國立雲林科技大學 英語文課程短、中、長期規劃 執行成效及改進 語 中 華 民 國 言 1 0 中 0 年 心 4 月 2 0 日 目錄 表目錄..............................................Ⅰ 一、 前言..........................................1 二、 執行成效......................................1 三、 改進措施......................................7 附錄(本校英語文課程規劃相關資料) 附錄Ⅰ「ESP專業英文課程」.............................9 附錄Ⅱ「英語菁英學程」.............................. 23 表目錄 表一 表二 表三 表四 表五 表六 表七 表八 表九 「ESP 專業英語課程」................................................2 「英語菁英學程」登記人數及選修人數..................................2 各級課程教學大綱、重點及目標.......................................2 各級課程情境內容..................................................3 98-99 學年校內英檢通過.... ........................................4 參加英語檢定人數..................................................4 國際專案管理學位學程英語統計表.......................... .........5 英語檢定提報系統..................................................6 英語自我能力評測..................................................6 表十 「進修英語」選修人數..............................................8 I 一.前言 教育部99年度施政方針為全面提升大學英語教學研究品質與國際競爭 力,技職司亦於99年度起委派北、中、南區英語教學資源中心執行推動各 校訂定「英語文課程短、中、長程規劃」 ,使學生及教師了解學校之英語文 課程規劃及銜接課程,並訂定各英文課程能力指標,使學生及教師依能力 指標學習及授課,並設計適合之教材,以提升技職院校學生英語程度。 教育部委辦本校成立中區英語教學資源中心,協助並服務中區各技職 院校英語文課程之規畫及實施。為使本校成為中區模範學校,並使各夥伴 學校有所依循及參考,故於99年1~3月規劃、99年3月24日提「通識與共同 教育委員會議」審查通過國立雲林科技大學「英語文課程短、中、長期規 劃」 ,並於99年4月14日應用外語系系務會議及4月27日主管會議報告未來執 行大綱。學生可於本校學習地圖網站或語言中心網頁查詢「英語文課程短、 中、長程規劃」內容。除了原有英文課程外,按照「英語文課程短、中、 長程規劃」於99年3月起開設English for Specific Purpose (ESP)潛在課 程,使學生接觸並了解ESP課程的內容及目標,並持續進行「英文補救課程」 及「英語菁英課程」 ,於99年9月起開設ESP正式課程。 二.執行成效 1. 訂定「英文學習地圖」及「英文課程分類圖」 :為使學生了解本校英 語文學習資源和課程規劃,學生入學後可根據「英文學習地圖」 ,擬 定個人英文學習計畫。 2. 大一至大四英文課程的銜接:98 學年度前本校英文正式課程為大一 「字彙與閱讀」及「英語聽講練習」及大二「進階閱讀」等必修課 程,選修英語課程為「英語會話」及「商用英語」 。為使大一至大四 英文課程有效地銜接,故將「英語學程」改為「英語菁英學程」及 增加「ESP 專業英語課程」 ,使大三、大四學生進入職場前,熟稔職 場英文與人際溝通。 (1) 99 學年第 1 學期將通識語文類之英語課程改為「ESP 專業英語 課程」(附錄一),共開設 5 門課(如表一),提供學生多樣化的 選擇,課程設計以符合學生的需求為重點,提升職場競爭力。 1 (表一)「ESP 專業英語課程」 科目名稱 99/1 選修人數 99/2 選修人數 商務管理英文 44 51 設計英文簡報 20 21 職場英文 50 50 旅遊英文 49 55 科技英文 14 工程學院開設 共計 177 177 (2) 99 學年起將「英語學程」更名為「英語菁英學程」修訂授課 大網及課程內容(附錄二),使其更符合職場及學生需求,登記 人數(如表二)、選修人數已大幅增加。 (表二)「英語菁英學程」登記人數表 學年 登記 人數 修習 人數 98 99 33 106 33 138 3. 英文能力指標的訂定:訂定各級英文課程教學大綱、重點及目標, 以利授課教師遵循,並要求教師根據表三及表四設計教學大綱,使 學生達到學習目標,提升英語能力。 (表三)各級課程教學大綱、重點及目標表 課程 類別 大一英文 A段 大一英文 B段 大一英文 C段 CEF 課程重點 教學情境 字彙 量 基礎日常生活 A2 以下 具備基礎日常生活字 英語之應用情 (多益 225 分以下) 彙與溝通技巧 境 12001500 A2 以上、B1 以下 (多益 225 分 以上 387 分以下) 具備實用日常生活字 實 用 日 常 生 活 彙且能進行各種情境 英 語 之 應 用 情 對話 境 15002500 畢業門檻-等同於 具備基礎國際英語字 基 礎 國 際 英 語 全民英檢中級初試 彙與情境對話能力並 之應用情境 27503500 2 (多益 387 分以上) 能成功地與於外籍人 士溝通 大二英文 英語菁英 學程 ESP 專業課程 具備進階國際英語字 B1 以上 彙與情境對話能力並 進 階 國 際 英 語 (多益 387-550 分) 能流暢地表達意見及 之應用情境 看法 35004500 具備專業職場領域之 B1 以上、B2 以下 進階專業英語 字彙與情境對話能力 (多益 550 分以上) 之用情境 並能接待外籍客戶 45005500 B1 以上、B2 以下 具備專業職場領域之 進階專業英語 字彙與情境對話能力 (多益 550 分以上) 之應用情境 並能接待外籍客戶 (表四) 課程類別 大一英文 A 段 大一英文 B 段 大一英文 C 段 大二英文 英語菁英學程 ESP 專業課程 45005500 各級課程情境內容表 情境內容 基礎句型、基礎文法、基礎發音、自我介紹(I)、時間、數字、居 住社區、校園、國家。 家庭、自我介紹(II)、日常活動、嗜好(I)、人物、信號/標誌、 問路、交通、食物、醫院。 嗜好(II)、音樂、教育/學科、購物、衣服、天氣、節慶、情感、 餐廳、娛樂、運動、旅遊、個人衛生。 飯店、機場、銀行、填表、媒體/文化活動、買票、訂位、打電話 /接電話、社交場合、市場。 國際會展、國際會議、國際交換學生 辦公室、公告事項、信件/email、新聞、會議、演講、簡報、面 試、出差、觀光、電腦/網路、健康、緊急事故。 4. 校內與校外英檢通過率的增加: (1)、校內模擬英檢:自 91 學年度起實施校內大一新生模擬線上全 民英語中級檢定(聽力與閱讀部分),98 學年改為新多益(NEW TOEIC)線上模擬測驗,99 學年度新增大二學生新多益(NEW TOEIC)線上模擬測驗,並將模擬成績列入學期成績之 10%,使 學生了解英檢對其學習的重要,提供教師了解該班學生程度及 進步情形。表五顯示大一至大二持續學習英文者,校內英檢通 過率為逐年增加中。 3 (表五)校內 98-99 學年校內英檢通過表 99 學年第 1 學期 人數 實考 通過學校標準 通過 CEFA2 99 級大一學生 1488 1436 71.24% 89.69% 98 級大二(未修進階閱讀) 700 638 42.32% 70.06% 98 級大二(修進階閱讀) 738 703 73.83% 91.18% 98 級大二學生統計 1438 1341 58.84% 81.13% 98 學年 人數 實考 通過學校標準 通過 CEFA2 98 級大一(第 1 學期) 1437 1426 55.26% 81.21% 98 級大一(第 2 學期) 1435 1361 72.59% 91.7% (2)、校外正式英檢:自 94 學年度起鼓勵學生參加校外英檢,96 學 年度正式實施學生英語能力要求,參加校外英檢人數及通過人 數逐年增加中(如表六、七)。 98 學年度(98.08.01 至 99.07.31)全校學生總人數 9519 人 ,參加英檢人數 3151 人,通過等同全民英檢初級以上總人 數為 2304 人,通過率為 73.12%,又通過人數占全校學生 總人數 24.20%。 99 學年度(99.08.01 至 100.07.31)全校學生總人數 9350 人,參加英檢人數 4709 人,通過等同全民英檢初級以上 總人數為 3789 人,通過率為 80.46%,又通過人數占全校 學生總人數 40.52%。 (表六)參加英語檢定人數表 4 (表七)國際專案管理學位學程英語統計表 99 學年第 2 學期參加校外英檢統計總表 - 國際專案管理學位學程(1000421) 多益 通過校內英 未通過校內英 未上線提 班級人數 平均 檢標準人數 檢標準人數 報人數 分數 學院 班級 管理學院 四國管一 A 72 5 0 67 532 管理學院 四國管二 A 69 8 0 61 621 管理學院 四國管三 A 37 15 1 21 698 管理學院 國管學程 617 5. 混合式學習「Blended Learning (onsite and online)」的實施: 結合網路學習與傳統教室教學,提高學生學習英文成效。本校大一、 二學生除了在教室接受面對面英語教學,以獲得足夠英文知識外, 亦須於課後配合網路學習,每週上網自學 2 小時,每學期 32 小時, 自學時數亦納入學生平時成績。本校積極推廣混合式學習,以學生 學習為導向,建立學生課堂及課後皆能主動學習的態度,結合教室 教學與網路學習之優點,截長補短以達到最佳學習英語的效果。 6. 英檢系統的更新與執行:為執行「國立雲林科技大學英語能力要求 實施辦法」 ,由語言中心設計、資訊中心開發英語檢定提報系統,提 供學校了解學生之英語程度,藉以規劃各種提升學生英語能力之各 項辦法或活動。 (1) 96 學年下學期開發英語檢定提報系統並啟用,功能較為簡易。 (2) 97 學年修正系統使學生可自行上傳成績證明,不必再繳交書面 證明至各系所(如表八)。 (3) 98 學年更新系統,增加統計各項資料功能,各系可直接查詢該 系各項英檢統計資料。 (4) 99 學年度改善系統功能,增加「英語能力自我評測表」,建立 完整英語學習歷程,學生上網填寫「英語能力自我評測表」,任 課教師則填寫對學生學習英文之建議或鼓勵言辭,以利學生了解 自我英語能力及如何改善學習英文技巧(如表九)。 5 (表八)英語檢定提報系統 校 考 英 學 學 院 系(科 年 期 群 所院) 姓 學號 分 試 檢 證照名稱 名 數 類 結 內 准考證號 測驗日 期 證照字號 生效日 英 期 別 果 檢 標 1+4 專 案 審核狀 況 附檔 準 99 1 99 1 99 1 管 院 管 院 管 院 國管 972800X 國管 972800X 國管 972800X 何 (TOEIC)多益測 X 驗 CEF B1 魏 (TOEIC)多益測 X 驗 CEF B1 鐘 (TOEIC)多益測 X 驗 CEF B1 通 715 過 10460500 0990328 10460500 0990328 通 745 0980222 90271108 0980320 過 通 610 過 10460058 0990328 10460058 0990328 通 審核通 過 過 通 審核通 過 過 通 審核通 過 過 (表九)英語自我能力評測表 四國管一 A 學 學 年 期 科目 99280XX 林 XX 成績 多益預 測分數 500 英語自我能力評測表 我將採取的學習策略 99 1 多益模擬考 600 99 1 字彙與閱讀(一) 96 天天背單字與閱讀英文文章 99 1 英語聽講練習(一) 77 天天聽英文並多用英文對話 學年 學期 99 證照名稱 1 (GEPT)全民英檢 學年期 3 分鐘自我介紹 英文自傳及履歷 3 首英文歌 自我與人溝通能力 自我組織、分析及寫作 能力 教師建議 每日讀英文與多練習相關測驗 級別 分數 考試類別 取得證照 證照字號 生效日期 附檔 中級 / CEF B1 取得 I128853 0981221 991 可 單字量 5 分鐘校園導覽 4000 以上 可 可 5 分鐘英文簡報 可 可 3 分鐘說故事 可 尚可 自我學習態度 良好 尚可 未來目標 (TOEIC)多益測驗 Listening:CEF C1, Reading:CEF C1/新版測驗 6 三、改進措施 1. 了解學生需求:本校於 99 學年第 2 學期實施英語課程改革問卷調 查,問卷內容以了解學生學習英文之需求及對本校英文課程改革成 效之建議,針對學生之意見,規劃設計適合學生之英文課程,改善 軟硬體教學資源,改進本校英文教學之品質,以激發學生學習英文 動機並提升英文程度。 2. 提昇英文教學品質:擬於每學年第 2 學期結束後第一週,邀請所有 共同英文科授課教師參加「英文教師教學知能研習」 ,會中將針對大 一、二英文課程及 ESP 英文課程等進行教學觀摩,使各老師了解本 校英文畢業門檻、各級英文課程重點、教學目標、教學情境及學生 須習得字彙量等,以利老師準備下學年度各級英文課程內容。議程 及內容如附錄 III 所示。 3. 建立課程特色:為使本校英文課程具備有效、活潑及多元之學習內 容,本校擬將大二英文「進階閱讀」授課內容改為職場英文,未來 則進一步正名為「職場英文」 ,課程以配合學生畢業進入職場之實際 需求為設計方向,期以建立本校技職英文課程特色。 4. 教材教法更新:每學年挑選適合大一英文之統一教材,供教師選擇 適才之教材,而非一成不變老舊教材,教師設計活潑多樣化內容, 以提高學生學習英文興趣;對於教法更新,則採用「混合式學習」, 除了課堂上面對面教學外,亦逐年增購多樣化之線上學習課程及測 驗系統供師生使用,以期提升學生英文能力。 5. 英文職業證照:ESP 專業英文課程之教學目標為實施專業英文課程 且鼓勵學生參加各項證照檢驗,使學生深入了解專業英文內容,以 考取相關職業證照為最終目標,例如旅遊英文課程乃專為考取英文 導遊或領隊之課程,而非外出旅行使用之會話英文。另鼓勵各系所 將專業英文列入為必、選修科目,例如本校機械系將「科技英文」 列為必修科目、國管學程將「商用英文及會話」列為必修課程、企 管系將「商用英文書信」列為選修課程及電子系亦將「科技英文」 列為研究所英文課程。 6. 抵免大一、二英文課程:鼓勵已通過等同於全民英檢中級以上標準 者可抵修大一英文課程,通過抵免筆、口試者可抵大二英文課程, 以期降低修習大一英文人數,朝向小班教學目標前進。亦鼓勵抵免 之學生加入「英語菁英學程」或選修「ESP 專業英語課程」 ,以期提 7 高程度較優學生之專業英語能力。 7. 逐年降低「進修英語」的修課人數:開設「進修英語」課程,為「國 立雲林科技大學英語能力要求實施辦法」之配套措施,學生如未通 過英語畢業門檻者,則可修習「進修英語」,及格者始可畢業。99 學年下學期起「進修英語」改為限大四學生選修,要求學生須於大 四前參加 1 次以上之各項校外英檢測,大四始可選修此配套課程, 以鼓勵學生持續學習英文並參加校外英檢,通過學校標準為學習目 標,希望 100 學年起降低「進修英語」選修人數(如表十)。 (表十)「進修英語」選修人數 學年/學期 99/1 99/2 人數 365 307 8. 廣納校友及產業界人士的意見:為使學生畢業即就業無礙,設計與 業界接軌之相關英文課程,提高學生學習英語興趣,使學生畢業後 可學以致用,將公開徵詢校友和產業界人士對課程之改進意見。 9. 專任與兼任教師合作:本校自 96 學年起逐年聘請優秀之中外籍英語 專任講師,降低兼任教師數量,以輔導學生學習困難,選擇教學滿 意高之兼任講師擔任大一、二英文教師,專任契約講師除授課外, 亦隨時隨地輔導學生課業或協助學校業務,互為搭配以提升英語教 學品質及學生學習成效。 10.各教師建立教室管理準則,教師於每學期開學第一週,訂定教室管 理條約,與學生協議使其遵守教室管理準則,教師須適時糾正不當 行為的發生,學習如何利用表情手勢及善用肢體語言掌控教室氣 氛,有效管理教室秩序,以此建立教室管理常規模式,使教室氛圍 有利於教學品質的提升。 11.規劃契約講師擔任班級導師,將與他系合作,由英語契約講師擔任 雙導師之一。老師安排學生進行團體英文學習諮商,輔導該班學生 如何學習英文,以期提升學生英文能力。 8 附錄 I I-1-1 商務管理英文教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)商務管理英文 (英文 English)Business Management English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. At least CEF midway B1 (equivalent to550 points on the TOEIC test). The course aims to help students develop a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments in business without conspicuously searching for words, while making use of complex sentence forms. 2. Ability to express oneself with confidence. 3. Development of autonomous learning skills. 4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: The Business Management English Course is suitable for intermediate level students aiming for a high intermediate level (C.E.F. B1 proceeding to B2) who wish to develop greater communication skills. It is especially useful to students who anticipate working in a team while also making executive decisions in the completion of company projects. In this course students will learn how to use English to arrange and conduct group meetings, organize group projects, assert their point of view, accept or reject other team members’ opinions, monitor team members’ efforts, conduct presentations, participate in boardroom style meetings, resolve group disagreements, write a business report and so on. Relying on material from the worldwide popular TV show “The Apprentice”, students will first observe how real professionals manage their team projects and will then have a discussion surrounding this. Thereafter, students will be put in simulated business situations and perform a variety of professional roles. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 9 日 學年度第 次系 I-1-2 商務管理英文課程規劃 Business Management English Course Description The Business Management English Course is suitable for students aiming for a high elementary to 課程綱要 Course Outline intermediate level (C.E.F. High A2-B1) who wish to develop greater communication skills in areas such as group meetings, standard presentations and standard business letters and reports. It is especially useful to students who anticipate working in a team while also making executive decisions in the completion of company projects. 1. At least CEF High A2-B1 (equivalent to 387-550 points on the TOEIC test). The course aims to help students develop a high frequency of commonly used business-related words, phrases and sentences structures. Students will learn a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to give clear descriptions of concrete, routinely encountered issues in business. Students will also 教學目標 Objective learn how to express the main points of their opinions with respect to ideas or problems with appropriate precision. 2. Ability to express oneself with confidence. 3. Development of autonomous learning skills. 4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions. 學分 2 credits, 1 semester Credit(s) 1. Students will be given a pretest, mid-term and final exam based on the learning content and which will be at the level of High A2-B1 on the C.E.F. 管考指標 Evaluation Each exam will count 30% of their total grade. 2. Students will be given a mock TOEIC test and are expected to attain a grade of at least 387 points. This will account for 20 % of their course grade. 3. Attendance, class participation, homework and short quizzes will account for 20 % of the students’ grade. In this course students will learn how to use English to provide clear descriptions 修課規定 Course Criteria of concrete issues routinely encountered in business when engaged in group meetings, organizing group projects, conducting presentations, participating in boardroom style meetings, writing a business report and so on. Students will also 學習目標 Learning Content learn how to express the main points of their opinions with appropriate precision when asserting their point of view, accepting or rejecting other team members’ opinions, resolving group disagreements, monitoring team members’ efforts, etc. Relying on material from the worldwide popular TV show “The Apprentice”, students will first observe how real professionals manage their team projects and will then have a discussion surrounding this. Thereafter, students will be put in simulated business situations and will be coached on successfully performing a variety of professional roles. 溝通技能 Communicati on Skill 能力敘述 Description 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading Objective: Objective (Spoken Objective: Can understand the Interaction): Can understand 10 寫 Writing Objective: Can write concise main points of clear Can deal with most common texts that consist connected texts on standard speech on situations regularly mainly of a high familiar topics familiar matters encountered in business. Can frequency of regularly regularly encountered enter unprepared into commonly used encountered in in business. Can conversation on common, business related business Can write understand the main regularly encountered topics in language. Can standard business points of many radio or business. understand the letters describing description of events, feelings, wishes, etc. TV programs on current affairs in business, Objective (Spoken events, feelings provided the delivery is Production): and wishes, etc. clear. Can connect phrases in a in standard simple way in order to business letters. describe familiar business experiences, events, plans, etc. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Can narrate a story or relate the plot of contemporary business-related novel or self-growth books and describe one’s reactions. 1. 建立教材 Material (s) T.V. show: “The Apprentice” 2. Website: 2.1 BBC Business English (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/) 2.2 City and Guilds (English for Business Communication): http://www.cityandguilds.com/documents/ind_general_learning_esol/EBC_qualification_handbook.pdf 可擔任 之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for This course is useful for students who anticipate working in a team and/or making executive decisions in the completion of company projects. It therefore covers a wide range of professionals. 11 I-2-1 旅遊英文教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)旅遊英文 (英文 English)Travel English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 387 points on the TOEIC test). 2. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to travel in their jobs. 3. While students may be able to function in English within their own fields, too often they just don’t have the language skills to survive in every-day situations like those encountered while traveling. Therefore, the objective of this course is to focus on real-life situations and present them in realistic contexts. 4. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and survival in certain situations; i.e., ordering in a restaurant, making hotel reservations, using public transportation, going through immigration and customs at an international airport, etc. 5. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to survive in the social and economic milieu of international travel and its interaction with speakers of English. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:Survival English for Travelers is a course for all university students who will be required, in their professional life, to travel internationally and interact with speakers of English. The course will cover a number of real-life situations that professionals would encounter while traveling for their jobs. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but the practical transactions as well that all international travelers have to deal with while making their way in a global economy. The content of the course is derived from Survival English: International Communication for Professional People by Peter Viney as well as other sources. The textbook contains forty-eight units that deal with a variety of topics related to international travel. Among these units that teach language, grammar, and cultural differences are topics related to using public transportation, checking in and out of hotels, ordering food in different types of restaurants, making various types of reservations (theater, flight, hotel, restaurant, etc.), understanding time zone differences, the stages for taking international flights, attending business events, attending social events, etc. The comprehensiveness of the content of the textbook is one of its greatest assets for this type of course, and students should benefit greatly from it. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 12 日 學年度第 次系 I-2-2 旅遊英文課程規劃 Travel English Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline 教學目標 Objectives 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement Travel English is a course for all university students who will be required, in their professional life, to travel internationally and interact with speakers of English. The course will cover a number of real-life situations that professionals would encounter while traveling for their jobs. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but the practical transactions as well that all international travelers have to deal with while making their way in a global economy. 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to travel in their jobs. 3. While students may be able to function in English within their own fields, too often they just don’t have the language skills to survive in every-day situations like those encountered while traveling. Therefore, the objective of this course is to focus on real-life situations and present them in realistic contexts. 4. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and survival in certain situations; i.e., ordering in a restaurant, making hotel reservations, using public transportation, going through immigration and customs at an international airport, etc. 5. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to survive in the social and economic milieu of international travel and its interaction with speakers of English. 3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework 學分 Credit(s) 2 credit hours 管考指標 Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content Midterm and final examinations Quizzes over lecture content Homework assignments Attendance and participation 40% 10% 30% 20% The content of the course is derived from Survival English: International Communication for Professional People by Peter Viney as well as other sources. The textbook contains forty-eight units that deal with a variety of topics related to international travel. Among these units that teach language, grammar, and cultural differences are topics related to using public transportation, checking in and out of hotels, ordering food in different types of restaurants, making various types of reservations (theater, flight, hotel, restaurant, etc.), understanding time zone differences, the stages for taking international flights, attending business events, attending social events, etc. The comprehensiveness of the 13 content of the textbook is one of its greatest assets for this type of course, and students should benefit greatly from it. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. Spoken Interaction I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Spoken Production I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence. I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions. I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing 1. Survival English: International Communication for Professional People by Peter Viney; Macmillan Education, 2004. Students who intend to pursue any career in any field that requires international travel will benefit from this course. 14 I-3-1 設計英文簡報教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)設計英文簡報 (英文 English)English Presentation Skills for Designers 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to387- 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. The objective of this course is to teach design students the essential skills necessary for them to give effective presentations for design projects in English. In order to accomplish this, they will learn to organize their thought process, to understand the accepted structure of an effective presentation, and how to deal with questions at the conclusion. 3. Another important objective is that students should gain the necessary confidence required for them to use English in this capacity. 4. Among some of the vital skills they will cultivate are vocal and non-verbal delivery, the use of visuals, and survival techniques, e.g., coping with the anxiety of public speaking. 5. Ultimately, students should be able to take these skills with them into the sphere of the professional designer and be better equipped to compete in the evolving economy of the twenty-first century. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content:English Presentation Skills for Designers is a course for design students who will be required, in their professional life, to give frequent presentations in English. The course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience. The content of the course is broken down into six units from English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Let’s Get Started deals with the topics of welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Today’s Topic Is … introduces the subject of body language and affords tips for presenting to an English-speaking audience. Unit Three: My Next Slide Shows … provides information about presentation tools, using approximate numbers, creating effective visuals, and presenting visuals effectively. Unit Four: As You Can See from This Graph … covers the types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals, and offers tips for describing trends. Unit Five: To Sum up … discusses how to conclude your presentation and strategies for a good conclusion. Unit Six: Any Questions? concludes the material with tips on how to handle question and answer sessions. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 15 日 學年度第 次系 I-3-2 設計英文簡報課程規劃 English Presentation Skills for Designers Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline 教學目標 Objectives English Presentation Skills for Designers is a course for design students who will be required, in their professional life, to give frequent presentations in English. The course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience. 1. The course is for students with at least a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. The objective of this course is to teach design students the essential skills necessary for them to give effective presentations for design projects in English. In order to accomplish this, they will learn to organize their thought process, to understand the accepted structure of an effective presentation, and how to deal with questions at the conclusion. 3. Another important objective is that students should gain the necessary confidence required for them to use English in this capacity. 4. Among some of the vital skills they will cultivate are vocal and non-verbal delivery, the use of visuals, and survival techniques, e.g., coping with the anxiety of public speaking. 5. Ultimately, students should be able to take these skills with them into the sphere of the professional designer and be better equipped to compete in the evolving economy of the twenty-first century. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework 學分 Credit(s) 2 管考指標 Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content Midterm and final examinations 40% Quizzes over lecture content 10% Presentations 30% Attendance and participation 20% The content of the course is broken down into six units from English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Let’s Get Started deals with the topics of welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Today’s Topic Is … introduces the subject of body language and affords tips for presenting to an English-speaking audience. Unit Three: My Next Slide Shows … provides information about presentation tools, using approximate numbers, creating effective visuals, and presenting visuals effectively. Unit Four: As You Can See from This Graph … covers the types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals, and offers tips for describing trends. Unit Five: To Sum up … discusses how to conclude your presentation and strategies for a good conclusion. Unit Six: Any Questions? concludes the 16 material with tips on how to handle question and answer sessions. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 聽 Listening I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. 說 Speaking Spoken Interaction I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing experiences and impressions. Spoken Production I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence. I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions. 1. English for Presentations by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford University Press, 2010. Students who intend to pursue a career in business and especially design will benefit from this course. 17 I-4-1 職場英文教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)職場英文 (英文)Career English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標: 提供職場中所需的語言技巧與知識,讓學習者在職場的英語能力表現更上一層樓。 涵蓋商業職場上常見的情境主題,例如:到新公司任職、商品買賣、行銷、商業道德、 品牌價值及海外出差等。 教學內容綱要: 1. 以真人實例來說明不同產業的工作特質,例如:人才招募顧問、市場行銷實習 生等,讓學習者了解不同職務的工作項目及內容。 2. 提供如何在職場中發揮能力的小技巧,例如:減低緊張的方法等。提供學習者 了解如何在職場中與同事溝通及社交生活的模式。 3. 提供職場常用的信件寫作範例,涵蓋公告、正式及非正式電子郵件、正式報告、 履歷等書信練習。 4. 與職場中常見的語言應用、職場應對技巧、各領域工作範疇的介紹等;讓學習 者對各工作領域有更清楚的概念,有助於未來選擇工作的方向。 系所主管簽章: 年 月 系所務會議通過。 18 日 學年度第 次 I-4-2 職場英文課程規劃 Career English Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline Business English for Career is a course for all university students who will be required to use English to interact with speakers of English in their professional life. The course will cover a number of real-life business situations that professionals would encounter. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but also practical transactions. 1. This course is for university students from all departments who expect to become professionals who are required to use English to communicate for different purposes. 2. The objective of this course is to focus on real-life business situations and 教學目標 Objectives present them in realistic contexts. 3. Upon completion of this course, students would be expected to be able to use the language of socializing and negotiating in certain situations; i.e., interviewing, ordering goods, giving presentation, etc. 4. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to give students the knowledge and confidence necessary to handle daily business affairs in their career. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 修課規定 Course Criteria 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 3000 words 學分 Credit(s) 2 credit hours 管考指標 Evaluation 1. Midterm and final examinations : 50% 2. Homework assignments: 30% 3. Attendance and participation : 20% 學習目標 Learning Content The content of the course will be based on the textbook, “English for Business Life.” It focuses on business English communication in a wide range of businesses, countries and cultures. It also stresses the core language needed in business life that will help students to participate successfully in the global workplace. The course follows a progressive and comprehensive grammar syllabus, with the emphasis on the effective use of grammar for clear communication in business life. 聽 Listening Students will be able to understand clear standard English on familiar business 說 Speaking Students can deliver effective presentations in English, give 19 讀 Reading Students can read independently to comprehend the meaning of a text. 寫 Writing Students will be asked to write emails, official business letters and reports. matters. 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for reasons and explanations. 1. English for Business Life by Ian Badger and Pete Menzies: Marshall Education, 2005. Students who would like to work in international companies in which English is used on daily bases will benefit from this course. 20 I-5-1 科技英文教學大綱 科目名稱:(中文)科技英文 (英文)Technical English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標: 讓學生用英文學習科技領域的基本知識及專有名詞。英文學習部分則包括文法、 句型結構、聽力、閱讀策略等項目,並且包括英語簡報的訓練。 教學內容綱要: 經由科技領域包括食品、塑膠材料、替代能源、大眾運輸、環境保護、機器人、 家用科技、電子等主題,教授英文之文法、句型結構、聽力、閱讀策略等,並訓練學生 用英語簡報的技巧與能力。 評分標準包括期中考、期末考、英語簡報、平時課堂表現等項目。 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 21 日 學年度第 次系 I-5-2 科技英文課程規劃 Technical English Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline 教學目標 Objective 修課規定 Course Criteria 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for .以英語學習科技領域的各種基本知識;著重職場應用。 .學習科技用詞以及英語文法、句型結構、文章段落結構。 .以科技為主題,訓練聽力、閱讀技巧、簡報等能力。 1.增強英語基礎能力 2.提高學習興趣與動機 3.加強學習方法與自信心 4.配合職場上的需要,增加就業力 學分 2/學期 Credit(s) 管考指標 學生需了解並熟悉課堂講授知內容,以通過期中考、 Evaluation 期末考兩次筆試;並且在四次簡報訓練中逐次進步。 學習目標 熟習各種科技用語;可以做簡短的科技新知介紹;能 Learning 閱讀與科技相關的專業文章,並能找出其中重點;能 Content 寫完整的句子。 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing .能聽懂科技產 業 .中淺易英語談 話。 .能用英語做 簡報,並自行 收集、整理簡 報內容 .能用英語進 行簡易對答。 .能閱讀以科 技為主題的文 章,能理解每 一段及整篇文 章的重點。 .了解廣告文 宣、商品標 籤。 .能了解基本 文法,並寫出 描述因果、時 間等關係的複 合句。 教材來源: (1) 教科書 TECHNOLOGY (1), Oxford English for Careers (Eric H. Glendinning) (2) 美國IEEE、ABC NEWS 等網站資料 (1) 具備英語溝通能力之工程師 (2) 科技公司業務及行銷人員、秘書等 22 附錄 II 「英語菁英學程」 II-1-1 中級英語聽力與會話教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文) 中級英語聽力與會話 (英文 English)Intermediate Listening and Conversational English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): For students to improve their ability to speak English clearly and accurately, to distinguish between consonant and vowel sounds and to recognize the correct rhythm and intonation patterns. Furthermore to improve their ability to link meaningful word groups together into phrases and sentences, to identify the main points of other people’s opinions and thus to improve their ability to express themselves with confidence. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: 1. For the first half of the first semester students will be taught to develop their ability to understand spoken English by using top-down processing skills involving their knowledge of the situation, the context, the topic and the keywords to accurately infer the meaning of speech samples. 2. For the second half of the first semester they will also be taught to utilize bottom-up processing skills in order to decode individual words, recognize how the endings of words change their meanings and understand the details and subtleties of the language. . Emphasis will be on improving listening skills using authentic, natural speech and learning from the natural pauses, hesitations and interruptions that occur in real life conversations. 3. Students will be given a mid-term and final exam based on the class content and which will be at the level of B1 on the C.E.F. Each exam will count 30% of their total grade. They will be given a mock TOEIC test and are expected to attain a grade of at least 550 points. 4. The second semester will focus on students improving their ability to produce accurate speech by expressing their opinions in order to describe matters of daily concern and to be able to provide support for their reasons as well as discuss future plans using an intermediate level of English vocabulary. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 系所務會議通過。 23 日 學年度第 次 II-1-2 中級英語聽力與會話課程規劃 Intermediate Listening and Conversational English Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline 教學目標 Objectives 修課規定 Course Criteria 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 This course provides students with a comprehensive, dual approach to achieving competence in speaking and listening. The initial focus is on the listening skills necessary to improve oral abilities and speech production. The students will learn to listen to nuances in pronunciation in order grasp meaning and reply correctly. Students will be provided with opportunities to use and develop their speaking skills with technological applications. 1. A vocabulary level of at least 4,500 words will be required for students to follow and progress through the class. 2. to improve the students ability to speak English more clearly and accurately. 3. to improve the ability to distinguish between similar consonant and vowel sounds and thus to learn to pronounce them more clearly. 4. to learn to recognize the correct English rhythm and intonation patterns and then to produce them correctly. 5. to learn to link meaningful word groups together accurately into phrases and sentences with appropriate stress and pauses. 6. to identify the main points of expressed opinions and to relate their own opinions concisely and with proper support. 7. to improve the ability to express oneself with confidence. 學分 2 credits, 1 semester Credit(s) 1. Students will be given a mid-term and final exam based on the class content and which will be at the level of B1 on the C.E.F. Each exam will count 30% of their total grade. 管考指標 2. Students will be given a mock TOEIC test and are expected to attain a grade of at least 550 points. This will account for 20 % of their course Evaluation grade. 3. Attendance, class participation, homework and short quizzes will account for 20 % of the students’ grade. Students will be taught to develop their ability to understand spoken English by using top-down processing skills involving their knowledge of the situation, the context, the topic and the keywords to accurately infer the meaning of speech samples. They will also be taught to utilize bottom-up processing skills in order to decode individual words, recognize how the endings of words change their meanings and understand the details and subtleties of the language. Emphasis will be on improving listening skills 學習目標 using authentic, natural speech and learning from the natural pauses, Learning hesitations and interruptions that occur in real life conversations. Content Listening skills will be followed up with speaking activities designed to improve fluency in conversations such as how to open and close a conversation and then how to develop the topic. Strategies to insure smooth communication will be introduced, such as making requests, asking for clarification and using idioms. Students will be encouraged to practice these skills during times available for pair work, group work, role plays and opinion and information sharing discussion activities. 聽 Listening Objective: 說 Speaking Objective (Spoken 24 讀 Reading Objective: 寫 Writing Objective: Description Students will be able Interaction): Students will be Students will be to understand the Students will be able to able to read and able to write main points of understand and interact with get the gist of simple English opinions expressed English speakers from around English requests for in English the world in topics of daily newspaper and information or conversation on conversation using basic to magazine clarification as familiar subjects. intermediate level English articles as well well as to They will be able to vocabulary. as short passages express their follow and get the Objective (Spoken from popular feelings and gist of topics Production): books and describe events. Students will be able to put novels. They radio and TV together phrases and use will learn how to programs as well as idioms into complete read and currently popular sentences in order to describe interpret polite movies and videos. matters of daily concern They formal English will be able to provide written and support for their reasons digital discuss future plans. They communication will be able to describe a such as will be short story or relate the plot of encountered on a movie or book they have the web or in read. business. discussed on 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 1. 2. many Oxford University Press, American Headway English materials covering current events derived from internet sources. This course will be useful for students who may plan to travel abroad, work in an environment which will include different nationalities, work in a sales position or communicate with others in English. Students wanting a greater understanding of current events and the English speaking world will want to complete this course. 25 II-2-1 中級英語簡報教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)中級英語簡報 (英文 English)Intermediate English Presentation Skills 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to387- 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. This course aims to help students prepare for and give effective presentations in English. In order to meet these objectives, students will first learn how to organize their thought process. Second, they will demonstrate a clear purpose, and give enough facts to support their position during the presentations. Finally, they will be able to defend their views while being questioned by an audience. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: This course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience. The content of the course is broken down into six units from Effective Presentation Skills by Massoud Moslehp our and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Get Started… deals with the topic selection, essential presentation introduction, including welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Visuals …provides information about presentation tools, for example, using approximate numbers, creating different types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals effectively. Unit Three: Vocal Delivery … introduces tips for a successful delivery, e.g., volume, breathing, pace, articulation, and intonation. Unit Four: Non-Vocal Delivery … covers non-vocal communication, such as facial expressions, body postures, and gestures. Unit Five: Conclusion … discusses the strategies for a good conclusion and how to handle question and answer sessions. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 系所務會議通過。 26 日 學年度第 次 II-2-2 中級英語簡報課程規劃 Intermediate English Presentation Skills Course Description Intermediate English Presentation Skills is a course that helps students to give effective presentations in English. 課程綱要 Course Outline This course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience. 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. This course aims to help students prepare for and give effective presentations in 教學目標 Objectives English. In order to meet these objectives, students will first learn how to organize their thought process. Second, they will demonstrate a clear purpose, and give enough facts to support their position during the presentations. Finally, they will be able to defend their views while being questioned by an audience. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 4500 words 學分 Credit(s) 2 1. Midterm examination 30% 管考指標 Evaluation 2. Quizzes over lecture content 20% 3. Final Presentations 30% 4. Attendance and participation 20% The content of the course is divided into six units from Effective Presentation Skills by Massoud Moslehpour and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Get Started… deals with the topic selection, essential presentation introduction, including 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Visuals …provides information about presentation tools, for example, using approximate numbers, creating different types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals effectively. Unit Three: Vocal Delivery … introduces tips for a successful delivery, e.g., volume, breathing, pace, articulation, and intonation. Unit Four: Non-Vocal Delivery … covers non-vocal communication, such as facial expressions, body postures, and 27 gestures. Unit Five: Conclusion … discusses the strategies for a good conclusion and how to handle question and answer sessions. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 聽 Listening I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. 說 Speaking Spoken Interaction can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). I Spoken Production I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence. I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions. 1. Effective Presentation Skills 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing experiences and impressions. by Massoud Moslehpour, Tung Hua , 2007. Students who intend to pursue a career in the international business will benefit from this course. 28 II-3-1 中級國際新聞導讀教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)中級國際新聞導讀 (英文 English)Intermediate Journalism English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective):Journalism English 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to387-600 points on the TOEIC test). 2. The objective of this course is to help students develop competence and confidence in reading English-language newspapers and news periodicals and, at the same time, apply their reading skills to all other kinds of materials, from textbooks to popular fiction. 3. The newspaper articles and accompanying exercises will provide students with a framework to help them grasp key ideas and concepts and to understand and practice the useful idioms and vocabulary used in journalistic writing. 4. The focus on news articles will teach students what kinds of information they can expect to find in an English-language newspaper or periodical and give them hands-on practice in the analysis of this information. 5. Ultimately, students should be able to keep abreast of the latest news while at home and abroad and apply the skills they learned to their independent reading. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: Journalism English is a course designed for any student who, due to the nature of their sought-after profession, will be required to make use of access to a number of news-related resources, whether it be CNN, the Washington Post, or Time magazine. The somewhat specialized language of journalistic writing can be a barrier to students’ understanding of these news sources. Therefore, many aspiring professionals may find it useful to study the types of news items and articles and learn the specialized idioms and language associated with them. This can be an invaluable tool to the traveling professional who must keep up with vital and timely information. It can make all the difference in their success as a professional. The content of the course is broken down into seven units from In the News: Mastering Reading and Language Skills with the Newspaper by Ethel Tiersky and Maxine Chernoff and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: News – focuses on skimming and analyzing news articles. Unit Two: Opinion – deals with analyzing editorials, letters to the editor, and political cartoons. Unit Three: Business – covers analyzing business articles and reading stock prices. Unit Four: Education – discusses analyzing educational issues and articles and reading educational advertisements. Unit Five: Arts and Leisure – prepares students to analyze reviews and profiles. Unit Six: Science and Environment – covers analyzing science articles and articles on ecology and health care. Finally, Unit Seven: Sports – refers to analyzing types of sports articles and the study of sports vocabulary. This material will be supplemented with articles and items from various sources such as Time, Newsweek, CNN, the BBC, and various English-language newspapers. 系所主管簽章: 年 議通過。 29 月 日 學年度第 次系所務會 II-3-2 中級國際新聞導讀課程規劃 Intermediate Journalism English Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline Journalism English is a course designed for any student who, due to the nature of their sought-after profession, will be required to make use of access to a number of news-related resources, whether it be CNN, the Washington Post, or Time magazine. The somewhat specialized language of journalistic writing can be a barrier to students’ understanding of these news sources. Therefore, many aspiring professionals may find it useful to study the types of news items and articles and learn the specialized idioms and language associated with them. This can be an invaluable tool to the traveling professional who must keep up with vital and timely information. It can make all the difference in their success as a professional. 教學目標 Objectives 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 387-600 points on the TOEIC test). 2. The objective of this course is to help students develop competence and confidence in reading English-language newspapers and news periodicals and, at the same time, apply their reading skills to all other kinds of materials, from textbooks to popular fiction. 3. The newspaper articles and accompanying exercises will provide students with a framework to help them grasp key ideas and concepts and to understand and practice the useful idioms and vocabulary used in journalistic writing. 4. The focus on news articles will teach students what kinds of information they can expect to find in an English-language newspaper or periodical and give them hands-on practice in the analysis of this information. 5. Ultimately, students should be able to keep abreast of the latest news while at home and abroad and apply the skills they learned to their independent reading. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework 學分 Credit(s) 2 credit hours 管考指標 Evaluation 1. Midterm and final examinations 2. Quizzes over lecture content 3. Homework assignments 4. Attendance and participation 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content 40% 10% 30% 20% The content of the course is broken down into seven units from In the News: Mastering Reading and Language Skills with the Newspaper by Ethel Tiersky and Maxine Chernoff and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: News – focuses on skimming and analyzing news articles. Unit Two: 30 Opinion – deals with analyzing editorials, letters to the editor, and political cartoons. Unit Three: Business – covers analyzing business articles and reading stock prices. Unit Four: Education – discusses analyzing educational issues and articles and reading educational advertisements. Unit Five: Arts and Leisure – prepares students to analyze reviews and profiles. Unit Six: Science and Environment – covers analyzing science articles and articles on ecology and health care. Finally, Unit Seven: Sports – refers to analyzing types of sports articles and the study of sports vocabulary. This material will be supplemented with articles and items from various sources such as Time, Newsweek, CNN, the BBC, and various English-language newspapers. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand the Spoken Interaction I can understand I can write effective analysis main points of clear I can discuss newspaper and of news items found in standard speech on current events with periodical texts newspapers, periodicals and familiar matters competence and which use other media such as regularly confidence in specialized idioms television and radio. encountered in English. and vocabulary. television and radio news programming. 1. In the News: Mastering Reading and Language Skills with the Newspaper 建立教材 Material(s) by Ethel Tiersky and Maxine Chernoff, National Textbook Co, Chicago, 1993. 2. Supplemental articles and news items from a variety of new sources; e.g., Time, Newsweek, CNN, the BBC, etc. 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for Students who intend to pursue any career in a field that requires them to be knowledgeable about current events. 31 II-4-1 中級職場英文寫作教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)中級職場英文寫作 (英文 English)Intermediate Business Writing 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. At least CEF B1 on writing (equivalent to an Intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The course aims to equip students with a high frequency of commonly used business-related words, phrases and sentences structures. Students will learn a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to write standard business letters and short reports (1-2 paragraphs) with content that is concise and connected. 2. Enjoyment and confidence in business writing. 3. Development of autonomous learning skills. 4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: This course aims to improve students’ writing ability such that they can respond fast and accurately in commonly encountered situations in business. The Business Writing course is suitable for intermediate level learners. Students will be placed in a simulated situation. They will be given a role (such as junior executive or personal assistant) in a commercial company and a tray of realistic business documents. These documents will include letters, memos, emails, faxes, leaflets, schedules and tables. Students will be read and understand these documents before drafting appropriate responses to them Their responses will take the form of a letter, fax, memo, standard letter form or short report. Students’ writing will be assessed according to how accurate they have interpreted the source documents; and whether their responses convey the message in a manner that is professional, polite, and accurate, and achieves the desired result 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 32 日 學年度第 次系 II-4-2 中級職場英文寫作課程規劃 Intermediate Business Writing Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline This course aims to improve students’ writing ability such that they can respond fast and accurately in commonly encountered situations in business. The course is suitable for intermediate level learners. 1. 教學目標 Objective 修課規定 Course Criteria 溝通技能 Communicatio n Skill At least CEF B1 on writing (equivalent to an Intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The course aims to equip students with a high frequency of commonly used business-related words, phrases and sentences structures. Students will learn a sufficient range of the language that will enable them to write standard business letters and short reports (1-2 paragraphs) with content that is concise and connected. 2. Enjoyment and confidence in business writing. 3. Development of autonomous learning skills. 4. Promotion of co-operative intracultural and intercultural interactions. 學分 2 credits, 1 semester Credit(s) 1. Students will be given a mid-term and a final exam. Each exam will be based on the learning content and will be at the level of B1 on the C.E.F. (i.e. intermediate). 管考指標 Each exam will count 30 %. Evaluation 2. In-class writing tasks and homework will count 30 %. 3. Attendance and oral participation in class will count 10% Students will be placed in a simulated situation. They will be given a role (such as junior executive or personal assistant) in a commercial company and a tray of realistic business documents. These documents will include letters, memos, emails, faxes, leaflets, schedules and tables. Students will be read and understand these documents 學習目標 before drafting appropriate responses to them Their responses will take the form of a Learning Content letter, fax, memo, standard letter form or short report. Students’ writing will be assessed according to how accurate they have interpreted the source documents; and whether their responses convey the message in a manner that is professional, polite, and accurate, and achieves the desired result. 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading Objective: Objective: Can understand texts that consist mainly of 能力敘述 Description a high frequency of commonly used - - business related language. Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes, etc. in standard business letters. 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 寫 Writing Can write concise connected texts on familiar topics regularly encountered in business Can write standard business letters describing events, feelings, wishes, etc. City and Guilds (English for Business Communication, Qualifications Handbook): http://www.cityandguilds.com/documents/ind_general_learning_esol/EBC_qualification_handbook.pdf This course is suitable for students who anticipate that their job will involve reading a variety of communications in English and replying to them independently and in appropriate style. 33 II-5-1 商品展覽介紹教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)商品展覽介紹 (英文 English)Introduction Skills for Commodity Exhibition 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): CEF B1 speaking (equivalent to an intermediate level of proficiency on the TOEIC speaking test). The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Development of a high frequency of commonly used business language related to the buying and selling of commodities. 2. Ability to communicate accurately and concisely 3. A high level of appreciation of register and ability to vary one’s tone. 4. Effective and persuasive representation of one’s company 5. Bargaining and other negotiating skills. 6. Problem solving and decision making skills 7. Intercultural awareness and experience. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: Introduction skills for Commodity Exchange aims to equip students, via authentic scenarios, with the essential English language skills related to the successful buying and selling (i.e., exchange) of commodities. This course is suitable for intermediate level learners. The topics to be covered in this course include: Jobs and responsibilities New Contacts Offers Negotiations Orders Customer Care 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 34 日 學年度第 次系 II-5-2 商品展覽介紹課程規劃 Introduction Skills for Commodity Exchange Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline Introduction skills for Commodity Exchange aims to equip students, via authentic scenarios, with the essential English language skills related to the successful buying and selling (i.e., exchange) of commodities. This course is suitable for intermediate level learners. CEF B1 speaking (equivalent to an intermediate level of proficiency on the TOEIC speaking test). The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Development of a high frequency of commonly used business language related to the buying and selling of commodities. 教學目標 Objective 修課規定 Course Criteria 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 2. Ability to communicate accurately and concisely 3. A high level of appreciation of register and ability to vary one’s tone. 4. Effective and persuasive representation of one’s company 5. Bargaining and other negotiating skills. 6. Problem solving and decision making skills 7. Intercultural awareness and experience. 學分 Credit(s) 2 credits, 1 semester 管考指標 Evaluation 1. Students will be given a mid-term and a final exam. Each exam will be based on the learning content and will count 30 %. 2. Class participation and homework will count 30 %. 3. Attendance will count 10% The topics to be covered in this course include: Jobs and responsibilities New Contacts 學習目標 Offers Learning Content Negotiations Orders Customer Care 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading Objective: Objective (Spoken Objective: Can understand the main Interaction): Can understand points and important details Can deal with common texts such as of clear standard speech situations encountered catalogues, and conversations relating when exchanging advertisements, to commodity exchange, commodities. Can enter notices and provided the content unprepared into a warning, queries 35 寫 Writing − incorporates a higher conversation involving and complaints, frequency of commonly commodity exchange, requisitions and used business language provided the discourse receipts, contracts, related to buying and involves using mostly business articles, selling. Can understand the commonly used business and other texts main points of many radio language related to buying relating to or TV programs on current and selling. commodity affairs in commodity exchange. exchange, provided the Objective (Spoken delivery is clear. Production): Can connect phrases in order to describe familiar business experiences, events, plans, etc. when exchanging commodities. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans regarding an exchange. 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 1. English for Sales and Purchasing, by Lothar Gutjahr and Sean Mahoney, Published by Oxford University Press. This course is suitable for students who anticipate that their job will involve promoting their companies products and services. It is highly suitable for sales, marketing and advertising staff, product designers and service developers, and managers and entrepreneurs. 36 II-6-1 進階英語聽力與會話教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文) 進階英語聽力與會話 (英文)Advanced Listening and Conversational English 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): Students must perform at least B2 level on the CEF (equivalent to high intermediate levels of English proficiency on the GEPT, TOEFL and TOEIC tests). To improve students’ note-taking skills. To have confidence sharing their opinion on different lecture topics. To be able to use their notes to complete a quiz based on the lectures listened to in class. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: This course focuses on listening and speaking in academic English. The course is suitable for intermediate to advanced level students. This course continues from the intermediate listening and speaking course focusing on note-taking skills for academic lectures and offers practice giving opinions and being able to discuss lectures with fellow classmates. Emphasis will be on learning key phrases or words that will help improve students’ note-taking skills. Practice lectures will also be accompanied by note-taking quizzes. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 37 日 學年度第 次系 II-6-2 進階英語聽力與會話課程規劃 Advanced Listening and Conversational English Course Description This course focuses on listening and speaking in academic English. The course is suitable for intermediate to advanced level students. This course 課程綱要 Course Outline continues from the intermediate listening and speaking course focusing on note-taking skills for academic lectures and offers practice giving opinions and being able to discuss lectures with fellow classmates. Emphasis will be on learning key phrases or words that will help improve students’ note-taking skills. Practice lectures will also be accompanied by note-taking quizzes. 1. Students must perform at least B2 level on the CEF (equivalent to high intermediate levels of English proficiency on the GEPT, TOEFL and TOEIC tests). 教學目標 Objectives 2. To be able to effectively take notes from a lecture. 3. To have confidence sharing their opinion on different lecture topics. 4. To be able to use their notes to complete a quiz based on the lectures listened to in class. 5. To be able to discuss the lecture maturely with classmates and teacher. 學分 2 credits, 1 semester Credit(s) Students need to show their performance through note-taking 管考指標 Evaluation quizzes worth 25%, give a formal presentation worth 25%, and take a course Final worth 25% and attendance worth 25%. Lecture Ready 2: Strategies for Academic listening, note-taking and discussion contains five units with two chapters in each unit. Each unit focuses on one field of academic study. Each chapter is built around a lecture from a typical course within the field. In each 修課規定 Course Criteria chapter, students are presented with and practice listening, note-taking and discussion strategies. 學習目標 Learning Content Chapters consist of the following components: Building background knowledge: Think about the topic, reading passage, vocabulary work, review. Prepare to listen and Take Notes: Listening strategy, lecture language, practice lecture, note-taking strategy, note-taking strategy practice. Listen and Take Notes: Predictions, lecture, comprehension, summarizing 溝通技能 聽 Discuss the Issue: Discussion strategy, strategy practice, discussion. 說 讀 寫 38 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description Listening Speaking Student can Student can interact understand with a degree of extended speech fluency and spontaneity and lectures and that makes regular follow even interaction with native complex lines of speakers quite possible. argument They can also take an provided the topic active part in discussion is reasonably in familiar contexts, familiar. Student accounting for and can understand sustaining their views. Reading Writing _____________ ______________ most T.V. news and current affairs Student can present programmes. clear, detailed Student can descriptions on a wide understand the range of subjects majority of films related to their field of in standard interest. They can dialect. explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. 建立教材 Material(s) Lecture Ready3: Strategies for academic listening, note-taking and discussion by Peg Sarosy and Kathy Sherak This course will be useful for students who may plan to live abroad, further their 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for education in an English environment, and work in an environment which will include different nationalities, work in a professional career that may require them to confidently communicate with others in English. Students who take this course should have an interest in academic English and want to further improve their knowledge base. 39 II-7-1 進階英語簡報教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)進階英語簡報 (英文)Advanced English Presentation Skills 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test). 2. The objective of this course is to give students the knowledge and skills necessary for them to give effective presentations at home and abroad in English. 3. This objective will be accomplished by having students develop the sensitivity and specific skills necessary for effective presentations. Sensitivity refers to adapting the right style of communication to compliment a specific context, e.g., the topic, the objective, and the audience. Specific skills entail English language competence, selecting the best content, choosing the right objective, getting the process right, and adapting language to the listener. 4. The implementation of sensitivity and the aforesaid specific skills will afford the presenter the ability to communicate clearly and achieve the right impact. These are the ultimate goals of an effective, advanced presentation. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: Advanced English Presentation Skills is a course for potential professionals and business people who are or will be required to give presentations in English as part of their work. The course is made up of a number of modules that will cover the following elements of effective presentations: planning, structuring, starting, engaging international audiences, developing a range of styles, non-verbal communication, multimedia visuals, closing, dealing with questions, and advice for key presentation contexts. The content of this course is broken down into a series of ten modules from Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English…without too much effort! by Bob Dignen and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Module One: It’s All about Planning deals with TIPS – a new approach to international presentations, deciding on your target, selecting the right information, organizing the process, and knowing your communication style. Module Two focuses on structuring your presentation. Module Three deals with the opening of your presentation. Model Four is a discussion of how to engage your international audience. Module Five helps students to develop a range of styles for different types of presentations. Module Six explains non-verbal communication and its consequences. Module Seven is about the use, interpretation, and explanation of visual aids. Module Eight helps the student to develop the techniques for effectively dealing with audience questions. Module Nine offers advice on how to best handle key presentation contexts. And, finally, Module Ten lists specific presentation language for use during each separate phase of the presentation. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 40 日 學年度第 次系所務會議通過。 II-7-2 進階英語簡報課程規劃 Advanced English Presentation Skills Course Description Advanced English Presentation Skills is a course for potential professionals and business people who are or will be required to give presentations in English as part of their work. The course is made up of a number of 課程綱要 modules that will cover the following elements of effective presentations: Course Outline planning, structuring, starting, engaging international audiences, developing a range of styles, non-verbal communication, multimedia visuals, closing, dealing with questions, and advice for key presentation contexts. 教學目標 Objectives 1. The objective of this course is to give students the knowledge and skills necessary for them to give effective presentations at home and abroad in English. 2. This objective will be accomplished by having students develop the sensitivity and specific skills necessary for effective presentations. Sensitivity refers to adapting the right style of communication to compliment a specific context, e.g., the topic, the objective, and the audience. Specific skills entail English language competence, selecting the best content, choosing the right objective, getting the process right, and adapting language to the listener. 3. The implementation of sensitivity and the aforesaid specific skills will afford the presenter the ability to communicate clearly and achieve the right impact. These are the ultimate goals of an effective presentation. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 3500 words based on the “occupational” domain of CEFR framework 學分 Credit(s) 管考指標 Evaluation 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content 2 1. Quizzes over lecture content 20% 2. Practice Presentations 20% 3. Attendance and participation 30% 4. Final Presentations 30% The content of this course is broken down into a series of ten modules from Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English…without too much effort! by Bob Dignen and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Module One: It’s All about Planning deals with TIPS – a new approach to international presentations, deciding on your target, selecting the right information, organizing the process, and knowing your communication style. Module Two focuses on structuring your presentation. Module Three deals with the opening of your presentation. Model Four is a discussion of how to engage your international audience. Module Five helps students to develop a range of styles for different types of presentations. Module Six explains non-verbal communication and its consequences. Module Seven is about the use, interpretation, 41 and explanation of visual aids. Module Eight helps the student to develop the techniques for effectively dealing with audience questions. Module Nine offers advice on how to best handle key presentation contexts. And, finally, Module Ten lists specific presentation language for use during each separate phase of the presentation. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 聽 Listening I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. 說 Speaking Spoken Interaction I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Spoken Production I can deliver effective presentations in English with confidence. I can use connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions. 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing experiences and impressions. Fifty Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills in English…without too much effort! by Bob Dignen , Bookman Books, 2007. The course is designed to improve the English presentation skills of any professional or businessperson who is required to present information as part of their professional life. Among these types of occupations are: sales, marketing, law, design, engineering, communications, advertising, business management, architecture, education, etc. 1. 42 II-8-1 進階國際新聞導讀教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)進階國際新聞導讀 (英文 English) 科目代碼: Advanced Journalism English ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): 1. The course is designed for students who have passed Intermediate Journalism English. 2. To explore the characteristics and conventions of journalistic writing. 3. To practice strategies for analyzing the content and viewpoint of an article and relevant issues. 4. To train learners to become more confident and critical audience of news-related resources. 5. To enhance learners’ cross-cultural awareness and global vision. 6. To equip learners with up-to-the-minute profession-specific terms, specialized idioms, and work ethics in their respective fields. 7. To prepare aspiring learners for future graduate study in their respective major fields. 8. To sharpen learners’ sense of logic and argumentation skills in dealing with controversial issues. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: 1. Advanced Journalism English is to make good use of world-renown news-related resources such as CNN, the International Herald Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Economist, Newsweek, or Time magazine. 2. In the first seven weeks of class, the instructor shares seven high-interest articles/video clips on a wide variety of themes with students. Each article exemplifies a particular newspaper section: news and features; opinion; business; education; arts and leisure; technology, science, and health. 3. Starting in the eighth week, students present up-to-date articles on the state-of-the-art development/discovery in their major fields and on relevant controversial issues. 4. Practice interpreting headlines, paraphrasing passages, and summarizing articles. 系所主管簽章: 年 會議通過。 43 月 日 學年度第 次系所務 II-8-2 進階國際新聞導讀課程規劃 Advanced Journalism English Course Description 1. Advanced Journalism English is to make good use of world-renown news-related resources such as CNN, the International Herald Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Economist, Newsweek, or Time magazine. 課程綱要 Course Outline 2. In the first seven weeks of class, the instructor shares seven high-interest articles/video clips on a wide variety of themes with students. Each article exemplifies a particular newspaper section: news and features; opinion; business; education; arts and leisure; technology, science, and health. 3. Starting in the eighth week, students present up-to-date articles on the state-of-the-art development/discovery in their major fields and on relevant controversial issues. 4. Practice interpreting headlines, paraphrasing passages, and summarizing articles. 1. The course is designed for students who have passed Intermediate Journalism English. 2. To explore the characteristics and conventions of journalistic writing. 3. To practice strategies for analyzing the content and viewpoint of an article and relevant issues. 教學目標 Objectives 4. To train learners to be more confident and critical audience of news-related resources. 5. To enhance learners’ cross-cultural awareness and global vision. 6. To equip learners with up-to-the-minute profession-specific terms, specialized idioms, and work ethics in their respective fields. 7. To prepare aspiring learners for future graduate study in their respective major fields. 8. 字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement 修課規定 Course Criteria To sharpen learners’ sense of logic and argumentation skills in dealing with controversial issues. 6500 English function and content words published by the College Entrance Examination Center 學分 Credit(s) 2 credit hours 管考指標 Evaluation 1. Midterm and final examinations 2. Power-point presentation 3. Writing assignments 44 30% 20% 30% 4. Attendance and participation 20% 1. Advanced Journalism English is to make good use of world-renown news-related resources such as CNN, the International Herald Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Economist, Newsweek, or Time magazine. 2. 學習目標 Learning Content In the first seven weeks of class, the instructor shares seven high-interest articles/video clips on a wide variety of themes with students. Each article exemplifies a particular newspaper section: news and features; opinion; business; education; arts and leisure; technology, science, and health. 3. Starting in the eighth week, students present up-to-date articles on the state-of-the-art development/discovery in their major fields and on relevant controversial issues. 4. Practice interpreting headlines, paraphrasing passages, and summarizing articles. 5. Debate the pros and cons of an issue. 溝通技能 Communication Skill 能力敘述 Description 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 讀 Reading 寫 Writing I can understand the Spoken Interaction I can understand I can write effective analysis main points of clear I can discuss newspaper and of news items found in current events with periodical texts standard speech on newspapers, periodicals and competence and familiar matters which use other media such as television confidence in regularly specialized idioms and radio. English. encountered in and vocabulary. television and radio news programming. Up-to-the-minute articles and news items from a variety of news sources: CNN, the International Herald Tribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Economist, Newsweek, or Time magazine Students who aspire to become opinion leaders or policy makers in their sought-after career in various industries or government agencies. 45 II-9-1 進階職場英文寫作教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)進階職場英文寫作 (英文)Advanced Business Writing 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): CEF B1-B2 (equivalent to an intermediate- high intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The objectives of this course are to improve students’ ability to: 1. Understand a wide range of business communications and related documentation 2. Complete and/or extract information from a wide range of textual, tabular and diagrammatic sources 3. Respond appropriately in concise and accurate English to a variety of situations. 4. Show a high level of appreciation of register, and vary their written tone. 5. Enjoyment and confidence in business writing 6. Autonomous learning ability 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: The course hopes to improve students’ writing ability in order that they may be able to respond fast and accurately to business situations requiring more complex responses. The course is suitable for intermediate level students. Students will be placed in a simulated situation. They will be given a role (such as an executive or personal assistant) in a commercial company and a tray of realistic business documents. These documents will include a range of complex business communications. Students will read and understand these documents before drafting appropriate responses to them Their responses will take the form of a letter, fax, memo, invitation, press release, article, analytical report or another form of complex communication. Students’ writing will be assessed according to how accurate they have interpreted the source documents, whether their responses convey the message accurately and with appropriate variation of tone and register, and whether their communication achieves the desired result. 系所主管簽章: 年 月 所務會議通過。 46 日 學年度第 次系 II-9-2 進階職場英文寫作課程規劃 Advanced Business Writing Course Description 課程綱要 Course Outline The course hopes to improve students’ writing ability in order that they may be able to respond fast and accurately to business situations requiring more complex responses. The course is suitable for intermediate level students. CEF B1-B2 (equivalent to an intermediate- high intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The objectives of this course are to improve students’ ability to: 1. Understand a wide range of business communications and related documentation 2. Complete and/or extract information from a wide range of textual, tabular and 教學目標 Objective diagrammatic sources 3. Respond appropriately in concise and accurate English to a variety of situations. 4. Show a high level of appreciation of register, and vary their written tone. 5. Enjoyment and confidence in business writing 6. Autonomous learning ability 學分 Credit(s) 管考指標 Evaluation 修課規定 Course Criteria 學習目標 Learning Content 溝通技能 Communicati on Skill 聽 Listening 2 credits, 1 semester 1. Students will be given a mid-term and a final exam. Each exam will be based on the learning content. Each exam will count 30 %. 2. In-class writing tasks and homework will count 30 %. 3. Attendance and oral participation in class will count 10% Students will be placed in a simulated situation. They will be given a role (such as an executive or personal assistant) in a commercial company and a tray of realistic business documents. These documents will include a range of complex business communications. Students will read and understand these documents before drafting appropriate responses to them Their responses will take the form of a letter, fax, memo, invitation, press release, article, analytical report or another form of complex communication. Students’ writing will be assessed according to how accurate they have interpreted the source documents, whether their responses convey the message accurately and with appropriate variation of tone and register, and whether their communication achieves the desired result. 說 Speaking 讀 Reading Objectives: • Demonstrate an 能力敘述 Description _ _ understanding of a wide range of internal and external business communications, e.g. 寫 Writing Objectives: • Write concise letters, memos and faxes in response to a wide range of business situations. • Draft other documents 47 memos and letters, written for business purposes: telephone messages, faxes and invitations, speeches, emails. minutes of meetings, • Complete or extract advertisements and mail information from a wide range shots, press releases, of business documents: orders articles and circular and requisitions, quotations letters. and invoices, graphs and • Draft a short analytical charts, timetables and travel report. itineraries, policy statements, company procedures, contracts, minutes of the meeting, etc 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職 務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for City and Guilds (English for Business Communication, Qualifications Handbook): http://www.cityandguilds.com/documents/ind_general_learning_esol/EBC_qualification_han dbook.pdf This course is suitable students who anticipate that their work will require them to have the linguistic ability handle the types of reading and writing tasks required of a senior administrator, senior personal assistant, manager or executive. 48 II-10-1 國際會展企劃與演練教學大綱 科目名稱(Course):(中文)國際會展企劃與演練 (英文)Planning and Practicum of Trading Shows 科目代碼: ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 教學目標(Objective): CEF B1 in speaking (equivalent to an intermediate level of proficiency on the TOEIC speaking test). The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Development of a high frequency of commonly used business related language as well as the common language specific to trade fairs and exhibitions. 2. Ability to communicate accurately and concisely. 3. Highly professional and polite demeanor. 4. A high level of appreciation of register and ability to vary one’s tone. 5. Effective and persuasive representation of one’s company. 6. Planning and development skills. 7. Bargaining and other negotiating skills. 8. Problem solving and decision making skills. 9. Intercultural awareness and experience. 教學內容綱要 Course outline and content: This course introduces students to the proper planning, implementation and effective management of a trade show and trade show presence as keys to trade show success for every organization. The course incorporates authentic scenarios and a practical project for further training and guidance. The topics to be covered include: • The scope of trade show marketing • Planning the show • Coordinating the show • Pre-show marketing • At the show • Working with your staff • Secrets of successful shows • Post-show follow-up 系所主管簽章: 年 議通過。 49 月 日 學年度第 次系所務會 II-10-2 國際會展企劃與演練課程規劃 Planning and Practicum of Trading Shows Course Description This course is useful for students who wish to develop enhanced skills in communication 課程綱要 Course Outline that will enable them to interact with potential customers and business partners in a more complex manner when presenting and discussing their company’s products and services. The course is useful for Intermediate level students. CEF B1 in speaking (equivalent to an intermediate level of proficiency on the TOEIC speaking test). The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Development of a high frequency of commonly used business related language as well as the common language specific to trade fairs and exhibitions. 教學目標 Objective 2. Ability to communicate accurately and concisely. 3. Highly professional and polite demeanor. 4. A high level of appreciation of register and ability to vary one’s tone. 5. Effective and persuasive representation of one’s company. 6. Planning and development skills. 7. Bargaining and other negotiating skills. 8. Problem solving and decision making skills. 9. Intercultural awareness and experience. 學分 Credit(s) 管考指標 Evaluation 2 credits, 1 semester 1. Students will be given a mid-term and a final exam. Each exam will be based on the learning content and will count 30 %. 2. Class participation and homework will count 30 %. 3. Attendance will count 10% This course introduces students to the proper planning, implementation and effective management of a trade show and trade show presence as keys to trade show success for every organization. The course incorporates authentic scenarios and a practical project for further 修課規定 Course Criteria training and guidance. The topics to be covered include: • The scope of trade show marketing 學習目標 Learning Content • Planning the show • Coordinating the show • Pre-show marketing • At the show • Working with your staff • Secrets of successful shows • Post-show follow-up 溝通技能 Communication Skill 聽 Listening 說 Speaking 50 讀 Reading 寫 Writing 能力敘述 Description Objective: Objective (Spoken Objective: Can understand the main Interaction): Can understand points and important details Can deal with common texts relating to of clear standard speech at situations encountered at a trade shows that or relating to trade shows, trade show or regarding a consist mainly of a provided the content trade show. Can enter high frequency of incorporates a high unprepared into a commonly used frequency of commonly conversation at a trade show business related used business-related or revolving around a trade language. Can language. Can understand show, provided the understand the the main points of many discourse involves using description of radio or TV programs on mostly commonly used events, feelings current affairs in business- related language. and wishes, etc. in International Trade and - standard business Business, provided the Objective (Spoken letters relating to delivery is clear. Production): trade shows. Can connect phrases in order to describe familiar business experiences, events, plans, etc. at or regarding a trade show. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans at or regarding a trade show. 建立教材 Material(s) 可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for 1. English for Trade Show, by 施孝昌, ISBN: 7111114329 2. BBC Learning English Website, Ten Days in Manchester: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/tendays/index.shtml This course is suitable for students who anticipate that their job will involve promoting a company’s service and products at a macro level (i.e. at exhibitions and trade shows). It is highly suitable for sales, marketing, and advertising staff, managers, product designers, importers and exporters, trade show organizers, and events and activities managers and staff. 51