Cross-Curriculum Environmental Education Project Many of the environmental projects provide opportunities for students to participate in cross-curricular activities and achieve the objectives of environmental education. Curriculum implementation can occur at two stages: project design and development use of the final product is used as a curriculum resource Frog Pond – Medowie Public School The following table shows how an environmental project can support the achievement of syllabus outcomes across a range of KLAs. KLA Science & Technology Activity HSIE Identify the creatures in the pond. Record the natural processes that occur in and around the pond e.g. life cycles, food chains, the water cycle. Discuss the water quality, using water creatures as biological indicators. Record evidence of human activity in and around the pond. What is the impact of the activity on the environment? Draw a cause and effect chart showing the impact of pollutants on the pond. Examine ways to manage the pond. Produce and implement a plan for long-term management of the pond. Environmental Education Outcomes Students: are aware of and understand the nature, function and inter-related nature of ecosystems are able to apply technical skills within an environmental context. understand the impact of people on environments are able to identify environmental problems. are committed to supporting longterm solutions to environmental problems. are able to resolve environmental problems are able to evaluate the success of their actions. Maths / Numeracy English / Literacy Creative Arts PE/H/PD Count the number of species identified in the pond. Record the number of individuals for each species. Record the information on a graph. Use the information to determine the dominant species. Collate the information collected at the pond. Write an information report about the pond. The report should include information about the creatures and water quality. Draw a flow chart describing the water cycle. Design a web page featuring the class findings about the pond. Place the web page on the school's web site. Discuss the importance of clean water to living creatures. are able to apply technical skills within an environmental context. are aware of and understand the nature, function and interrelated nature of ecosystems. can use a range of literacy tools to describe the environment are able to communicate environmental problems to others. respect for all habitats and life on Earth.