
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
授課時間:周四第 5-7 節(96 學年度下學期)
授課教室:綜合 270837
研究室:綜合院館南棟 16F 271662 室
聯絡方式:校內分機 51662;E-mail: soci1005@nccu.edu.tw
課程的主要目的,即為透過利用從公元 2000 年起持續建構的「台灣教育長期追
蹤資料庫」(以下簡稱 TEPS,即 Taiwan Education Panel Survey),以及其他青少
要的理論及實証研究後,發展出能夠利用 TEPS 和其他相關資料庫來進行研究的
計畫。第二個階段則將以學習一些進階的統計分析及利用 TEPS 進行實作分析。
本課程除了能利用目前正在建構的 TEPS 外,參與 TEPS 建構的幾位老師也是同
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
所說的摘要是一種 annotated bibliography 的型式,亦即為說明文獻的重點,包括:
第二種作業每位同學都要做的期末報告。此報告的內容為一可用 TEPS 或其他相
Arum, Richard and Irenee R. Beattie, eds. 2000. The Structure of Schooling: Readings
in the Sociology of Education. Boston: McGraw-Hill.(以下簡稱為 Arum and
Ballantine, Jeanne H. and Joan Z. Spade, eds. 2001. Schools and Society: A
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Sociological Approach to Education. Australia: Wadsworth, Thomson Learning.
(以下簡稱為 Ballantine)
Blake, Judith. 1989. Family Size and Achievement. Berkeley: University of California
Booth, Alan and Judith F. Dunn, eds. 1996. Family-School Links: How Do They Affect
Educational Outcomes? Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.(以下簡稱為 Booth)
Brint, Steven G. 1998. Schools and Societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
(以下簡稱為 Brint)
Coleman, James S. 1990. Equality and Achievement in Education. Boulder: Westview
Press. (以下簡稱為 Coleman)
Dougherty Kevin J. and Floyd W. Hammack, eds. 1990. Education and Society: A
Reader. San Diego: Harcourt. (以下簡稱為 Dougherty)
Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander, and Linda Steffel Olson. 1997. Children,
Schools, and Inequality. Boulder: Westview Press. (以下簡稱為 Entwisle)
Hallinan, Maureen T., ed. 2000. Handbook of the Sociology of Education. New York:
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. (以下簡稱為 Hallinan)
Huber, Joan, eds. 1991, Macro-micro Linkages in Sociology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Publications. (以下簡稱為 Huber)
Jencks Christopher and Paul E. Peterson. 1991. The Urban Underclass. Washington,
D.C.: The Brookings Institution. (以下簡稱為 Jencks)
Karabel, Jerome and A. H. Halsey, eds. 1977. Power and Ideology in Education. New
York: Oxford University Press. (以下簡稱為 Karabel)
Shavit, Yossi and Hans-Peter Blossfeld, eds. 1993. Persisting Inequality: Changing
Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries. Boulder: Westview Press. (以下
簡稱為 Shavit)
1. TEPS: http://www.teps.sinica.edu.tw
2. 台灣青少年的成長歷程與生活經驗研究計畫(TYP):
3. 台灣學生學習評量資料庫:http://tasa.naer.edu.tw
1. National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS: 88):
2. Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002):
TIMSS and PIRLS Study Center, Boston College:
1. Trends in International Mathematics Science Study (TIMSSR)
and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS):
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
1. Programme for International Assessment (PISA):
閱讀教材: Brint, Steven G. 1998. “Schools and Social Selection:
Opportunity.” Pp. 171-203 in Brint.
Brint, Steven G. 1998. “Schools and Social Selection: Inequality.”
Pp. 204-237 in Brint.
Collins, Randall. “Comparative and Historical Patterns of
Education.” Pp. 213-239 in Hallinan.
Epstein, Joyce L., 1996. “New Connections for Sociology and
Education: Contributing to School Reform.” Sociology of
Education Extra Issue: 6-23.
Hallinan, Maureen T. 1988. “ Equality of Educational
Opportunity.” Annual Review of Sociology 14:249-268.
Hallinan, Maureen T. 2000. “Introduction: Sociology of Education
at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century.” Pp. 1-12 in
Sadovnik, Alan R. 2001. "Theories in the Sociology of Education."
Pp. 15-34 in Ballantine and Spade.
閱讀教材:Blau, Peter M. and Otis D. Duncan. 2000. “The Process of
Stratification.” Pp. 35-46 in Arum and Beattie.
Brint, Steven G. 1998. “Schooling in the Industrialized World.” Pp.
29-64 in Brint.
Brint, Steven G. 1998. “Schooling in the Developing World.” Pp.
65-99 in Brint.
Blossfeld, Hans-Peter and Yossi Shavit. 1993. “Persisting Barriers:
Changes in Educational Opportunities in Thirteen Countries”
Pp. 1-24 in Shavit.
Buchmann, Claudia and Emily Hannum. 2001. "Education and
Stratification in Developing Countries: A Review of Theories
and Research." Annual Review of Sociology 27:77-102.
Collins, Randall. 1971. “Functional and Conflict Theories of
Educational Stratification.” American Sociological Review 36:
Collins, Randall. 1990. “Some Comparative Principles of
Educational Stratification.” Pp. 39-59 in Dougherty.
Kerckhoff, Alan C. 2001. “Education and Social Stratification
Processes in Comparative Perspectives.” Sociology of
Education Extra Issue: 3-18.
Lynch, Kathleen. 2000. “Research and Theory on Equality and
Education.” Pp. 85-106 in Hallinan.
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
蔡淑玲、瞿海源,1992 (民 81) ,
家科學委員會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學》,2 卷 1 期:
閱讀教材:Ainsworth-Darnell, James and Douglas B. Downey. 1998.
“Assessing the Oppostional Culture Explanation for
Performance.” American Sociological Review 63: 536-553.
Fordham, Signithia and John U. Ogbu. 2000. “Black Student’
School Success: Coping with the “Burden of ‘Acting White’”.”
Pp. 303-309 in Arum and Beattie.
Kao, Grace and Jennifer Thompson. 2003. “Racical and Ethnic
Stratification in Educational Achievement and Attainment.”
Annual Review of Sociology 29: 417-442
Hallinan, Maureen T. 2000. “On the Linkeage between Sociology
of Race and Ethnicity and School of Education.” Pp. 65-84 in
Horvat, Erin McNamara and K. Lewis. 2003. “Reassessing the
“Burden of ‘Acting White’”.” Sociology of Education 76:
Ogbu, John U. 1983. “Minority Status and Schooling in Plural
Societies.” Comparative Education Review 27: 168-190.
Catsambis, S. 1994. “The Path to Math: Gender and Racial-Ethnic
Differences in Mathmatics Participation from Middle School to
High School.” Sociology of Education 67: 199-215.
Correl, Shelley J. 2001. “Gender and the Career Choice Process:
The Role of Biased Self-Assessments.” American Journal of
Sociology 106: 1691-1730.
Eccles, jacquelynne S. 1987. “Gender Roles and Women’s
Achievement-related Decisions.” Psychology of Women
Quarterly 11: 135-172.
Mickelson, Roslyn Arlin. 1989. “Why Does Jane Read and Write
So Well? The Anomaly of Women’s Achievement.” Sociology
of Education 62: 47-53.
Mickelson, Roslyn Arlin. 2003. “Gender, Bourdieu, and the
Anomaly of Women’s Achievement Redux.” Sociology of
Education 76: 373-375.
Papanek, Hanna. 1985. “Class and Gender in
Education-Employment Linkages.” Comparative Educational
Review 27: 168-190.
Stromquist, Nelly P. 1989. “Determinants of Educational
Participation and Achievement of Women in the Third World: A
Review of the Evidence and a Theoretical Critique.” Review of
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Educational Research 59:143-83.
Xie, Yu and Kimberlee A. Shauman. 2003. Women in Science:
Career Processes and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press. Ch. 1-2 & 11.
Sociology of Education, 1989, Special Issue on Gender and
Education, Vol. 62, No. 1.
Chen, Vivian Wen-Chun Chen and Evelyn Yu-Ling Lin. 2004.
“Political Exclusion or Socioeconomic Reproduction? Ethnic
Educational Stratification in Taiwan.”發表在「教育階層化與
家庭」專題研討會,中央研究院社會學研究所,11 月 19 日。
頁 1-44,收錄於楊國樞與瞿海源主編,《變遷中的台灣社
閱讀教材:Alexander, Karl L., Cornelieus Riordan, James Fennessey, and Aaron
M. Pallas. 1982. “Social Background, Academic Resources,
and College Graduation: Recent Evidence from the National
Longitudinal Survey.” American Journal of Education 90:
Coleman, James S. 1990. “Chapter 6: A Brief Summary of the
Coleman Report,” and “Chapter 11: The Evaluation of The
Equality and Educational Opportunity.” Pp. 69-74 and 134-154
in Coleman.
Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander and Linda Steffel Olson. 1997.
Chapter 1, “Children and Inequality,” Chapter 2, “The Nature
of Schooling,” and Chapter 3, “Low-Socioeconomic Status.” In
Tam, Tony, Meng-Li Yang, Ly-Yun Chang, and Ping-Yin Kuan. 2004.
“Family in the Making of Educational Inequality: A
Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and the U.S.” Paper presented
at the Conference on Social Stratification, Mobility, and
Exclusion, the Research Committee on Social Stratification
(RC28) of the International Sociological Association,
Neuchatel, Switzerland, May 2-9.
閱讀教材:Bowles S, Gintis H. 2000. “Does Schooling Raise Earnings by Making
People Smarter?” Pp. 118-36 in Meritocracy and Economic
Inequality, K. Arrow, S. Bowles, S. Durlauf, eds. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Coleman, James S. 1988. “Social Capital and the Creation of Human
Capital.” American Journal of Sociology 94 (Supplement):
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Coleman, James and Thomas Hoffer. 2000. “Schools, Families, and
Communities.” Pp. 69-77 in Arum and Beattie.
Dika, Sandra L. and Kusum Singh. 2002. “Applications of Social
Capital in Educational Literature: A Critical Synthesis.” Review
of Educational Research 2002 (1): 31-60.
Farkas, Geroge. 2003. “Cognitive Skills and Noncognitive Traits and
Behaviors in Stratification Processes.” Annual Review of
Sociology 29: 541-562.
Johns, R. L., E. L. Morphet, and K. Alexander. 1990. “Human
Capital and the Economic Benefits of Education.” Pp. 534-547
in Dougherty.
Portes, Alejandjo. 1998. “Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications
in Modern Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology 24: 1-24.
Schneider, Barbara. 2000. "Social Systems and Norms: A Coleman
Approach." Pp. 365-386 in Hallinan.
,頁 141-171。台
閱讀教材:Aschaffenburg, Karen and Ineke Maas, 1997. “Cultural and
Educational Careers: The Dynamics of Social Reproduction.”
American Sociological Review 62: 573-587.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1977. “Cultural Reproduction and Social
Reproduction.” Pp. 487-510 in Karable.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1987. “The Forms of Cultural Capital.” Pp.
241-258 in Handbook of Theory and Research for the
Sociology of Education, edited by John G. Richardson.
Westport, CN: Greenwood Press.
Bowles, Samuel and Herbert Gintis. 2002. “Schooling in Capitalist
America Revisited.” Sociology
DiMaggio, Paul. 1982. “Cultural Capital and School Success: The
Impact of Status Culture Participation on the Grades of U. S.
High School Students.” American Sociological Review 47:
Dumais, Susan A. 2002. “Cultural Capital, Gender, and School
Success: The Role of Habitus.” Sociology of Education 76:
Farkas, George. 2003. “Cognitive Skills and Noncognitive traits and
Behaviors in Stratification Processes.” Annual Review of
Sociology 29: 541-562.
Katsillis, J. and R.Rubinson, 1990, “Cultural Capital, Student
Achievement and Educational Reproduction: The Case of
Greece.” American Sociological Review 55: 270-279.
Kingston, Paul, 2001. “The Unfulfilled Promise of Cultural Capital
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Theory.” Sociology of Education Extra Issue: 88-99.
Lareau, Annette. 1987. “Social Class Differences in Family-School
Relationships: The Importance of Cultural Capital.” Sociology
of Education 60:73-85.
Lamont, Michele and Annette Lareau. 1988. "Cultural Capital:
Allusions, Gaps and Glissandos in Recent Theoretical
Developments." Sociological Theory 6: 153-168.
Lareau, Annette and Elliot B. Weininger. 2006. “Cultural Capital in
Educational Research: A Critical Assessment.” Theory and
Society 32: 567-606.
閱讀教材:Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander, and Linda Steffel Olson. 1997.
Ch. 5, “Family Configuration.” Pp. 99-120 in Entwisle.
Biblarz, Timothy J. and Adrian E. Raftery. 1999. "Family Structure,
Educational Attainment, and Socioeconomic Success:
Rethinking the `Pathology of Matriachy." American Journal of
Sociology 105:321-365.
Deleire, Thomas and Ariel Kalil. 2002. "Good Things Come in
Threes: Single-Parent Multigenerational Family Structure and
Adolescent Adjustment." Demography 39:393-413.
Ginther, Donna K. and Robert A. Pollack. 2004. “Family Structure
and Children’s Educational Outcomes: Blended Families,
Stylized Facts, and Descriptive Regressions.” Demography 41:
Jonsson, Jan O. and Michael Giahler. 1997. “Family Dissolution,
Family Reconstitution, and Children’s Educational Careers:
Recent Evidence for Sweden.” Demography 34(2): 277-294.
Lee, Valerie E., et al. 1991. “Family Structure and Its Effect on
Behaviroal and Emotional Problems in Young Adolescents.”
Journal of Research on Adolescence 4(3): 405-437.
Mclanahan,Sarah, Nan Marie Astone, and Nadine F. Marks. 1991.
“The Role of Mother-Only Families in Reproducing Poverty.”
Pp. 51-78 Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public
Policy, edited by A. C. Huston. Cambridge: University of
Cambridge Press.
Pong, Suet-ling. 1996. “School Participation of Children from
Single-Mother Families in Malaysia.” Comparative Education
Review 40(3): 231-249.
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Seltzer, Judith. 1994. “Consequences of Marital Dissolution for
Children.” Annual Review of Sociology 20: 235-66.
Baum, Charles L., 2004. “The long-term effects of early and recent
maternal employment on a child's academic achievement.”
Journal of Family Issues 25: 32-60.
Bogenschneider, Karen and Laurence Steinberg. 1994. “Maternal
employment and adolescents' academic achievement: A
developmental analysis.” Sociology of Education 67: 60-77.
Cheo, Roland and Euston Quah. 2005. “Mothers, Maids, and Tutors:
An Empirical Evaluation of Their Effect on Children’s
Academic Grades in Singapore.” Education Economics 13:
Milne, Ann M., David E. Myers, Alvin S. Rosenthal, and Alan
Ginsburg. 1986. “Single Parents, Working Mothers, and the
Educational Achievement of School Children.” Sociology of
Education 59: 125-139.
Parcel, Toby L., Rebecca A. Nikoll, and Mikaela J. Dupur. 1996.
“The Effects of Parental Work and Maternal Nonemployment
on Children's Reading and Math Achievement.” Work and
Occupations 23: 461-483.
閱讀教材:Anh, Truong, Si, John Knodel, D.Lam, and Jed Friedman. 1998.
“Family Size and Children’s Education in Vietnam.”
Demography 35(1): 57-70.
Blake, Judith. 1989. “Education and Number of Siblings, Family
Size and Achievement.” Pp. 34-66 in Blake.
Blake, Judith. 1989. “Birth Order, Intellectual Ability, and
Educational Attainment.” Pp. 67-89 in Blake.
Downey, Douglas B. 1995. “When Bigger is not Better: Family Size,
Parental Resources, and Children’s Educational Performance.”
American Sociological Review 60: 746-761.
Lloyd, Cynthia B and A. J.Gage-Brandon. 1994. “High Fertility and
Children’s Schooling in Ghana: Sex Differences in Parental
Contributions and Educational Outcomes.” Population Studies
48(2): 293-306.
Knodel, John and Malinee Wongsith. 1991. “Family Size and
Children’s Education in Thailand: Evidence from a National
Sample.” Demography 28(1): 119-131.
Parish, William and Robert J. Willis. 1993. “Daughters, Education
and Family Budgets: Taiwan Experiences.” Journal of Human
Resources, 28(4): 863-898.
Phillips, M. 1999. "Sibship Size and Academic Achievement: What
We Now Know and What We Still Need to Know." American
Sociological Review 64:188-192.
Shavit, Yossi and Jennifer Pierce. 1991. “Sibship Size and
Educational Attainment in Nuclear and Extended Families:
Arabs and Jews in Israel.” American Sociological Review 56:,
Steelman, Lala Carr, Brian Powell, Regina Werum, and Scott Carter.
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
2002. "Reconsidering the Effects of Sibling Configuration:
Recent Advances and Challenges." Annual Review of Sociology
Zajonc, Robert B. 2001. "The Family Dynamics of Intellectual
Development." American Psychologist 56:490-496.
Guo, Guang and Leah K. VanWey. 1999. "Sibship Size and
Intellectual Development: Is the Relationship Causal?"
American Sociological Review 64:169-187.
閱讀教材:Astone, Nan M. and Sarah S. Mclanahan. 1991. “Family Structure,
Parental Practices and High School Completion.” American
Sociological Review 56: 309-320.
Baker, David P. and David L. Stevenson. 1986. “Mother’s
Strategies for Children’s School Achievement: Managing the
Transition to High School.” Sociology of Education 59:
Dornbusch, Sanford M., Phillip Ritter, P. Herbert Leiderman,
Donald F. Roberts, Michael J. Fraleigh. 1987. “The Relation of
Parenting Style to Adolescent School Performance.” Child
Development 58 (5) 1244-1257.
Downey, Douglas B. 1995. "Understanding academic achievement
among children in stephouseholds: The role of parental
resources, sex of stepparent, and sex of child." Social Forces
Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander and Linda Steffel Olson.
1997. Chapter 6, “The Pluses and minuses of Being Male.” Pp.
in Entwisle.
Glasgow, Kristan L., Sanford M. Dornbusch, Lisa Troyer, Laurence
Steinberg, and Phillip L. Ritter. 1997. “Parenting Styles,
Adolescents’ Attributions, and Educational Outcomes in Nine
Heterogeneous High Schools.” Child Development 68 (3):
Lareau, Annette. 2002. “Invisible Inequality: Social Class and
Childrearing in Black Families and White Families.” American
Sociological Review 67: 747-776.
McNeal Jr., Ralph B. 1999. "Parental Involvement as Social
Capital: Differential Effectiveness on Science Achievement."
Social Forces 78:117.
Steinberg, Laurence, Susie D. Lamborn, Sanford M. Dornbusch,
and Nancy Darling. 1992. “Impact of Parenting Practices on
Adolescent Achievement: Authoritative Parenting, School
Involvment, and Encouragement to Succeed.” Child
Development 63(5): 1266-1281.
Sui-Chu, Esther How and J. Douglas Willms. 1996. “Effects of
Parental Involvement on Eighth Grade Achievement.”
Sociology of Education 69: 126-141.
Trivette, Paul and Eileen Anderson. 1995. “The Effects of Four
Components of Parental Involvement on Eighth-Grade
Student.” School Psychology Review 24: 299-318.
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Useem, Elizabeth L. 1992. “Middle Schools and Math Groups:
Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Placement.” Sociology of
Education 65: 263-279.
Kuan, Ping-Yin and Meng-Li Yang. 2004. “Educational
Achievement and Family Structure: Evidence from Two
Cohorts of Adolescents in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the
Conference on Social Stratification, Mobility, and Exclusion,
the Research Committee on Social Stratification (RC28) of the
International Sociological Association, Neuchatel, Switzerland,
May 7-9 2004.
閱讀教材:Arum, Richard. 2000. “Schools and Communities: Ecological and
Institutional Dimensions.” Annual Review of Sociology 26:
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Greg J. Duncan, Pamela Kato Klebanov, ad
Naomi Sealand. 1993. “Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and
Adolescent Development?” American Journal of Sociology 99:
Crane, J., (1991), Effects of Neighborhoods on Dropping Out of
School and Teenage Childbearing, 299-321, in Jenck.
Ellen, Ingrid Gould and Margery Austin Turner. 1997. “Does
Neighborhood Matter? Assessing Recent Evidence.” Housing
Policy Debate 8: 833-866.
Epstein, Joyce L. and Mavis G. Sanders. 2000. “Connecting Home,
School, and Community: New Directions for Social Research.”
Pp. 285-306 in Hallinan.
Duncan, Greg. 1994. “Families and Neighbors as Sources of
Disadvantage in the Schooling Decisions of White and Black
Adolescents.” American Journal of Education 103: 21-53.
Jencks, C. and Susan Mayer. 1990. “Social Consequences of
Growing Up in a Poor Neighborhood: A Review.” Pp. in
Inner City Poverty in the United States, edited by L. Lynn and
M. McGeary, Washington D.C.L National Academy Press.
Klebanov, Pamela Kato, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and R. Gordon.
1997. “Are Neighborhood Effects on Young Children Mediated
by the Home Environment?” Pp. 119-145 in Neighborhood
Poverty: Context and Consequences for Development, edited
by Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Greg J. Duncan, and J. Lawrence Aber.
New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Neckerman, Kathryn M. and Willam J. Wilson. 1988. “Schools and
Poor Communities.” Pp. in School Success for Students at
Risks: Analysis and Recommendations of the Council of Chief
State School Officers, edited by Council of Chief State School,
Officers, Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Tienda, Marta. 1991. “Poor People and Poor Places: Deciphering
Neighborhood Effects on Poverty Outcomes.” Pp. 244-262 in
張淑美,1994 (民 83),〈不同地區教育機會差異之探討〉,《國
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
閱讀教材:Baker, David P. and Gerald K. LeTendre. 2000. “Comparative
Sociology of Classroom Processes, School Organization, and
Achievement.” In Hallinan.
Bidwell, Charles E. 2000. “School as Context and Construction: A
Social Psychological Approach to the Study of Schooling.” Pp.
15-36 in Hallinan.
Bidwell, Charles E. 2001. “Analyzing Schools as Organizations:
Long-term Permanence and Short-term Change.” Sociology of
Education Extra Issue: 100-114.
Gamoran, Adam, Walter G. Secada, and Cora B. Marrett. 2000.
“The Organizational Context of Teaching and Learning:
Changing Theoretical Perspectives.” Pp. 37-64 in Hallinan.
Dreeben, Robert. 2000. “Structural Effects in Education: A History
of an Idea.” Pp. 107-136 in Hallinan.
Dornbusch, Sanford M., Kristan L. Glasgow, and I-Chun Lin. 1996.
“The Social Structure of Schooling.” Annual Review of
Sociology 47: 401-29.
Lee, Valerie E. 2000. “School Size and the Organization of
Secondary Schools.” Pp. 327-344 in Hallinan.
Odden, Allan and Geoffrey Borman. 2004. “Assessing Teacher,
Classroom, and School Effects, Including Fiscal Effects.”
Peabody Journal of Education 79: 4-32.
Persell, Caroline Hodges. 2000. “Values, Control and Outcomes in
Public and Private Schools.” Pp. 387-407 in Hallinan.
Pallas, Aaron M. 2000. “The Effects of Schooling on Individual
Lives.” Pp. 499-525 in Hallinan.
Schneider, Barbara. 2000. “Social System and Norms: A Coleman
Approach.” Pp. 365-386 in Hallinan.
Sorensen, Aage B. and Stephen L. Morgan. 2000. “School Effects:
Theoretical and Methodological Issues.” Pp. 137-160 in
Peabody Journal of Education, 2004. Vol. 74, No. 4. Special Issue.
閱讀教材:Anyon, Jean. 1981. “Social Class and School Knowledge.”
Curriculum Inquiry 11(1): 3-42.
Attewell, Paul. 2001. “The Winner-Take-All High School:
Organizational Adaptations to Educational Stratification.”
Sociology of Education 74: 267-295.
Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander, and Linda Steffel Olson.
1997. Ch. 4, “Elementary School Organization.” Pp. 63-98 in
Entwisle, Doris R., Karl L. Alexander, and Linda Steffel Olson.
1997. Ch. 7, “The Overall Picture.” Pp. 145-170 in Entwisle.
Heyneman, Stephan P. and William A. Loxley. 1983. “The Effect of
Primary School-Quality on Academic Achievement across
Twenty-nine High-and Low-Income Countries.” American
Journal of Sociology 88: 1162-94.
教育社會學:資料庫專題研究 2005.9
Kerckhoff, Alan C. 1991. “Creating Inequality in the Schools: A
Structural Perspectives.” Pp. 153-169 in Huber.
Mayer, S. E. 1991. “How Much Does a High School Racial and
Socioeconomic Mix Affect Graduation and Teenage Fertility
Rates.” Pp. 321-341 in Jencks.
Morgan, Stephan L. 2001. “Counterfactuals, Causal Effect
Heterogeneity, and the Catholic School Effect on Learning.”
Sociology of Education 74: 341-374.
Hanushek, Eric A. 1989. “The Impact of Differential Expenditures
on School Performance.” Educational Researcher 18(4):45-51.
Hedges, Larry V., Richard D. Laine, and Rob Greenwald. 1994.
“Does Money Matter?: A Meta-Analysis of Studies of the
Effects of Differential School Inputs on Student Outcome.”
Educational Researcher 23(3): 5-14.
Hanushek, Eric A. 1994. “Money Might Matter Somewhere: A
Response to Hedges, Laine, and Greenwald.” Educational
Researcher 23(4): 5-8.
Hedges, Larry V., Richard D. Laine, and Rob Greenwald. 1994.
“Money Does Matter Somewhere: A Reply to Hanushek.”
Educational Researcher 23(4): 9-10.
Greenwald, Rob, Larry V. Hedges, and Richard D. Laine. 1996.
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