University of Makati J.P. Rizal Ext. West Rembo, Makati City Doctor of Education In Innovative Education Management Seminar in Strategic Educational Planning DEM 329 Submitted by Myrna B. Abalos Esperanza S. Evora Submitted to Amelia P. Paje, Ed.D. First semester Year 2012-2013 Department of Education (DepEd.) Basic Elementary School Curriculum A SWOT Matrix (Morato Model) as determined/taken from the following articles: Ronald Meinardus’The Crisis of Education in the Philippines’; Sec. Luistro’s PBED’S ‘The State of Basic Education-It’s more than just K to 12 Teacher Induction Program; The Basic Education Curriculum ( Module 2) Sec. Armin A. Luistro FSC ‘Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum ((BEC) Effective School Year 2012 – 2013 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRENGHTS Organizational Performance VS Historical, Targets, Benchmarks: The state of basic education is gaining ground, in a report of DepEd Sec. Armin Luistro (2012) Increasing trend in student participation rates from 2009 to present; 89.89% in elementary. The 1987 Philippine Constitution affirms that education is the bright right of all Filipinos. The EFA (Education for All) 2015 Plan of Action (DEpEd.) Desired outcomes of Grades 1 to 10 Program to demonstrate communicative competence; think WEAKNESSES Organizational Performance VS Historical, Targets, Benchmarks: The quality of Philippine education has been declining continuously for roughly 25 years (Meinardus,2012); Our schools are failing to teach the competence the average citizen needs to become responsible, productive and selffulfilling(Meinardus,2012) Slightly increasing school leavers rate of 6.28% and 6.29% in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Performance standards as benchmarks of transfer of intelligently, critically and creatively in life situations. (DepEd. Order no. 31 s. 2012) learning; Students should be able to use their learning or understanding in real-life situations. Resource Optimization: “We can’t build classrooms fast enough to accommodate “all these students, said the DepEd. Undersecretary (Meinardus, 2012); Lack of teachers, furniture and teaching materials (Meinardus,2012). Action Programs Stakeholder Participation; Adopting the National Indigenous People (IP) Education Policy Framework; Reaching the Unreached; ICT in Education ACTIVITIES AND TASKS Stakeholder Participation Adopting the National Indigenous People (IP)Education Policy Framework School Leadership Internal/External Stakeholders School Improvement Process School Based Resources School Performance Accountability ICT in Education Reaching the Unreached Adopting the National Indigenous People (IP) Education Policy Framework Reaching the Unreached ICT in Education To meet EFA Targets and MDG Mother Tongue Culture-responsive education and infrastructure.. Children in Areas of Conflict/disaster Children with disabilities Out-of-School Children and Youth DEPEd Computerization Program DEPEd Internet Connectivity Program Adopted the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Policy Framework to meet EFA Targets and MDG, Mother Tongue, Cultureresponsive education and infrastructure (Luistro, 2012) Incorporated ICT in Education through the DepEd.Internet Connectivity Program in 38,251 elementary schools (Luistro, 2012) ; Implemented ICT initiatives which include The Unified Information System, Basic Education Information System, Human Resource Information System, Learner Information System, Learning Resource Management Development System and Mapping ,Unified Web Interface (Luistro, 2012) Management Processes: Educational problems are structural in nature (Meinardus, 2012) Strategic Fit: (The degree to which an organization is matching its resources and capabilities with the opportunities in the external environment) The DepEd finds it difficult to provide source resources to accommodate the rising number of students, annually; however, year on year annual budget for Education has been increasing. This year’s budget is Php238.8 B which is 5% of the country’s GDP, International standards is at least 7% OF GDP. The full spectrum of the Strategies Planning Model developed by Morato (2006) and following is a substitution of a Strategic Plan for the Department of Education: Basic Education Curriculum. V R E S O U R C E M A C T I V I T I E S & T A S K S S A C T I O N P R O G R A M S S T R A T E G I E S PERFORMANCE INDICATORS K R A S O B J E C T I V E S I S S I O N I S I O N STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL A. CORE VALUES Competitive, progressive, united and God loving. B. VISION Through Education, Elementary Level will be transformed in an educational community wherein the pupils are RESPONSIVE to the demands of technologically advancing society PROGRESSIVE, GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE and UNITED for the common goal of achieving lives in the service of GOD and COUNTRY. C. MISSION Department of Education, Elementary Level, is committed to provide ACCESS and QUALITY BASIC EDUCATION to produce MORALL, HEALTHY, and ECONOMICALLY SELF-SUFFICIENT Citizens responsive to the needs of the community and country. D. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Department of Education, Elementary Lev el aims to produce highly competent citizens towards the culture of excellence. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the basic education can be stated as: 1. Be effective implementors of the Basic Education Curriculum. 11. Enhance the learning of five Learning Areas in the Basic Education Curriculum. 111 .Develop among us teachers a renewed desire and zeal to teach pupils to learn and develop life long and satisfying skills. 1V. Provide on an academic milieu conducive to the flowering of the pupils potentials. V. Teach MAKABAYAN as the basis for the development of moral, spiritual, cultural, and aesthetic Values in life. VI. Make our respective schools a Child Friendly School where pupils find joy in learning things in a fast changing environment. GOALS Area of Concern 1. Goals Pupil Development 2. Staff Development 3. Curriculum Development To improve level of mastery in the achievement test By 10% To develop active participation of pupils in all academic endeavours. To provide opportunities to grow professionally by continuing education. To explore techniques in teaching through participation in seminars, trainings, and workshops. To further improve the materials to be used in the Teaching-learning environment to increase academic performance. To enhance, enrich and reinforce the core curriculum leading to its mastery. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SY 2011-2013 GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) Profile of enrollees List of transferees Record of Balik *Principal & teachers accepts all school children *Principal Implements the DepEd “No Collection Policy” during enrolment *Principal intensifies The “Back to School” campaign in the community *Principal intensifies advocacy in universalization of preschool education thru community mapping TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED May-June Principal Teachers I.PROVISION OF EQUITABLE ACCESS TO EDUCATION A. Learning Environment 1. To increase participation rate from 95% to 97% Increase enrolment of Grade I-VI pupils by 5% every year By the end of each school year enrolment of pupils increased by 5% Paaralan enrollees Form 1 2. Increase preschool enrolment from 8 classes to 16 classes. 4584 4813 5053 May-June May-June Jan-June Principal Principal Principal Teachers GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year1 Year2 Year3 2.Improved nutritional status of undernourished pupils Out of 150 clienteles 146 must have improved their nutritional status By the end of each year marked improvement in health status of 95% of the clienteles Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) Record of nutritional status of teacher-advisers, nutritional status assessment record of feeding teacher *Principal instructs teachers to determine the nutritional status of their pupils. *Principal requests the feeding teacher to consolidate the report on nutritional status of pupils *Principal instructs feeding teacher to screen clienteles for the school’s feeding program *Clienteles undergo deworming through the division nurse *Principal implements the school’s feeding program *Principal requests the feeding teacher to assess nutritional status of the clientele in Nov. & March. *Principal asks the feeding teacher to submit the yearly report compiles them TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED July-March Principal TeacherAdvisers Feeding Teacher EPP Teachers Clinic Teacher Division Nurse Utility Workers GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Decrease dropout rate of pupils from 7% to 4% By the end of each school year the dropout rate of pupils would have been decreased by 4% Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) Record of attendance/ Form 1 Record of home visits *Principal and guidance coordinator check the Form 1 of teachers once a month TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED JuneMarch Principal Guidance Coordinator *Principal instructs class adviser to conduct home visitation to follow absent pupils Teachers *Principal strengthens the implementation of the school’s Supplementary Feeding Program 3. Enhanced conducive and stimulating learning environment Improve the physical facilities of the school preferably the following: a. Classrooms b. Feeding Center c. By the end of the school year the physical facilities of the school have been improved 2 classrooms of Carino Bldg. 1 classroom in DECS Bldg. 3 classrooms 3 classrooms *Record/report of Accomplishment *Monthly Liquidation Report *Report on School Operating Budget *Financial Report of School Canteen Fund *Copy of turnover of new classrooms *Principal creates working committees in charge of each project *Principal allots budget from possible source to finance the project *Principal and teachers establish strong linkages with NGOs and LGU Principal Feeding Teacher Clientele Nutrition Teacher JuneMarch Principal School Facilities Coordinator July-March Principal Teachers July-March Principal Teachers GPTA Officers GOALS 4. Increase performance level by 2% in all learning areas SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS Increase academic achievements of Gr.IVI pupils by 2% in the NAT from 71% to 73% Learning Baseline TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Baseline Learning Baseline Areas NAT Areas NAT Areas English 67% English 69% English STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) *Comparative results on the mastery level of pupils in the following assessment tests: Pre-tests/Survey Diagnostic test Periodic test Div. Mid-Year Assessment Division Final Achievement Test National Achievement Test *Record of test analysis and proper utilization of test results *Copy of intervention program and schedule of remedial classes *Principal instructs the teachers to establish the baseline data through administration of pretest/Survey and other diagnostic test *Principal conducts graded study circles to discuss and plan for appropriate intervention program for the least mastered skills *Teachers prepare and utilize HOTS question in the summative and periodic test *Teachers utilize appropriate and adequate instructional materials *Principal conducts close monitoring and supervision of the learning processes inside the classroom TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED June Principal Teachers Guidance Counselor July-Feb. Principal Teachers Master Teachers Subj. Coordinators Aug.-March Principal Teachers JuneMarch Principal Teachers Master Teachers JuneMarch Principal Year 3 By the end of each school year the performance level of pupils in the different learning area would have been increased by 2% over the previous year Learning Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) NAT 71% Science 71% Science 73% Science 75% Math 65% Math 67% Math 69% Filipino 74% Filipino 76% Filipino 76% HEKASI 79% HEKASI 81% HEKASI 83% Learning Areas English Baseline NAT 73% Science 77% Math 71% Filipino 78% HEKASI 85% SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS GOALS III. QUALITY AND RELEVANCE IN BASIC EDUCATION A. Curriculum To provide relevant education experiences that are tailored to the needs and abilities of each learners 1. Increase reading level and comprehension of Grade II-VI pupils in English and Filipino from 76% to 79% Gr. Reading Comp. Level Eng. Fil. Eng. Fil. II 80% 88% 77% 82% III 80% 88% 77% 80% IV 78% 90% 72% 85% V 80% 90% 82% 85% VI 85% 90% 82% 85% TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 By the end of the school year the reading skills and comprehension of the pupils should have increase by 5 points Gr. Reading Comp. Level Eng. Fil. Eng. Fil. Gr. Reading Comp. Level Eng. Fil. Eng. Fil. Gr. Reading Comp. Level Eng. Fil. Eng. Fil. II 82% 91% 79% 85% II 84% 91% 81% 82% II 86% 93% 83% 87% III 82% 91% 79% 83% III 84% 91% 81% 80% III 86% 93% 83% 83% IV 80% 93% 74% 88% IV 82% 93% 76% 91% IV 84% 96% 78% 88% V 82% 93% 84% 88% V 84% 93% 86% 91% V 86% 96% 88% 88% VI 87% 93% 84% 88% VI 87% 93% 86% 91% VI 87% 96% 88% 88% Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) *Results of reading proficiency test (Survey and Post test) *Results of Phil-IRI Oral & Silent Reading test *Results of Periodic Test in English And Filipino *Results of the on the spot oral reading test STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Principal and teachers administer reading proficiency test, Phil-IRI pre and post test, periodic test and Final Achievement Test. June-March Principal Teachers English and Guidance Coordinators *Principal instructs the teachers to use varied reading materials and do the “Think-Aloud Technique June-March Principal Teachers July-Feb Principal Master Teachers June-March Principal Teachers Pupils *Principal conducts on the spot oral reading test in English and Filipino *Principal and teachers implements English speaking campaign inside the school campus. *Principal implements remedial reading program GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS 2. Achieve 95% proficiency of Gr.I pupils in Filipino and 75% reading proficiency in English. TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 By the end of the school year the reading proficiency of 95% in Filipino and 75% in English of Gr.I pupils would have been achieved. Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Result of the School Readiness Assessment *Grade I teachers conducts the School Readiness Assessment and administers Phil-IRI pre and post test *Principal intensifies the use of Four-Pronged Approach and Marungko Technique in teaching Eng. & Filipino. *Principal closely supervises and monitors classes in Gr.I *Principal implements and supervises remedial reading program *Principal supervises classes closely June Principal Gr.I Teachers Eng. & Fil Coordinators Sept-Feb. Principal Gr.I Teachers Eng. & Fil Coordinators JuneMarch Principal Aug.-March Principal JuneMarch Principal Teachers Guidance Coord. *Result of the PhilIRI pre and post test *List of slow and non-readers per grading period 3. Develop at least 90% of the character traits desirable values of 3,768 pupils in Gr.I-VI classes By the end of the school year 90% of the character traits and desirable values would have been manifested in every pupil *Rating to the character traits in form 138 *Record of daily observation of teachers *Result of periodic test I GMRC/ EKAWP *Principal implements school rules and policies in all levels JuneMarch GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS 4.Improve teachers’ competence in teaching English B. Staff Management & Development To provide and continuous, systematic program of professional improvement to enhance the effectiveness of teachers in the classroom. 1.To improve teachers’ competence in teaching reading and comprehension of Gr. I-VI pupils in English and Filipino TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 By the end of the school year the teaching competence of 74 English teachers, 17 Science teachers and 49 Mathematics teachers would have been improved By the end of the school year the teaching competence of 74 reading teachers would have been improved Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Copy of the training program/ matrix *Output of the training *Comparative result of the survey and achievement test *Copy of the training design conducted *List of participants *Result of the Reading Proficiency Test *Outputs of the INSET/Grade level study circles *Results of the achievement test *Principal conducts schoolbased INSET on effective teaching strategies Oct. Principal Teachers Resource Speakers *Principal supervises and monitors closely classes *Principal conducts schoolbased INSET for teachers in teaching Reading *Principal conducts observation of classes with particular attention to teaching reading skills and comprehension *Principal hold demonstration teaching and quality graded study circle. *Principal administers reading proficiency test *Principal intensifies the implementation of reading programs JuneMarch Principal Div. Supervisors Oct. Principal Teachers JuneMarch Principal Div. English Supervisor Aug.-Feb. Principal Teachers MTs JuneMarch Principal Guidance Coordinator JuneMarch Principal Teachers GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS 2. Enhance the professional values and spirituality of teachers 3.Equip teachers with basic Information Technology/ Multimedia materials and its proper and effective utilization in instruction TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 One program of value and spiritual enrichment to all teachers conducted every school year One training program for teachers to acquire basic information technology skills and its proper utilization in the classroom conducted during the year 60 teachers 70 teachers 80 teachers Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Copy of the training program and number of teachers trained *List of facilitators/ resource speakers *Attendance sheet of participants *Copy of the training matrix *List and attendance sheet of participants *No. of teachers trained *Principal prepares a training program on values and spiritual enhancement of teachers *Principal conducts regular meetings with the staff *Principal implements the NCBTS *Principal and IT teachers prepares the training matrix *Principal closely supervises the training *Principal purchase additional multimedia materials such as CDs, lapel microphones, USB flash drive and other multimedia materials *Principal monitors and evaluates the program October Principal MTs JuneMarch Principal Teachers Oct.-Dec. Principal IT Coordinator Teachers GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Repot of school property inventory *Result of checking of property by Division Property Officer *Principal conducts periodic monitoring of the tasks performed by the school custodian *Principal conducts twice a year checking and updating school property inventory *Principal identifies priority needs of the school *Principal monitors the maintenance of the school projects JuneMarch Principal School Property Custodian III. MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES A. Resource Management Improve adequate physical and financial resources to all the activities for school improvement 1. Achieve 95% accuracy in the inventory of school property 2. Accomplish at least two priority projects to be funded by the school MOOE and Lunch Counter Fund 3.Increase by 5% the daily sales of the school canteen to finance priority projects By the end of the school year 95% accuracy in the inventory of school property would have been achieved. By the end of the school year at least 2 priority projects would have been accomplished 1.Expansion of the waiting area of the pupils and parents 2. Upgrading of the ground at the back of the Carino bldg. *Project accomplishment report *MOOE Liquidation Report Inspection Report of the Division Facilities Coord. *Annual Procurement Plan *Financial Report of the Canteen Fund *Principal conducts dialogue with teachers and parents on canteen patronage and management *Canteen manager provides variety of nutritious and delicious food in the Oct.-Feb. JuneMarch JuneMarch June-Feb June-Feb June- Principal School Facilities Coordinator Principal Teachers Canteen Manager Baseline Data P800,000.00 GOALS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AREAS 4. Maintain existing physical resources of the school B.Community Building To develop positive relationship with parents & community which will enhance the teaching learning process and the environment 1.Improve parents’ attendance to meetings, conference and assemblies from 80% to 90% 2.Increase the level of participation or involvement of major stake holders in supporting the needs of the school 90% canteen P92,610.00 TARGETS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 By the end of the school year the existing physical resources of the school must have been maintained and well kept By the end of the school year the attendance of parents during meetings, conference and assemblies would have been improved by 90% No. of expected No. of expected No. of expected parents’ attendance parents’ attendance parents’ attendance By the end of the school year the level of participation or involvement of major stakeholders in supporting the needs of the school would have been improved by 90% 80% to 85% 85% to 90% 90% to 95% Means of Verification (Methods of measures the achievement of Targets) *Result of evaluation of school facilities *Record of attendance *Minutes of the meeting and copy of the program of invitation March STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (Activities) TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED *Principal assigned teachers and non-teaching personnel to take charge of the school facilities *Principal monitors the performance of assigned tasks *Principal issues invitation letter to the parents *Principal prepares proper scheduling of the meetings *Principal and teachers conducts a wellorganized meeting June Principal Teachers Non-Teaching Personnel School Facilities Coordinator JuneMarch June-Feb June-Feb JuneMarch Principal Teacher Principal Teacher Principal Teacher