FIN_30900 Course Syllabus Department of Finance, Dong Hwa University Course Title: FIN_30900 –Mutual Funds Management Term: February, 2013~ June, 2013 Class Meet: Wednesday 14:10~17:00 Professor: Dr. Shin-Yun Wang (王詩韻) Office: Room C335, Management Building; Phone: 886-3-8633136 E-mail:; Http:// Office Hours: Wednesday 17:00 p.m. ~ 19:00 p.m.; Others by appointment Place: 管C103 Textbook: Textbook & Other References (Title, Author, Publisher, Agents, Remarks, etc.) Mutual Funds: Portfolio Structures, Analysis, Management, and Stewardship (Robert W. Kolb Series) [Hardcover] ; John A. Haslem; Hardcover: 358 pages Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (November 2, 2009) ; Language: English ISBN-10: 0470499095 ; ISBN-13: 978-0470499092 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #926,284 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) Supplementary Materials: Journal articles Course Objectives and Description: This course on provides an in-depth coverage of the mutual fund industry and its operations in an interactive format. It is intended to familiarize students with the basic concepts related to mutual funds. Using a balance of theory and practical application, this course explores the approaches that will further improve, and lessen the hidden pitfalls, of mutual fund investing. Mutual Funds covers a broad range of topics, including understanding the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds, evaluating stock/bond allocations within fund portfolios, assessing fund diversification risk, measuring fund returns and risk, and making fund buy/sell decisions. The expert authors put the risks and rewards of mutual fund investing in perspective, examining how to select and evaluate the best mutual funds, mutual fund service advantages and disadvantages, and the long- and short-term effectiveness of mutual funds. Class Attendance and classroom etiquette: Class participation is mandatory. A 5-point credit will be deducted from your “class attendance credit” for each additional class missed after one allowable absence. Class attendance is very important to your doing well in this class. Poor classroom etiquette will also result in the loss of credit. Tests and Final Exam: There will be a midterm exam of the semester and final report at the end of the semester. Honor code is strictly enforced in the exam. Any cheating or attempt to cheat will 1 automatically result in a failing grade in the course. You must turn in your exam when the time is over. I will not accept any exam that is turned in seconds late. Policy on Make-up Test & “Extra Credit”: You are expected to take tests and exam at the scheduled time. Make-up exams are rarely granted. Students who have to miss a test with legitimate reasons such as personal or family emergency may request in advance, in writing, for a make-up. Such written requests must be submitted before the scheduled test, and I will decide on the make-up date. I will not grant any “extra credit” for extra work; you have plenty opportunities to perform well in the class. Grading and Evaluation: Grading will be based on midterm exam and final report, class attendance credit. The breakdown of the total points is: Midterm Exam: 30%; Final report: 40%; 70 points in total. Class attendance and classroom etiquette: 30 points. Class Schedule Week Dates Subject Contents Chapter # 1 02/20 Course Description 2 02/27 The Nature of Mutual Funds Chap1 Mutual Fund Regulation and Issues Chap 2 3 03/06 The Economics of Mutual Funds Chap 3 Mutual Fund Fees and Expenses Chap 4 4 03/13 How Financial Markets Work Chap 5 Active versus Passive Investing Chap 6 5 03/20 Efficient Markets and Mutual Fund Investing: Chap 7 The Advantages of Index Funds 6 03/27 Asset Allocation: Design and Care of Portfolios Chap 8 7 04/03 The Morningstar Approach to Mutual Fund Analysis-Part1 Chap 9 The Morningstar Approach to Mutual Fund Chap 10 Analysis-PartII 8 04/10 Building a Portfolio of Mutual Funds: A Chap 11 Morningstar Approach 9 04/17 Midterm Exam 10 04/24 Performance of Actively Managed versus Index Chap 12 Funds: The Vanguard Case 11 05/01 Classic and Enhanced Index Funds: Performance Chap 13 and Issues 12 05/08 Mutual Funds versus Exchange-Traded Funds Chap 14 13 05/15 The Challenge to Mutual Fund Stewardship Chap 15 14 05/22 Identifying Mutual Fund Stewardship Chap 16 Normative Transparency of Mutual Fund Chap 17 Disclosure 15 05/29 Group Report 16 06/05 Group Report 17 06/12 No class 18 06/19 Group Report 2