Lesson Plan Template D1W1 Spanish Breakthrough Denver GETTING YOURSELF READY Materials: Whiteboards, markers, Muzzy, napkins, popsicle sticks/mug (leave in classroom), yardstick, journals*, pencils, pesos *students should already have Your Preparation: Write students’ names on popsicle sticks; make ‘Words We Know’ poster; think of some good cognates; make sticky notes with letters of the Spanish alphabet; make sample flashcards and word written out a bunch; prepare pesos Agenda (w/times): Why Spanish?: 5 mins; Cognates: 4 mins; Spanish Alphabet: 14 mins (1 min S3, 1 min S4, 1 min S5, 5 mins S6, 6 mins S7); Greetings: 10 mins (5 mins S8, 5 mins S9); Vocab: 5 mins; Study Skills: 7 mins (3 mins S10, 1 min S11, 3 mins S12) GETTING YOUR STUDENTS READY *Do Now: Listen to the song playing as you come in. Get out your notebook, and write down any familiar words, or cognates (words that sound similar and have the same meaning in both English and Spanish). Objective: Today you will be able to… introduce Proving behavior: by… introducing yourself and yourself in Spanish and greet each other, and recite the greeting each other in front of the class, and by Spanish alphabet reciting the Spanish alphabet in unison Purpose: We are doing this because… being able to introduce yourself and greet others correctly and politely in a Spanish-speaking country will enable you to make new connections. Knowing the alphabet will help you achieve this by providing you with the ability to correctly read and pronounce Spanish words. TEACHING Step 1: Why Spanish? (4 mins) Say: Taking Spanish is one of the smartest things you could do, living in Denver. Chances are that many of your friends may speak Spanish, and that you encounter native speakers every day. Being able to speak Spanish will open up a whole new world of opportunities for you, especially if you decide to visit our neighbors to the south. But even before you become fluent, taking Spanish is a great way to learn study skills, like note taking, studying with flashcards, and memorization. Who else can come up with some other reasons of why we might want to take Spanish? See: List of reasons going up on board *Do: Contribute reasons (hands, then popsicle sticks) Step 2: Spanish Say: Most of us already know some Spanish words. Let’s start off our Listo de Palabras by cognates (3 mins) writing down some of the cognates that we all know (define cognate) See: Cognates getting written on LdP *Do: Contribute cognates Step 3: Introduce Say: We also know MOST of the letters to the Spanish alphabet. Go ahead and sing the English Spanish Alphabet alphabet for me (1 min) See: I write letters as they sing (leaving gaps for ll, ñ, and rr) *Do: Sing English alphabet Step 4: Continue Say: Who can tell me what’s wrong with this alphabet? Spanish Alphabet See: Gaps in letters (1 min) Do: Point out gaps Step 5: More Say: Right. In addition to being pronounced differently, the Spanish alphabet also has three Spanish Alphabet more letters. Does anyone know what they are? (Unlikely, so introduce, and pronounce, and (1 min) write on board, having students pronounce along with me) See: Gaps getting filled in on board *Do: Pronounce ll, ñ, and rr Step 6: Even Say: Now, we’re going to review so we can play a game! MORE Spanish See: Me pointing to letters with yardstick, and calling on students (popsicle sticks) to Alphabet! (5 pronounce them mins) *Do: pronounce letters as I point Step 7: Spanish Say: Explain alphabet game (letters are written on sticky notes on board; when I call out a Alphabet Game letter, one student from each group has to run up and grab the letter and bring it back to (6 mins) their group. Whoever is on the winning team gets pesos. See: Sticky note letters on board *Do: Play alphabet game Step 8: Introduce Say: Explain greetings: hola, me llamo, soy de, que es su nombre? greetings (5 See: Phrases written on boards mins) *Do: Fill phrases in on greetings worksheet Step 9: Play greetings game (4 mins) Say: Explain greetings game (students have to pick a character from pop culture—ie, Harry Potter, and introduce themselves. “Hola. Soy de Hogwarts.” Then, the class will write down their guess of who the character is, then say, “QUE ES SU NOMBRE?” The student will then say “Mi nombre es Harry Potter.” Whoever guessed correctly on their whiteboard gets 1 point. Whoever gets the most points gets pesos See: N/A *Do: Play greetings game Step 10: Say: Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, you will get 5 words to memorize overnight. We Introduce vocab will have a quiz on Fridays over all the phrases and words you were supposed to have learned binder (4 mins) that night, and there may be pop quizzes during the week. They will be written on the daily vocab chart every day, and every day at the beginning of class, you must come in and write the words and definitions in your vocab journal. It is your responsibility to memorize them for the next day!!! See: Vocab chart *Do: Write down greetings phrases to memorize overnight Step 11: Say: Now, in order to learn vocab, you have to know how to study. One way that works well is Introduce study flashcards, with the Spanish word on one side and the English word on the other (explain skills (2 mins) studying with flashcards) See: Example of flashcards *Do: Two students (popsicle sticks) will come up and demonstrate using flashcards Step 12: Say: Another study method is writing the phrases or words a million zillion times. Continue study See: Example skills (1 min) *Do: N/A Step 13: Say: A final study method is having a friend quiz you. This is like flashcards, but auditory Conclude study instead of visual. skills (2 mins) See: N/A *Do: Practice quizzing each other in pairs Independent Practice (Homework) Explain Homework: Memorize today’s vocab terms CLOSURE Explain Closure: Spanish is one of the most useful languages you can know, and I’ve found that having a basic understanding makes my life a lot easier. Also, as we discussed earlier, knowing Spanish is awesome because ________, ____________ and __________________. Plus, the study skills you learn in Spanish class will stay with you for the rest of your life!