTION: Jennifer & Elmustapha
6) RDC Statistics Canada Analyst
a) Carole Sawaya is likely to be our analyst when she returns from maternity leave
(around Nov 2005).
b) The question of the chair for the analyst was mentioned. Hélène mentioned that
there is a selection of chairs for her to test out. Once Carole’s appointment is
confirmed, Hélène will contact Carole and arrange an appointment so she can try
out chairs.
ACTION: Hélène
c) Jennifer will get in touch with Gus re: a part-time analyst until Carole starts.
ACTION: Jennifer
7) Next Meeting
a) Thursday April 21st , 9:30 am, Morisset Library, Hélène will email the Room #
b) Jennifer will send out an email right away with the date for the next meeting.
c) Agenda – SSHRC results.