Elements of Art Quiz (you may use your notes) List your Avatar (first name class code and semester) below: Your Avatar: Directions: 1. Look at the example of Line Below 2. List The Remaining Six Elements 3. Define Them 4. Find Examples Of Them On-Line and Paste Them Into This Document (You may draw your own examples if you want, photograph them, and paste the photo into this document. Be sure the photo quality is good. You may scan them also if you wish.) 5. List your resources if a borrowed image. For properly listing you avatar, you will earn 4 points. For each element listed correctly, you will earn 3 points for a total of 18 points. For each element defined correctly, you will earn 5 points for a total of 30 points. For each example of the element you find and paste beneath the definition, you will earn 5 points for a total of 30. For each image you find and note its source (web address is ok), you will earn 3 points for a total of 18 points. Example: 1. Line as an art term is hard to define- it is easier to say what it is not: It does not reconnect onto itself. It is, therefor, not a shape. I found this example above from an on line source about line art- pretty cool! http://www.mmwindowtoart.com/foundations/foundationsline.html 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOW TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR YOUR WORK, DO AS FOLLOWS: Now that you have completed this assignment, 1. please save as: ELEMofARTQZ followed by a hyphen and your avatar. example: ELEMofARTQZ-SAMMYIN2BF10 After you have saved the document correctly, 2. please send your completed and saved on-line quiz as an e-mail attachment to spoulin@msad11.org. Be sure to put your avatar in the subject line of your e-mail.