Bridge Pa School Charter 2015 Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future "E anga whakamua ai - Me titiro whakamuri" BRIDGE PA SCHOOL CHARTER 2015 incorporating Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 & Annual Plan 2015 Principal’s Laptop/Desktop/ Principals Stuff/Charters/ 2015 dated February 2015 School ID Number 2547 Bridge Pa School Summary Statement Location and Community Context Bridge Pa is a small community approximately 15 minutes South of Hastings. It is surrounded by vineyards and Life Style blocks. The community also consists of two Marae, one situated on Maraekakaho Road (Korongata Marae) and the other in Raukawa Road, (Mangaroa Marae). It has a large congregation of Latter Day Saints, including a Latter Day Saints Chapel. There are also two Marae based Kohanga Reo. Bridge Pa School is a co-educational, State, Primary School whose parents choose to have their children educated at it because of its uniqueness and character. Students come from a range of low to mid socio-economic backgrounds. Bridge Pa School caters for students from Year 1 to Year 8 and has a Decile Rating of 2. At present, the school has an Enrolment Scheme in place, which determines the amount of floor space the school is entitled to for each student. The roll number is capped at 52. The school is able to take more students than 52 if it chooses to do so based on the priorities listed in the Enrolment Scheme. The school roll is essentially of Maori origin and primarily of Ngati Kahungungu descent. The school values all cultures and embraces Maori culture, customs & etiquette. The school promotes the philosophies of Whanaungatanga, acknowledging the sacredness of all individuals, family, hapu and iwi. The students learn about, understand and appreciate the Treaty of Waitangi. As a partnership between the students, parents, staff and board, the school believes that we will achieve together. In April 2010, the building of a new school was completed to replace the existing school. The old school was completely demolished. The School will celebrate its 50th Jubilee in 2017. The school has gained access to the “Fruit in Schools” programme, “Breakfast in Schools” sponsored by Sanitarium and Fonterra, Milk in Schools (Fonterra), the “Say Ahh” Strep A Screening Programme and recently a bike track and bicycles to promote pupils fitness. All of these programmes are beneficial to the school. Our Vision Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future "E anga whakamua ai - Me titiro whakamuri" Mission Statement By connecting to the past, our pupils will have a better sense of who they are and where they have come from. This awareness will help to develop them to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners of the future Our Motto Tabloids 2014 New Zealand Curriculum Our School Values we support as a national direction, through encouragement, modelling and exploration Vision of the qualities Bridge Pa School students will develop as a result of our Halloween 2014 influence and example during their years of learning and living in our school and its community. Excellence aiming high, persevering Innovation, inquiry, curiosity thinking critically, creatively, reflectively Diversity different cultures, languages, heritages Equity fairness and social justice Manaakitanga Helping each other, walking the walk, awhi (support), active listening, coaching. Matauranga Building on knowledge, learning new strategies/information, sharing information. Whakapapa History of the Tipuna and the Waahi, making whanau links in the group, Mihi and Pepeha. Tikanga Doing the right thing, playing by the rules Community and participation for the common good Whanaungatanga A sense of belonging, inclusiveness, participation Ecological sustainability Care for the environment, etc. Kaitiakitanga Protect our natural resources, look after our school grounds, plant fruit trees and vegetables. Integrity being honest, responsible, accountable, ethical The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) Maramatanga Understanding, can see the relevance of their learning Tuakana /Teina Experienced helping those less experienced, Senior Pupils/Junior Pupils The school values were developed from on-going review and consultation with Teaching Staff, Community and the Board of Trustees and reflect those on page 10 of the New Zealand Curriculum. These values shape how we behave and interact at Bridge Pa School. Through on-going reflection and review the school ensures they are encouraged, modelled and explored in all school practices and programmes. Our School Values Summary of National Education Priorities 1. Success for All All Years 1 – 10 students will be given the opportunity to gain the Knowledge, Principles, Key Competencies and Values identified in the New Zealand Curriculum. 2. Safe Learning Environment Schools will provide a safe physical and emotional environment for all students. 3. Improving Literacy & Numeracy Schools will place priority on improving student achievement in literacy and numeracy especially in Years 1-4. Special emphasis will be placed on students whose further education may be at risk through under achievement in literacy and or numeracy. 4. Better Use of Student Achievement Information Schools will gather sufficiently comprehensive assessment evidence, schools will improve outcomes for students who are not achieving, or at risk of not achieving, or have special learning needs. 5. Improving Outcomes for Students at Risk Drawing on dependable assessment evidence, schools will improve outcomes for students who are not achieving, or are at risk of not achieving or have special learning needs. 6. Improving Maori Outcomes Schools will work with Maori Communities to plan, set targets for, and achieve better outcomes for Maori students. 7. Providing Career Advice Schools will provide career education and guidance in Year 7 and above. Special emphasis will be placed on Career Guidance for atrisk students who are unprepared for the transition to the workplace or further study. 8. Reporting Schools will report to students and parents on the achievement of individual students and to the school’s community on the achievement of students as a whole against the National Standards. National Education Priorities At Bridge Pa School we meet the NEP’s by Success for all (NEP 1) Any Value Added success is celebrated. Programmes of work set at the appropriate level. A Safe Learning Environment (NEP 2) Pupils are encouraged to take risks in their learning. Whanaungatanga & Manaakitanga are encouraged throughout the school Improving Literacy & Numeracy (NEP 3) Majority of school programme is aimed at improving Literacy & Numeracy. Reading Recovery in 2015 Accelerated Learning in Maths (ALIM) in 2015 Better Use of Student Achievement Information (NEP 4) Achievement Data used to inform teachers planning and Teacher Inquiry. Achievement Data used to report to the BOT & Community Achievement Data used for Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and referrals to Outside Agencies. Allocation of Resources. Improving Outcomes for Students at Risk.(NEP 5) Work set at appropriate level. Ability groups. Individualised Education Plans. Appointment of SENCO. Use of RTLB’s, RT LIT, Group Special Education Improving Maori Outcomes (NEP 6) Develop Culturally Responsive procedures within the school. Use of documentation such as Ka Hikitia and Te Tàtaiako. Practice & implement our Maori Values within the school and community. Providing Career Guidance (NEP 7) Senior Class Career Guidance Booklet that identifies their personal qualities Reporting (NEP 8) Board Meetings, Newsletters, Written Reports against the National Standards (twice a year), Parent Interviews, Student Led Conferences Statement of Intent: Maori Students Ensure the school’s operations reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of the Maori culture and all cultures within the school and provide instruction in Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori for all students - and in particular for those parents who may request that the school do so. The board will consult with our Maori community by way of meetings (where necessary), newsletters, reporting at both Board and community levels to Maori about schools policies, plans and targets for improving Maori achievement The unique position of the Maori Culture Ensure that Maori Culture is celebrated by the school by: The regular consultation with Maori as a prime stakeholder about strategic direction and programmes Fostering of Manakitanga Singing of National Anthem in Maori & English at each assembly. Use of Kaumatua/Kuia as necessary. Performance of Kapahaka & participation in the local Kapa Haka Festival Use of Te Reo in the classrooms. Karakia/Himene to start each day plus Karakia Kai & Karakia Whakamutanga. Attending Local Marae as applicable including Tangihanga Collaboration with local Kohanga Reo (Korongata & Mangaroa) Powhiri to welcome new pupils and staff. Participation in Hakinakina Sporting Events within our Hakinakina Cluster. What reasonable steps will the school take to incorporate Tikanga Maori (Maori Culture and Protocol) into the school’s curriculum? Refer to Ka Hikitia document for guidance. Promotion of Ngaiti Kuhungunutanga through participation in the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Cultural Standards. Use of Maori language in programmes, signs, greetings etc Regular Marae visit and study Focus on Maori Waiata primarily Ngati Kahungunu) Include a Maori dimension when appropriate in all curriculum areas. e.g. Matariki Treaty of Waitangi awareness Upskilling of staff Nga Taonga Takaro (Traditional Maori Games) Consult other parents to gauge level of need Board of Trustees discuss at meetings Liaise with local schools such as Paki Paki Bi-lingual and Te Kura Kaupapa ki Heretaunga Contact Correspondence School for individual programmes. What steps will be taken to discover the views and concerns of the school’s Maori Community? Ensure that the Maori community is fully informed on the Strategic Plan highlights and relevant changes. Consult formally by survey, telephone and/or meeting as appropriate. If possible, use the Maori community’s own process. Community Hui as required. Use of informal gatherings such as sports events “Open Door” policy 2001 Education Standards Act Section 61,(3),(a),(ii) “A school charter must contain… a section that includes the aim of ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to provide instruction in Tikanga Maori (Maori culture) and Te Reo Maori (the Maori language) for full-time students whose parents ask for it.” Inclusive Practices Our School will reflect Inclusive Practices By Special needs students are participating, achieving and contributing to Bridge Pa School A school-wide caring culture exists where students with high needs are integrated into a positive social environment, take part in the extra curricular life of the school and achieve personal academic success The Board will: Relevant changes and modifications are made to buildings and equipment as indicated by the specific requirements of students with high needs High quality professional development is provided for teachers as well as for teacher aides Make funding available from the budget each year, which will be channelled towards specific special needs programmes and support The School will endeavour to: Identify those children who are in need of special assistance Provide the time, resources and programmes to meet the special needs of identified children Ensure that the principles of equity are addressed Differentiate the teaching and learning programmes to engage students (including high needs, learning needs and gifted and talented) Provide interventions for children with behavioural, social, emotional, learning, and health needs Advocate on behalf of children with special needs to ensure that programmes are developed to meet their needs and abilities Provide professional development to equip staff to meet the needs of our students (including high needs, learning needs and gifted and talented) Ensure there is a good level of communication and collaboration between the school, whanau and external professionals (i.e. RTL&B, health professionals, MOE – GSE, and CYF) Provide quality Individual Education Plans (IEPs) that can track progress and achievement (and where applicable behavioural and social achievements) Provide effective strategies in place to support the students’ individual needs, including their language, culture and identity Manage entry and exit transitions so that students can successfully be included and achieve Undertake on-going self-review regarding inclusive practices to support further improvements The school consists of – Senior Classroom (Year 5 to Year 8) Middle Classroom (Year 3 to Year 5) Junior Classroom (New Entrants to Year 2) Principal’s Office Receptionist Area Sick Bay Staff Toilet Disabled Toilet/Shower Staffroom/Kitchen Library Teacher Resource Room Teacher Preparation Room External toilets at each end of school Swimming Pool Toilets/Changing Rooms Basketball/Netball courts Adventure playground Physical Education Shed Garage for School Van Sports field, Storage shed, BMX Track Caretakers Shed Swimming Pool with Water Pump & Filter Room Shed Bike Track and Storage Container The school is fortunate to have an expansive grassed area and netball courts. Work has been carried out in identifying hazards or unsafe areas and these have been removed. Extensive landscaping has taken place including new lawns and gardens, “Poutama” paving stones, new paths and Matariki Stars.. The staff is made up of: Board of Trustees Teaching Staff Principal (Steve Driver) Senior Class Teacher (Wayne Edwards) Middle Class Teacher (Oriwia Tapine) Junior Class Teacher (Bridie Horsfall) 0.4 1.0 0.6 1.0 (in Senior Class) Years 5 to 8 Years 3 to 5 New Entrants to Year 2 Support Staff Office Administrator (Rochelle Rose) Teacher Aide/s (Natasha Craig) Cleaner (Lesley Hilton) Caretaker (Stu Morrell) School Van Driver (Stu Morrell) Pool Attendant (Summer months only) Stu Morrell Dustine Sadler Steve Driver Bridie Horsfall Whitney Ferris Daniel De Thierry Michelle Smith Rochelle Rose (Chairperson) (Principal) (Staff Rep) (Parent Rep) (Parent Rep) (Parent Rep) (Secretary) Grass cutting (Group Mowing) and Rubbish Disposal (Waste Management) are under contract and reviewed on an annual basis. A wide range of outside agencies support the school. These include – Public Heath Nurse; School Dental Therapists; Hearing & Vision Testers; Ministry of Education; School Support Services; Massey University; Group Special Education (GSE); Department of Corrections; Resource Teachers in Literacy (RT Lit); Resource Teachers of Learning & Behaviour (RTLB); Social Worker in Schools (SWIS), Reading Recovery Bridge Pa School STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 – 2017 The Strategic Plan is a guide as to what direction the school will take over the next 3-5 years. It can be changed as the need arises. It should be linked to the School’s Vision, which is “Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future” Strategy One BRIDGE PA SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2017 CHARTER STRATEGIES INDICATORS OF PROGRESS Strategy One – “Connect to the Past” We know we are making progress when: We want our pupils to know: Pupils can recite their pepeha. who they are (Pepeha) Pupils can recite their Whakapapa. where they come from (Whakapapa) History of Bridge Pa Have knowledge of local landmarks appropriate to Ngati Kahungunutanga Local Myths & Legends Landmarks that are appropriate to Kahungunutanga such as Kahunranaki, Ngaruroro River, local Marae. Pupils can use Te Reo Maori language Aware of Kawa and Tikanga of local Marae. School Values are evident ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2015 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2016 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2017 For 2015 we aim to Connect to the Past by: For 2016 we aim to Connect to the Past by: For 2017 we aim to Connect to the Past by: Planting Native Plants along Karewarewa Stream beside Mangaroa Marae Visit the Ngaruroro River and learn about the Whakapapa associated with it. (Senior & Middle Classes) Perform Mihi Whakatau for new pupils and other Manuhiri. Survey community to see what skills are available that could be passed on to our pupils such as Weaving, Carving etc Aware of Maori Kawa and Tikanga Learn about the significance of Matariki. Continued use of Te Reo Maori Language Participate in Hakinakina Cluster Activities. Organise & host Tabloid Sports for Hakinakina Cluster in Term 4 Promotion of Ngati Kahungunutanga through Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Cultural Standards Visit Mt Kahuranaki and learn about the Whakapapa associated with it. (Senior Class) Learn about the preparation and making of a hangi Perform Mihi Whakatau for new pupils and other Manuhiri. Learn about catching and smoking eels. Learn about Tangaroa “God of the Sea” Participate in Hakinakina Cluster Activities. Perform Mihi Whakatau for new pupils and other Manuhiri. Develop a School Song Develop a School Haka Learn about Native Trees and Rongoa & “Tane” God of the Forest Participate in Hakinakina Cluster Activities. Matariki Activities Matariki Activities Visit local Marae to attend Tangi and other events as appropriate. Learn about the history of Korongota Marae. Promotion of Ngati Kahungunutanga through being a part of the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Cultural Standards Promotion of Ngati Kahungunutanga through being a part of the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Cultural Standards Review “Connect to the Past” as part of the Strategic Plan. Strategy Two BRIDGE PA SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2017 CHARTER STRATEGIES Strategy Two – “Prepare for the Future” We want our pupils to be prepared for the future by: Having an awareness of future Career Opportunities (Yr 7 & 8) Being Literate Being Numerate Confident in their own abilities Be familiar with Information Computer Technology (ICT) and how this can be used. Knowledge of Kawa and Tikanga Maori Use Te Reo Maori Language Be proud of who they are. Displaying the qualities of the Bridge Pa Star Graduate Profile. INDICATORS OF PROGRESS ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2015 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2016 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2017 We know we are making progress when: For 2015 we aim to “Prepare for the Future” by: For 2016 we aim to “Prepare for the Future” by: For 2017 we aim to “Prepare for the Future” by: Provide Career Education for Senior Class pupils. Provide Te Reo Maori language instruction to every pupil. Provide Career Education for Senior Class pupils. Provide Leadership Opportunities Provide Leadership Opportunities Participate in Mihi Whakatau (Karanga or Whaikorero) Participate in Mihi Whakatau (Karanga or Whaikorero) Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Literacy Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Literacy Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Literacy Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Maths Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Maths Increase the number of pupils that are achieving At or Above the National Standards in Maths Provide Leadership Opportunities Purchase more IPADs for pupil use. Participate in Mihi Whakatau (Karanga or Whaikorero) Promote the use of ICT within the school. Participate in Hakinakina Sports Cluster of Schools’ events (One per term) Review the instruction of Te Reo Maori in the school Review the use of ICT in the school Pupils are At or Above the National Standards in Literacy and Numeracy. Pupils that are Below or Well Below the National Standards are making Measurable Progress Pupils can confidently use ICT as a tool to promote their learning. Pupils talk about wanting to have a career in something that they would not normally be associated with. Can use Kawa and Tikanga as appropriate. Are able to speak basic Te Reo Maori. School Values are evident. Promote our School Values. Promote the use of ICT within the school. Participate in Hakinakina Sports Cluster of Schools’ events (One per term) Use data to inform our planning. IEPs as required. Be a Health Promoting School Participate in Hakinakina Sports Cluster of Schools’ events (One per term) Use data to inform our planning. IEPs as required. Review Bridge Pa Graduate Profile Use data to inform our planning. IEPs as required. Be a Health Promoting School Be a Health Promoting School Vision: Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future Strategy Three BRIDGE PA SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2017 CHARTER STRATEGIES INDICATORS OF PROGRESS Strategy Three – “An Engaged Community” We know we are making progress when: We want to build relationships with our community that ensure: We are the centre of a supportive learning community. We know our pupils, their parents, whanau and whanau whanui as applicable. There are opportunities for consultation that let us know what we have done well and what we could do better? We share success through regular special events. The diversity of our school community is acknowledged as part of our sense of belonging. Parents or family members are involved in the school in an increasing range of activities such as: Kapa Haka, Sports Coaches, Learning Opportunities, Open nights etc. A lack of vandalism reflects the pride and ownership the community feels for the school. ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2015 For 2015 we aim to: Develop a Communication Plan to strengthen links with the community. Develop a Social Media Plan to include: School Website , Facebook and Twitter Celebrate events such as Matariki, Kapahaka Festival, Whanau Day, Hakinakina Sports Encourage parents to attend our Student led Conferences. Parents support the school by enrolling their pupils here. Strengthening links and communication between classroom teachers and whanau of their students. Establish Links with Korongata Kohanga Reo Have a Whanau Day at the start of each year. Whanau morning tea each term Introduce Mihi Whakatau to welcome new pupils ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2016 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2017 For 2016 we aim to: For 2017 we aim to: Implement Communication Plan Maintain Social Media focus. Build on whanau links Continue to strengthen links with community and whanau. E.g. Local Kohanga Reo, Kura and Marae. Have a Whanau Day at the start of each year. Whanau morning tea each term Survey community and stakeholders to gauge satisfaction and feedback. Review Communication Plan Review Social Media Plan Have a Whanau Day at the start of each year. Whanau morning tea each term Create a Graduate Student profile. Vision: Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future Strategy Four CHARTER STRATEGIES Strategy Four – School Culture We want a staff that: Demonstrates positive relationships with pupils. Captures the ‘magic’ of teaching. Engages in the School’s Vision & Mission in programmes across the school and in action. Creates engaging, challenging & effective learning programmes. Constantly and honestly reflects on personal performance and effectiveness. Is responsive & adaptable to the diverse needs of our learners. Provide positive, clear leadership & direction to other staff members & community of learners. Is part of a reflective, trusting & sharing collaborative team. BRIDGE PA SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2017 INDICATORS OF PROGRESS ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2015 ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2016 We know we are making progress when: Teachers convey that they are happy, feel supported and valued. Pupils are happy, achieving and participating fully in the wider school curriculum Performance Appraisals used to identify Professional Development opportunities. For 2015 we aim to: Link Teaching As Inquiry projects to school focus areas and developing reflection. Link appraisals to Professional Development requirements. Use Evernote to record teacher’s own personal journey and provide evidence against Teacher Register Criteria. Set personal development goals that reinforce the desired Culture in our school. Use the ‘School Culture’ descriptions as part of the key criteria for making any future teaching appointments. Foster Staff collaboration Foster Professional Learning Conversations. For 2016 we aim to: Foster staff collaboration. Review Behaviour Management Plan. Apply to do PB4L as a Staff. Continue to use the ‘School Culture’ descriptions as part of the key criteria for making any future teaching appointments. Look for Leadership Opportunities through Professional Development as applicable. Celebrate SUCCESS in teaching. Provide Professional Development opportunities for Support Staff. ANNUAL PLAN GOALS 2017 For 2017 we aim to: Review Appraisal process to see whether it is robust and rigorous. Review our School Culture qualities. Provide opportunities to communicate effectiveness and impact as Teacher as Inquiry projects. CURRICULUM – NAG 1 Localise School Curriculum (Vision) Monitor student reading achievement Provide targetted reading instruction to the lowest achieversin each class. Continue to gather & analyse Maori achievement data. Provide Te Reo Maori Numeracy – Strategy Development Literacy – Writing Focus Focus on feedback to students. Use of highlighter marking “Think for Pink” “Go for Gold” Student Led Conferencing Identify and support Gifted and talented students Development of Physical Education Programme Coverage of all curriculum areas over three year cycle Curriculum Achievement Plan Review the use of Key Competencies Provide EOTC opportunities BRIDGE PA SCHOOL - ANNUAL PLAN 2015 NATIONAL STANDARDS NAG 2A a. 2 x Written Reports in plain language to the community on student achievement in Numeracy/Literacy against the National Standards. b. Report school level data in the BOT’s Annual Report under the following headings: School Strengths & Areas for Improvement. Basis for identifying areas for improvement; and Planned actions for lifting achievement. Report in the BOT’s Report on: Numbers of pupils Above, At Below, Well Below the National Standards including Ethnicity and Gender c. Update Charter & Strategic Plan Use School Documents to review Policies Curriculum Plan/Statements Staff Development Assessment Procedures Health Consulatation with parents FINANCE NAG 4(a) Maintain budgetary control of spending Monthly Reports to BOT Annual Audit Draft budget (Oct) Compliance with audit requirements PERSONNEL NAG 3 Revise Staff Appraisal Documents to include new criteria. Job descriptions & Individual Contracts as applicable. Be a Good Employer Provide Professional Development for all staff as required. Use of Teacher Inquiry Model TARGET ONE To increase the number of students achieving at or above the National Standard for WRITING. HEALTH & SAFETY NAG 5 Health Promoting School Active Schools Programme Identify & remedy hazards around the school Consultation with community (2 yearly) Conduct fire & earthquake drills. Use School RAM Sheets for trips outside the school. TARGET TWO To increase the number of students achieving at or above the National Standard for NUMERACY. Pupils who have been at school for less than one year are not included in the above figures as the first reporting cycle using National Standards is “After One year” at school ADMINISTRATION LEGISLATION NAG 6 Code of Compliance Maori Consultation Charter Attendance Roll Return COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP PLANNING & SELF REVIEW NAG 2 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TARGETS – 2015 PROPERTY NAG 4 (b) 5 FYA & 10 Year Property Plan Property Maintenance Compliance – buildings Complete Safety Manual New Sandpit NAG 7 Annual update of the school charter by 1st March NAG 8 An analysis of any variance between the school's performance and the relevant aims, objectives, directions, priorities, or targets set out in the school charter at the same time as the updated school charter provided to the Secretary for Education under NAG 7. Fortnightly Newsletter Visit local Marae Student Led Conferences Formation of Student Achievement Function (SAF) Change Group. Develop School Website & Facebook. Planting Native Plants at Karewarewa Stream. Investigate ways of interacting with and receiving feedback from Maori community. Attendance at Sporting & Cultural Events. Liaison with local Kohanga Reo. Written Reports x 2 against National Standards. Open Door policy Reading Together Programme “Connect to the Past – Prepare for the Future” E anga whakamua ai – Me titiro whakamuri Bridge Pa School – Annual Targets 2015 Improvement Plan – Domain: Student’s Learning Strategic Goals: Improve outcomes for all students, particularly Maori and children with Special Needs. Accelerate progress of students performing below expectations Annual Goal: Accelerate progress of students performing below expectations in Writing. Annual Target: To increase the number of pupils achieving at or above the National Standard for WRITING. Baseline Data: National Standards Data for Writing for 2014 is as follows: Above At Below Well Below 1/48 19/48 18/48 10/48 2.1% 39.6% 37.5% 20.8% Key Improvement Strategies When: What: Who: Indicators of Progress Appointment of a SENCO Principal ½ Fixed Tern Unit Term 1 – Week 3 & 4 e-asTTle Writing Test (Descriptive Writing) Classroom Teachers Student levels identified Term 1 – Week 5 (Staff Meeting) Marked e-asTTle Writing to Staff Meeting. Carry out Moderation of randomly selected pieces or Writing. All Staff Term 1 – Week 5 Record results on e-Tap Data analysed Principal/SENCO Principal/SENCO Data recorded Targetted Students Identified When: What: Who: Indicators of Progress: Term 1 - Week 7 Curriculum Achievement Plan (CAP) Principal Monitoring of Students Progress Targeted Students identified and their needs analysed. (links with Learning Inquiry Model) Teachers Improvement for Students and Teacher Practice What outside agencies can be used? Preparation of IEPs Term 2/Term 3/Term 4 Principal/SENCO Teachers/SENCO Utilised within the school Teachers, SENCO & Principal Parent /Teacher/ RTLB/ SENCO Involvement Teacher Inquiry Plan used throughout the school by all teachers Monitor Targetted Students . Use Teacher Inquiry Plan to reflect on own Teaching Practice. All Teaching Staff Staff Meetings will have a bigger and more productive Literacy Component in them. Eg, Moderation, Professional Learning Conversations, Sharing of Knowledge etc Principal/SENCO Liaise with RTLB & RT Lit as applicable Principal/SENCO Report to BOT each Term Principal Finding authentic purposes for writing and authentic audience for writing. Teachers Linking writing to reading and writing across the curriculum. Teachers Improve attendance of some pupils. Improve relationships with whanau and community. Principal All Staff Monitoring (How are we going – Check every Term) (Where are the gaps? What needs to change? Resourcing: RTLB Funding if available, Literacy Budget, PD Budget, Use of RT Lit Improved Teacher Pedagogy, Improved teacher Practice, Improved outcomes for students. Working with students in the school. Better Student Outcomes Better Student Engagement Improved Readers & Writers Improved Readers & Writers Support from home for Teachers and Students. Improvement Plan – Domain: Student’s Learning Strategic Goals: Improve outcomes for all students, particularly Maori and children with Special Needs. Accelerate progress of students performing below expectations Annual Goal: Accelerate progress of students performing below expectations in Maths. Annual Target: To increase the number of pupils achieving at or above the National Standard for NUMERACY Baseline Data: National Standards Data for Numeracy for 2014 is as follows: Above At Below Well Below 0/48 24/48 17/48 7/48 0% 50.0% 35.4% 14.6% Key Improvement Strategies When: What: Who: Indicators of Progress Term 1 – Week 5/6 Maths Testing (PAT Maths, JAM, GLOSS, IKAN) Classroom Teachers Student Levels identified Curriculum Achievement Plan CAP) Principal Planned actions for Students underachieving PAT Maths Testing to identify ALIM Students Principal Participation in ALIM in 2015. School wide Inquiry Team for Maths. Principal / Staff Accelerated Progress by Targeted Students Use of Maths Mentor as part of ALIM. Principal Improved Teacher Practice Targeted Students identified and their needs analysed. (links with Learning Inquiry Model) Teachers Improvement for Students and Teacher Practice Teachers Improved Teacher Pedagogy, Improved teacher Practice, Improved outcomes for students. Term 1 and 2 Throughout the Year Staff Meetings will have a bigger and more productive Numeracy Component in them. Eg, Moderation, Professional Learning Conversations, Sharing of Knowledge etc Use of IEP’s as required. SENCO/Parent/ RTLB Improved outcomes for Student Improve attendance of some pupils. Principal Improved attendance at school Key Improvement Strategies When: What: Who: Indicators of Progress Term 1 – Week 5/6 Maths Testing (PAT Maths, JAM, GLOSS, IKAN) Classroom Teachers Student Levels identified Curriculum Achievement Plan CAP) Principal Planned actions for Students underachieving PAT Maths Testing to identify ALIM Students Principal Targeted Students identified and their needs analysed. (links with Learning Inquiry Model) All Teaching Staff Improvement for Students and Teacher Practice All staff Support from home for Teachers and Students. Principal/Teaching Staff/Parents Improved understanding of Maths Strategies and Knowledge Improve relationships with whanau and community. Maths evenings where parents and pupils work together to solve problems. Monitoring (How are we going – Check every Term) (Where are the gaps? What needs to change?) Resourcing: RTLB Funding if available, Literacy Budget, PD Budget, Use of RT Lit APPENDIX A SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2015 The School Professional Development Programme will enable all staff to further develop their professional ability so children may learn more effectively through improved teacher performance and teaching programmes There are three main directions - School Direction – Use of Evernote to provide evidence of Teacher Registered Criteria An individual Staff Performance Direction (Teacher Inquiry) A Governance Direction RELEASE ALLOCATION If funding allows, it may be possible that all teachers will be able to be released for two days per term (CRT) so that management, organisation and assessment activities can be carried out. It is envisaged that Professional Development will be a major focus for teachers this year. Monies will be set aside accordingly. INDIVIDUAL DIRECTION As part of the performance management structures teachers set their own development and performance goals for 2015 with the appraiser. These are specified with the job description and performance agreement Charter Document ratified by the Board of Trustees on Wednesday 25th February, 2015 Signed: Dustine Sadler Chairperson Dated _______________ Signed: Steve Driver Principal Dated _______________ Copy sent to the Ministry of Education on Friday 27th February, 2015 Bridge Pa School ANNUAL PLAN 2015