Buenos Aires, 6 de abril de 2005

Buenos Aires, April 16th, 2005.
The Early Ford V8 Club of America
Office of The President
D. Ray Papciak
18022 Moss Point Drive
Spring, TX 77379
Dear Sir:
It is with great pleasure that we answer your kind letter of March 2nd, confirming our
joining your prestigious Club as Regional Group 164.
We are honored by the possibility of joining an organization like The Early Ford V8 Club
of America, with its long tradition and reputation acquired through the years.
Our Club filed for incorporation as a non-profit organization on October 12th, 1989, having
being certified by December 6th of that year. Our club roster includes over 200 members,
mostly residents of Argentina, however some living in the nearby Republic of Uruguay, all
owners of Ford automobiles ranging from models 1932 to 1948.
We do keep a yearly program of activities which includes monthly excursions every month,
generally to places located within a range of 40 to 50 kilometers from the city of Buenos
Aires. These traditional caravans are always saluted and welcomed with great enthusiasm
by the local folks, while allowing us to enjoy the use of our Ford cars.
One of our annual excursions includes a long range activity, lasting two to three days,
journeying approximately 800 kilometers. At the end of each year, and celebrating our
Anniversary in October, our excursion is complemented with a Rally, slalom and Elegance
Additionally, we have a night dinner meeting every first thursday each month gathering our
club members and guests, usually showing a new member’s car or the new Ford V8
acquisition of an existing member.
Our annual EL OCHO EN V magazine has been a forerunner in the local world of antique
and classic cars clubs, having developed into a reputed magazine, and recognized by its
interesting content. Although we have sent you some of these magazines in the past thanks
to the efforts of Ernesto Castellon, we will be sending other copies to you in the near future
for your Board members.
For the benefit of all, may we suggest that for our future contacts all communications and
news coming from your Board of Directors is sent to our President Dr Juan Carlos Repila,
street address Lavalle 1118, 2do piso, 1048 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Any e-mail
communication to be sent to repila@fibertel.com.ar with copy to the following e-mail
addresses: hboggi@petronec.com.ar and fordv8@usa.net. In all cases our board members
are capable of communicating in the English language.
Again, we are extremely pleased to belong to The Early Ford V8 Club of America, we will
very much enjoy reading the “V8 Times”, will communicate to you about our activities on
a frequent basis, and of course look forward to your visiting Argentina, enabling us to drive
your members around in our Ford V8´s.
Kindest Regards
Hector Boggi
Juan C. Repila