Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call KaSubject: EGEE JRA4 CONFERENCE CALL Place: Conference Call Date: 18 March 2005 (2pm GMT, 3pm CET) Kostas (KK), Charaka (CJP), Alistair (AKP). [UEDIN], Loukik (LK), Anand (AP) [DANTE], Gloria (GV), Giovanni (GC) [GARR], [CNRS], [DFN] Mark (ML) [DL], Ahmed (AOA), Maarten (MB), Sophie (SN), Pete (PC), Ratna (RA), Ali (AA), Benjamin (BV) Attendees Apologies Details CERN conference system: +41 22 767 7000 Ask for code: EGEE JRA4 Organized by: Kostas Kavoussanakis 1. SUMMARY OF ACTIONS NEW: [KK] Ensure that actions below move and get tracked at the respective weekly meetings ON-GOING: NPM [RA] Plan for AA on backbone [KK] Send architectures to JRA1 and Newcastle for WS, security and other comments [LK] Address NMWG Schema issue when the next NMWG Schema gets published by the GGF working group [KK] Monitor JRA3 for opinions on NPM security document BAR [KK] Send architectures to JRA1 and Newcastle for WS, security and other comments [AP] To confirm with GN2 progress with topology database [KK] To identify suitable hosts for NSAP based on AP's list PUBLIC 1/6 Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call [CP/AP] Read updated SA2 requirements document. [CJP] Send "Deployment Scenario for BAR/NSAP services" document to AP/MB by end of March [CJP] Write an installation document for BAR by 25 March 05. COMPLETED THIS TIME: [All] Submit 10-line activity report to KK for pre-minutes, by 13:00 CET, 17 Mar 2005 [All NPM] Provide feedback for BV’s prototype deployment document [AP] To provide a list of sites to host NSAP [KK] To organise SA2-JRA4 meeting for beginning of March (AA?) [KK] Organise All-activity off-line meetings [KK] Organise JRA4 EGEE Conference meeting(s) [AA] Circulate JRA4 development guide [SN] Replace UCL's central Producer and other necessary components with entities running in CNRS [KK] Chase up the three JRA1 contacts that Tiziana provided [KK] Invite Julien to retake active interest in JRA4 and be the link with SA2 [RA] Produce a document summarising issues raised by design, development and deployment of NPM prototype [DANTE] to develop a "dummy" NSAP to test handshake by end-January. 2. MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes 25 February. Approved. PUBLIC 2/6 Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call 2. Managerial Issues This meeting With the advent of the BAR and NPM weekly meetings, this meeting has no function any more. It is thereby adjourned, and all the actions are routed to the corresponding weekly meetings. 3. Progress update Network Performance Monitoring MJRA4.3 (T1.4) 3/Sep Prototype Partners: “Development and Integration of Interfaces” (S-T1.4.2) UCL, DANTE Leading: Paul / Yee / Loukik / and Mark This milestone is the development of the software prototype for network performance monitoring. Closely working with DJRA4.2, it will develop the software to make sure what it has been specified in DJRA4.2 works. The main goal of this milestone is to produce a web service with a wsdl document that describes how a network domain can publish (using the nm-wg schemas) the performance metrics gathered in the network itself. Initially this web service will work with a single product like WP7 software, but part of the goal is to make possible that other products like gridmon or pipes can use the same web service. Once the web service is done, should start the process to interface with R-GMA, so XML schemas talking to SQL. 07/Jan KK will organise a phone-conference to discuss priorities and features for the next prototype, due 31/03 21/Jan Phone conference took place on 19/Jan. The priority is with the deployment of the EDG::WP7. Development work will focus on data aggregation/merging and also security. KK to circulate minutes within the day. 25/Feb Phone conference took place on 23/Feb. Workplan validated and time estimates provided; exception is the deployment, which is very difficult to estimate as it is unknown, experimental and partly depends on JRA1. JRA1 will not be able to provide secondary producer as initially planned, through lack of computing resources. We will only have the one, hosted by CNRS. However, one of the two sites of the JRA1 gLite prototype already joined our end-to-end monitoring ring. KK pushed AKP’s security document to JRA3 for comments. 18/Mar See minutes of NPM weekly meetings Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation MJRA4.4 (T2.2) “Prototype bandwidth reservation with static network Partners: UEDIN / DANTE / configuration” (S-T2.1.4) CNRS / DFN / GARR PUBLIC 3/6 Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call 12/Nov Leading: The next activity is a prototype, due end of January. However, BAR is currently understaffed. The main thrust for November and perhaps December will go towards the architecture, fuelled by the Den Haag meeting. 03/Dec CJP: Produced a straw man BAR architecture document and sent it to the BAR team. Prepared and delivered a presentation on BAR at the Hague meeting. Had a meeting with Anand to discuss the way forward with the BAR prototype. It is decided that I should write an XML schema to describe the BAR interface and Anand should write one for the NSAP interface. These are to be ready by beginning of January. Once this is ready, dummy BAR service and NSAP service to be produced and deployed by end of January. We also discussed how HLM request parameters can be used to work out BAR-NSAP request parameters. 17/Dec CJP produced a draft architecture document. There is also a plan to produce a nonfunctional, but complete prototype as follows: - DANTE update interfaces in DJRA4.1 by 24 Dec - DANTE produce BAR NSAP schema by 15 Jan - CJP develops a basic BAR service for 31 Jan - DANTE produce dummy NSAP for 31 Jan The activity is short-staffed and the workplan is obsolete anymore. 21/Jan CJP: - Browsed WS-I Basic profile 1.0. This is the version that JRA1 has recommended in using when developing Web Services for EGEE. - Started building the software development platform 25/Feb On course for BAR and North side of WS for end of Feb non-functional prototype. Small problems with NSAP WSDL and stubs. KK pushed AKP’s security document to JRA3 for comments. 18/Mar MJRA4.5 (T2.2) 12/Nov 07/Jan See minutes of BAR weekly meetings “Specification of end-to-end bandwidth reservation Partners: UEDIN / DANTE / system” (S-T2.1.4) CNRS / DFN / GARR Leading: CJP is drafting an architecture document. Architecture taskforce will be constituted during/after forthcoming phone conference. We don’t know about progress with the interfaces update, as Anand is away. CJP: - Had a telecon with DANTE to discuss BAR work PUBLIC 4/6 Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call - wrote minutes and circulated to JRA4 - Updated and released the BAR architecure document - Added requirements - Added examples of BAR-NSAP request mapping - Updated the architures diagram - Removed all references to NE 21/Jan CJP: - Browsed WS-I Basic profile 1.0. This is the version that JRA1 has recommended in using when developing Web Services for EGEE. - Installed and tested Axis 1.1 on Tomcat 5.5.4 - Updated the BAR architecture document following EPCC Technical Reviewers comments and some details that became clear from reading various EGEE documents. - Wrote an incomplete first draft of a deployment scenario for BAR and NSAP services on EGEE infrastructure. This scenario is to be used for demonstration purpose. 25/Feb Architecture in the background. WS-Agreement currently looks very distant. 18/Mar See minutes of BAR weekly meetings 4. Architecture 5. Coordination with external activities JRA1: Meeting with JRA1 arranged for Athens conference. Tiziana Ferrari moderator for MJRA4.3. JRA3: JRA3 leader pushes his staff repeatedly for comments on our architecture but to no avail. SA2: Meeting took place during All-Activities. It was decided to hold a monthly meeting with them. SA1: Alistair Mills of SA1 driving meetings to substantiate need to deploy WP7 on EGEE. GN1/2: No progress PUBLIC 5/6 Doc. Identifier: Minutes EGEE-JRA4-ALLConference call GGF NMWG: NPM proto demonstrated at GGF. Congratulations to all the team for their hard work. 6. AOB 7. Next meeting: No next combined meeting. See for forthcoming BAR and NPM weeklies. PUBLIC 6/6