Chapter 2 Study Guide (pg 42-73) AP HuG – Darbois -

Chapter 2 Study Guide (pg 42-73)
AP HuG – Darbois
--For all the following, be able to define/explain and have examples when applicable.
Chapter 2 Quiz #1 (pg 42-55)
 What is an MDC (Developed) and LDC (Developing)? – (Not in book)
 Demography
 Overpopulation
 Humans distributed across earth’s surface – uniformly or not uniformly
 What is a census?
 How do concentration and density relate to distribution of population
 What are the 4 major population clusters? (2/3 of the world’s inhabitants are located in these 4
 Other population clusters
 Ecumene
 What are the 4 sparsely populated regions?
 Population Density (Use population geography definitions for the terms listed below)
o Arithmetic Density
o Physiological Density
 What is physiological density?
 What is arable land?
o Agricultural Density
 CBR (start of Key Issue #2)
 NIR – What is it and how is it calculated?
 Doubling Time
 LDC’s vs MDC’s for NIR – Where is a large percentage of the NIR clustered?
 Total Fertility Rate – What is it and how is it calculated? TFR and the magic 2.1 – we will talk about
in class.
 Mortality
o Developed countries have lower rates …… whereas developing countries have higher rates
 Population pyramid
 Dependency ratio
 Sex ratio
Food for thought after reading pages 42-55:
1. How would agricultural density differ from MDC’s vs LDC’s?
2. What types of countries have high NIR’S? Why?
Chapter 2 Quiz #2 (pg 56-73)
 Demographic Transition Model (need to understand each stage and the reasons for
low/high/moderate growth for each)
o Stage 1: Low growth
 Are there any countries currently in stage 1?
o Stage 2: High growth
o Stage 3: Moderate growth
o Stage 4: Low growth
 Industrial Revolution
Chapter 2 Study Guide (pg 42-73)
AP HuG – Darbois
o Definition
o It’s role in the demographic transition model
Medical Revolution
o Definition
o It’s role in the demographic transition model
Zero Population Growth
Declining birthrates
o What are the reasons that birth rates are declining?
Malthus and hypothesis on Overpopulation
o Geometrically vs arithmetically
o Critics
o Theory vs Reality
Possible Stage 5 of the Demographic Transition Model: Decline
Two most populous countries in the world are ..
Epidemiology(Start of KI #4)
Epidemiologic Transition
o Does it correlate with the Demographic Transition Model?
o Stages and examples
Infant Mortality Rate
Life expectancy
Food for thought after reading pages 56-73:
1. In what stage of the Demographic Transition Model are most countries of the world?
2. Do you believe the world will soon face an overpopulation problem? Why or why not?