SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 1: On page 3 of his testimony Mr. Anderson notes that “The gas commodity price used in this forecast is discussed in the testimony of Mr. Emmrich.” Is this the same WACOG price show on Table 10 (p. 14) of Mr. Emmrich’s Gas Throughput forecasting workpapers. RESPONSE 1: The gas commodity price used is the California Border Spot Price Forecast (page 343 in the Workpapers of Herbert S. Emmrich Demand Forecast 1 of 2). The WACOG price on Table 10 is for Retail Core Customers. The difference between the two forecasts is less than $0.03/Dth. 1 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 2: On page 3 of his testimony Mr. Anderson explains that: “In addition to existing generation, plants were added to the supply. In Southern California, plants were selected as part of recent Investor Owned Utility (IOU) Requests for Offers (RFO) are also assumed to be added even though they are currently not under construction”. Please explain the rationale for including these plants not under construction in Electric Generation Gas demand forecast. RESPONSE 2: The units added, that were not under construction, were three combustion turbine (CT) facilities which the IOU’s announced as winners in their RFO process. We based the in service dates on the dates from IOU’s applications for approval with the CPUC. We included these units because CT facilities can be licensed, built and be in service during the BCAP period even though they are currently not under construction. 2 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 3: Please quantify the impact on Electric Generation Gas demand of excluding plants not under construction in the BCAP forecast period. RESPONSE 3: By excluding plants not under construction, the overall net impact would be less than 1 MMdTh each year over the BCAP period. This impact is small because the power that would be generated by these new plants would still need to be generated. The replacement power would likely come from other existing gas plants. 3 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 4: What is the probability that “the Sunrise Powerlink will be in service by 2011.” (Direct Prepared Testimony of Robert Anderson, San Diego Gas & Electric Company and Southern California Gas Company, July 2, 2008). RESPONSE 4: The probability rests solely upon the CPUC decision expected later in 2008. 4 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 5: Please quantify the impact on Electric Generation Gas demand if the Sunrise Powerlink does not come on line in 2011. RESPONSE 5: If the Sunrise Powerlink does not come on line in 2011, the EG forecast would be 8 MMdTh more in 2011. Over the BCAP period of 2009 - 2011, the average impact would be 2.7 MMdTh more per year. 5 SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 2009 BIENNIAL COST ALLOCATION PROCEEDING (A.08-02-001) DRA DATA REQUEST NO. DRA-TMR10 Subject: Feb.4, 2008 SoCalGas Direct Testimony of Robert Anderson Electric Generation Throughput) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 6: For the historic period 2000 through 2008 please provide recorded Electric Generation throughput analogous to the results reported in Table 1 (p.5) of Mr. Anderson’s July 2, 2008 Prepared Direct Testimony. RESPONSE 6: See the table below. Historical EG and Large Cogeneration Throughput (MMDths) Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* SDG&E EG 60 67 46 43 54 42 47 41 29 SoCalGas EG 323 377 208 185 184 146 181 205 144 SoCalGas Large Cogen 63 50 63 56 60 58 53 55 37 * January through August 6 Total 446 494 316 284 298 245 281 301 210