Renaissance Figures “Trading Cards”

Sci Rev/Enlightenment “Trading Cards”
You will be tasked to develop a “trading card” for five figures from the Scientific Revolution and
Enlightenment. The requirements for each will be given below. Note – you will be graded on this,
if you do not hand them in on the day they are due expect to come into advisement per the Class
Overview. Each day late will result in -5 points from your grade. If you like you may add up to
two extra ppl for bonus points. You may receive up to 20 total extra points (10pts each).
Requirements for each
1. All need to have an image or picture on one side, you may not use the computer or a
copier, etc to come up with the image – in other words you must come up with it on your
2. On the opposite side each must include the following - country of origin and century in
which they lived – you may either write the century(i.e. 17th century) or you may write
out the year in 100s (i.e. 1600s)
3. Each person will also have specific information that must be included (this may or may
not be the same for the others). If desired you may include additional information.
1. Copernicus – 1. Major theory that he was the first to publish (disagreed with the
Church) 2. Name of his famous book that was given to him on his deathbed
3. Why did he wait so long to publish his findings?
2. Galileo – 1. Name of theory he proved (that agreed with Copernicus) 2. What was his
Pendulum Theory 3. Built a ________ to observe the heavens 4. Name of two books he
published 3. Locke – 1. Believed in 3 ______ _____ 2. These were ______, _____, and
________________________. 3. Name of his major written work –
4. Voltaire – 1. Believed in freedom of ________ and _______ 2. Famous quote –
5. Montesquieu – 1. Believed there should be ______ branches of govt. 2. Why did he
believe this? 3. Name of his book Extras - if you choose to add an extra person or two you may choose from the following –
Kepler, Brahe, Jenner, Newton, Bacon, Descartes, Wollstonecraft, Beccaria, Rousseau. If you
wish to use someone else (from the Enlightenment) see me first.
Assessment – this project will count as a homework grade. If you do not complete it you will be
tasked to come to advisement per your Class Overview (see class overview posted in room).
- 5 for each day late
* This project will count as part of an additional assessment as well. It will greatly behoove you
to do a good job and get it done on time. See me if you have any questions at all concerning the