POND MANAGEMENT Class April 17th Saturday 9am to 3pm Struggling to evict scum from your pond? Planning to build a small pond (1/4 to 20 acres in size) on your property? This class will help you. Individual and /or multipurpose ponds; i.e., fishing, irrigation, tailwater return, swimming, and fire protection will be discussed. Physical characteristics of a good pond, depth, islands, aeration, side slopes, as well as sealing a leaky pond will be covered. Learn the complexities of a pond ecosystem and how to manage them from this knowledgeable instructor. Real Estate Agents learn how to talk intelligently to your clients about one of their long time dreams. This will be a fun and informative day. Bring lunch, lawn chair, walking shoes and note pad. This is an all day class 9-3: $30 with spouses free Held in the Herald Area Please RSVP for exact location: 916-457-7904 Karen-buhr@carcd.org AN EXCITING DAY IS PLANNED AND WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! Green Acres 101 Paul Weir & Keith Crabtree Please visit www.greenacres101.com or call us directly at 530-272-0106 or 530-269-1217 Workshop Sponsored by the Sloughhouse Resource Conservation District and the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts with funding from a California Department of Conservation Watershed Coordinator Grant