ANIMAL PARASITOLOGY (CRN10269/10270-702; CRN-12486/12487--404) EJH ROOM #0337 Lectures #236 Laboratories (TUESDAY AND THURSDAY) 12:40 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. SPRING SEMESTER, 2005 Instructor Dr. Clarence M. Lee Dr. R. Nesbitt and Dr. M. Ashraf will give major lectures in the course. Dr. J.Scott, Dr. D.R. Lincicome, Professor Garnett Henley, Dr. Eba Ongele, and Dr.P. Kim may present special lectures/seminars . Laboratory Instructor Mr. Emmanuel Jingwi, B.S., M.S. (Ph.D student) COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers the major topics in Animal Parasitology (Protozoa, Nematodes, and Platyhelminthes) and exposes students to both classical and modern parasitology. The parasites discussed in this course provide research tools to understand many scientific processes (biochemical pathways, regulation of mechanisms for drug resistance, immune and mitochondrial processes during parasitic life cycles, gene regulation, molecular development, and molecular evolution). Exercises and demonstrations of various parasites will be held during the laboratory portion of this course. This course will also expose the students to aspects of scientific writing. Technical-writing courses introduce some of the most important aspects of writing in science and technology — in other words, the kind of writing that scientists do as a part of their regular work. Common types of reports, journals, abstracts, special format items such as techniques for reporting laboratory results, and methods for reporting results to an audience are studied. REQUESTED TEXTBOOKS 1. Burton J. Bogitsh and Thomas C. Cheng, 1998. Human Parasitology, Academic Press, New York, New York Health Sciences,Main Coll QX 4 B675h 1998 LECTURE SCHEDULE January 6 January 11 Lecture/Lab Preparing a Research Paper/Abstract writing Research Papers also see below assignment instructions Introduction, Lab Orientation Using the Tools of the Library (Presented by Ms. Leslie Brown,, Associate Librarian for Science and Engineering) Topics Sterling | Catalogs Databases »» Off-Campus Access, Literature Research January 13 January 18 An introduction to Parasitism Selective Intestinal Nematodes April 19 April 21 Lecture Exam III/ Lab Exam II Research-Group presentation Presentation Poster guide B. LABORATORY SCHEDULE preparing lab reports D. RESEARCH PAPER (GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY) One ”Research Paper” is to be prepared by all graduate members of the class. This essay is to be a critical analysis of the significant advancements of developments of selected fields for the period of 1990 to date. The essay may be on one of the following topics writing Research Papers Quoting, paraphrasing, and avoiding plagairism 1. Parasites and Cell Signaling 2. Role of Iron Metabolism during Parasitic Infections 3 Leishmaniasis: Genetic Analysis of Virulence Factors 4. Genetics and Transformation of Toxoplasma gondii To prepare this essay, each student must first compile a list of references relating to the subject. These references should be alphabetically arranged and written in the form recommended and used by the journal, Experimental Parasitology, and/or the Style Manual of Biological Editors. Biology Editors style Experimental Parasitology link E. ORAL REPORTS/ABSTRACTS (INFORMAL DISCUSSION) Each Student will be asked to select a recent published paper in journals such as Immunology, Experimental Parasitology, Journal of Parasitology, or American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. The abstracts are restricted to articles written between 2001-2005. The three reports will be on the following subjects: Journal Locations Immunology Health Sciences,Periodcls; Experimental Parasitology Online Scidir The Journal Of Parasitology. Health Sciences,Periodcls American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene Health Sciences,Periodcls Report I Studies related to Nematodes Report II Immune Reactions to Parasites Report III Studies related to Protozoa or Arthropods As you prepare for your abstracts, please follow these guidelines: Guide and examples 1. A well prepared abstract enables readers to identify the Basic Content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety. 2. The abstract should not exceed 300 words and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper (in your own words). 3. The abstract should: a. State the principal objectives and scope of the investigation(What question did the authors ask? What was done before?) ; b .Describe the methodology employed (how the experiment was done) What methods did the authors use to answer the question? ; c. Summarize the results, and state the principal conclusion; What did their results suggest? What were their conclusions? d. List the principal references used in the publication. All abstracts should be typed and submitted at least one week (5 class days) prior to the presentation. Resources in Parasitology *J. RESOURCES IN PARASITOLOGY [Abridged] American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) [Add URL] American Society of Parasitologists [Add URL] American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) the principal organization in the United States representing scientists, clinicians and others with interests in the prevention and control of tropical diseases through research and education [Add URL ] Daniel Shapiro's Zoonosis Page [Add URL Daphnia-Parasite Picture Gallery Careers in Parasitology from the American Society of Parasitologists [Add URL ] CELLS alive! various links [Add URL] Directory of Parasitologist [Add URL] DPDx - CDC Parasitology Diagnostic Web Site [Add URL] Ecological Database of the World's Insect Pathogens [Add URL ] * []Brackets and bold letters indicate Leslie Brown’s changes for J. RESOURCES IN PARASITOLOGY Creating a Digital Object Identifier Link The digital object identifier (DOI) may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon the initial electronic publication. The DOI will never change. Therefore, it is an ideal medium for citing a document, particularly Articles in Press because they have not yet received their full bibliographic information. The correct format for citing a DOI is shown as follows: doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.10.071 ______________________________________________ To create a link to an article I’ve located an article in ScienceDirect that I want my students to read it’s in Experimental Parasitology Volume 109, Issue 2 , February 2005, Pages 106-114 and the title is: Leishmania infantum: soluble proteins released by the parasite exert differential effects on host immune response Here is the doi number I use this URL with the doi number Example: This creates an Internet web link to the article. I can place this link in my syllabus.