Biocide Treatment of the Ballachulish Quarry Ponds to Eradicate American Signal Crayfish Final Project Report Lochaber Fisheries Trust October 2012 Diane Baum, Lucy Ballantyne ׀Lochaber Fisheries Trust Ltd Torlundy Training Centre ׀Torlundy ׀Fort William ׀PH33 6SW 01397 703728 ׀ ׀ Summary American signal crayfish were discovered at a pond in Ballachulish Quarry, Lochaber, in July 2011. This was the only confirmed population in the West Highlands of Scotland and the spread of this species into neighbouring watercourses could have had devastating consequences for the region’s freshwater habitats. In June 2012 the pond was treated with biocide in an attempt to eradicate the crayfish population. The initial results from post-treatment monitoring suggest the treatment has been effective, but further years of trapping effort will be required to confirm eradication. Acknowledgements Funding for the project was provided by SEPA, SNH and the Highland Council. The LFT is greatly indebted to all those who gave their time to assist with this eradication attempt. Without their efforts it would not have been possible. Thanks go to Stuart Brabbs, Meryl Norris and Gordon MacDermid from the Ayrshire Rivers Trust, Nick Chisolm and Chris Stones from the Annan Fisheries Trust, Jackie Graham from the Galloway Fisheries Trust, Kenneth Knott, Henry Dobson, Pete Madden and Jim from Forestry Commission Scotland, Simon McKelvey and Jill from the Conon DSFB, Keith Williams and Julie from the Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust and Niall McLean and Seymour McLeod from Geo-Rope Ltd for braving the midgies and working like troopers for no reward. Lucy Ballantyne from LFT, Stephanie Peay and Paul Bryden from SPB Environmental, Ann Hackett, Nick Aitken, Francie McDade, Eilidh-Ann Madden, Michelle Melville and Fiona from the Highland Council, Corrina Mertens from SNH and Kjersti Birkeland from SEPA all worked beyond the call of duty. Forestry Commission Scotland arrived with a boat, water tank, sprayers and batteries, without which progress would have been considerably slower. Mel MacAskill and the Ballachulish Community Council were supportive throughout this project and kindly lent their fencing and allowed us to take over their shed. Andrew at Loch Ken went to great effort to get us crayfish for the monitoring. Jon Gibb generously allowed us to use his boat for the duration of the project. Diane would personally like to thank Lucy for her unfailing support and Niall for his help with the pumps. Background American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are an invasive non-native species of freshwater habitats. They were first recorded in Scotland in 1995 and have now been found in a number of river catchments, mainly south of the central belt. Crayfish are able to move relatively short distances overland and spread between waterbodies, but most populations are believed to originate from human introductions. Once the species is present in a river it can quickly colonise the entire catchment. The impact of crayfish on aquatic ecosystems can be devastating as they can quickly become the most numerous species in a waterbody. At high densities they consume large quantities of aquatic invertebrates and plants, reducing food availability for native species and altering the ecology of watercourses. They compete with juvenile salmonids for overwinter shelters and can consume salmonid eggs and fry. In addition, their burrows can affect the morphology of rivers by exacerbating bank erosion. There are now tight legal controls on the movement and trapping of American signal crayfish. The entry of signal crayfish into Scotland is restricted by the Import of Live Fish (Scotland) Act 1978, Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, as amended, Conservation of Native Freshwater Fish Stocks: The Prohibition of Keeping or Release of Live Fish (Specified Species) (Scotland) Order 2003 and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004. Once established in a catchment, it is exceptionally difficult and costly to remove crayfish. However, small isolated populations have been successfully eradicated by biocide treatment in Scotland and other parts of the UK (Peay et al. 2006). In July 2011 American signal crayfish were discovered in the large pond at Ballachulish Quarry during a pond dipping activity run by Highland Council Rangers. Subsequent trapping undertaken by the Highland Council in October 2011 confirmed the presence of crayfish in the large pond, but no crayfish were found in the smaller pond in the quarry. The Ballachulish population was the only confirmed record of signal crayfish from the West Highlands. It was later discovered that the source of the population was a deliberate release of about a dozen crayfish into the pond by a local resident approximately 12 years ago. Site Characteristics The infected pond is in a disused slate quarry in the village of Ballachulish, Lochaber (NN08523 58252, Figure 1). It is an artificial waterbody that formed when quarrying ceased at the site in 1955. After the quarry closed the pits were partially filled with unconsolidated slate before being allowed to fill with water creating two ponds on the site. The infected pond is the larger of the two ponds on the quarry site. The volume of the infected pond was estimated in January 2012. The surface area of the pond was approximately 19 500m2 based on measurements taken from aerial photographs. Pond depth was measured at 100 points along transects across the pond using a plumbline (Figure 2). The average depth was 2.35m. The margins of the pond are relatively shallow, with the deepest part towards the southeast end where the water reaches a maximum of 12m in depth (Figure 2). From these measurements, the volume of the infected pond was estimated to be 46 000m3, and it is this figure that was used to calculate the amount of biocide needed to treat the pond. However, the depth measurements were taken during a period of heavy rainfall. When the biocide treatment occurred in June, the depth of the pond was up to 0.5m lower than in January, and the volume of the pond was probably closer to 35 000m3. The infected pond has no surface connection to any other waterbody. The nearest waterbody is a second, smaller pond within the quarry site, approximately 50m from the infected pond. The small pond has a surface area of 4 250m2 and an average depth of 2.05m (measured by the same method described above). The nearest natural freshwater waterbody to the infected pond is the River Laroch, 400m away (Figure 1). Loch Leven, a narrow, sheltered sea loch is approximately 300m north of the quarry (Figure 1). Small pond Infected pond Loch Leven Storm drain outfall Small pond Infected pond River Laroch Figure 1. Photograph and map showing the position of the infected pond in relation to the small pond, River Laroch and Loch Leven. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 Legend 1 Survey transect Approximate depths 0-1m 50m 1-2m 2-3m 3-12m Figure 2. Approximate bathymetric profile of the infected pond. Produced from depth sampling with a plumbline along transects rowed by LFT staff 19/1/2012. The infected pond is surrounded on three sides by steep-sided quarry walls Figure 3). The unconsolidated slate that makes up much of the bed and banks of the south and east ends of the pond provides excellent refuge habitat for crayfish. The northeast side of the pond is more open, and gently sloping banks covered in grass and scrub rise to at least 1.5m above the level of the pond. There is less cover available for crayfish on this side of the pond as the substrate and banks are generally composed of silt or small pebbles. On the west side of the pond there is a small fringe of sedges along the water margin and there is a stand of pondweed in the centre of the pond. However, the large pond and its margin are largely devoid of vegetation. The small pond has much lower banks covered in grass and scrub vegetation. There is abundant growth of submerged vegetation in the small pond. Figure 3. The infected pond viewed from the gently sloping northeast bank looking towards the steep quarry faces on the south and west sides. The catchment of the quarry extends to approximately 0.5km2 covering open hillside and some planted forestry (Figure 4). There are no permanent inflow channels entering either pond. For most of the year a small waterfall flows down the southeast wall of the quarry and into the large pond. This is the result of drains dug to prevent water entering the quarry that were subsequently dammed to stop flooding at Tigh-phuirt and diverted back into the quarry. During dry periods this inflow dries up completely. Following high rainfall water drains into the large pond from numerous temporary channels on the steep quarry walls on three sides of the pond. Figure 4. The catchment of the quarry ponds with the village of Ballachulish in the foreground. There is no history of the infected pond or the small pond flooding. There is likely to be some seepage from the infected pond as the slate substrate is porous. However, it appears that seepage between the infected and the small pond is minimal as the water level of the small pond is higher following heavy rain. A storm drain links the small pond with Loch Leven (Figure 1). At low water levels the small pond is below the level of the drain, but it does flow during periods of high rainfall. Ballachulish Quarry is owned by The Highland Council and managed by the Ballachulish Community Council. The quarry site is used by the local community and visitors to the area. There are paths, interpretation panels and a picnic site in the quarry. Canoe groups regularly use the pond for practice sessions. Pre-treatment Monitoring Kick sampling carried out by Highland Council Rangers has indicated that relatively few species are present in the pond, possibly reflecting the short length of time the pond has been in existence (Table 1). Brown trout and European eel have historically been stocked into the ponds, but high summer temperatures have caused periodic mortality of these species in the past preventing the establishment of a self-sustaining population. Table 1. Species recorded from the infected pond during kick sampling surveys. Group Fish Common name Brown trout European eel Three-spined stickleback Scientific name Salmo trutta Anguilla anguilla Gasterosteus aculeatus Amphibians Palmate newt Common frog Triturus helveticus Rana temporaria Insects Lesser water boatman Whirligig beetle Corixa spp. Gyrinus substriatus Mollusc Pond snail Lymnaea spp. Crustacea American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus In September 2011 the Highland Council carried out trapping under licence from Marine Scotland to assess the presence and relative abundance of crayfish in the two quarry ponds and the River Laroch. The results of the trapping are presented in table 2. No crayfish were found in the small pond or River Laroch, though the trapping effort was insufficient to conclusively rule out their presence. Crayfish were present in the large pond. Densities were low relative to well-established populations such as those on Loch Ken. Table 2. Results of crayfish trapping undertaken in the Ballachulish area in September 2011. Number of crayfish caught Date 7/9/2011 8/9/2011 9/9/2011 20/9/2011 21/9/2011 22/9/2011 23/9/2011 27/9/2011 28/9/2011 29/9/2011 30/9/2011 Total CPUE (crayfish/trap/day) Big pond Small pond River Laroch (6 traps) (4 traps) (4 traps) 3 2 No trapping 2 1 6 0 No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping 14 0.39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping 0 0 No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping No trapping 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eradication method Permissions Permissions to carry out the biocide treatment were obtained from the relevant authorities. The biocide application was carried out under CAR Registration CAR/R/1102118 issued by the SEPA office in Fort William. The biocide used (Pyblast) is not licenced in the UK for use in the aquatic environment. Therefore an Automatic Experimental Permit was obtained from the HSE Biocide Unit. All trapping, transport, holding and release of live crayfish was carried out under licences obtained from Marine Scotland. Site Preparation The storm drain linking the small pond at the quarry and Loch Leven was temporarily blocked on 7th June. It remained blocked throughout the treatment period and until 9th July when the toxicity of the large pond had declined significantly. The inflow into the large pond was diverted on 9th June and restored on the 16th following application of the biocide. Old drainage ditches were dug on the hill above the pond to prevent water entering the quarry. A large earth dam was subsequently installed on the main ditch to prevent flooding of Tigh-phuirt and create the waterfall flowing into the quarry. This dam was not removed, but small plastic and earth dams were installed upstream of it and the water diverted through six inch drainage pipe away from the quarry catchment. Pre-treatment Monitoring There is no chemical test to allow the concentration of Pyblast in the pond to be measured. Instead a bioassay was used to estimate the Pyblast concentration. This requires the Lc50 (concentration at which 50% mortality is recorded) for Pyblast to be established for a test species. The bioassay involves exposing the test species to various dilutions of the pond water and using the mortality rate to back-calculate the Pyblast concentration. In past eradication attempts, the freshwater shrimp Gammarus pulex has been used for the bioassays. This species is not present in the Ballachulish ponds and is rare throughout Lochaber due to the naturally low pH of the water. Attempts were made to establish a dose response curve and Lc50 for the freshwater hoglouse, Asellus aquaticus, which is present at the small pond in Ballachulish Quarry and at sites across Lochaber. Three attempts were made between 8th May and 4th June but all Asellus died even at 0.01ųgl-1, the lowest concentration of pyrethroid tested. No other invertebrate species was present at the quarry in sufficient numbers to make them suitable for the bioassay. Instead Gammarus were sourced from Ayrshire and Yorkshire for the dose response test and post-treatment bioassays. The results of the preliminary dose response test are presented in appendix 3. The Lc50 for Gammarus was approximately 5ųgl-1. A total of 300 crayfish were required to test the efficacy of the biocide treatment (see later monitoring section) and for preliminary tests to ensure the proposed dose rate of Pyblast would be sufficient to kill them under local conditions. The density of crayfish at the Ballachulish ponds was too low to allow this number of crayfish to be caught over a short period of time. Loch Ken in Dumfrieshire has a long-established and dense population of American signal crayfish and the test crayfish for this project were sourced from there. Four barrel traps were set in Loch Ken on 4th June and lifted on 8th June. The crayfish were transported to the Ballachulish Community Council shed on 8th June in secure containers and held here until needed under licence from Marine Scotland. Pre-treatment tests of the response of American signal crayfish to varying concentrations of Pyblast in water and substrate taken from the Ballachulish ponds were conducted on 9th June. Six 30l tanks were lined with rocks and silt taken from the large quarry pond and filled to 20l with pond water and sufficient Pyblast to achieve 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and 1mgl-1 of pyrethroids. 10 crayfish from Loch Ken were placed in each tank at 18:00 on 9th June. Mortality of the crayfish was checked 24 hours later. All crayfish in the control tank survived. All crayfish exposed to Pyblast in concentrations from 0.1 to 1mgl-1 died within 24 hours. Fencing was erected around the ponds on the 11th June to deter members of the public from entering the ponds during the treatment. Signs were displayed on site to provide information about the purpose of the treatment. Biocide Treatment The large pond at Ballachulish Quarry was treated with Pyblast, a natural pyrethroid derived from chrysanthemums. The formulation of Pyblast contains 3% w/w natural pyrethrins that act as a powerful neurotoxin. Pyblast is highly toxic to crayfish and has been used in previous successful eradication attempts in Scotland (Peay et al. 2006) and England. It has low toxicity to mammals and birds and does not bioaccumulate in these taxa. Based on previous eradication attempts and the dose tests carried out prior to the Ballachulish treatment (see above), a target dose rate of 0.3mgl-1 was set for the large pond. This required a total of 460l of Pyblast (1.38kg pyrethrin) to be applied to the pond. Pyblast was diluted in the ratio 1:7 with pond water to allow it to be sprayed onto the pond. Pyblast was applied to the large pond by boat-mounted sprayers with battery powered pumps (Figure 5). Three boats were used on the large pond on 12th June, two with 98l Figure 5. Pyblast being applied to the large pond from boat-mounted sprayers. spray tanks and the third with a 60l tank. Tanks were connected to lances fitted with anvil nozzles. The pond was divided into three zones of approximately equal water volume and one boat was allocated to each zone (Figure 6). A minimum of two people were present on each boat: one oarsman and at least one person operating the sprayer. The aim was to achieve good coverage of the entire pond surface, with more Pyblast applied on areas of deep water. Pyblast is denser than water and should sink to the bottom of the pond where the crayfish are present. The spraying lasted approximately 8 hours from 10am in the morning to 6pm in the evening. Refilling of the tanks took place on the shore and a record was kept of the refills to ensure each zone received the correct amount of Pyblast. Legend 2” pump Fuel bowser 4” pump Pyblast refilling site Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 2 Figure 6. Division of large pond into zones for Pyblast treatment and position of pumps and refilling stations. In addition to the boast sprayers, backpack sprayers were used to treat a 1m band around the edge of the pond and the shallow margins of the pond that were inaccessible to the boats (Figure 7). This was easily achieved on the north and east sides of the pond where the bank is shallow, but the steep walls on the south, and to a lesser extent, west sides of the pond made walking difficult. To ensure the banks were covered, the boats in these zones sprayed onto the shore and into the bank wall. Figure 7. Pyblast being applied to the pond margin from a backpack sprayer. To ensure water-filled crevices in the slate along the south and west banks were flooded with Pyblast, buckets were used to douse the banks with treated pond water. Dead crayfish were visible at the margins of the pond within an hour of the treatment commencing (Figure 8). Figure 8. Dead crayfish at the pond margin following Pyblast application. At the end of the spraying, a boat with a 60hp outboard engine supplied by Geo-Rope Ltd was driven around the pond to aid mixing of the Pyblast and create waves forcing water into the vertical banks on the south side of the pond. Test cages of crayfish (see below) were lifted from the large pond at about 7:30pm on 12th June after the biocide had been applied. All crayfish in the shallow cages were dead or torpid. However, crayfish from cages 7 and 13, which were positioned in water greater than 4m deep contained crayfish that were still self-righting. The Pyblast had not sunk to the bottom in the deep parts of the pond. The LFT took the decision to use the Pyblast intended for treatment of the small pond to instead increase the dose rate in the deeper part of the large pond. Pyblast was diluted with pond water in the ratio 2:1 and sprayed down 6m rigid hoses held vertically from the boat. There was some drag on the hoses but the rowing speed was moderated to ensure Pyblast was delivered at least 4m below the surface of the water. A total of 20l of Pyblast was applied to the deepest area of the pond before darkness fell. On the 13th June treatment of the deep areas resumed using the same method as the night before, but with two boats spraying in each of the two deep zones in the pond (Figure 2). Prior to the application, an underwater camera was used to locate the deepest trenches in the pond and these were marked with floats to aid the boats. A total of 120l of Pyblast was applied to the deep areas, 70l in the southeast hole and 50l in the southwest hole. There was no clear thermocline present in the pond that could account for the Pyblast not sinking to depth. Temperature recordings taken from the pond on the 13th June showed no distinct change in temperature other than at the very surface, which the Pyblast penetrated successfully. Instead it is likely that the Pyblast simply dissipates as it sinks through the water column, and below 3-4m most fails to reach the bottom. The decision to use the remaining Pyblast to treat the deep parts of the large pond meant the small pond was not treated. The results of subsequent intensive trapping (see below) indicated crayfish were not present in the small pond and it remains untreated. Post-treatment site management Once the Pyblast application had finished, pumps were run to circulate treated water in the large pond. Access difficulties limited the size and position of pumps used. A 4” pump was placed on the north shore of the pond and two 2” pumps were positioned as shown in figure 6. The size of the pond and restricted vehicle access precluded effective circulation of the entire pond. The pumps were run for 3 hours on the afternoon of the 13th and for 8 hours a day on the 14th and 15th of June. The toxicity of the pond had declined significantly by the 15th June and the pond water was probably no longer lethal to crayfish. On 16th June the emphasis switched from circulating the biocide to pumping the pond water onto the ground to speed up the breakdown of the Pyblast and hence the recovery of the pond. The pumps were left in their original positions, but the hoses were changed to lengthen the intake hoses and repositioning the outflow so that it discharged onto vegetated ground. Contact with sediment should speed the breakdown of the Pyblast. The pumps were run in this configuration from 16th to the 22nd June. Bioassays were run on the pond water to monitor its toxicity. By 11th July the concentration of Pyblast in the pond was estimated to be 10μgl-1 (one hundredth of the concentration achieved on the day of treatment) and it was judged safe to remove the fences from the quarry and re-open the ponds to the public. Monitoring The effectiveness of the treatment was monitored by placing cages of Loch Ken crayfish into the pond prior to the treatment and monitoring their mortality once the biocide had been applied. 13 cages each containing 10 crayfish were placed around the large pond on 11th June (Figure 9). The cages were weighted and sat on the pond bed at various depths depending on their position in the pond. Figure 9. Cages containing crayfish from Loch Ken used to test the efficacy of the biocide treatment. Photo courtesy of S. Peay. Some cages were inspected at 19:30 on 12th June approximately 1.5hrs after the treatment of the large pond had finished. The condition of these crayfish was not systematically recorded, but the crayfish that had been held at depth were seen to be sufficiently active to trigger further treatment of the deep areas of the large pond (see above). The test cages were returned to their original locations prior to the additional Pyblast application on the evening of 12th June and an additional test cage (cage 19) containing 10 crayfish was introduced to the deepest part of the pond at 23:30 on 12th June. All crayfish cages were lifted at 09:00 on 13th June and the activity of the crayfish was examined on the shore and categorised according to the definitions in table 3. Table 3. Definitions used to assess the condition of test crayfish Condition Self-righting Slow self-righting Not self-righting Torpid Dead Description Normal condition, no apparent effect Movement slow and often stiff, may take 1 minute or more to turn over if placed on back even in water Significantly affected, lying on back, but still making voluntary movements of limbs in water or air No voluntary movement, lying on back, will show slight movement of limbs when touched, but in more advanced stages moribund animals may show minimal response or just movement of mouthparts No response to touching. No eye-stalk response The condition of the test crayfish is presented in table 4. Most crayfish were torpid or dead. The cages positioned in the deep part of the southeast corner of the pond that had been found to contain active crayfish on the evening of 12th (cage 13) contained mainly torpid or dead crayfish on the morning of the 13th June following the additional Pyblast application to this area of the pond. The crayfish in cages in the deep area of the southwest part of the pond (cages 3, 7) were still very active on the morning of the 13th. All crayfish that were still alive at 09:30 on 13th were exposed to untreated pondwater from the small pond to test their ability to recover from the dose they had received. These crayfish were rechecked at 16:45 on the 13th and all but three were found to be dead. The other three were torpid and did not recover. The exception were the very active crayfish in tank 7 that were not put in untreated pond water, but were returned to their original position in the large pond at 16:00 on the 13th. In addition another 11 traps each containing 10 crayfish that had not previously been exposed to treated water were placed in the pond at 16:00 on the 13th June following completion of the additional treatment of the deep areas in the large pond. The 12 cages were lifted at 10:00 on the 14th June and the condition of the crayfish in each cage recorded (Table 5). All crayfish were either torpid or dead. Torpid crayfish were returned to cages placed in the margin of the large pond and rechecked at 16:00 on the 14th June (Table 5). Most crayfish were dead. The nine that still displayed an eye-stalk response were placed in untreated pond water from the small pond and all were dead when checked at 20:00. The storm drain connecting the small quarry pond to Loch Leven had been blocked prior to treatment, but to ensure no Pyblast was entering the loch test cages of amphipods were placed at the outflow of the drain (Figure 1). Approximately 20 amphipods caught on the margin of the loch were placed in each of two cages. These were monitored twice daily between 12th and 17th June. No mortality was recorded. Post-treatment monitoring Bioassays on water from large pond To monitor the breakdown of Pyblast, Gammarus were exposed to different dilutions of water from the large pond in the days and weeks following treatment. Pre-treatment trials had shown the Lc50 for Gammarus was approximately 5μgl-1 for natural pyrethroids. Using this information it was possible to estimate the concentration of pyrethroids in samples of pond water taken from the shallow margin on the northeast side and the deep hole on southeast side of the treated pond (Figure 2). Concentrations of Pyblast immediately following treatment on 13th June reached 0.75mgl-1 in the deep water and 1.2mgl-1 in the shallow margins. These exceeded the original target dose rates since an additional 160l of Pyblast had been applied to the large pond had been and the dry period preceding treatment meant the pond volume was lower than when the calculations were made. The concentration of pyrethroids in both the shallow and deep water declined rapidly as the Pyblast broke down (Figure 10). By the 14th August the pond water was not toxic to Gammarus. -1 1.4 Shallow sample Deep sample 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 14/08/2012 10/08/2012 12/08/2012 08/08/2012 06/08/2012 02/08/2012 04/08/2012 31/07/2012 29/07/2012 25/07/2012 27/07/2012 23/07/2012 21/07/2012 17/07/2012 19/07/2012 15/07/2012 13/07/2012 09/07/2012 11/07/2012 07/07/2012 05/07/2012 01/07/2012 03/07/2012 29/06/2012 27/06/2012 23/06/2012 25/06/2012 21/06/2012 19/06/2012 15/06/2012 17/06/2012 0 13/06/2012 Estimated concentration pyrethroids mgl 1.2 Date Figure 10. Decline in estimated Pyblast concentration in the large pond following application on the 12th June. Table 4. Condition of test crayfish introduced to the large pond on 11th June prior to Pyblast treatment. Numbers in brackets relate to the condition of the crayfish when rechecked at 16:45 after exposure to untreated pondwater. Cage Depth number (m) 1 6 2 2 3 3 4 2 5 6 6 1.5 7 4 8 1 9 1 10 2 11 1.5 12 2 13 10 Time introduced pond 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 11/06/2012 18:00 12/06/2012 23:30 Time checked to 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 13/06/2012 09:30 Time rechecked 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 Not rechecked – returned to pond 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 13/06/2012 16:45 Number of crayfish SelfSlow self- Not self- Torpid righting righting righting Dead 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (2) 0 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 1 (0) 4 (0) 3 (0) 2 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (0) 8 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 7 3 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0) 7 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (0) 8 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (0) 6 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (0) 4 (1) 4 (9) Table 5. Condition of test crayfish introduced to the large pond on 13th June following further Pyblast application to the deep areas. Numbers in brackets relate to the condition of the crayfish when rechecked at 16:00 after being placed in the pond margin. Cage Depth number (m) 7 4 a 1 b 1.5 c 3 d 10 e 1.5 f 2 g 7 h 6 i 1.5 j 2.5 k 6 Time introduced pond 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 13/06/2012 16:00 Time checked to 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 14/06/2012 10:00 Time rechecked 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 14/06/2012 16:00 Number of crayfish SelfSlow self- Not self- Torpid righting righting righting Dead 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (1) 8 (9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (2) 6 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (2) 6 (8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 9 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 6 (3) 4 (7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (1) 6 (9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 10 (10) Crayfish trapping in the Small Pond No crayfish had been recorded from the small pond, but the intention had been to treat it with biocide as a precaution. The use of the Pyblast intended for the small pond to treat the deep areas of the large pond meant this was no longer possible within the original project. In order to establish if crayfish were present in the small pond and further funding and staff time would need to be sought to treat it, intensive trapping of the small pond was carried out between 13th and 24th June. 20 fladden traps were deployed in the pond resulting in a total of 220 trap nights. No crayfish were trapped on the small pond. On the 13th June a 1m wide band at the southern margin of the small pond was sprayed with Pyblast from a backpack sprayer. In the large pond dead crayfish were very visible at the margin soon after spraying. After spraying in the small pond, dead stickleback and tadpoles were seen, but no crayfish. It was therefore concluded that crayfish weren’t present in the small pond and the pond was not treated with biocide. Traps will be used to monitor the small pond in the future to ensure crayfish are not present. Crayfish trapping in the large pond The biocide treatment will only have been effective if all crayfish in the large pond have been killed. Even if only a few crayfish survived, these could quickly multiply and recolonise the pond. To assess the effectiveness of the project intensive trapping was carried out two months after the treatment. 20 fladden traps were set on the large pond on 21st August 2012. The traps were concentrated in the south and west ends of the pond where the crayfish density had been highest and in the two deepest parts of the pond where the Pyblast was least like to have reached. All traps were checked daily until 2nd September, resulting in a total of 240 trap nights. No crayfish were caught during the trapping. It is possible that a very small population of crayfish would not be detected by even intensive trapping and so this trapping effort will need to be repeated for a further four years to be confident that crayfish have been eradicated form the pond. Crayfish trapping in other waterbodies Crayfish have been present in the Ballachulish quarry pond for over a decade. It is possible that in that time crayfish have migrated from the pond or have been moved by humans or potential predators to neighbouring waterbodies. To assess the potential spread of the crayfish, trapping was carried out in Loch Achtriochtan and Glencoe Lochan and electrofishing and kick sampling on the Rivers Laroch and Coe. The National Trust for Scotland set 10 fladden traps on Loch Achtriochtan and checked them daily between 23rd and 31st July. Forestry Commission set 10 fladden traps in Glencoe Lochan and checked them daily between 30th July and 3rd August. No crayfish were recorded from either loch. Electrofishing and kick sampling surveys of the Rivers Laroch and Coe were carried out by the LFT on 28th September. No crayfish were recorded from either river. Recommendations for future biocide treatments In water greater than 3m deep surface spraying is not sufficient to ensure a lethal concentration of Pyblast will reach the substrate. A boat-mounted pressure washer with 5m lance would allow Pyblast to be applied effectively to deep water. A pressure washer would also allow Pyblast to be sprayed horizontally into vertical faces containing crayfish refuges such as the unconsolidated slate that made up large sections of the Ballachulish Quarry pond wall. Dilute Pyblast is dense, but some was still lost as aerosol during the spraying. If sufficient pressure can be maintained, then the Pyblast should be sprayed slightly below the water surface to reduce this loss. For large waterbodies it would be useful to have personnel with PA5 certificates and boat-mounted boom sprayers. This would greatly increase the speed of application and reduce the staff resource required. The endoscope camera provided invaluable information about the pond bathymetry. Where possible this should be used at an early stage of the project planning to identify suitable crayfish habitat at depth. In large ponds with poor vehicle access, an outboard motor with a long prop is probably much more effective at mixing the Pyblast than anything that can be achieved by pumps located on the banks. Pumping the water to ground to break down the Pyblast is probably not necessary in contained ponds. This should be retained as a contingency, but the resources would be better directed to other areas of the treatment. References Peay, S., Hiley, P.D., Collen, P. & Martin, I. (2006). Biocide treatment of ponds in Scotland to eradicate signal crayfish. Bull. Fr. Pêche Piscic. 380-381: 1363-1379. Appendix 1- Project Costs Equipment Costs Description Pyblast Pump and hose hire Diesel for pumps Fuel bowser hire Water bowser hire Tank sprayers 12V batteries Backpack sprayers Spare lance PPE – Cost per unit £54.57 Number of units 620l Delivery - Total cost £33 835.63 £1730.00 £0.798 £54 £42 1000l 2 weeks 2 weeks £120 £120 £798 £228 £204 £149.99 £85.99 £29.22 2 3 2 £22.14 - £322.12 £257.97 £58.44 £6.69 1 - £6.69 Nitrile gloves £5.95 2 - £11.90 PU gloves £1.94 4 - £7.76 Goggles £2.93 5 - £14.65 1 3 £4.99 £17.74 £27.85 1 1 - £12.99 £35.99 1 2 20 12 - £8.10 £5.68 £132.00 £40.00 1 £3.50 £7.45 3 6 - £11.13 £25.20 8 1 - £6.39 £12.00 Eyewash kit £17.74 Pond liners to £7.62 dam inflow Garden hose £12.99 Absorbent fleece £35.99 matting Fuel funnel £8.10 Plastic funnel £2.84 Crayfish traps £6.60 Tanks for £3.33 crayfish tests Measuring £3.95 cylinder Measuring jugs £3.71 Clamps for £4.20 sprayers Jubilee clips £0.64-3.12 Disposal of £12.00 Pyblast containers Total Equipment Cost 37 817.68 Staff Costs Activity Organisation Inflow diversion Block storm drain Trap test crayfish Transport test crayfish Crayfish dose response test Site preparation Bioassays Pyblast application Assistance with Pyblast application Pump to circulate Pyblast Pump to ground Crayfish trapping – Ballachulish Quarry Crayfish trapping – Glencoe Lochan Crayfish trapping – Loch Achtriochtan Project consultant Project management Project management Report preparation Total staff costs Cost per day Total LFT THC Number of man days 1 1 £150 £150 £150 £150 GFT LFT 2 1 £360 £150 £720 £150 LFT 1 £150 £150 LFT, THC LFT, THC LFT, FC, ART, AFT, GFT, CDSFB, NBFT THC, SEPA, SNH 6 12 28 £150 £150 £300 £900 £1 800 £8 400 8 £150 £1 200 LFT, THC, GR 6 £150 £900 LFT, THC, GR LFT, THC 13 20 £150 £150 £1 950 £3 000 FC 4 £150 £600 NTS 4 £150 £600 SPBE 10 £400 + T&S £4 742.40 LFT 25 £300 £7 500 THC 5 £300 £1 500 LFT 3 £300 £900 £35 312.40 Abbreviations: LFT – Lochaber Fisheries Trust; THC – Highland Council; GFT – Galloway Fisheries Trust; FC – Forestry Commission Scotland; ART – Ayrshire Rivers Trust; AFT – Annan Fisheries Trust, CDSFB – Connon District Salmon Fishery Board; NBFT – Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust; SEPA – Scpttish Environment Protection Agency; SNH – Scottish Natural Heritage; GR – Geo-Rope Ltd; NTS – National Trust for Scotland; SPBE – SPB Environmental. Total project costs £73 130.08 Contingency Costs (budgeted for but not required for this project) Pump Hire – 2 week hire including couplers, hoses and delivery = £1 109.00 Diesel – 40l per day for 12 days @ £1.45 per litre = 696.00 Pumping water to ground – 12 man days @ £150 per day Total cost - £3 605.00 Appendix 2 - Funding Sources Highland Council Equipment costs - Cash - £4 702.05 + contingency In kind - £7 950 SEPA Chemical costs - Cash - £33 835.63 In kind - £150 (1 man day @ £150) SNH Project management and consultant - Cash - £13 081.75 In kind - £150 (1 man day @ £150) Lochaber Fisheries Trust In kind - £4 560.65 Fishery Trust Biologists In kind - £6 000 (20 man days spraying Pyblast @ £300) Forestry Commission In kind - £1 800 (4 man days Pyblast spraying @ £300; 4 man days crayfish trapping @ £150) National Trust for Scotland In kind - £600 (4 man days crayfish trapping @ £150) Geo-Rope Ltd In kind - £300 (2 man days @ £150) Total - £73 130.08 In-kind donations of equipment: Forestry Commission Scotland – Boat, water tank, spray tank, 2 backpack sprayers, 3 12V batteries. Ballachulish Community Council – Haras fencing. Ayrshire Rivers Trust – 3 backpacks, endoscope camera. Geo-Rope Ltd – Boat, rope. Jon Gibb – Boat, jerry cans. Appendix 3 – Results of Gammarus dose response test Method: 10 Gammarus were placed in tanks containing water from the small quarry pond and sufficient Pyblast to achieve concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10μgl-1 of natural pyrethroids. Three replicate tanks were set up for each treatment. The number of dead Gammarus in each tank was recorded 24 hours later. NUm ber dead after 24hrs Results: The number of Gammarus dead in each treatment after 24 hour exposure to the Pyblast is shown in the graph below. There is some scatter in the results and Gammarus died in the controls containing only pond water. However, the results suggest an Lc50 of approximately 5μgl-1 for Gammarus exposed to natural pyrethroids. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 P ybla st c onc e ntra tion (ųg l-1) 8 10