Author Index Use the Find function on your browser to search the index, or go to the Topic Index . (Numbers in parentheses refer to issue.) ADA, Gordon, The First Two Years' Operation of the Bilateral Exchange Agreement between the Academia Sinica, Beijing and the Australian Academy of Science (3) AHLERS, Anna L., and Gunter SCHUBERT, County and Township Cadres as a Strategic Group: “Building a New Socialist Countryside” in Three Provinces (67) ALPERMANN, Björn , The Post-Election Administration of Chinese Villages (46) ALPERMANN, Björn, "Wrapped up in Cotton Wool": Political Integration of Private Entrepreneurs in Rural China (56) AMBROSE, David, The Conflict between China and Vietnam (2) ANDERSON, Don, Youth Waiting for Work in China (12) ANDERSON, Kym, and Rodney TYERS, China's Economic Growth, Structural Transformation and Food Trade (14) ANDREAS, Joel, Institutionalized Rebellion: Governing Tsinghua University during the Late Years of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (55) ANDREWS, Eric, Australia and China, 1949: The Failure to Recognise the PRC (13) ANONYMOUS, A Chinese View of Australia-China Relations (3) AVERILL, Stephen C., The Transition from Urban to Rural in the Chinese Revolution (48) AYRES, John, and John NALSON, Development Projects and the Production Responsibility System in China (11) BACHMAN, David, Li Zhisui, Mao Zedong, and Chinese Elite Politics (35) BACHMAN, David, The Paradox of Analysing Elite Politics under Jiang (45) BAKKEN, Børge, Backwards Reform in Chinese Education (19/20) BAKKEN, Børge, Crime, Juvenile Delinquency and Deterrence Policy in China (30) BARANOVITCH, Nimrod, From Resistance to Adaptation: Uyghur Popular Music and Changing Attitudes among Uyghur Youth (58) BARFIELD, Judy, Agricultural Statistics Project (2) BARMÉ, Geremie R., CCPTM & ADCULT PRC (41) BARMÉ, Geremie R., I'm So Ronree [Review Article] (55) BARMÉ, Geremie R., Private Practice, Public Performance: The Cultural Revelations of Dr Li (35) BARMÉ, Geremie R., To Screw Foreigners is Patriotic: China's Avant-Garde Nationalists (34) BARMÉ, Geremie, Chaotou Wenxue—China's New Literature (2) BARMÉ, Geremie, Chinese Drama: To Be or Not (10) BARMÉ, Geremie, Flowers or More Weeds? Culture in China Since the Fall of the Gang of Four (1) BARMÉ, Geremie, In Reply [to He Xin] (24) BARMÉ, Geremie, Notes on Publishing in China, 1976-1979 (4) BARMÉ, Geremie, Wang Shuo and Liumang ('Hooligan') Culture (28) BARNEA, Zwi, and Shuiyin LO, The Processing of Information in Chinese (10) BAUM, Richard, and Xin ZHANG, Civil Society and the Anatomy of a Rural NGO (52) BAUM, Richard, Tiananmen—The Inside Story? (Review Essay) (46) BEALL, Cynthia M., Melvyn C. GOLDSTEIN, Ben JIAO (Benjor) and Phuntsog TSERING, Fertility and Family Planning in Rural Tibet (47) BECQUELIN, Nicolas, Xinjiang in the Nineties (44) BENTON, Gregor, and Steve TSANG, The Portrayal of Opportunism, Betrayal, and Manipulation in Mao's Rise to Power [Review Article] (55) BENZIGER, Vincent, Scott ROZELLE and Jikun HUANG, Continuity and Change in China’s Rural Periodic Markets (49) BLAINEY, Geoffrey, Our Relations with China: A Backward and Forward Glance (11) BRANDT, Loren, Jikuan HUANG, Guo LI and Scott ROZELLE, Land Rights in China: Facts, Fictions and Issues (47) BROADED, C. Montgomery, Alex INKELES, and Zhongde CAO, Causes and Consequences of Individual Modernity in China (37) BROADED, C. Montgomery, The Lost and Found Generation: Cohort Succession in Chinese Higher Education (23) BROWN, Colin, Scott WALDRON and John LONGWORTH, Agricultural Modernization and State Capacity in China (66) BRUGGER, Bill, Alienation Revisited (12) BRUGGER, Bill, China Since the Fifth National People's Congress: 1978 or 1957? (1) BRUGGER, Bill, The Revival of Political Science in China: A Review of the Journal Zhengzhixue yanjiu (Review Article) (15) BRUUN, Ole, The Fengshui Resurgence in China: Conflicting Cosmologies Between State and Peasantry (36) BUCKLEY, Christopher, Science as Politics and Politics as Science: Fang Lizhi and Chinese Intellectuals' Uncertain Road to Dissent (25) BUCKNALL, Kevin B., Implications of the Recent Changes in China's Foreign Trade Policies (5) BUCKNALL, Kevin B.,Capitalism and Chinese Agriculture 1960-66: A Reply (3) BUCKNALL, Kevin, Capitalism and Chinese Agriculture, 1960-66 (1) BULAG, Uradyn E., Models and Moralities: The Parable of the Two "Heroic Little Sisters of the Grassland" (42) BURNS, John, Civil Service Reform in Post-Mao China (18) CAI, Yongshun, and Lin ZHU, Disciplining Local Officials in China: The Case of Conflict Management (70) CAI, Yongshun, James KUNG and Xiulin SUN, Rural Cadres and Governance in China: Incentive, Institution, and Accountability (62) CAI, Yongshun, Social Conflicts and Modes of Action in China (59) CAO, Nanlai, Boss Christians: The Business of Religion in the “Wenzhou Model” of Christian Revival (59) CAO, Zhongde, Alex INKELES and C. Montgomery BROADED, Causes and Consequences of Individual Modernity in China (37) CARR, Michael, China and the Law of the Sea Convention (9) CHAMBERLAIN, Heath B., Civil Society with Chinese Characteristics? (Review Essay) (39) CHAMBERLAIN, Heath B., Coming to Terms with Civil Society (Review Article) (31) CHAN, Alfred L., China's Fourth Generation: The New Rulers and the Secret Files (Review Essay) (50) CHAN, Anita, Strikes in China’s Export Industries, in Comparative Perspective (65) CHAN, Anita and Jonathan UNGER, A Chinese State Enterprise under the Reform: What Model of Capitalism? (62) CHAN, Anita and, Jonathan UNGER, Voices from the Protest Movement, Chongqing, Sichuan (24) CHAN, Anita, and Irene NØRLUND, Vietnamese and Chinese Labour Regimes: On the Road to Divergence (40) CHAN, Anita, and Jonathan UNGER, China, Corporatism, and the East Asian Model (33) CHAN, Anita, and Jonathan UNGER, Inheritors of the Boom: Private Enterprise and the Role of Local Government in a Rural South China Township (42) CHAN, Anita, and Jonathan UNGER, The Internal Politics of an Urban Chinese Work Community: A Case Study of Employee Influence on Decision-making at a State Owned Factory (52) CHAN, Anita, Benedict J. Tria KERKVLIET and Jonathan UNGER, Comparing the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms: An Introduction (40) CHAN, Anita, Revolution or Corporatism? Workers and Trade Unions in Post-Mao China (29) CHAN, Anita, Self-Deception as a Survival Technique: A Study of Yue Daiyun (Review Article) )(19/20) CHAN, Gerald, China and the Esperanto Movement (l5) CHAN, Kin-man, Anthony J. SPIRES and Lin TAO, Societal Support for China’s Grassroots NGOs: Evidence from Yunnan, Guangdong and Beijing (71) CHAN, Sylvia, "Blooming and Contending": Chinese Writers' Responses on Chinese Literature (8) CHAN, Sylvia, Realism or Socialist Realism?: The "Proletarian" Episode in Modern Chinese Literature 1927-1932 (9) CHAN, Sylvia, The Image of a "Capitalist Roader"—Some Dissident Short Stories in the Hundred Flowers Period (2) CHAN, Sylvia, Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Towards a "Free" Literature (19/20) CHAN, Thomas, and SUNG Yun-wing, China's Economic Reforms: The Debates in China (17) CHAN, Thomas, China's Price Reforms in the 1980s (18) CHANG, Parris H., Changing of the Guard (45) CHANG, Parris H., Don't Dance to Beijing's Tune (36) CHANG, Parris H., Who Gets What, When and How in Chinese Politics—A Case Study of the Strategies of Conflict of the "Gang of Four" (2) CHAPPELL, Hilary, The Romanization Debate (4) CHEATER, A. P., Death Ritual as Political Trickster in the People's Republic of China (26) CHEEK, Timothy, The "Genius" Mao: A Treasure Trove of 23 Newly Available Volumes of Post-1949 Mao Zedong Texts (19/20) CHEEK, Timothy, The Fading of Wild Lilies: Wang Shiwei and Mao Zedong's Yan'an Talks in the First CPC Rectification Movement (ll) CHEEK, Timothy, The New Number One Counter-Revolutionary Inside the Party: Academic Biography as Mass Criticism [Review Article] (55) CHEN Jian, A Response [to John W. Garver]: How to Pursue a Critical History of Mao’s Foreign Policy (Review Essay) (49) CHEN Jian, The Ward Case and the Emergence of Sino-American Confrontation, 1948-1950 (30) CHEN, Feng, and Xin XU, “Active Judiciary”: Judicial Dismantling of Workers’ Collective Actions in China (67) CHEN, Feng, Legal Mobilization by Trade Unions: The Case of Shanghai (52) CHEN, Feng, Subsistence Crises, Managerial Corruption and Labour Protests in China (44) CHEN, Ling, Playing the Market Reform Card: The Changing Patterns of Political Struggle in China’s Electric Power Sector (64) CHENG, Joseph Y.S., Hong Kong: The Decline of Political Expectations and Confidence (19/20) CHENG, Joseph Y.S., Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong After the Beijing Massacre (23) CHENG, Joseph, Reform of the Economic Structure and "One Country, Two Systems" (13) CHENG, Joseph, The Future of Hong Kong: A Study of the Hong Kong People's Attitudes (12) CHENG, Tun-jen, and Hung-mao TIEN, Crafting Democratic Institutions in Taiwan (37) CHESNEAUX, Jean, My Forty Years of Chinese History (22) CHEY, Jocelyn, Australia-China Council Retrospective (7) CHEY, Jocelyn, China Visits Policy (4) CHEY, Jocelyn, Chinese Cultural Policy—Liberalization? (1) CHO, Mun Young, Forced Flexibility: A Migrant Woman’s Struggle for Settlement (61) CHOI, Eun Kyong, The Politics of Fee Extraction from Private Enterprise, 1996– 2003 (62) CHU Shulong, National Unity, Sovereignty and Territorial Integration (36) CHUN, Allen, From Nationalism to Nationalizing: Cultural Imagination and State Formation in Postwar Taiwan (31) CHUNG, Jae Ho, Hongyi LAI and Ming XIA, Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects and Criminal Organizations (56) CHUNG, Jae Ho, The Political Economy of Industrial Restructuring in China: The Case of Civil Aviation (50) CHUNG, Yen-lin, The CEO of the Utopian Project: Deng Xiaoping’s Roles and Activities in the Great Leap Forward (69) CLARK, Claire, Australian Creative Writing on Asia (6) CLAUSEN, Soren, and Stig THØGERSEN, New Reflections in the Mirror: Local Chinese Gazetteers (Difangzhi) in the 1980s (27) CLIFF, Thomas, The Partnership of Stability in Xinjiang: State–Society Interactions Following the July 2009 Unrest (68) COCKAIN, Alex, Students’ Ambivalence Toward Their Experiences in Secondary Education: Views from a Group of Young Chinese Studying on an International Foundation Program in Beijing (65) CONNELLY, Rachel, Kenneth ROBERTS, Zhenming XIE and Zhenzhen ZHENG, Patterns of Temporary Labor Migration of Rural Women from Anhui and Sichuan (52) CONROY, Richard, China's Local Scientific Research Sector: Its Role, Impact and Future Prospects (7) CONROY, Richard, China's Technology Import Policy (15) CONROY, Richard, Laissez-faire Socialism? Prosperous Peasants and China's Current Development Strategy (12) CONROY, Richard, Patterns of Divorce in China (17) CONROY, Richard, Recent Issues and Trends in Chinese Policy towards Science and Technology (6) COULTER, John, and Paul IVORY, The Rural-Urban Dichotomy in China: A Case Study of the Mid-Yellow River Region using Remote Sensing Data (7) CRANE, George T., "Special Things in Special Ways": National Economic Identity and China's Special Economic Zones (32) CRAWCOUR, E. S., Asia in Australian Education (5) CROIZIER, Ralph, Qu Yuan and the Artists: Ancient Symbols and Modern Politics in the Post-Mao Era (24) CROLL, Elizabeth, Development Project Objectives and the Local Social Environment: A Case Study of a Chinese Village (18) CULLEN, Richard, and Hualing FU, Weiquan (Rights Protection) Lawyering in and AuthoritarianState: Building a Culture of Public-interest Lawyering (59) DAVIES, David J., Wal-Mao: The Discipline of Corporate Culture and Studying Success at Wal-Mart China (58) DAVIES, Gloria, Chinese Literary Studies and Post-Structuralist Positions: What Next? (28) DAVIES, Gloria, Habermas in China: Theory as Catalyst (57) DAVIES, Ian, China: New Economic Policies (2) DAVIES, Ian, Taiwan: The Economic Significance of the Industrialisation Programme (6) DE BRAUW, Alan, Lihua PANG and Scott ROZELLE, Working Until You Drop: The Elderly of Rural China (52) DEAN, Nicola, and Wen-Hsuan TSAI, The CCP’s Learning System: Thought Unification and Regime Adaptation (69) DeMARE, Brian James, Casting (Off) Their Stinking Airs: Chinese Intellectuals and Land Reform, 1946–52 (67) DENG, Guosheng, and Shawn SHIEH, An Emerging Civil Society: The Impact of the Sichuan Earthquake on Grassroots Associations in China (65) DENG, Yanhua, and Kevin O’BRIEN, Societies of Senior Citizens and Popular Protest in Rural Zhejiang: Research Report (71) DIBB, Paul, China's Strategic Situation and Defence Priorities in the 1980s (5) DICK, Geoff, Auditing in China: The Australian Involvement (11) DING, X. L., The Illicit Asset Stripping of Chinese State Firms (43) DITTMER, Lowell, Chinese Informal Politics (34) DITTMER, Lowell, Informal Politics Reconsidered (34) DITTMER, Lowell, Mao Zedong: Ten Years After (16) DITTMER, Lowell, Pitfalls of Charisma [Review Article] (55) DITTMER, Lowell, The Changing Nature of Elite Power Politics (45) DOAR, Bruce, and David KELLY, Information Revolution: China and the Computer Society (12) DOAR, Bruce, Speculation in a Distorting Mirror: Scientific and Political Fantasy in Contemporary Chinese Writing (8) DONALDSON, John A., and Qian Forrest ZHANG, The Rise of Agrarian Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Agricultural Modernization, Agribusiness and Collective Land Rights (60) DONG Guoqiang and Andrew G. WALDER, From Truce to Dictatorship: Creating a Revolutionary Committee in Jiangsu (68) DONG Guoqiang and Andrew G. WALDER, Factions in a Bureaucratic Setting: The Origins of Cultural Revolution Conflict in Nanjing (65) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, Aspects of Neo-Liuist Economic Policy (3) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, Control of Investment in China (7) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, New Light on Central-Provincial Financial Relations (10) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, Note on Kevin Bucknall: Capitalism and Chinese Agriculture 1960-66 (2) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, Prolonged Readjustment: Zhao Ziyang on Current Economic Policy (8) DONNITHORNE, Audrey, Sichuan's Agriculture: Depression and Revival (12) DUARA, Prasenjit, De-Constructing the Chinese Nation (30) DUKE, Chris, Strengthening the Second Leg: From "Worker/Peasant" to "Adult" Education (11) DYNON, Nicholas, “Four Civilizations” and the Evolution of Chinese Post-Mao Socialist Ideology (60) EATON, Sarah, Political Economy of the Advancing State: The Case of China’s Airlines Reform (69) ENDREY, Andrew, Hu Feng: Return of the Counter- Revolutionary (5) ERBAUGH, Mary S., and Richard Curt KRAUS, The 1989 Democracy Movement in Fujian and its Aftermath (23) ESHERICK, Joseph W., Xi'an Spring (24) FARQUHAR, Mary, Revolutionary Children's Literature (4) FARRER, James and SUN Zhongxin, Extramarital Love in Shanghai(50) FEDER, Michael J., and Murray Scot TANNER, Family Politics, Elite Recruitment, and Succession in Post-Mao China (30) FEI Hsiao-t'ung, A Discussion of Chinese Modernisation (7) FEWSMITH, Joseph, The New Shape of Elite Politics (45) FISAC, Tatiana, “Anything at Variance With It Must Be Revised Accordingly”: Rewriting Modern Chinese Literature During the 1950s (67) FISHER, Tom, "The Play's the Thing": Wu Han and Hai Rui Revisited (7) FITZGERALD, C.P., Reflections on the Character of the Industrial Revolution in China (5) FITZGERALD, John, A New Cultural Revolution: The Commercialisation of Culture in China (11) FITZGERALD, John, Mao in Mufti: Newly Identified Works by Mao Zedong (9) FITZGERALD, John, The Nationless State: The Search for a Nation in Modern Chinese Nationalism (33) FITZGERALD, Stephen, Australia's China (24) FITZPATRICK, Merrilyn, China Images Abroad: The Representation of China in Western Documentary Films (9) FLETCHER, M. D., Chinese Industrial Policy and Reforms: Preliminary Comparisons with Japan (11) FLETCHER, M. D., Restoration, Innovation and Restoration (6) FONG, Vanessa L., and Sung won KIM, A Longitudinal Study of Son Preference and Daughter Preference Among Chinese Only-Children from Adolescence to Adulthood (71) FOOT, Rosemary, Chinese Power and the Idea of a Responsible State (45) FORSTER, Keith, Impressions of the Popular Protest in Hangzhou, April/June 1989 (23) FORSTER, Keith, Spontaneous and Institutional Rebellion in the Cultural Revolution: The Extraordinary Case of Weng Senhe (27) FORSTER, Keith, The 1982 Campaign against Economic Crime in China (14) FORWARD, Roy, Letter from Shanghai (24) FOSTER, Kenneth W., Embedded within State Agencies: Business Associations in Yantai (47) FOX, Josephine, The Movement for Democracy and its Consequences in Tianjin (23) FRAZIER, Mark W., China’s Pension Reform and its Discontents (51) FRIEDMAN, Edward, The Flaws and Failures of Mao Zedong's Communist Fundamentalism (18) FU, Hualing, and Richard CULLEN, Weiquan (Rights Protection) Lawyering in and Authoritarian State: Building a Culture of Public-interest Lawyering (59) FUNG, Edmund S.K., Australia's China Policy in Tatters 1971-72 (10) GANTNER, Carrillo, Contemporary Chinese Theatre: The Curtain Rises (8) GARNAUT, Ross, and Guonan MA, How Rich is China? Evidence from the Food Economy (30) GARNAUT, Ross, Ligang SONG and Yang YAO, Impact and Significance of StateOwned Enterprise Restructuring in China (55) GARVER, John W., China as Number One (Review Article) (39) GARVER, John W., More From the "Say No Club" (Review Essay) (45) GARVER, John W., The Opportunity Costs of Mao’s Foreign Policy Choices (Review Essay) (49) GARVER, John W., The Soviet Union and the Xi'an Incident (26) GENG Wenxiu and ZHA Bo, Sexuality in Urban China (28) GEROVICH, Celia, and Sam GEROVICH, Shichang ("The Market") (4) GEROVICH, Sam, China and the USSR: A Thaw in Relations with the "Polar Bear"? (3) GIESE, Carsten, Same-same But Different: Chinese Traders’ Perspectives on African Labor (69) GILLEY, Bruce and Andrew J. NATHAN, Response (Review Essay) (50) GILLEY, Bruce, The "End of Politics" in Beijing (51) GÖBEL, Christian, Uneven Policy Implementation in Rural China (65) GODLEY, Michael, A Summer Cruise to Nowhere: China and the Vietnamese Chinese in Perspective (4) GODLEY, Michael, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Sun Yatsen and the International Development of China (18) GOLDSTEIN, Melvyn C., Ben JIAO (Benjor), Cynthia M. Beall and Phuntsog TSERING, Fertility and Family Planning in Rural Tibet (47) GONG Xiaoxia and Andrew G. WALDER, Workers in the Tiananmen Protests: The Politics of the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation (29) GORE, Lance L. P., The Communist Legacy in Post-Mao Economic Growth (41) GREENHALGH, Susan, Population Studies in China: Privileged Past, Anxious Future (24) GRIES, Peter Hays, Tears of Rage: Chinese Nationalist Reactions to the Belgrade Embassy Bombing (46) GU Cheng and YANG Lian, From "Elegy for the Dead" (22) GU, Edward X., "Non-Establishment" Intellectuals, Public Space, and the Creation of Non-Governmental Organizations in China: The Chen Ziming-Wang Juntao Saga (39) GULDIN, Greg, Anthropology by Other Names: The Impact of Sino-Soviet Friendship on the Anthropological Sciences (27) GUNN, Anne, "Tell the World About Us": The Student Movement in Shenyang, 1989 (24) GUO, Xuezhi, Dimensions of Guanxi in Chinese Elite Politics (46) HALPERN, Nina, Social Scientists as Policy Advisors in Post-Mao China: Explaining the Pattern of Advice (19/20) HAMRIN, Carol Lee, Inching Toward Open Politics (45) HANNAN, Kate, Chinese Development Policy: Recent Collections of Comments (Review Article) (12) HARRIS, Peter, Chinese Nationalism: The State of the Nation (Review Article) (38) HARRIS, Peter, Putting China to Rights (Review Article) (48) HARRIS, Stuart, The Taiwan Crisis: Some Basic Realities (36) HARWIT, Eric, Foreign Passenger Car Ventures and Chinese Decision-Making (28) HAWES, Colin, Representing Corporate Culture in China: Official, Academic and Corporate Perspectives (59) HAYDEN, Bill, Australia's China Policy under Labor (11) HAYDEN, Paul, The Scales Tip in Favour of the Law (9) HAYES, Adrian C., Was Malthus Right About China? (Review Essay) (47) HE Xin, A Word of Advice to the Politburo (translated, annotated and introduced by Geremie Barmé) (23) HE Xin, Letter from Beijing (24) HEILMANN, Sebastian, From Local Experiments to National Policy: The Origins of China’s Distinctive Policy Process (59) HEWITT, Pamela, Southeast Asian Studies in China (7) HILLMAN, Ben, Factions and Spoils: Examining Political Behavior Within the Local State (64) HILLMAN, Ben, Monastic Politics and the Local State in China: Authority and Autonomy in an Ethnically Tibetan Prefecture (54) HILLMAN, Ben, The Rise of the Community in Rural China: Village Politics, Cultural Identity and Religious Revival in a Hui Hamlet (51) HO, Ming-sho, Challenging State Corporatism: The Politics of Taiwan's Labor Federation Movement (56) HO, Peter, Mao's War Against Nature? The Environmental Impact of the Grain-First Campaign in China (50) HOLE, Christopher, Australia's Technical Co-operation Programme with China (10) HOLM, David, The Strange Case of Liu Zhidan (27) HOLMGREN, Jennifer, Myth, Fantasy or Scholarship: Images of the Status of Women in Traditional China (6) HOLMGREN, Jennifer, The Economic Foundations of Virtue: Widow-Remarriage in Early and Modern China (13) HONG, Beverly, Teaching Chinese Well and Teaching it Widely (5) HOOPER, Beverley, "Real" Chinas in the 1990s (Review Essay) (39) HOOPER, Beverley, Popular Books on China: The New Journalistic Wave (Review Article) (10) HOOPER, Beverley, The Australia-China Student Exchange Scheme: Could it be More Effective? (1) HOWARD, Pat, Rice Bowls and Job Security: The Urban Contract Labour System (25) HOWARD, Roger W., The Student Democracy Movement in Changchun (24) HSIAO, Hsin-Huang Michael, Emerging Social Movements and the Rise of a Demanding Civil Society in Taiwan (24) HSUEH, Tien-tung, and Tung-oy WOO, The Political Economy of the Heavy Industry Sector in the People's Republic of China (15) HU Wenzhong, A Modest Attempt: Teaching Australian Literature in China (8) HU, Xiaojiang, and Miguel A. SALAZAR, Ethnicity, Rurality and Status: Hukou and the Institutional and Cultural Determinants of Social Status in Tibet (60) HUA Linshan and Isabelle THIREAU, The Moral Universe of Aggrieved Chinese Workers: Workers' Appeals to Arbitration Committees and Letters and Visits Offices (50) HUANG Shu-min, Re-examining the Extended Family in Chinese Peasant Society: Findings from a Fujian Village (27) HUANG, Jikun, Loren BRANDT, Guo LI and Scott ROZELLE, Land Rights in China: Facts, Fictions and Issues (47) HUANG, Jikun, Scott ROZELLE and Keijiro OTSUKA, The Engines of a Viable Agriculture: Advances in Biotechnology, Market Accessibility and Land Rentals in Rural China (53) HUANG, Jikun, Scott ROZELLE, and Vincent BENZIGER, Continuity and Change in China’s Rural Periodic Markets (49) HUCK, Arthur, Australian Attitudes to China and the Chinese (11) HUCK, Arthur, Interpreting Chinese Foreign Policy (6) HUEBNER, Jon W., Chinese Anti-Americanism, 1946-1948 (17) IKELS, Charlotte, Ethical Issues in Organ Procurement in Chinese Societies (38) In Memoriam: Gordon White (40) INGLES, O. G., Impressions of a Civil Engineer in China (7) INKELES, Alex, C. Montgomery BROADED and Zhongde CAO, Causes and Consequences of Individual Modernity in China (37) IVORY, Paul, and John COULTER, The Rural-Urban Dichotomy in China: A Case Study of the Mid-Yellow River Region using Remote Sensing Data (7) JACKA, Tamara, Migration, Householding and the Well-being of Left-behind Women in Rural Ningxia (67) JACKA, Tamara, Population Governance in the PRC: Political, Historical and Anthropological Perspectives [Review Essay] (58) JACKA, Tamara, Back to the Wok: Women and Employment in Chinese Industry in the 1980s (24) JACKSON, Sukhan, Profit Sharing, State Revenue and Enterprise Performance in the PRC (12) JACOBS, J. Bruce, The History of Taiwan (Review Essay)(65) JACOBS, J. Bruce, Elections in China (25) JACOBS, J. Bruce, Political and Economic Institutional Changes and Continuities in Six Rural Chinese Localities (14) JACOBS, J. Bruce, Political Opposition and Taiwan's Political Future (6) JANKOWIAK, William R., Sex Differences in Mate Selection and Sexuality in the People's Republic of China (22) JANKOWIAK, William R., The Last Hurrah? Political Protest in Inner Mongolia (19/20) JIA Qingguo, Reflections on the Recent Tension in the Taiwan Strait (36) JIAO, Ben (Benjor), Melvyn C. GOLDSTEIN, Cynthia M. BEALL and Phuntsog TSERING, Fertility and Family Planning in Rural Tibet (47) JOHNSON, Kay, Chinese Orphanages: Saving China's Abandoned Girls (30) JOHNSTON, Alastair Iain, Learning Versus Adaptation: Explaining Change in Chinese Arms Control Policy in the 1980s and 1990s (35) JUN Jing, Rural Resettlement: Past Lessons for the Three Gorges Project (38) KANE, Penny, An Assessment of China's Health Care (11) KANE, Penny, Patterns of Chinese Fertility (13) KASPER, Wolfgang, Note on the Sichuan Experiment (7) KEATING, Pauline, The Ecological Origins of the Yan'an Way (32) KEATS, D. M., J. A. KEATS and LIU Fan, The Language and Thinking Relationship in Bilingual Chinese Children (7) KEATS, J. A., D. M. Keats and LIU Fan, The Language and Thinking Relationship in Bilingual Chinese Children (7) KEEN, Steve, News or Propaganda? (8) KELLIHER, Daniel, The Chinese Debate Over Village Self-Government (37) KELLY, D. A., At Last: An Arena: Current Policies in Chinese Social Science (2) KELLY, D. A., Chinese Controversies on the Guiding Role of Philosophy over Science (14) KELLY, D. David., The Chinese Student Movement of December 1986 and its Intellectual Antecedents (17) KELLY, David, and Anthony REID, Weathering a Political Winter: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1990 (24) KELLY, David, and Bruce DOAR, Information Revolution: China and the Computer Society (12) KELLY, Philippa, Business with China: A Look at the Literature (Review Article) (9) KENNEDY, Scott, The Price of Competition: Pricing Policies and the Struggle to Define China’s Economic System (49) KERKVLIET, Benedict J. Tria, and Mark SELDEN, Agrarian Transformations in China and Vietnam (40) KERKVLIET, Benedict J. Tria, Anita CHAN and Jonathan UNGER, Comparing the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms: An Introduction (40) KIM, Sung won, and Vanessa L. FONG, A Longitudinal Study of Son Preference and Daughter Preference Among Chinese Only-Children from Adolescence to Adulthood (71) KIPNIS, Andrew, The Disturbing Educational Discipline of "Peasants" (46) KIPNIS, Andrew,Anthropological Approaches to Self in Contemporary China (Review Essay) (50) KIRBY, William C., Continuity and Change in Modern China: Economic Planning on the Mainland and on Taiwan, 1943-58 (24) KIRILOFF, Constantine, Chinese for Australians: Curriculum Materials for Australian Schools (9) KIRILOFF, Constantine, Testing and Accreditation for Translators and Interpreters (6) KITCHING, Beverley, Science and Politics in the People's Republic of China: A Discussion of Models for the Development of Science (10) KNIGHT, Nick, From the 2nd Plenum to the 6th NPC: The Retreat Gathers Speed (12) KNIGHT, Nick, Mao and History: Who Judges and How? (13) KNIGHT, Nick, The Form of Mao Zedong's "Sinification of Marxism" (9) KNIGHT, Nick, The Marxism of Mao Zedong: Empiricism and Discourse in the Field of Mao Studies (16) KOHRMAN, Matthew, Depoliticizing Tobacco’s Exceptionality: Male Sociality, Death and Memory-Making among Chinese Cigarette Smokers (58) KONG, Sherry Tao, and Jonathan UNGER, Egalitarian Redistributions of Agricultural Land in China through Community Consensus: Findings from Two Surveys (69) KORNREICH, Yoel, Ilan VERTINSKY and Pitman B. POTTER, Consultation and Deliberation in China: The Making of China’s Health-Care Reform (68) KOSTKA, Genia, Mobility and Agency: Private Sector Development in Rural Central China (67) KOU, Chien-wen, and Wen-Hsuan TSAI, ‘Sprinting with Small Steps’ Towards Promotion: Solutions for the Age Dilemma in the CCP Cadre Appointment System” (71) KRAUS, Richard Curt, and Mary S. ERBAUGH, The 1989 Democracy Movement in Fujian and Its Aftermath (23) KRAUS, Richard, and Wendy LARSON, China's Writers, the Nobel Prize and the International Politics of Literature (21) KUAN Hsin-chi and LAU Siu-kai, The Partial Vision of Democracy in Hong Kong: A Survey of Popular Opinion (34) KUAN, Teresa, “The Heart Says One Thing but the Hand Does Another”: A Story about Emotion-Work, Ambivalence and Popular Advice for Parents (65) KUEH, Y. Y., Growth Imperatives, Economic Recentralization, and China's Opendoor Policy (24) KUNG, James Kai-sing, and Shouying LIU, Farmers' Preferences Regarding Ownership and Land Tenure in Post-Mao China: Unexpected Evidence from Eight Counties (38) KUNG, James, Yongshun CAI and Xiulin SUN, Rural Cadres and Governance in China: Incentive, Institution, and Accountability (62) LAI, Hongyi, Jae Ho CHUNG and Ming XIA, Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects and Criminal Organizations (56) LAM, Willy Wo-Lap, The Factional Dynamics in China's Taiwan Policy (36) LAMB, Malcolm, The FitzGerald Report and the Schools (5) LAMB, Malcolm, The Third Session of the National People's Congress and Leadership in China (5) LAN, Shi-Chi Mike, The Ambivalence of National Imagination: Defining the “Taiwanese” in China, 1931–1941 (64) LARSON, Wendy, and Richard KRAUS, China's Writers, the Nobel Prize and the International Politics of Literature (21) LAU Siu-kai and KUAN Hsin-chi, The Partial Vision of Democracy in Hong Kong: A Survey of Popular Opinion (34) LAVELY, William, Chinese Demographic Data: A Guide to Major Sources (18) LAWRENCE, John, China Daily News (8) LAWRENCE, Susan V., Democracy, Chinese Style (32) LEE, Anru, Subways as a Space of Cultural Intimacy: The Mass Rapid Transit System in Taipei, Taiwan (58) LEE, Hyeon Jung, Fearless Love, Death for Dignity: Female Suicide and Gendered Subjectivity in Rural North China (71) LEE, Leo Ou-fan, Visualizing the Tiananmen Student Movement (Review Article) (35) LEE, Paul Siu-nam, The Official Chinese Image of Taiwan (24) LEE, Tracy K., and Geng SONG, Consumption, Class Formation and Sexuality: Reading Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in China (64) LENG, Tse-Kang, State and Business in the Era of Globalization: The Case of CrossStrait Linkages in the Computer Industry (53) LEVY, Richard, Corruption, Economic Crime and Social Transformation Since the Reforms: The Debate in China (33) LI Shijin, MA Zuyi and WANG Jiantang, Chinese Research on Australia (9) LI Youyi, Retrospects and Prospects of Ethnology in China (translated by Peter Coyne and William H. Newell, with an introduction by William H. Newell) (5) LI, Cheng, Rediscovering Urban Subcultures: The Contrast Between Shanghai and Beijing (Review Article) (36) LI, Cheng, University Networks and the Rise of Qinghua Graduates in China's Leadership (32) LI, Guo, Loren BRANDT, Jikun HUANG and Scott ROZELLE, Land Rights in China: Facts, Fictions and Issues (47) LI, Huaiyin, Everyday Strategies for Team Farming in Collective-Era China: Evidence from Qin Village (54) LI, Jiansheng, and Robert P. WELLER, From State-Owned Enterprise to Joint Venture: A Case Study of the Crisis in Urban Social Services (43) LI, Lianjiang, Rights Consciousness and Rules Consciousness in Contemporary China (64) LI, Lianjiang, The Two-Ballot System in Shanxi Province: Subjecting Village Party Secretaries to a Popular Vote (42) LI, Linda Chelan, Working for the Peasants? Strategic Interactions and Unintended Consequences in Chinese Rural Tax Reform (57) LIAN, Hong, Xueguang ZHOU, Leonard ORTOLANO and Yinyu YE, A Behavioral Model of “Muddling Through” in the Chinese Bureaucracy: The Case of Environmental Protection (70) LIN, Kun-Chin, Macroeconomic Disequilibria and Enterprise Reform: Restructuring the Chinese Oil and Petrochemical Industries in the 1990s (60) LIN, Wanlong, and Christine WONG, Are Beijing’s Equalization Policies Reaching the Poor? An Analysis of Direct Subsidies under the “Three Rurals” (Sannong) (67) LIU Fan, J. A. KEATS and D. M. KEATS, The Language and Thinking Relationship in Bilingual Chinese Children (7) LIU, Alan P. L., Rebirth and Secularization of the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party (62) LIU, Chengfang, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo and Scott Rozelle, Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion? (61) LIU, Shouying, and James Kai-sing KUNG, Farmers' Preferences Regarding Ownership and Land Tenure in Post-Mao China: Unexpected Evidence from Eight Counties (38) LO, Shuiyin and Zwi BARNEA, The Processing of Information in Chinese(10) LONGWORTH, John, Scott WALDRON and Colin BROWN, Agricultural Modernization and State Capacity in China (66) LOONEY, Kristen E., Village Gazetteers: A New Source in the China Field (60) LORA-WAINWRIGHT, Anna, Yiyun ZHANG, Yunmei WU and Benjamin Van ROOIJ, Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Industrialized Village (68) LOUIE, Kam, Between Paradise and Hell: Literary Double-think in Post-Mao China (10) LOUIE, Kam, In Search of Socialist Capitalism and Chinese Modernisation: Jiang Zilong's Ideas on Industrial Management (12) LOUIE, Kam, In Search of the Chinese Soul in the Mountains of the South (Review Essay) (45) LOUIE, Kam, New Forms of Realism in Chinese Literature: The St John's University Conference (9) LOUIE, Kam, The Short Stories of Ah Cheng: Daoism, Confucianism and Life (18) LU Huilin and PUN Ngai, A Culture of Violence: The Labor Subcontracting System and Collective Action by Construction Workers in Post-Socialist China (64) LUO Yuanzheng, The Chinese Economy and Foreign Experiences: A Chinese Economist's View (3) LUO, Renfu, Chengfang LIU, Linxiu Zhang and Scott Rozelle, Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion? (61) LUONG, Hy Van, and Jonathan UNGER, Wealth, Power and Poverty in the Transition to Market Economies: The Process of Socio-Economic Differentiation in Rural China and Northern Vietnam (40) MA Zuyi, LI Shijin and WANG Jiantang, Chinese Research on Australia (9) MA, Guonan, and Ross GARNAUT, How Rich is China? Evidence from the Food Economy (30) MACKERRAS, Colin, "Party Consolidation" and the Attack on "Spiritual Pollution" (11) MACKERRAS, Colin, Chinese Language Periodicals on Literature and the Arts (6) MACKERRAS, Colin, The Griffith University Exchanges with China (8) MACKERRAS, Colin, The Taming of the Shrew: Chinese Theatre and Social Change Since Mao (1) MACKERRAS, Colin, Traditional Mongolian Performing Arts in Inner Mongolia (10) MACKIE, J. A. C., ASEAN Perspectives on China: A Rejoinder to Peter Polomka (9) MARR, David, and Stanley ROSEN, Chinese and Vietnamese Youth in the 1990s (40) MARR, David, Sino-Vietnamese Relations (6) MASON, Katherine A., To Your Health!: Toasting, Intoxication, and Gendered Critique among Banqueting Women in Contemporary Public Health Danweis (69) MAURER-FAZIO, Margaret, Thomas G. RAWSKI, and Wei ZHANG, Inequality in the Rewards for Holding Up Half the Sky: Gender Wage Gaps in China's Urban Labour Market, 1988-1994 (41) McCARTHY, Susan K., Serving Society, Re-purposing the State: Religious Charity and Resistance in China (70) McCORMICK, Barrett L., Democracy or Dictatorship? A Response to Gordon White (31) McCORMICK, Barrett L., Political Change in China and Vietnam: Coping with the Consequences of Economic Reform (40) McDOUGAL, Bonnie, Problems and Possibilities in Translating Contemporary Chinese Literature (25) McLAREN, Anne, Has Australia Lost out on Scholarly Exchanges with China? (4) McLAREN, Anne, The Educated Youth Return: The Poster Campaign in Shanghai from November 1978 to March 1979 (2) McMILLEN, Donald H., Civil Defence in the People's Republic of China (8) McMILLEN, Donald H., Xinjiang and the Production and Construction Corps: A Han Organisation in a Non-Han Region (6) METZGER, Thomas A., and Ramon H. MYERS, Sinological Shadows: The State of Modern China Studies in the US (4) MORGAN, Stephen L., Richer and Taller: Stature and Living Standards in China, 1979-1995 (44) MORRIS, Richard, Trade Unions in Contemporary China (13) MUNRO, Neil, Connections, Paperwork or Passivity: Strategies of Popular Engagement with the Chinese Bureaucracy (68) MYERS, Ramon H., and Thomas A. METZGER, Sinological Shadows: The State of Modern China Studies in the US (4) NAFTALI, Orna, Empowering the Child: Children’s Rights, Citizenship and the State in Contemporary China (61) NAKAJIMA, Mineo, The Sino-Soviet Confrontation: Its Roots in the International Background of the Korean War (1) NALSON, John, and John AYRES, Development Projects and the Production Responsibility System in China: A Case Study (11) NATHAN, Andrew J., and Bruce GILLEY, Response (Review Essay) (50) NATHAN, Andrew J., and Kellee S. TSAI, Factionalism: A New Institutionalist Restatement (34) NATHAN, Andrew J., China's Goals in the Taiwan Strait (36) NEVITT, Christopher Earle, Private Business Associations in China: Evidence of Civil Society or Local State Power? (36) NICHOLS, Theo, and Minghua ZHAO, Management Control of Labour in StateOwned Enterprises: Cases from the Textile Industry (36) NICKUM, James E., Broken Eggs in the Market: The Rise of Inequality in China (Review Essay) (49) NOBLE, Gregory W., Opportunity Lost: Partisan Incentives and the 1997 Constitutional Revisions in Taiwan (41) NØRLUND, Irene, and Anita CHAN, Vietnamese and Chinese Labour Regimes: On the Road to Divergence (40) NYÍRI, Pál, The Yellow Man's Burden: Chinese Migrants on a Civilizing Mission (56) NYLAN, Michael, The American Programme for Advanced Study in China: Stealing the March? and Anne McLaren, Reply (6) O’BRIEN, Kevin J., Review Essay: Local People’s Congresses and Governing China (61) O'BRIEN, Kevin J., Collective Action in the Chinese Countryside (Review article) (48) O'BRIEN, Kevin J., Hunting for Political Change (Review Essay) (41) O'BRIEN, Kevin J., Implementing Political Reform in China's Villages (32) O'BRIEN, Roderick, One Lawyer's View of Trade with the People's Republic of China (1) O’BRIEN, Kevin and Yanhua DENG, Societies of Senior Citizens and Popular Protest in Rural Zhejiang: Research Report (71) O’BRIEN, Kevin J., and Lianjang LI, Suing the Local State: Administrative Litigation in Rural China (51) ODGAARD, Ole, Entrepreneurs and Elite Formation in Rural China (28) OI, Jean C., Patterns of Corporate Restructuring in China: Political Constraints on Privatization (53) OKSENBERG, Michel, China's Political System: Challenges of the Twenty-First Century (45) O'LEARY, Greg, and Andrew WATSON, Current Trends in China's Agricultural Strategy: A Survey of Communes in Hebei and Shandong (4) O'LEARY, Greg, and Andrew WATSON, The Production Responsibility System and the Future of Collective Farming (8) O'LEARY, Greg, Chinese Foreign Policy Under Attack: Has China Abandoned Revolution? (1) ORTOLANO, Leonard, Xueguang ZHOU, Hong LIAN and Yinyu YE, A Behavioral Model of “Muddling Through” in the Chinese Bureaucracy: The Case of Environmental Protection (70) ORTOLANO, Leonard, and Xuehua ZHANG, Judicial Review of Environmental Administrative Decisions: Has it Changed the Behavior of Government Agencies? (64) PALTEMAA, Lauri, The Maoist Urban State and Crisis—Comparing Disaster Management in the Tianjin Great Flood in 1963 and the Great Leap Forward Famine (66) PALTIEL, Jeremy, Jiang Talks Politics-Who Listens? Institutionalization and its Limits in Market Leninism (45) PANG, Lihua, Alan DE BRAUW and Scott ROZELLE, Working Until You Drop: The Elderly of Rural China (52) PEARSON, Margaret M., The Janus Face of Business Associations in China: Socialist Corporatism in Foreign Enterprises (31) PEERENBOOM, Randall, Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability: An Empirical Study of Individual Case Supervision (55) PENG, Yali, The Politics of Tobacco: Relations Between Farmers and Local Governments in China's Southwest (36) PERRY, Elizabeth J., Studying Chinese Politics: Farewell to Revolution? (57) PETERSON, Glen, State Literacy Ideologies and the Transformation of Rural China (32) PHILLIPS, Michael R., The Transformation of China's Mental Health Services (39) PHILLIPS, Peter, United We Stand ... (2) PIEKE, Frank N., Chinese Anthropology and History (Review Article) (21) PLATTE, Erika, The Private Sector in China's Agriculture: An Appraisal of Recent Changes (10) POLLACK, Jonathan D., China's Taiwan Strategy: A Point of No Return (36) POLOMKA, Peter, ASEAN Perspectives on China: Implications for Western Interests (8) POLUMBAUM, Judy, In the Name of Stability: Restrictions on the Right of Assembly in the People's Republic of China (26) POLUMBAUM, Judy, Making Sense of June 4, 1989: Analysis of the Tiananmen Tragedy (Review Article) (26) POTTER, Pitman B., Yoel KORNREICH and Ilan VERTINSKY, Consultation and Deliberation in China: The Making of China’s Health-Care Reform (68) PRENTICE, Susan, Beg, Borrow or Buy: Developing a Chinese Periodical Collection at the Australian National University (10) PRENTICE, Susan, The National Library of China - A View From Within (15) PRICE, R.F., Schooling for Modernization? (2) PUN Ngai and LU Huilin, A Culture of Violence: The Labor Subcontracting System and Collective Actions by Construction Workers in Post-Socialist China (64) PUN Ngai, Becoming Dagongmei (Working Girls): The Politics of Identity and Difference in Reform China (42) PUN Ngai, Global Production, Company Codes of Conduct, and Labor Conditions in China: A Case Study of Two Factories (54) PYE, Lucian W., Factions and the Politics of Guanxi: Paradoxes in Chinese Administrative and Political Behaviour (34) PYE, Lucian W., How China's Nationalism was Shanghaied (29) PYE, Lucian W., Jiang Zemin’s Style of Rule: Go For Stability, Monopolize Power and Settle for Limited Effectiveness (45) PYE, Lucian W., Rethinking the Man in the Leader (35) PYE, Lucian, The Thin Line Between Loyalty and Treachery in Mao's China (Review Essay) (44) RAWSKI, Thomas G., Margaret MAURER-FAZIO and Wei ZHANG, Inequality in the Rewards for Holding Up Half the Sky: Gender Wage Gaps in China's Urban Labour Market, 1988-1994 (41) RAWSKI, Thomas G., Reforming China's Economy: What Have We Learned? (41) READ, Benjamin L., Democratizing the Neighbourhood? New Private Housing and Home-Owner Self-Organization in Urban China (49) REID, Anthony, and David KELLY, Weathering a Political Winter: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1990 (24) RIGBY, Richard, and William TOW, China’s Pragmatic Security Policy: The Middle Power Factor (65) RIPPA, Alessandro, Re-writing Mythology in Xinjiang: The Case of the Queen Mother of the West, King Mu, and the Kunlun (71) ROBERTS, Kenneth, Rachel CONNELLY, Zhenming XIE and Zhenzhen ZHENG, Patterns of Temporary Labor Migration of Rural Women from Anhui and Sichuan (52) ROBERTS, Rosemary, Politics and Pathos: The Reappearance of Tragedy in Chinese Rural Literature (13) ROBINSON, Lewis, Family: A Study in Genre Adaptation (12) ROOIJ, Benjamin Van, Anna LORA-WAINWRIGHT, Yiyun ZHANG and Yunmei WU, Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Industrialized Village (68) ROSEN, Stanley, and David MARR, Chinese and Vietnamese Youth in the 1990s (40) ROSEN, Stanley, The Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Society: Popular Attitudes Toward Party Membership and the Party's Image (24) ROSEN, Stanley, The Victory of Materialism: Aspirations to Join China’s Urban Moneyed Classes and the Commercialization of Education (51) ROSENZWEIG, Joshua, Disappearing Justice: Public Opinion, Secret Arrest and Criminal Procedure Reform in China (70) ROZELLE, Scott, Chengfang LIU, Linxiu Zhang and Renfu LUO, Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion? (61) ROZELLE, Scott, Jikun HUANG and Vincent BENZIGER, Continuity and Change in China’s Rural Periodic Markets (49) ROZELLE, Scott, Lihua PANG and Alan DE BRAUW, Working Until You Drop: The Elderly of Rural China (52) ROZELLE, Scott, Loren BRANDT, Jikun HUANG, and Guo LI, Land Rights in China: Facts, Fictions and Issues (47) ROZELLE, Scott, Stagnation Without Equity: Patterns of Growth and Inequality in China's Rural Economy (35) RUAN, Danching, Interpersonal Networks and Workplace Controls in Urban China (29) RYAN, Mark A., Early Chinese Attitudes Toward Civil Defence Against Nuclear Attack (21) SAICH, Tony, The Rise and Fall of the Beijing People's Movement (24) SALAZAR, Miguel A., and Xiaojiang HU, Ethnicity, Rurality and Status: Hukou and the Institutional and Cultural Determinants of Social Status in Tibet (60) SAPIR, Eliyahu, and Jonathan SULLIVAN, Nasty or Nice? Explaining Positive and Negative Campaign Behavior in Taiwan (67) SARGESON, Sally, and Jian ZHANG, Re-assessing the Role of the Local State: A Case Study of Local Government Interventions in Property Rights Reform in a Hangzhou District (42) SARGESON, Sally, and Yu SONG, Land expropriation and the Gender Politics of Citizenship in the Urban Frontier (64) SAUNDERS, Phillip C. Supping with a Long Spoon: Dependence and Interdependence in Sino-American Relations (43) SCHOENHALS, Michael, Original Contradictions—On the Unrevised Text of Mao Zedong's "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People" (16) SCHUBERT, Gunter, and Anna L. AHLERS, County and Township Cadres as a Strategic Group: “Building a New Socialist Countryside” in Three Provinces (67) SCOTT, Ian, The Disarticulation of Hong Kong's Post-Handover Political System (43) SELDEN, Mark, and Benedict J. Tria KERKVLIET, Agrarian Transformations in China and Vietnam (40) SEYMOUR, James D., Cadre Accountability to the Law (21) SHAMBAUGH, David, China's Propaganda System: Institutions, Processes and Efficacy (57) SHAMBAUGH, David, The Dynamics of Elite Politics during the Jiang Era (45) SHAMBAUGH, David, The Soviet Influence on China's Worldview (27) SHENG, Michael M., America's Lost Chance in China? A Reappraisal of Chinese Communist Policy Toward the United States Before 1945 (29) SHICHOR, Yitzhak, “Just Stand” and “Just Struggle”: China and the Peace Process in the Middle East (5) SHICHOR, Yitzhak, In Search of Alternatives: China's Middle East Policy after Sadat (8) SHIEH, Shawn, and Guosheng DENG, An Emerging Civil Society: The Impact of the Sichuan Earthquake on Grassroots Associations in China by Shawn Shieh and Guosheng Deng (65) SHIH, Chih-Yu, National Security is a Western Concern (36) SHIRK, Susan L., Will the Institutionalization of Party Leadership Survive the 200203 Succession? (45) SIGEL, Louis T., On the "Two Roads" and Following our Own Path: The Myth of the "Capitalist Road" (7) SIGEL, Louis T., The Chinese Criterion of Socialism: A Reply (9) SLEEBOOM-FAULKNER, Margaret, Eugenic Birth and Fetal Education: The Friction between Lineage Enhancement and Premarital Testing Among Rural Households in Mainland China (64) SMITH, Graeme, Political Machinations in a Rural County (62) SMITH, Joanna N., Maintaining Margins: The Politics of Ethnographic Fieldwork in Chinese Central Asia (56) SOLINGER, Dorothy J., Chinese Urban Jobs and the WTO (49) SONG, Geng, and Tracy K. LEE, Consumption, Class Formation and Sexuality: Reading Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in China (64) SONG, Ligang, Ross GARNAUT and Yang YAO, Impact and Significance of StateOwned Enterprise Restructuring in China (55) SONG, Yu, and Sally SARGESON, Land expropriation and the Gender Politics of Citizenship in the Urban Frontier (64) SPIRES, Anthony J., Lessons from Abroad: Foreign Influences on China’s Emerging Civil Society (68) SPIRES, Anthony J., Lin TAO and Kin-man CHAN, Societal Support for China’s Grassroots NGOs: Evidence from Yunnan, Guangdong and Beijing (71) STANFIELD, Ralph, The "English From Australia" Broadcasts to China (14) STARR, John Bryan, "Good Mao", "Bad Mao": Mao Studies and the Re-evaluation of Mao's Political Thought (16) SU, Xiaobo, Moving to Peripheral China: Home, Play and the Politics of Built Heritage (70) SULLIVAN, Jonathan, and Eliyahu SAPIR, Nasty or Nice? Explaining Positive and Negative Campaign Behavior in Taiwan (67) SULLIVAN, Lawrence R., The Controversy over "Feudal Despotism": Politics and Historiography in China, 1978-82 (23) SULLIVAN, Michael, ... Two Steps Back (7) SULLIVAN, Michael, Louis T. Sigel and "Two-Line Struggle" Analysis: The Myth of the "Objective Standard of Socialism" (8) SUN, Lung-Kee, Contemporary Chinese Culture: Structure and Emotionality (26) SUN, Warren, and Frederick Carl TEIWES, China’s Economic Reorientation After the Third Plenum: Conflict Surrounding “Chen Yun’s” Readjustment Program, 1979–80 (70) SUN, Warren, and Frederick C. Teiwes, PRC Economic Policy under Hua Guofeng: An Evolving Consensus on Modernization (66) SUN, Xin, Autocrats’ Dilemma: The Dual Impacts of Village Elections on Public Opinion in China (71) SUN, Xiulin, James KUNG and Yongshun CAI, Rural Cadres and Governance in China: Incentive, Institution, and Accountability (62) SUN, Zhongxin and James Farrer, Extramarital Love in Shanghai (50) SUNG, Yun-wing, and Thomas CHAN, China's Economic Reforms: The Debates in China (17) SUNG, Yun-wing, The Role of Hong Kong in China's Export Drive (15) TAM, On-Kit, Development of China's Financial System (17) TANKEY, Monica, A Blueprint for Action (6) TANNER, Harold, Chinese Rape Law in Comparative Perspective (31) TANNER, Murray Scot, and Michael J. FEDER, Family Politics, Elite Recruitment, and Succession in Post-Mao China (30) TANNER, Murray Scot, State Coercion and the Balance of Awe: The 1983-1986 "Stern Blows" Anti-Crime Campaign (44) TAO, Lin, Anthony J. SPIRES and Kin-man CHAN, Societal Support for China’s Grassroots NGOs: Evidence from Yunnan, Guangdong and Beijing (71) TEIWES, Frederick Carl and Warren SUN, China’s Economic Reorientation After the Third Plenum: Conflict Surrounding “Chen Yun’s” Readjustment Program, 1979–80 (70) TEIWES, Frederick C., and Warren SUN, PRC Economic Policy under Hua Guofeng: An Evolving Consensus on Modernization (66) TEIWES, Frederick C., Normal Politics with Chinese Characteristics (45) TEIWES, Frederick C., The Paradoxical Post-Mao Transition: From Obeying the Leader to “Normal Politics” (34) TEIWES, Frederick C., Mao Texts and the Mao of the 1950s (Review Article) (33) TEIWES, Frederick C., Mao and His Lieutenants (19/20) TEIWES, Frederick C., Peng Dehuai and Mao Zedong (Review Article) (16) TEIWES, Frederick C., Restoration and Innovation (5) TERRILL, Ross, US-China Relations (3) THIREAU, Isabelle and HUA Linshan, The Moral Universe of Aggrieved Chinese Workers: Workers' Appeals to Arbitration Committees and Letters and Visits Offices (50) THIREAU, Isabelle, Recent Changes in a Guangdong Village (19/20) THØGERSEN, Stig, and Soren CLAUSEN, New Reflections in the Mirror: Local Chinese Gazetteers (Difangzhi) in the 1980s (27) THØGERSEN, Stig, Cultural Life and Cultural Control in Rural China: Where is the Party? (44) THØGERSEN, Stig, Through the Sheep's Intestines - Selection and Elitism in Chinese Schools (21) THORNTON, Patricia M., The New Life of the Party: Party-Building and Social Engineering in Greater Shanghai (68) THORNTON, Patricia M., Crisis and Governance: SARS and the Resilience of the Chinese Body Politic (61) THURSTON, Anne F., The Politics of Survival: Li Zhisui and the Inner Court (35) TIAN Weiming and ZHU Xigang, The System of Decision Making for Agriculture in China (21) TIEN, Hung-mao, and Tun-jen CHENG, Crafting Democratic Institutions in Taiwan (37) TOMBA, Luigi, Creating an Urban Middle Class: Social Engineering in Beijing (51) TONG, James, Fiscal Reform, Elite Turnover and Central-Provincial Relations in Post-Mao China (22) TOW, William, and Richard RIGBY, China’s Pragmatic Security Policy: The Middle Power Factor by William Tow and Richard Rigby (65) TOWNSEND, James, Chinese Nationalism (27) TRETIAK, Daniel, Who Makes Chinese Foreign Policy Today (late 1980) (5) TSAI, Kellee S., and Andrew J. NATHAN, Factionalism: A New Institutionalist Restatement (34) TSAI, Lily Lee, Cadres, Temple and Lineage Institutions, and Governance in Rural China (48) TSAI, Wen-Hsuan and Nicola DEAN, The CCP’s Learning System: Thought Unification and Regime Adaptation (69) TSAI, Wen-Hsuan and Chien-wen KOU, ‘Sprinting with Small Steps’ Towards Promotion: Solutions for the Age Dilemma in the CCP Cadre Appointment System” (71) TSANG, Steve, and Gregor BENTON, The Portrayal of Opportunism, Betrayal, and Manipulation in Mao’s Rise to Power [Review Article] (55) TSERING, Phuntsog, Melvyn C. GOLDSTEIN, Ben JIAO (Benjor) and Cynthia M. BEALL, Fertility and Family Planning in Rural Tibet (47) TSOU Tang, Chinese Politics at the Top: Factionalism or Informal Politics? Balance-of-Power Politics or a Game to Win All? (34) TURLEY, William S., and Brantly WOMACK, Asian Socialism's Open Doors: Guangzhou and Ho Chi Minh City (40) TYERS, Rodney, and Kym ANDERSON, China's Economic Growth, Structural Transformation and Food Trade (14) U, Eddy, Intellectuals and Alternative Socialist Paths in the Early Mao Years (70) U, Eddy, Dangerous Privilege: The United Front and the Rectification Campaign of the Early Mao Years (68) UNDERDOWN, Michael, Tier 3 and 5.52. The Altaic Family and Inner Asia (5) UNGAR, Esta, China Studies in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Changes and Implications (16) UNGER, Jonathan and Anita CHAN, A Chinese State Enterprise under the Reform: What Model of Capitalism? (62) UNGER, Jonathan, and Anita CHAN, China, Corporatism, and the East Asian Model (33) UNGER, Jonathan, and Anita CHAN, Inheritors of the Boom: Private Enterprise and the Role of Local Government in a Rural South China Township (42) UNGER, Jonathan, and Anita CHAN, The Internal Politics of an Urban Chinese Work Community: A Case Study of Employee Influence on Decision-making at a State Owned Factory (52) UNGER, Jonathan, and Anita CHAN, Voices from the Protest Movement, Chongqing, Sichuan (24) UNGER, Jonathan, Benedict J. Tria KERKVLIET and Anita CHAN, Comparing the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms: An Introduction (40) UNGER, Jonathan, and Sherry Tao KONG, Egalitarian Redistributions of Agricultural Land in China through Community Consensus: Findings from Two Surveys (69) UNGER, Jonathan, and Hy Van LUONG, Wealth, Power and Poverty in the Transition to Market Economies: The Process of Socio-Economic Differentiation in Rural China and Northern Vietnam (40) UNGER, Jonathan, The Cultural Revolution at the Grass Roots (57) UNGER, Jonathan, The Cultural Revolution Warfare at Beijing’s Universities (Review Essay) (64) UNGER, Jonathan, The Struggle to Dictate China's Administration: The Conflict of Branches vs Areas vs Reform (18) VAN NESS, Peter, Competing Hegemons (36) VAN NESS, Peter, The Impasse in US Policy Toward China (Review Article) (38) VERTINSKY, Ilan, Yoel KORNREICH and Pitman B. POTTER, Consultation and Deliberation in China: The Making of China’s Health-Care Reform (68) VOGEL, Ezra F., Foreword: The First Forty Years of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies (53) VOUTAS, Tony, "Dear Radio Australia"—Letters from China (4) WAGNER, Rudolf G., "In Guise of a Congratulation": Political Symbolism in Zhou Xinfang's Play Hai Rui Submits His Memorial (26) WALDER, Andrew G., and DONG Guoqiang, From Truce to Dictatorship: Creating a Revolutionary Committee in Jiangsu (68) WALDER, Andrew G., and DONG Guoqiang, Factions in a Bureaucratic Setting: The Origins of Cultural Revolution Conflict in Nanjing (65) WALDER, Andrew G., and GONG Xiaoxia, Workers in the Tiananmen Protests: The Politics of the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation (29) WALDER, Andrew G., Some Ironies of the Maoist Legacy in Industry (5) WALDER, Andrew, Actually Existing Maoism (18) WALDRON, Scott, Colin BROWN and John LONGWORTH, Agricultural Modernization and State Capacity in China (66) WALKER, D., Sharing the Past Two Million Years (9) WALKER, Tony, Half Empty, Half Full (9) WANG Gungwu, In Memoriam: Professor C. P. FitzGerald, 1902-1992 (29) WANG Gungwu, Outside the Chinese Revolution (23) WANG Gungwu, Power, Rights and Duties in Chinese History (3) WANG Gungwu, South China Perspectives on Overseas Chinese (13) WANG Jiantang, MA Zuyi and LI Shijin, Chinese Research on Australia (9) WANG, Hong-zen, Class Structures and Social Mobility in Taiwan in the Initial PostWar Period (48) WANG, Qinghua, Crisis Management, Regime Survival, and ‘Guerrilla-Style’ PolicyMaking: The June 1999 Decision to Radically Expand Higher Education in China (71) WANG, Xiaoying, The Post-Communist Personality: The Spectre of China's Capitalist Market Reforms (47) WANG, Yuhua, Court Funding and Judicial Corruption in China (69) WANK, David, Private Business, Bureaucracy, and Political Alliance in a Chinese City (33) WARNER, Shelley, Shanghai's Response to the Deluge (24) WASSERSTROM, Jeffrey N., Sophisticated Guides to a Changing Chinese Landscape (Review Essay) (43) WATSON, Andrew and O'LEARY, Greg, Current Trends in China's Agricultural Strategy: A Survey of Communes in Hebei and Shandong (4) WATSON, Andrew and O'LEARY, Greg, The Production Responsibility System and the Future of Collective Farming (8) WATSON, Andrew, Agricultural Reform and China's Foreign Trade (14) WATSON, Andrew, Investment Issues in the Chinese Countryside (22) WATSON, Andrew, The Family Farm, Land Use and Accumulation in Agriculture (17) WEIGELIN-SCHWIEDRZIK, Susanne, Party Historiography in the People's Republic of China (17) WELLER, Robert P., and Jiansheng LI, From State-Owned Enterprise to Joint Venture: A Case Study of the Crisis in Urban Social Services (43) WELLER, Robert P., Matricidal Magistrates and Gambling Gods: Weak States and Strong Spirits in China (33) WHITE, Gordon, Democratization and Economic Reform in China (31) WHITE, Gordon, Prospects for Civil Society in China: A Case Study of Xiaoshan City (29) WHYTE, Martin King, Continuity and Change in Urban Chinese Family Life (53) WHYTE, Martin King, The Fate of Filial Obligations in Urban China (38) WIELANDER, Gerda, Beyond Repression and Resistance—Christian Love and China’s Harmonious Society (65) WILLIAMS, Philip, Stylistic Variation in a PRC Writer: Wang Meng's Fiction of the 1979-1980 Cultural Thaw (11) WILLMOTT, W. E., Dunjiangyan: Irrigation and Society in Sichuan, China (22) WILSON, Ian, Crash Through or Crash? (8) WILSON, Ian, Pragmatism and the Search for Consensus in China 1985 (14) WILSON, Scott, The Cash Nexus and Social Networks: Mutual Aid and Gifts in Contemporary Shanghai Villages (37) WINCKLER, Edwin A., Taiwan's Transitions (Review Essay) (43) WOMACK, Brantly, and William S. TURLEY, Asian Socialism's Open Doors: Guangzhou and Ho Chi Minh City (40) WOMACK, Brantly, China Between Region and World (61) WOMACK, Brantly, Mao Before Maoism (Review Essay) (46) WOMACK, Brantly, Where Mao went Wrong: Epistemology and Ideology in Mao's Leftist Politics (16) WONG, Christine, and Wanlong LIN, Are Beijing’s Equalization Policies Reaching the Poor? An Analysis of Direct Subsidies under the “Three Rurals” (Sannong) (67) WOO, Tung-oy, and Tien-tung HSUEH, The Political Economy of the Heavy Industry Sector in the People's Republic of China (15) WOO, Wing Thye, The Real Reasons for China's Growth (41) WOODARD, Gary, Relations between Australia and the People's Republic of China: An Individual Perspective (17) WOODSIDE, Alexander, Exalting the Latecomer State: Intellectuals and the State During the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms (40) WOODWARD, Dennis, China's Industrial Reform Policy (14) WOODWARD, Dennis, Rural Campaigns: Continuity and Change in the Chinese Countryside, 1969-1972 (6) WOON, Yuen-Fong, From Mao to Deng: Life Satisfaction Among Rural Women in an Emigrant Community in South China (25) WORONOV, T. E., Learning to Serve: Urban Youth, Vocational Schools, and New Class Formations in China (66) WRIGHT, Kate, The Political Fortunes of Shanghai's "World Economic Herald" (23) WRIGHT, Tim, "The Spiritual Heritage of Chinese Capitalism": Recent Trends in the Historiography of Chinese Enterprise Management (19/20) WU, Fei, "Gambling for Qi": Suicide and Family Politics in a Rural North China County (54) WU, Yunmei, Anna LORA-WAINWRIGHT, Yiyun ZHANG and Benjamin Van ROOIJ, Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Industrialized Village (68) WU, Ka-ming, Tradition Revival with Socialist Characteristics: Propaganda Storytelling Turned Spiritual Service in Rural Yan’an (66) WU, Yu-Shan, Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relations (53) XIA, Ming, Jae Ho CHUNG and Hongyi LAI, Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects and Criminal Organizations (56) XIE, Zhenming, Kenneth ROBERTS, Rachel CONNELLY and Zhenzhen ZHENG, Patterns of Temporary Labor Migration of Rural Women from Anhui and Sichuan (52) XIN He, Judicial Innovation and Local Politics: Judicialization of Administrative Governance in East China XU, Bin, Consensus Crisis and Civil Society: The Sichuan Earthquake Response and State–Society Relations (71) XU, Xin, and Feng CHEN, “Active Judiciary”: Judicial Dismantling of Workers’ Collective Actions in China (67) YAHUDA, Michael, Consolidation and Problems of Reform (10) YAN Hao, China's 1.2 Billion Population Target for the Year 2000: Within or Beyond (19/20) YAN Xiaojun, Regime Inclusion and the Resilience of Authoritarianism: The Local People’s Political Consultative Conference in Post-Mao Chinese Politics (66) YAN, Yunxiang, Courtship, Love and Premarital Sex in a North China Village (48) YAN, Yunxiang, The Culture of Guanxi in a North China Village (35) YAN, Yunxiang, The Fate of Tibet (Review Article) (43) YAN, Yunxiang, The Impact of Rural Reform on Economic and Social Stratification in a Chinese Village (27) YANG Lian and GU Cheng, From "Elegy for the Dead" (22) YANG, Benjamin, Complexity and Reasonability: Reassessment of the Li Lisan Adventure (21) YANG, Gladys, Women Office Workers in China (6) YANG, Mayfair Mei-hui, Between State and Society: The Construction of Corporateness in a Chinese Socialist Factory (22) YAO, Yang, Ross GARNAUT and Ligang SONG, Impact and Significance of StateOwned Enterprise Restructuring in China (55) YE, Yinyu, Xueguang ZHOU, Hong LIAN and Leonard ORTOLANO, A Behavioral Model of “Muddling Through” in the Chinese Bureaucracy: The Case of Environmental Protection (70) YOSHIDA, Shigenobu, Sino-Japanese Relations on the Move - On a Collision Course in the Asia-Pacific Region? (3) YOU Ji, Jiang Zemin’s Command of the Military (45) YOU Ji, Taiwan in the Political Calculations of the Chinese Leadership (36) YOU Ji, The Heir Apparent (48) YOU Ji, Zhao Ziyang and the Politics of Inflation (25) YOUNG, Graham, Ideology, Authority and Mao's Legacy (Review Article) (9) YOUNG, Graham, In Memoriam: Bill Brugger, 1941-1999 (43) YOUNG, Graham, Mao Zedong and the Class Struggle in Socialist Society (16) YOUNG, Graham, On Socialist Development and the "Two Roads" (8) YOUNG, Graham, One Step Forward ... (4) YOUNG, Graham, Textbooks on Chinese Politics (Review Article) (22) YOUNG, Graham, Vanguard Leadership and Cultural Revolution Activism (3) YOUNG, Susan, Policy, Practice and the Private Sector in China (21) YOUNG, Susan, Wealth But Not Security: Attitudes Towards Private Business in China in the 1980s (25) ZANG, Xiaowei, Uyghur–Han Differentials in Ürümchi (65) ZHA Bo and GENG Wenxiu, Sexuality in Urban China (28) ZHANG Chunyuan, Welfare Provision for the Aged in Rural China (15) ZHANG, Everett Y., Grieving at Chongqing’s Red Guard Graveyard: In the Name of Life Itself (70) ZHANG Hong, Bracing for an Uncertain Future: A Case Study of New Coping Strategies of Rural Parents under China's Birth Control Policy (54) ZHANG Xunhai, Enterprise Response to Market Reforms: The Case of the Chinese Bicycle Industry (28) ZHANG, Jian, and Sally SARGESON, Re-assessing the Role of the Local State: A Case Study of Local Government Interventions in Property Rights Reform in a Hangzhou District (42) ZHANG, Linxiu, Chengfang LIU, Renfu Luo and Scott Rozelle, Infrastructure Investment in Rural China: Is Quality Being Compromised during Quantity Expansion? (61) ZHANG, Qian Forrest, and John A. DONALDSON, The Rise of Agrarian Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Agricultural Modernization, Agribusiness and Collective Land Rights (60) ZHANG, Wei, Margaret MAURER-FAZIO and Thomas G. RAWSKI, Inequality in the Rewards for Holding Up Half the Sky: Gender Wage Gaps in China's Urban Labour Market, 1988-1994 (41) ZHANG, Weiguo, State, Gender and Uxorilocal Marriage in Contemporary Rural North China (60) ZHANG, Weiguo, Who Adopts Girls and Why? Domestic Adoption of Female Children in Contemporary Rural China (56) ZHANG, Xuehua, and Leonard ORTOLANO, Judicial Review of Environmental Administrative Decisions: Has it Changed the Behavior of Government Agencies? (64) ZHANG, Yiyun, Anna LORA-WAINWRIGHT, Yunmei WU and Benjamin Van ROOIJ, Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Industrialized Village (68) ZHANG, Yongjin, International Relations Theory in China Today: The State of the Field (Review Essay) (47) ZHAO Shukai, Criminality and the Policing of Migrant Workers (43) ZHAO, Minghua, and Theo NICHOLS, Management Control of Labour in StateOwned Enterprises: Cases from the Textile Industry (36) ZHENG Zhenzhen, Kenneth ROBERTS, Rachel CONNELLY and Zhenming XIE, Patterns of Temporary Labor Migration of Rural Women from Anhui and Sichuan (52) ZHOU, Xueguang, Hong LIAN, Leonard ORTOLANO and Yinyu YE, A Behavioral Model of “Muddling Through” in the Chinese Bureaucracy: The Case of Environmental Protection (70) ZHU Hong, Will the "Super-Culture" Catch on in China? (5) ZHU, Lin, and Yongshun CAI, Disciplining Local Officials in China: The Case of Conflict Management (70) ZHU Xigang and TIAN Weiming, The System of Decision Making for Agriculture in China (21) ZWEIG, David, Rural People, the Politicians, and Power (Review Article) (38)