LIST OF WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS – BUSINESS ENGLISH 2 (09/10) Written assignments are obligatory. Students who do not regularly submit at least 50% (min. 13) of the assignments (handwritten, unless specified differently) will not qualify for the teacher’s signature. If less than 50% of the assignments are submitted by the end of the course (30 Apr 10), students will have to submit all the assignments listed below (a total of 26) and then wait for them to be corrected before obtaining the signature. Note: The assignments marked in red are obligatory for all the students. The list is based on the following sources: 1. MK MacKenzie I. (2002): English for Business Studies, Cambridge, University Press. 2. R Reader 2 (2009/10), skripta u izdanju Katedre za poslovne jezike, Mikrorad. 3. Teacher’s slides on the personal webpage 1. Core vocabulary-BE1 revision = working sheet (slides: Vocabulary ex. (Assignment - Revision of BE 1).ppt) 2. Meetings-language focus = working sheet (slides: Meetings (Assignment -Language Focus).ppt) 3. Meetings-questions = R: p.5; write down the answers for the first four questions (slides: Meetings (continued).ppt) 4. Time vs Money = R: p.59; make 10 sentences using the given collocations and phrases - one for each sentence (slides: Meetings Are a Matter of Precious Time.ppt, slide 5) 5. Downtone the following statement: I want a day off tomorrow. (3 different ways). 6. Market structure: Read MK: p.107 and fill in the chart in the Reader and submit it handwritten: market leader, market challenger, market followers, market nicher. 7. Retail = R: p.26 (slides: Retail and Wholesale.ppt, slide 8) 8. International trade-working sheet = fill in by hand (slides: Obligatory assignment 1 for Monday, 22 Feb 2010 (international trade).ppt) 9. International trade-trade barriers = MK: p.156; write down the arguments in favour of trade barriers 12. WTO = make a list of the benefits and misunderstandings about the World Trade Organisation. Use these sources: 13. Oh, sweet reason = R: p.29; answer the questions regarding the text (slides: European Union.ppt, slide 20) OR The banana wars=MK: p.159; answer the questions regarding the text (slides: International Trade.ppt, slide 15) 14. Banking = MK: p.86; make a list of services and sources of profit in retail and investment banking 15. Report 1 = computer written - "Report on the Mass Grocery Retail in Croatia (1999.-2003.)" (slides: Obligatory assignment 2 for Monday, 22 Feb 2010 (report).ppt) 16. Monetary policy = based on Schiller’s Essentials of Economics (text given in class) , alternative assignment: find the following information: a) basic instruments of monetary policy, b) explain what is “loose/expansionary monetary policy” vs. “tight/restrictive monetary policy”) 17. Report 2 = R: p.20; "Report on staff lateness", handwritten 18. Taxation chart + 3 Financial statements = MK: p.136, 137 (slides: Taxation.ppt); MK: p.81 (slides: Accounting (homework).ppt, only question number 6) 19. Verbs describing trends = fill in the chart using the given verbs (ppt. Trends (describing graphs and charts).ppt) 20. The Crisis: Wall Street Voodoo = R: p.58; words to explain: voodoo economics, toxic assets, the N-word 21. Accounting-vocabulary = R: p.42-44; translate in English: 1)troškovi redovnog poslovanja, 2)nematerijalna imovina, 3)amortizacija, 4)smanjenje hipoteke, 5)dugoročna obveza, 6)povećanje prekoračenja, 7)obračunati, a neplaćeni rashod, 8)sumnjiva i sporna potraživanja, 9)dugotrajna imovina, 10)potraživanja, 11)kratkoročne obveze, 12)povećanja zaliha, 13)materijalna imovina, 14)dobit iz redovitog poslovanja 22. Corporate finance = R: p.47; note taking (slides: Stocks and Bonds.ppt) 23. Stocks and bonds = explain the meaning of the words on slide 16, MK: p.97-98; advantages and disadvantages of debt financing and equity financing 24. Trends-fill in ex. = working sheet (slides: Trends (home assignment, filling in).ppt) 25. Report 3 = ''Report on Stock Performance'' – Find two issues of the Financial Times in the library of EFZG, choose 3 famous companies in the FT stock tables and compare their performance on 2 different trading days using the following points of comparison: share price, price/earnings ratio, yield, the highest price and the lowest price. Follow the instructions for report writing (slides: Homework for Monday, 26 April:.ppt) 26.Describe the graphs as explained on the slide: R.21a, MK, p.13 a)manufacturing, b) compare services and agriculture:use expressions showing contrast such as while, on the one hand, on the other hand, in contrast, unlike etc.), OBLIG. SUBMISSION; 30 Apr)