File - Graves County Agriculture Education

Graves County High School
Vet Science
(270)328 or 674-6242 ext 2338
Instructor: Richard Horn
Credit: 1
Grade Levels: 11-12
Course Fee: $10.00
Prerequisites: Equine/Small Animal, Animal Science, and/or Advance Animal
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the field of veterinary science. Major topics
covered include: veterinary terminology, safety/sanitation, anatomy/physiology, clinical
exams, hospital procedures, parasitology, posology, laboratory techniques, nutrition,
disease, office management, and animal management. Careers are also explored.
Leadership development will be provided through the FFA. Each student will be
expected to have an agriculture experience program.
Grading Policy:
1. Timeline – all work assigned during first semester must be turned in no later
than 2 weeks into month of January.
2. All grades will be set up as follows:
a. Formative Assessments
b. Summative Assessments
c. Final
3. Re-do policy:
a. All students will be given the opportunity to redo summative
b. Students must do quality preliminary work prior to redo opportunities
c. Grades will be replaced with new score (if higher)
d. A minimum two-week grace period will be given at the end of the first
semester for any summative grade from the first term. Midterms must
be completed by the designated date at the end of January. Each
individual teacher may give an extension of the grace period
Course Expectations:
 Class rules are those that are set forth by the Graves County High School. A copy
of these can be found in the student hand book
 When the student is absent it is your responsibility to obtain any missed
assignments. These assignments will be scored zero until made up.
The students will show respect each other and the teacher.
Course Outline:
 Unit 1 – Safety and Sanitation
 Unit 2 – Veterinary Terminology
 Unit 3 – Anatomy and Physiology
 Unit 4 – Clinical Exams
 Unit 5 – Hospital Procedures
 Unit 6 – Parasitology
 Unit 7 – Office Management
 Unit 8 – Posology
 Unit 9 – Laboratory Techniques
 Unit 10 – Animal Nutrition
 Unit 11 – Principles of Disease
 Unit 12 – Animals in Society
 Unit 13 – Career Exploration
 Unit 14 – Animal Management
The above schedule is subject to change.