HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso The right to live is ”the most important of all inherent human rights...... and this has to be demonstrated by the government in all its actions, including the way it punishes a criminal” A constitutional court judge in South Africa APPEAL FOR CLEMENCY (GRASI) CLEMENCY TOWARDS TRUE RECONCILIATION THE DEATH-ROW INMATES: FABIANUS TIBO DOMINGGUS DASILVA Alias DOMI MARINUS RIWU Presented by Lawyer for the death-row inmates JOHNSON PANJAITAN, SH REINHARD PARAPAT, SH 1 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso MUHAMMAD ARFIANDI FAUZAN, SH ECOLINE SITUMORANG, SH HENDRY DAVID. D, SH IRFAN FAHMI, SHi IBRAHIM SUMANTRI, SH RIDWAN DARMAWAN, SHi RIDO TRIAWAN, SH DERWIN ANIFAH, SH YAN PATRIS BINELA, SH SYAFRUDDIN A. DATU, SH HUISMAN BRANT, SH JANSES SIHALOHO, SH Palu, 13 April 2005 2 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Number : 01/TP-HAM/IV/2005 Palu, 13 April 2005 Attachment : 1 (one) document Subject : APPEAL FOR CLEMENCY (GRASI) FOR THE DEATH-ROW INMATES FABIANUS TIBO, DOMINGGUS DASILVA AND MARINUS RIWU. Dear, PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIK OF INDONESIA MR. SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO In – J a k a r t a. - With our utmost respect, We, the Human Rights Defender Team (TP-HAM), acting as the lawyer for three men sentenced to death in communal conflict in Poso: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva Alias Domi and Marinus Riwu, are making our appeal for clemency (Grasi) to Mr. President of Republic of Indonesia. This appeal for clemency is made by considering the basic principles of human rights protection, the right to live. We trust that Mr. President of Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, would positively reconside our appeal for clemency (grasi) that we have put together in the attached systematic document. These death-row inmates Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marinus Riwu was declared by Palu State Court (in verdict register number: 459/Pid. B/2001/PN. PL) guilty of the crime of ”Premeditated Murder, Burning and Persecuting That Were Done Together Continuously” as was stated in the Verdict of First Prime General Prosecutor: Pasal 340 KUHP Jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) Ke – 1 KUHP, Jo. Pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP Kedua : Pasal 187 KUHP ke – 1 KUHP, Jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke – 1 KUHP, Jo. Pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP; Ketiga : Pasal 351 ayat (1) KUHP, Jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke – 1 KUHP, Jo. Pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP, in the communal conflict/riots during March – June 2000 in Poso, Central Sulawesi Tengah, and was sentenced by ”Punishing each of these accuseds with death penalty” (Palu State Court Verdict Number: 459/Pid. B/2001/PN. PL attached). As a response to this Palu State Court Verdict Number: 459/Pid. B/2001/PN. PL, the accuseds have brought forth court appeal in Request for Investigation in Appelate Level, Investigation in Higher Appelate (Kasasi) Level and Revisitation. And In response our appeal, the Court for Appelate Level, Kasasi and Revisitation have each brought down their decisions: Decision Register Number: 19/Pid/2001/PT. PALU dated May 17, 2001, to strengthen the decision made by Palu State Court; Decision from Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia dated October 11, 2001 with Register Number: 1225 K/Pid/2001 to ”Reject the Kasasi appeal from the appealers”; and Decision from Revisitation Number: 72 PK/Pid/2002, to: 3 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso - Reject the appeal by the revisitation appealers/the accuseds: 1. Fabianus Tibo, 2. Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi dan 3. Marinus Riwu aforementioned ; Uphold the verdict that was requested to be revisited and confirm that the sentence is still in effect; Punish the Kasasi appealers/the accuseds to pay the court and revisitation fee of Rp. 2500.- According to the decisions made by all these court levels, allow us as the lawyer of the death-row inmates Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi dan Marinus Riwu, according to Special Letter of Power dated March 1, 2005 (attached) to Appeal for Clemency (GRASI) to Mr. President of Republic of Indonesia according to Pasal 27 UU No. 14 Year 1970 regarding the Powers of Judicials that has been amended by UU. No. 4 Year 2005 regarding the Changes on the Laws No. 14 Year 1970 regarding the Powers of the Judicials Jo. Pasal 2 ayat (1), ayat (2) UU No. 22 Year 2002 regarding Grasi (appeal for clemency). To obtain the lucid picture of the various problems that exist in the communal conflict in Poso, our appeal for clemency is structured systematically and consists of four parts: Part I INTRODUCTION: A. Death Penalty in Human Rights Perspective, B. Profile of Poso, C. Poso Conflict and the Involvement of the Three DeathRow Inmates, D. Analysis of the Poso Conflict; Part II POSO CONFLICT RECONCILIATION; Part III PORTRAIT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT IN POSO: A. Law Enforcement in Poso Not According to Principle of Equal Treatment, B. Court Process against Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus DaSilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu Violated Principle of Fair Trial; and Part IV CONCLUSION AND APPEAL: A. Conclusion, B. Appeal Part I DEATH PENALTY IN HUMANRIGHTS PERSPECTIVE A. Death Penalty is in Opposition to Constitution Honorable Mr. President, 4 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso As a manifestation of human rights protection in the second amendment of UUD 1945, year 2000, has clearly recognized human right: the right to live as an nonderogable right for whatever reason. In Pasal 28 a. UUD 1945 it was acknowledged that “every person has the right to live and to keep surviving and living”. The right to live is non-derogable nable human rights that cannot be denied in any situation. This shows that UUD 1945 stands against the sentencing and execution of death penalty. However, this advancement towards human rights protection to the right to live as the fundamental rights of everyone according to the constitution of Republic of Indonesia, that is: Pasal 28 a UUD 1945, was not being followed by an advancement in various legal products. The advancement of legal laws to conform with the spirit of the UUD 1945 constitution is sorely needed to avoid the substantial clash between these laws. If we follow the Stuffenbau Theorie by Hans Kelsen, as was clarified in the principle of Lex Superior derogat legi inferiori, then the rules in UUD 1945 should be taken into effect. If the lower laws were found to be in the opposite of the higher laws, then the lower laws will be declared void for law, or at least in the judicial practice the lower laws should be set aside. The use of death penalty in KUHP (Criminal Laws) as the foundational rule to sentence the death-row inmates clearly stands in opposite to the spirit and breath of Pasal 28 a UUD 1945 that unequivocally prohibited the sentencing and the execution of death penalty. B. Various Efforts to Eradicate Death Penalty. Honorable Mr. President, Eradication of death penalty has long been fought for by humankind on earth and this goal has been a dream for the international world community. The eradication of death penalty will result in the higher recognition of human dignity and progressive development of human rights and advancement to enjoy the right to living. The struggle to eradicate death penalty has been manifested in various human rights legal instruments, i.e. Chapter 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Chapter 5 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR Aiming of The Abolition of Death Penalty tahun 1990, Protocol No. 6 European Convention for the Protection Human Raights and Pasal 7 Fundamental Freedom and The Rome Statute of International Criminal Court (this instrument did not institute death penalty as a method of punishment). Realizing that the right of live is a non-derogable right, and that death penalty in human history has never been able to eliminate crime, International community in 50 countries worldwide has ratified and agreed to adopt the Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR Aiming of The Abolition of Death Penalty in which the death penalty is strictly prohibited. 5 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso The history of legal development in Indonesia and worldwide has shown that death penalty that has been executed so far, both legally through court decision and illegally (such as extra-judicial killings of PETRUS – mysterious shootings) circa 1982 that was instituted as a Shock Therapy against perpetrators of crime, never brought significant effects to reduce the number of crime. J.E. Sahetapy, who has been concerned for eradication of death penalty for a long time, in a recent death-penalty discussion in Hotel Mandarin Jakarta on December 14, 2004 asserted that “with the approval of death penalty, a prison’s existence will be problematic. If death penalty is deemed effective to cause fear and to deter the crime committers (or would-be committers), we raise the question: “why death penalty executions are always done intramural, i.e. not to be known or seen by the public, so that the public would fear and deterred. Hence, the time has come for the government to reconsider the execution of death penalty in Indonesia. 6 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Part II WHOSE AGENDA IS THE POSO CONFLICT A. Profile of Poso District. Poso is one of the oldest districts in the province of Central Sulawesi. It is plurally made up of various cultures, tribes, and religions. There are at least 9 (nine) large ethnics in Poso district. The Pamona tribe is the native and majority tribe in Poso district. There is also plurality in religions in Poso district. Poso people lived harmoniously in a peaceful coexistence, intermarrying among ethnic and religious boundaries with a motto of “SINTUWU MAROSO”, which means unity. The ethnic Pamona (native of Poso) has several sub-ethnics. Most of them live in the inner region of Poso and some of them in coastal region. The sub-ethnics of Pomona living in coastal region are mostly Muslims while the sub-ethnics in inner regions are mostly Christians. In everyday interaction, it is hard to distinguish which one belongs to the Islam or Christian faith because all of them uses the very same language of Pamona, that is the Bare’e language. Moreover, they are very tightly bound by filial relationships. The same is true to other nonnative tribes, i.e. tribes of Toraja, Gorontalo, Bugis, Makassar, Jawa, Bali, Manado, Flores, Mori, Bungku, Lombok, Batak, Kaili, etc. that are intermarrying each other. Thus, this strengthens the cohesive bound ”SINTUWU MAROSO” that is manifested in religious harmony and peace as well as in daily interaction. Ever since the birth of Poso, there has never been any religious and ethnics based conflicts. This was the situation until 1983, when the seed of conflict was planted by a letter written by a late government official of Poso which contains a discrediting analysis of the ethnics. This letter was maliciously distributed publicly to all people of Poso in 1991 during election of Poso District Mayor. This problem could still be solved through Hukum Adat (Traditional Law). Nevertheless, the brotherhood symbol that was framed by ”SINTUWU MAROSO” was utterly destroyed in the December 1998 riot, April 2000 riot, and post-riot of May 2000. B. Poso Conflict and the Involvement of the 3 Death-row Inmates In the aftermath of the December 1998 conflict, when people of Lombogia and Kasintuwu wards have started to rebuild their homes, new threat of a repeat-conflict looms. Alongside the court process of Drs. Agfar Patanga in January 2000 (an accused in the conflict of 1998), the election of Poso district secretary, and the finding of an accused for KUT fund corruption; there were some demands from Poso people to free Drs. Abdul Agfar from the long hand of law, and for the district secretary position to be bestowed on Drs. Damsik Ladjalani. On April 2000, again there was a rumour that Poso will experience another riots, causing mass concentrations in various places that continues with burnings, lootings, and killings. And in a blink of an eye, houses in three wards: Lombogia, Kasintuwu, and Sayo were burned down. 7 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Many facts has been discovered that the horizontal conflicts in Poso were merely conflicts spawning from the interests of elite local rulers who thirst for power and the interests of other parties to conceal the case of KUT corruption by using religion to trigger conflicts. These people use religion as a mask to legitimize violence (killings, kidnappings, torture, and burning). They use religious symbols, on one hand crying “Allah the Supreme Great/Allahu Akbar” and in other hand crying “Hallelujah/Praise the Lord” 1). Sure enough, the next things that happen were bilateral attacks, taking revenge on each other. If we are to be really honest, we need to admit that in this Poso horizontal conflict, the state also plays a considerable big part in creating, birthing, and maintaining the conflicts. The law enforcers’ non-neutrality, involvement (by commission), and condoning (by omission) has frustrated the people (victims) and further deepened the seed of adversity (fierce revenge) between the two sides. This is not to justify the people’s reaction; however, because the state could not sustain the peace for these people’s existence and the law enforcers were impotent, then it is pretty understandable that the people took over the security matter into their own hands and instituted a street justice that seems fair to them. The reality of what seems fair for them even takes them further to forms of planned attacks, burnings, killings, and kidnappings by both sides. This was how both sides vented their anger and frustration on the failure of state to take control of the situation to create a secure and sense of order and keeping of law in society. The Poso conflict must therefore be seen in its entirety. The conflicts and riots that happened in 2001 were tightly related to those of 2000 and 1998. In May 22, 2000, the death-row inmate Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva (alias Domi), Marius Riwu and some of their Flores friends around 15:00 WITA (Indonesian Central Time) went to Moengko ward to evacuate some Flores orphans in Catholic Church and at the same time to secure the church because the rumors has it that the Catholic Church at Moengko ward were going to be attacked. However, because the EBTANAS (national school exam) was to end the next day, Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva, Marinus Riwu and friends decided to stay overnight at the Catholic Church of Moengko. The next day on May 23, 2000, around 3:30 WITA, an attack led by black bat group (a Christian group) led by Ir. Advend Lateka was happening on Kayamanya and Moengko ward. This attack left 3 people died, among which was Serma. Kamaruddin Ali (member of Poso District-level Police). The District-level Police immediately chased down the attackers who escaped themselves through the side of Catholic Church of Moengko. The police then asked Fabianus Tibo about the people inside the church, thinking these people must’ve been the attackers. While Fabianus tried to explain their intention to come to the church, a growing crowd of Kayamanya and Moengko people came and became uncontrollable. Seeing this growing commotion, Fabianus Tibo sought for a Kayamanya public figure, Mr. Gafar Sabihi, to find and ask Poso District-level Police chief to get vehicles to evacuate Flores people from the Catholic Church. Suddenly the crowd of Kayamanya and Moengko started to burn 1) Rinaldy Damanik. 2003. Tragedi Kemanusian Poso ; menggapai surya pagi melalui kegelapan malam. PBHI dan LPS-HAM Sulteng: Hlm. 8 8 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso the church, thinking that the people inside the church were the attackers. (This was made as a basis for the general prosecutor against the death-row inmates) We as lawyer of the death-row inmates never dismisses and blind our eyes of the involvement of these men in the conflict. We heartfully agree that what Fabianus Tibo, Dominggu Dasilva (alias Domi) and Marinus Riwu did was an act against the law, and because of that, they must be punished. However, please consider earnestly that in the first place, the situation has put them in a very awkward position: to be attacked or to attack. Aside from their involvement in this Poso horizontal conflict, these death-row inmates still have a noble human interest for fellow human beings, evidenced by their effort to evacuate people, regardless of their religion – whether a Christian or a Muslim. This stands in stark contrast to the popularly held opinion during the conflict that Fabianus Tibo was the leader of the bat troop (the red troop). According to the fact from the field (material fact), the leader of the bat troop was Ir. Advend Lateka as was confessed by himself (Ir. Advend Lateka) through phone to Kadit IPP Provincial-level Police of Central Sulawesi, Mr. Suratno. Ir. Advend Lateka was solely responsible for the attack against Moengko ward on May 23, 2000. He also wrote a letter containing his Demand for Struggle addressed to Human Rights National Commission (attached). These death-row inmates have noble human interest, as evidenced by: 1. On Sunday, May 28, 2000, Suntuwulemba villagers came to Tagolu to ask for protection and these death-row inmates along with other Tagolu villagers and 7 TNI (Indonesian National Guard) Kompi B 711 Raksatama – Kawua went to Sintuwulemba village using TNI trucks to evacuate Sintuwulemba villagers and Pesantren Walisongo dwellers to TNI headquarter in Kompi B 711 Raksatama Kawua. A number of children and women were safely evacuated to Kompi B 711 Kawua. 2. Mr. Taiyeb (a Moslem) lives in Sangira Village, North Pamona Sub-district, Poso District. In 2000, Mr. Taiyeb L. along with his son, Jumiad alias Aco, was seized by the red troop in Sangira Village and was brought to the red troop’s headquarter in Tagolu Village, Lage Sub-district, Poso District, for about 1 week. While in the headquarter of the red troop, Mr. Taiyeb was asked by Fabianus Tibo to help with the cooking in the kitchen and was treated humanely by Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva, Marinus Riwu, and others. A week later, there was a news that Mr. Taiyeb’s wife in Sangira Village was sick. By Fabianus Tibo’s suggestion, Mr. Taiyeb and his son Jumiad alias Aco were returned to Sangira Village safely and reunited with their family. (Letter from Mr. Taiyeb L. attached) C. Causal Analysis of Poso Horizontal Conflict. Honorable Mr. President, 9 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Poso riots in December 1998 began from a fight of 2 teenagers of different religions: Roy Bisalemba (a Christian) and Ridwan Kamboni (a Muslim) on the dusk of Desember 25, 1998. This fighthing was handled by the security officials. At the same time, outside Poso Kota looms a rumor that a mosque clerik (imam) was cut inside the mosque while he was praying. This caused a deployment of Muslim mass from outer Poso Kota. Concurrently, the Christians led by Herman Parimo were concentrated in Tagolu, asking Poso Mayor to help security enforcers to restore the situation in Poso. There are several interesting things to be observed in the December 1998 conflict. Drs. Abdul Agfar Patanga’s pamphlets containing “List of Rioters in Poso District on December 24-28 1998” were distributed. These pamphlets listed 10 officials (of Christian religion) in Poso district government accused of plotting a coup against the district mayor (Bupati) of Poso. As a result, people of Poso were provocated. Four people were punished for the riots of 1998: Roy Bisalemba was sentenced to 12 years, Herman Parimo (declared guilty for committing a coup against the valid government) was sentenced to 14 years and Agfar Patanga (the author of the pamphlets responsible for creating ethnic and religious tension in society) was sentenced to 6 months. In April 2000, it became apparent that the riots would reoccur, as evidenced in: 1. The statement of a member of Central Sulawesi PPP DPRD Fraction, Mr. Haelani Umar, as written in Mercusuar newsletter, Saturday, April 15, 2000 edition, which predicted that if people’s aspiration (that demanded Drs. Damsyik Ladjalani) was not being heeded by the local government, then riots will reoccur in Poso (statement attached). 2. Statement of position from KNPI Poso: - Mr. Awad Alamri, SH, according to KNPI Poso’s investigation, was not a fit for the requirements of Poso District Secretary (Sekwilda Kabupaten Poso); - According to public apsiration and KNPI Poso’s investigation, Drs. Damsik Ladjalani was the most deserving for this position; - If Awad Alamri, SH still made to become the District Secretary (Sekwilda), then Poso would surely have a riot again 2)) 3. Poso chapter of Islamic Ummat Defender Forum held a meeting in Baitulrahman Mosque Poso on January 14, 2000 to discuss the development of Agfar Patanga’s court process. This meeting concluded to: ”Upheld Truth and Justice, Free Agfar Patanga”. To implement this, i.e. to free Agfar Patanga from the long arm of law, they also planned to create a riot: TO INCITE MASS UNREST DURING AGFAR PATANGA’S JUDGMENT, A MOSQUE IN LAWANGA WILL BE BURNED, FOLLOWED BY A BURNING OF A CHURCH IN LAWANGA SO AS TO CREATE AN IMPRESSION OF UPHEAVAL. The followings are the reasons for their actions: 2) Rinaldy Damanik. 2003. Tragedi Kemanusian Poso ; menggapai surya pagi melalui kegelapan malam. PBHI dan LPS-HAM Sulteng, hal 26-29 10 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso a. If Abdul Agfar Patanga was to be put to jail, then they (the participants of the meeting) would also be put to jail because they are his cronies, according to an interview of a Morowali Post reporter; b. There are both interests for government power and for a business opportunities. So this whole thing is a project; c. Poso District Police Chief (now former chief, Let Let. Kol Dedy Wuryantono) was serious in investigating the KUT fund corruption and they are afraid they will be found out because they had played some parts in it; d. They believe that Yahya Patiro, SH was one who would put a roadblock to their plan.3) 4. The constant bringing up of accuseds in KUT (Farmer’s Credit) funds corruption case. This gives impression that the riots were deliberately engineered as a diversion to conceal their lawbreaking acts. It was thought that with these riots, the KUT funds corruption case would be overlooked. Furthermore, there was a strong indication that there were groups who tried to conceal this KUT corruption case. 4)) Honorable Mr. President, These indication of potential riots turned into actual riots, following the court process of Drs. Abdul Agfar Patanga on April 2000. The riots began to reoccur. Several houses in Lombogia ward that have been rebuilt after being burned down in 1998 were being burned down again. People who committed burnings, attackings, killings, provokings, and mass organizings were left to do so. There was hardly any effort from law enforcers to restrain or to punish them. This situation prompted the solidarity among christians in Poso to take revenge on the sufferings that they endured. On May 23, 2000, the christians led by Ir. Advend Lateka started their counter attacks against muslim regions, that is: Moengko and Kayamanya ward, followed by other regions. From these event sketch, we conclude that the communal conflict that happens in Poso is caused by: 1. The coercion of certain group of people in Poso Kota who wants the District Secretary position to be bestowed upon Drs. Damsyik Ladjalani; 2. The pressure against court process to free Mr. Agfar Patanga, who were being accused of inciting civil unrest in Desember 1998 riots; 3. The fear of a certain group because of accuseds in the KUT fund corruption case has been determined and the case was about to be processed by the court; 4. The absence of law enforcement against the actors of Desember 1998 and April 2000 riots. 3) 4) Ibid Ibid 11 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Part III POSO CONFLICT RECONCILIATION Honorable Mr. President, In Malino, South Sulawesi, on December 19-20, 2001, there was held a reconciliation meeting between two conflicting Poso groups. Although there were many reconciliation agreements produced between both groups prior to this one (that were initiated either by people or local government officials), none of these agreements brought significant impact, for there were still continuing conflicts. This Malino reconciliation that was initiated by (then) Coordinating Minister on Politics and Security, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and Coordinating Minister on Social Wealth, Mr. Yusuf Kalla, gave birth to 10 agreements well known as Malino Declaration. Even though not all of the 10 agreements of this Malino declaration has been fully implemented, at least the social condition in Poso has became significantly better. This proves that the lowest level in society (i.e. the victims) have the courage towards accomplishing peace. Many have returned to their village of origin, hoping to relive their lives after many years of living in evacuation. This reconciliation effort must be continually built upon the midst of the conflict victims so that their lives would become better. However, in the midst of this conducive social situation in Poso, there are still three men behind bars of Petobo prison, Palu, who are living with much hope. They are Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu who were sentenced to death to bear all the burden of the horizontal conflict in the land of Sintuwu Maroso. In their hearts, they often asked ”What was really happening in Poso? Who was the mastermind behind all these, that we had to be scapegoats and bear unjust punishments?” Honorable Mr. President, The three of them: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva and Marinus Riwu were essentially also victims of the conflicts, just like other victims who were all trying to live and survive when their villages were attacked, home burned, families killed. In such conditions, due to ordinary human weakneses, it was not unthinkable that those who endured the same suffering (where was no security for the rights of live) then developed solidarity among each other to stand up against the injustice that they faced. We do not intend to over-defend these three men sentenced to death, but we would like to invite all parts to see clearly the real causes of Poso conflicts, and consider if it is fair and just to put all the blame of Poso’s problems on them. We as lawyer for these three men also did not overlook their involvement in the Poso conflicts. However, they were not the mastermind behind all these riots (it is the masterminds who are deserved to be punished, but yet until now have not been found by the long arm of law). These three men sentenced to death were merely victims who 12 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso tried to defend their lives and the lives of their family, brother/sister, friend, and their kin who endured the same suffering. Honorable Mr. President, The social condition in Poso has now become conducive to peace. The warring groups have now started to live side by side, helping each other. We all hope that this condition will be sustainable so that the reconciliation process that you have initiated will come to be a true reconciliation. Therefore, we hope it is not too much to ask that what we had written so far will be used for your consideration in deciding the outcome of our appeal for clemency (grasi). It is not impossible that if these three men were to be executed, the social condition will again be disrupted – as was covered by Gatra magazine April 21, 2001 edition: upon hearing the death penalty sentencing of the three men by the judge, the “white fabric” group (the Islamic group of Poso) celebrated the sentencing. For them, these three men are monsters who thirst for blood and heartlessly willing to kill anyone: men, women, adults, or children. They deserve to die. However, for the “red fabric” group (the Christians), they are long suffering friends who deserve to be defended and not to be punished by death. (attached) 13 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Part IV PORTRAIT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT IN POSO A . Law Enforcement in Poso Not Based on Equal Treatment Principle. Since the beginning of the horizontal riots/conflicts in Poso, Central Sulawesi, law enforcement in these ex-conflict regions seemed to be a merely half-hearted effort. Law enforcement was not done in a comprehensive manner, nor was it done to uphold a blind justice (punishing any one who was found to be against the law). The legal process and forms of punishments (up to death penalty) against the perpetrators of the persecution that happens in Sayo ward, on December 25, 1998, (that extended into a widespread conflict in 2000, 2001, and 2002) was only applied to actors on field. Meanwhile, none of the masterminds, fund raisers, explosive and ammunition suppliers, and provocateurs/ mass coordinators were touched by the law and left to roam freely everywhere. Law enforcement, especially in the conflict regions, should not be done partially but rather holistically, holding on firmly to the principle of Equal treatment because these riots were tightly interrelated. The riots in 2001 were closely related to those in 1998 and 2000. Nevertheless, the actors of 1998 and 2000 riots were exempt from the touch of the law. Even though the Police force has enough information on these people, they are not processing it as they ought to. Among the numerous criminal actors during the conflicts, only three men: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu; were sentenced to death penalty. This fact demands our attention, that these three death-row inmates were falsely blamed as the leader of bat troop (red troop) who plotted a killing, burning, and persecution in Moengko and Kayamanya ward, in Al-Hadjrah Mosque, Sintuwulemba Village, and Lorong Public Health Center, Tagolu Village. Even if the accusation was right, how about the leaders of troops who had done the same criminal acts such as: - attacks and burnings in Kasintuwu and Sayo wards in December 1998 - burnings, attacks, and killings on April 2000 (whose identity has been well known by the officers); - attacks on 5 villages of Betalemba, Patiwunga, Tangkura, Sangginora, and Dewua at the end of 2001 that caused 6 deaths and the destroying of all homes; - attacks of 3 villages of Saatu, Pantangolemba, and Pinedapa that caused 12 deaths and tens injuries on 2003; - killings, attacks against Beteleme Village on 2003 that caused 3 deaths, whose actors went through court process but only sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment, and - various other acts of bombings and mysterious shootings that had resulted in tens, even hundreds of deaths. Our question is: Are there any perpetrators to these crimes who face the same treatment/fate as these three men sentenced to death, who were processed by a court that is not free from pressure and intimidation??? To this we could surely say 14 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso ”none of these people had the same treatment/fate as these three men sentenced to death: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva dan Marinus Riwu”. We don’t intend to reopen a dark chapter in the history of land of Sintuwu Maroso, since the people have learned to live harmoniously with each other again. However, upholding the just law should always be practiced and applied to anyone who violated it. This is essential to so that the justice could be observed and society could know what actually had happened in their lives, that had caused them to have dissension and strife against each other, attacking and even killing each other. True reconciliation without observing true justice would be nearly be impossible. In a meeting in Torulemba Building / at the Rumah Jabatan Bupati Poso on Desember 2, 2004 that was attended by Regional Inspector (Irwasda) Central Sulawesi Regional Police, Poso Mayor, Poso Chief Regional Police and religious/public figures, one of the attendees (a muslim figure) Mr. Drs. H. Adnan Arsal motioned that “Poso riot conflicts should be investigated in its entirety and that the group of 16 names (that were mentioned by the three deathrow inmates in their defense in Palu State Court) be reinvestigated transparently and completely”. On the other part, Mr. Yahya Patiro, SH (a christian figure/ Chairman II GKST Synod) uttered his hope that the processing of the violence and conflict cases in general leans on the principle of Equal treatment for all people so as not to be discriminative, “in relation to the motion from Mr. Adnan Arsal that the 16 names mentioned by Tibo et. al. be reinvestigated, I am motioning to Central Sulawesi Chief Regional Police and meeting Forum that if the Poso muslims question these 16 names, there are 100 names that are being questioned by Tentena christians, why they never get processed by the law, including: Sdr. Adnan Arsal, Daeng Raja, Nani Lamusu, Mandor Pahe dan lain-lain”. (meeting result attached). As a sketch of the legal process in Poso District post-conflict in 1998, below is the court process of accused Agfar Patanga that was done under mass pressure that is similar in the court process of the three death-row inmates. Case profile: On Desember 29, 1998, Drs. Abdul Agfar Patanga broadcasted a false news and announcement to Poso public by writing a pamphlet entitled: “List of Rioters in Poso from 24 to 28 Desember 1998”. This pamphlet writes: Performing coup; killing/disabling, injuring Mr. BKDH Level II Poso Arief Patanga, SH; if succeeded, GPK (the rioters) will appoint Yahya Patiro, SH to restore the situation and will earn public sympathy to be elected as Bupati (Mayor) for 1999 – 2004 period. The mass pressure to the court process of Drs. Abdul Agfar Patanga has been planned out in several meetings in both Holy Mosque of Baitulrahman Poso and the residence of Aliansyah Tompo alias Maro. The meetings were attended by: Drs. H. Adnan Arsal, Drs. Hasan Lasiata, Kasmat Lamuka, Marro Tompo, Muktar Lapangasa, Yusuf Dumo, Ahmad Laparigi, Daeng Raja, Mador Pahe (these names have been submitted to Regional Police of Central Sulawesi) and, as main agenda, discussed how to free Drs. Agfar Patanga from accusation that he created the religious and ethnically divisive pamphlet on Desember 1998 riot. As a 15 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso result of this meeting, it was agreed to: “Uphold Truth and Justice, Free Agfar Patanga”. To implement the goal of freeing Agfar Patanga from the law, they plotted to create riots: TO INCITE CIVIL UNREST DURING THE JUDGMENT OF AGFAR PATANGA, A MOSQUE IN LAWANGA WILL BE BURNED DOWN, CONTINUED WITH THE BURNING OF A CHURCH IN LAWANGA, TO CREATE AN IMPRESSION OF UPHEAVAL. As a result from such pressure, on November 20, 2000 the State Court of Poso in its Decision Number: 191/Pid.B/1999/PN.Poso sentenced the accused Drs. Agfar Patanga to 6 months jail time. This is an unbelievable fantastic decision for the actor who incited the Desember 1998 conflict. As a comparison of the court processes related to the conflicts in Poso, we have attached several other decisions from the State Court that has been settled. B. Court Process Against Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu Violated the Principle of Fair Trial On Tuesday, July 25, 2000 Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi dan Marinus Riwu as a law-obeying citizens surrendared themselves to Batallion Commandant II Operation Love Peace, Captain Inf. Agus Firman Yuswono and Captain CZI. Aldi Rinaldy and were then handed to the Central Sulawesi Regional Police. They were declared by the Hight Court of Central Sulawesi guilty of having performed a crime of “Plotting killings, burnings and persecutions that were done continuously” during March – July 2000 in Moengko Baru and Kayamanya wards, Poso Kota Sub-districts, Mesjid Al-Hidjrah and Pesantren Walisongo Desa Sintuwulemba, Lorong Puskesmas Desa Tagolu and in Sand Mine by Poso River, Desa Tagolu Kecamatan Lage. Actually, the acts of killings, burnings, kidnappings, and persecutions were basically done by both warring parties (christians and muslims). Along with the court process of these three men sentenced to death, Poso became increasingly tumultuous. Conflict escalated and caused the number of refugees to grow. Thousands of refugees left Poso city and one of the refugee destination is Kota Palu. Because of it, every time the court was in order, the court was always filled with thousands of refugees and victims from Poso city who were still foamed with seething anger, fury, and frustration because they lost their parents, children, family, brothers/sisters, and belongings. As a result, the mass pressure was so prevalent during the court process. Even in one court session during a witness examination, a witness slapped on Fabianus Tibo’s face. Such a court process obviously had given the Judge, Prosecutor, Accuseds, Witnesses, and Lawyer a direct pressure. According to Pasal 1 ayat (9) KUHAP it is said that “Judging is a series of action by the judge to accept, examine and decide on a criminal case based on the principles of free, honest and impartial in the court of law in a manner that is specified in this law”. Furthermore, the General Explanation of KUHP (Book of Criminal Law) clearly protects the human rights and because of it “judgment must be done in timely 16 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso fashion, simplicity, feasible cost and free, honest and impartial; it must be applied consistently in all levels of courts”. Subsequently in Pasal 4 ayat (3) UU Number 4, 2004 regarding the power of the court it was written that “all interventions in the court process by an external party outside the power of judicials are expressly prohibited except in the areas specified in UUD 1945” Both rules of law above that formed the basis of the court process clearly state that judgment, in examining and deciding a criminal case, must be based on principle of free trial and honest. This means that a judgment process must really be free from all interventions from any party, free from pressure from and by anyone else. The court process against these death-row inmates cannot be said to reflect the fair trail principle as was mandated by UU Number 4 Year 2004 regarding the power of the court and UU No. 8 Year 1981 regarding Book of Criminal Laws (KUHAP), a court process that’s free from anyone’s intervention is essential to prevent sentencing a punishment that is not based on the legal facts in the court. The decision must be made by considering the weight and motive of the act (legal proceeding process attached). Aside from the violation of the fair trial principle, in page 71 of court decision The State Court Judge of Palu is of the opinion that ”Note that the accuseds were not the creator/ direct actors/ main actors of the crime (dader) because their role according to pasal 55 KUHP is that of the involved people” The consideration from The State Court Judge of Palu above clearly and vividly stated that the accuseds Febianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marinus Riwu were not direct actor although according to the laws they are categorized as actors. They were basically mere victims just like the other conflict victims. They were then involved after the conflicts had progressed very far. Even though the Judge believed that these three men Febianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marinus Riwu were not the direct actors, still they are being sentenced to death. This prompted us to ponder and question: should they bear all the responsibilities for the riots in Poso??? since they are involved in the Poso conflict far after the conflict had started, i.e. in May 23, 2000. In other words, Should we assume that they are most responsible for the conflicts that happen??? It is very unfair if all the blame must be put on the shoulders of Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu, while on the other side there are still many others who have far greater roles and involvements than these three men. Those other people must be responsible because they have masterminded, engineered, funded, provoked, coordinated the mass. The state has also failed to maintain security and uphold the law. Aside from all those mentioned above, these three men sentenced to death has never received any copy of the court decisions (from Palu State Court level up to the Kasasi level at Supreme Court). Hence they never knew the exact decision. Currently they only received the copy of decision from Revisitation from Supreme Court. 17 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso Bagian V CONCLUSION AND APPEAL A. Conclusion Based on the expositions above, we as lawyer of the death-row inmates conclude that: 1. The conflict/riot that has happened in Poso District was not a conflict of religious nature. Rather, it was merely a tool for the interest of local political elite who thirst of power who use religion issue to trigger a conflict; 2. The state has failed to handle the riot/conflict, sustaining security and safety of people in Poso; 3. That in the horizontal conflict case in Poso, the law enforcement was not done based on equal treatment principle; 4. That the court process was done under a mass pressure, and this has violated the fair of trial fundamental principle of justice; 5. That the accuseds are basically victims just like other conflict victims and not the direct actor/main actor who masterminded, engineered and/or planned the horizontal riot/conflict in Poso. B. Appeal: Based on what we have elaborated above, allow us as lawyer of the death-row inmates: Mati Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu to request for, and to represent Justice and Humanity, to President of Republic Indonesia, Mr. SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO to be willing to: 1. Accept and grant our Appeal for Clemency (GRASI) for the three men sentenced to death: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva alias Domi and Marinus Riwu; 2. Alter or Reduce and/or at least Lessen the punishment of the three men sentenced to death: Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Dasilva and Marinus Riwu from DEATH PENALTY to PUNISHMENT FOR A TIME. This is the Appeal for Clemency (GRASI) that we wrote. May God All Powerful grant His blessings for Mr. President to decide on this appeal. Sincerely, Lawyer of the death-row inmates 18 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TEAM (TP-HAM) Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia ( P B H I) Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Hukum dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (LPS-HAM) Sulteng Departemen Hukum Dan Advokasi Sinode GKST Sekertariat : Jakarta : PBHI, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Blok A2A No. 18 Kebun Manggis, Telp : 021-8591064, 85918065 Palu : LPS-HAM Sulteng, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 28 Palu, Telp/Fax : (0451) 422229 Poso: Jl. Tabatoki No. 18 Kawua – Poso JOHNSON PANJAITAN, SH REINHARD PARAPAT, SH MUHAMMAD ARFIANDI FAUZAN, SH ECOLINE SITUMORANG, SH HENDRY DAVID. D, SH IRFAN FAHMI, SHi IBRAHIM SUMANTRI, SH RIDWAN DARMAWAN, SHi RIDO TRIAWAN, SH DERWIN ANIFAH, SH YAN PATRIS BINELA, SH SYAFRUDDIN A. DATU, SH HUISMAN BRANT TORIPALU, SH 19