FCCLA Olympics Objective: To introduce some of the FCCLA National Programs and to introduce basic FCCLA information. 1. Students will need to be divided into groups. Decide how many groups you would like to have, depending on the number of students. There are 6 different games that they will compete in; each team will send one member to participate in each game. 2. Once they are divided into teams, pass out the team worksheets. Frist they must choose a name for their team. 3. Briefly describe the games and have each team determine who will be their representative for each game. (Descriptions are on next page.) 4. The scoring will go as follows: 1st place= 10 Points, 2nd Place= 9 Points, etc. You can adjust scoring depending on the number of teams you have. Some games you will need to play over and over again to determine who is in 2 nd and 3rd place etc. Each team can keep track of their scores on their team worksheet. 5. Play upbeat music to get the kids pumped up. 6. There is a place for them to record on their sheet which FCCLA program relates to each game. 7. Follow up the FCCLA Olympics by showing FCCLA membership video if you have access to one OR by explaining about FCCLA yourself. (See Top 10 Things to Know About FCCLA Handout) 8. Introduce your FCCLA Chapter Officers and explain the activities your chapter will be doing this year. 9. You can also follow up with an FCCLA webquest to learn more, and even give them an FCCLA Test. FCCLA Olympics Game 1 Title Families First “Tower of Strength” Description Your goal in this game it to build the tallest, sturdiest tower in 2 minutes. Supplies Spaghetti Noodles and marshmallows for each participant. 2 Power of One “Speed Twister” One member of each team will play Twister. Twister Game 3 STOP the Violence “Ankle Biters” 1 balloon and 1 piece of tape for each participant. 4 Student Body “Jump for the Win” Each participant will blow up a balloon and tape it to their ankle. The goal is to be the last participant with their balloon left un-popped. Participants will see who can jump the farthest while bending over and holding onto their toes. 5 Dynamic Each person is given a Leadership piece of paper, their goal is to create the most “Paperworks” creative piece of artwork without using tape or staples. 1 piece of paper per participant. 6 Financial Fitness “Banking Buzz” Place different banking terms on the board, give each participant a fly swatter, they must all sit or stand in the same place. When a definition is read the first person to swat the correct term on the board wins. Markers to show where each participant landed. Banking terms and definitions, a fly swatter for each participant, term signs, and tape. Relation to FCCLA The program Families First is designed to help young people gain a better understanding of how families work and learn skills to become strong family members. Its goals are to: help youth become strong family members and leaders for today and tomorrow and strengthen the family as the basic unit of society. The Power of One program helps students find and use their personal power. Members set their own goals, work to achieve them, and enjoy the results. The skills members learn in Power of One help them now and in the future in school, with friends and family, in their future at college, and on the job. The FCCLA Students’ Taking On Prevention (STOP) the Violence program empowers youth with attitudes, skills, and resources in order to recognize, report, and reduce youth violence. The Student Body program helps young people learn to eat right, be fit, and make healthy choices. Its goals are to: help young people make informed, responsible decisions about their health, provide youth opportunities to teach others, and develop healthy lifestyles, as well as communication and leadership skills. The FCCLA Dynamic Leadership helps young people build leadership skills. It provides information, activities, and project ideas to help young people: learn about leadership, recognize the lifelong benefits of leadership skills, practice leadership skills through FCCLA, involvement, become strong leaders for families, careers, and communities. The FCCLA Financial Fitness program involves youth teaching one another how to make, save, and spend money wisely. Through FCCLA’s Financial Fitness program, youth plan and carry out projects that help them and their peers learn to become wise financial managers and smart consumers.