

Quiz #1

1. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the nerve to the mylohyoid?


anterior belly of the digastric

a. inserts on the internal surface of the mandible

b. innervation – nerve to mylohyoid off the inferior alveolar nerve


geniohyoid a.

originates from the inferior mental spine b.

inserts into the hyoid bone c.

innervation – a branch of C1 via the hypoglossal nerve


posterior belly of the digastric a.

originates from the mastoid bone b.

innervation – facial nerve (CN VII)


posterior belly of the omohyoid a.

the omohyoid does not have a posterior belly

2 .

Which of the following muscles is innervated by the facial nerve?

A . mylohyoid a. partially forms the floor of the mouth b. arises from the mylohyoid line of the mandible c. inserts into the hyoid bone d. innervation – nerve to the mylohyoid (CN V)

B. anterior belly of the digastric a. inserts on the internal surface of the mandible

b. innervation – nerve to mylohyoid off the inferior alveolar nerve

C . stylohyoid a. arises from the styloid process b. inserts into the body of the hyoid bone c. innervation – branch of the facial nerve (CN VII)

D . sternocleidomastoid a. anterior border of the posterior triangle b. posterior border of the carotid triangle

3. Which of the following arteries directly passes through the thyrohyoid membrane


A. lingual a. passes deep to the hypoglossus muscle to supply the tongue b. off the external carotid artery

B. superior laryngeal a. accompanies the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve through the thyrohyoid membrane

C. facial a. branches

1) angular artery – anastomoses with dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic artery

2) inferior labial artery

3) superior labial artery b. the facial artery often makes a loop at the angle of the mouth c. passes to the submandibular gland or even into it to supply the face d. a branch of the external carotid artery

D. superior thyroid a. a branch of the external carotid artery b. its largest branch is the superior laryngeal artery c. supplies blood to the thyroid gland

4. The ____________ travels with the hypoglossal nerve and then leaves it.

A. inferior roof of the ansa cervicalis a. aka descendens cervicalis b. fibers from C2 & 3 c. helps form a loop which is on the anterior surface of the internal jugular vein by connecting with a branch of the hypoglossal nerve d. partially innervates in infrahyoid muscles

B. inferior alveolar nerve a. gives off the nerve to the mylohyoid which gives a branch to the anterior belly of the digastric b. sensory to the lower teeth and skin on the chin (by the mental nerve)

C. vagus nerve a. the main trunk passes through the neck inside the carotid sheath with the internal jugular vein and carotid artery b. branches :

1) superior laryngeal nerve: 2 branches

I. external branch – innervates the cricothyroid muscle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles

II. internal branch – passes through the thyrohyoid membrand

- sensory to the laryngeal mucosa above the true vocal folds

2) pharyngeal branch – helps to form the pharyngeal plexus which contains motor fibers to pharyngeal muscles and soft palate and sensory to pharyngeal mucous membranes

3) recurrent (inferior) laryngeal branch – supplies vocal muscles and mucous membrane below the true vocal folds

- passes between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and the esophagus

- supplies sensory and parasympathetic nerves to the subglottic mucosa

D. superior root of the ansa cervicalis a. aka descendens hypoglossi

b. fibers from C1 & 2 run with the hypoglossal c. helps form a loop which is on the anterior surface of the internal jugular vein by connecting with the inferior root d. partially innervates in infrahyoid muscles

5. Which of the following describes the stellate ganglion?

A. it is the fusion of the 1 st thoracic and inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia a. the stellate ganglion

B. it is a nerve that supplies the intrinsic vocal muscles a. the recurrent laryngeal nerve (except the cricothyroid which is supplied by the external laryngeal nerve)

C. it connects the two lateral loaves of the thyroid gland a. the isthmus of the thyroid (lies just anterior to the trachea)

D. it consists of fibers from spinal roots C1, C2, and C3 a. the ansa cervicalis

6. Which of the following is in the carotid sheath?

A. external jugular vein a. formed by the junction of the posterior auricular vein and the retromandibular vein

B. lingual nerve a. branch of the trigeminal nerve b. supplies general sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue c. passes between the hypoglossus and mylohyoid muscles d. receives the chorda typmani nerve containing preganglionic parasympathetic fibers and taste fibers for the anterior 2/3 of the tongue (sensory bodies for taste are in the geniculate ganglion) e. submandibular ganglion is associated with the lingual nerve and serves the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands

C. internal jugular vein a. lies in the carotid sheath with the carotid artery and vagus nerve b. descends from the jugular foramen and moves from posterior to lateral in relation to the carotid artery

D. hypoglossal nerve a. exits the hypoglossal canal b. enters the tongue between the mylohyoid and hypoglossus muscles c. motor nerve to the tongue d. carries branches of C1 & 2 to the ansa cervicalis in the cervical plexus

7. Regarding the trigeminal nerve, the zygomatic nerve is derived from the ___________division?

A. ophthalmic a. frontal nerve b. nasociliary nerve c. supraorbital nerve (off frontal nerve) – through supraorbital foramen d. supratrochlear nerve (off frontal) – pierces orbital fascia

e. lacrimal nerve pierces orbital fascia f. infratrochlear nerve (off nasociliary nerve) g. external nasal nerve (off anterior ethmoidal nerve, a branch of nasociliary)

B. maxillary a. zygomatic nerve b. infraorbital nerve – through infraorbital foramen c. zygomaticotemporal nerve (off zygomatic nerve) – enters temporal fossa d. zygomaticofascial nerve – (off zygomatic nerve) supplies cheek

C. mandibular a. nerve to medial pterygoid (also innervates tensor veli palatine and tensor tympani muscles) b. deep temporal nerves c. nerve to the lateral pterygoid d. buccal nerve – supplies skin over buccinators muscle and mucous membranes of mouth and gums in the same area e. auriculotemporal nerve – travels with superficial temporal artery f. inferior alveolar nerve g. mental nerve (off inferior alveolar)

8. Which of these facial muscles closes the mouth?

A. obicularis oculi a. encircles palpebral fissure b. closes orbit and covers globe

B. zygomaticus major a. pulls the angle of the mouth upward and lateral

C. mentalis a. raises and protrudes lower lip, produces chin dimple

D. obicularis oris a. helps close the mouth

9. Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical branches are nerves related to the ____________?

A. trigeminal nerve a. CN V has three division, see question seven

B. sensory nerves from the anterior primary rami of cervical nerve roots

(could not find anything in the notes about sensory nerves from anterior primary rami specifically)

C. ansa cervicalis a. a nerve loop which is on the anterior surface of the internal jugular vein b. has an inferior root and a superior root (see question 4)

D. facial nerve a. nerve to muscles of facial expression b. after emerging from the stylomastoid foramen is supplies the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscles c. gives off the posterior auricular nerve d. in the parotid gland it divides into upper and lower divisions

e. upper division:

- temporal branches

- zygomatic branches

- buccal branches f. lower division

- buccal branches

- marginal mandibular branches

- cervical branches

10. The buccinators muscle is innervated by the __________?

A. buccal nerve a. supplies the skin over the buccinators muscle and the mucous membranes and gums in that area

B. transverse facial artery a. branch of the facial artery b. emerges from the margins of the parotid gland

C. facial nerve a. see question 9

D. submental artery a. terminal branch of the facial artery
