STUDY GUIDE: Scientific Revolution & Age of Enlightenment

STUDY GUIDE: Scientific Revolution & Age of Enlightenment
Answer Key
1) What was the traditional authority before the Scientific Revolution and Age
of enlightenment?
A: the catholic church
2) Which "thinker" argued that people had the right to overthrow their
government if they didn't protect their natural rights?
A: Locke
3) Which thinker valued science over religion?
A: Voltaire
4) Define and list the Natural Rights.
A: Rights we are born with. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of property.
5) Which "thinkers" would agree that citizens should choose their type of
A: Locke and Rousseau
6) What did John Locke believe the government should do?
A: protect our natural rights
7) How are the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment similar?
A: encouraged the spread of new ideas.
8) What is the Heliocentric theory and who supported it?
A: sun at the center of the solar system. Copernicus and Galileo
9) What is the Geocentric theory and who supported it?
A: earth at the center of the solar system. Aristole
10) Describe the "traditional" institution that existed in Europe before the
Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment? (In other words...
Who had the power and how did they rule?
A:The Catholic church had the power. Theocracy. Divine right.
Disagreement with the church was not tolerated.
11) Where did the scientific Revolution begin?
A: Italy
12) What was the central idea or belief of The Enlightenment?
A: Logic and reason lead to human progress.
13) What ideas did Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu have that influenced
political reform (change in government)?
A: any and all from thought bubble PowerPoint.
14) The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government
came from the people that are governed. True or false?
A: true
15) Logic and reason were highly valued during the enlightenment. True or
A: true
16) List the following in the order they occurred/began:
Scientific Revolution
A: renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment
17) In what ways are the Renaissance and the enlightenment similar?
A: cultural change
18) Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and Rene
Descartes all had an effect on the -— being used to solve problems.
A: scientific method
* There will also be review questions on the test. Be sure to review your
notebook for key topics and vocabulary from previous units.
Word bank (going this to my lowest students)
The catholic church
Scientific method